The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 141: Cute tiger

"Familiar." Chunyang said slightly embarrassed, "I backed down the acupoints of the human body two years ago. When I was in the middle school, I would also test with the staff, so I could hit the acupoints in actual combat. "

When Chunyang researched, she knew that the acupoints of the human body contained danger, and accidentally put people to death. So in order not to be surprised, she already knew the acupoints of the human body.

In addition, I also asked someone to customize a dummy, and often performed acupuncture training at home. But the dummy is placed in the living room or balcony, which is very scary at night. At first she was scared of Xia Wei who went to the living room to drink water, so she put the dummy in her room, and the bedroom was spacious anyway.

"Good." Kimura and Shu praised.

In his opinion, Chunyang is more powerful than Liu Shengjing.

Because Chun Yang has now achieved where to fight in actual combat, which is commendable, but Liu Sheng Jingyi can not do it. This has nothing to do with talent, it takes a long time to train.

Liu Shengjingyi was very talented and realized sword intention at the age of fourteen. However, the opponent's swordsmanship was rough.

He had asked Ryuichi Kenichiro, who told him very clearly that he only taught his daughter basic swordsmanship, and let Ryuko Jingu figure it out for himself. Of course, at the Asahi competition every year, he will ask someone to make a copy of the video, so that his daughter can observe and comprehend it carefully.

Yasuo Kenichiro learns only one trick in his life, and that is Yasuo's sword-drawing technique. He knew other swordsmanship, but was not familiar with it. And Liu Shengjingyi's talents from childhood to growing stronger and stronger, so Liu Shengjian Ichiro is looking forward to whether her daughter can realize their own genre.

Of course ... now seeing Liu Shengfei Jianliu, he naturally hoped that his daughter would study Liu Shengfei Jianliu. This is after all a family lost swordsmanship, and it is powerful.

Kimura and Shu lead Chunyang to the corner, and he sits cross-legged. Seeing this, Chunyang also has everything to learn.

What Kimura and Shu taught Chunyang was "storm style". Only after learning "storm style" can they learn drizzle and shock.

Of course, Chunyang is already in a "concussion style", but it is very rough. So Kimura and Tree let each other start from scratch.

He did not first teach by himself, but first taught the "storm style" to the other party orally. He was very meticulous, not that he felt the other party was stupid, but that swordsmanship itself was a meticulous thing. Although a lot of powerful swordsmanship, in the eyes of ordinary people, it was actually just simple actions such as chopping, hacking, hacking ... However, the actual implementation is far from simple.

After talking for half an hour, Kimura and the tree watched the time. It was already early four o'clock, and he had to go to Yano Kendo to teach Yano Jingyi at 4:30.

So in the end, he picked up the bamboo sword and performed a "storm style" for Chunyang. The members also came to watch one after another, Kimura and Shu didn't care. If they could learn it once, the "storm style" could not be called the three foundations of Liu Shengfei's sword flow.

He was slow to show, mainly to let Chun Yang see the path of the "rainstorm" and the main characteristics.

Only by backing down the "storm style" rigidly, and then practicing hard, can you use the "storm style" flexibly in battle, making the "storm style" tricky in your hands and difficult to prevent.

After Kimura and Shu left, everyone looked reluctantly. Although they did not understand the "storm style", they were lucky enough to appreciate the strength of Liu Shengfei's sword flow. And Chun Yang felt the envy of everyone, she was very excited, but only thought of the dream last night, her mood dimmed slightly.

Should I ... raise my grades?

Kimura and Shu soon came to Jianming District, and he came to Yanagi Kendo Hall.

As a result, when she came to the Liusheng Kendo Museum, she saw that Liu Shengjingyi kicked out a man with a fierce look. She said fiercely, "Yaosheng Museum does not welcome reporters, and we have nothing to ask here. There is a house next door Beichen Kendo Museum, you can go there and get away quickly! Believe me or not! "But the face carved with pink tiger jade and little tiger teeth was indescribably cute, like a cute tiger.

She thought she was here to sign up for the kendo class. After talking a few words, the other party asked Dongwenxi and took out a reporter's card, saying that she could help promote the Liusheng Kendo Museum, as long as she answered a few questions.

At that time, Liu Shengjing was on fire. If she didn't know she was too strong, she would like to punch each other. Let the other party try Liu Shengfei's fist flow.

The young man, with a normal and kind face, was not angry when he was kicked out. He just regretted it. He didn't expect the little guy in front of him to dislike reporters so much. He was watching the Yanagi Kendo Museum very deserted. There were no students. As his own reporter, the other party should be glad when he saw it. After all, when the report goes out, the Yanagi Kendo Museum will have business.

Thinking, he smiled bitterly, "Student Liu Sheng, I really came to interview Liu Sheng's family. When the TV broadcasts, it will make your business thrive."

"Yanagana Museum can ignite without crooked doors." Yakima Ayaki exclaimed, "Go away!"

At this time, Yasuo Kenichiro heard outside quarrels, and when he came out and understood the situation, he wondered, "My Yasuo Kendo Museum has been open for decades. Why didn't I see you here for an interview before? Come over now what?"

Seeing Yosei Kenichiro coming out, Matsunaga was relieved. He really didn't like dealing with children. The girl Liu Shengjingyi has obviously come to the rebellion period. Such a person can't make any sense. Now when he sees an adult come out, he quickly explains.

It turned out that Song Yongnan was a reporter for a TV station, and it was recently held because of Yulong Banner. Therefore, Taichung is planning to hold a popular science program for kendo genre.

After all, the past Kendo competitions were played by them, whether it is Yulong Banner, Jiaziyuan, IH Conference, etc .. There are TV stations participating in the broadcast ~ ~ and Song Yongnan came here because he saw the Internet Video, he actually wanted to come to that Rachel. However, some people who contacted Qingji didn't know Rech. The manager of the village was also vague, and it was discouraging to reveal Rech's identity.

Mr. Muraoka is also helpless ... He thinks that Kimura and Shu can be friends, so without the consent of the other party, it is naturally impossible to hand over the other party's contact information. Last time his father-in-law forced contact information, he also called and explained to Kimura and Shu.

In the end, Song Yongnan was still in the comment area of ​​the net and saw that someone said that Reche was using Liu Shengfei's sword flow and the long-lost powerful swordsmanship, so he pondered it from this point, and finally found the Liu Sheng Kendo Museum. .

It turned out before asking a few words.

He naturally did not know that the Yanagi Kendo Museum has been open for decades. Every time another Kendo Museum opens on this street or next door, a reporter is required to discredit the Liusheng Kendo Museum on the Internet ... The Beichen Kendo Museum next door is also, Over the past two days, Yasuguni Yasui saw a Twitter-certified reporter on the Internet at Kuroyanagi Kendo.

As a result, she argued with others, and she was dizzy and dazzled by the hundreds of key sages on the Internet ... In the end, she was incompetent and angry, and madly sprayed on the Internet.

As long as you swear on the Internet, you are completely defeated. So Liu Shengjing hates journalists the most.

"I'm sorry, Liu Sheng Pavilion does not entertain reporters, and I don't know any Rachel." As soon as he finished speaking, he glanced at the familiar figure, and looked subconsciously.

Seeing this, Song Yongnan also looked at each other's eyes.

As soon as he saw Kimura and the tree, his eyes lit up.

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