The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 116: Nothing unusual

Although the old lady is in her fifties, she has a mentality similar to that of young people. Her favorite is chasing dramas and watching movies, so whenever there is a new drama, she will watch it the first time. She didn't look good when she dropped it.

"It's Your Turn" is a new drama released in April, with one episode updated every week. So she was very impressed with this TV series.

Lang Zhongchuan heard this and immediately checked the TV show's premiere time with her mobile phone, and found that it was a new drama on April 14. His eyelids fluttered, his voice a little annoyed, "Mom ... is this what you said a week ago? Was it half a month ago?"

"Is there any difference between a week ago and half a month ago?" Qingxu stopped Qing Qing's speech in a sentence. He didn't say that in the hospital. He said it was exactly a week ago and left him speechless.

Tochimura and the tree were not surprised. As a mother, it was quite normal that Eo did not want to worry his son. Good-faith lies often between mother and child and father and daughter.

"That is to say, auntie, you have had the same nightmare for half a month in a row?" If you have the same dream a week, you can barely call it a coincidence, but half a month is not as simple as a coincidence. Kimura and Shuki His expression also became cautious.

"Yes." Eo Xu just wanted to be stubborn, but when she saw her son looking at her angrily, her heart softened. "What about the dream ... It's more real, and the dream hasn't changed for more than ten days." .I was sitting in a car in a dream, and the car crashed into the woman in front ... there was a child next to the woman. However, I ca n’t drive, so I do n’t know what this dream has to do with me. ”

In fact, ordinary people have the same dream for half a month, and they will feel strange and scared. In fact, the picture is strange, but decades of atheism are not so easy to change. In addition, she has only dreamed in these ten days, and her body has not undergone any major changes ... even this dream seems to her Not a nightmare, so she didn't take it seriously.

I just have the same dream all the time, it really makes people feel tired and uncomfortable. This is also the situation that Nakagawa Aya asked after he discovered it.

"Kimura, let me take care of this." Nakagawa Aya took a glance at his mother, sat on the sofa, and asked in a tone of Kimura and Shu tone.

Tochimura and the tree did not promise, but just nodded gently, he was cautious by nature and would not rush to anyone's request. After all, wouldn't it be awkward if it wasn't completed in the end.

From the current point of view, he didn't smell the smell in the room. According to the old lady, the dream was not a nightmare, but a repetitive dream. You had to sleep once a day. When the car hit the woman in the dream, the dream disappeared.

He looked at the TV in the living room, at which time "It's Your Turn" was still playing.

Ei Xu has been watching Kimura and the tree, seeing each other looking at the TV, can not help but funny, she teased, "Is it related to the TV or this TV series ... I have also watched" Midnight Bell ", maybe it is indeed on TV Hiding the ghost. "

"Mom, don't talk!" Nakagawa Aya glared at his mother, he looked at Kimura and the tree apologetically, begging the other side not to be angry.

Tochimura and the tree were not angry. He felt that the old lady was very amiable and very energetic. Even if such a strange thing happened to him, he could be joking, but he was really optimistic. So when he heard the old lady's words, he smiled, "Maybe it really is a ghost hidden in the TV."

In the Reiki revival era, there are all kinds of ghosts. He has heard of the technology ghosts living on the Internet ... and some ghosts have the ability to even find people along the Internet. These are ghosts with strange abilities. And most of the good ghosts are more ordinary like Hanazawa Mingjiang.

Of course, because there is plenty of reiki in the era of reiki resurgence, many people have some abilities to become good ghosts after death. Unlike before reiki resurgence, good ghosts are common and ca n’t find anything except for physical degeneration. Special ability.

Nakagawa Nakagawa's eyes were helpless. When is this time, his mother will forget it, and Kimura Kim will learn to be kidding.

Seeing this, Kimura and Shu, sitting on the sofa, didn't make jokes, he continued to ask, "Aunt, did you go out half a month ago and encountered anything?"

Ei Xu shook her head and saw her son look at her seriously. She was helpless. "It's all right ... as usual, I just strolled around the park of Jingshanyuan and played mahjong with Huimei. . "

"Where's Aunt Amei?" Nakagawa Aya suddenly said.

"Aunt Yamei watched you grow up from a young age. Do you doubt her?" Eo Xu was angry. Yamei was a domestic servant. Although she was a servant, she had been working in Zhongchuan's house for more than 20 years. Always diligent.

Nakagawa Aya murmured in guilty conscience, "I'm not worried about you."

When he was talking, the door opened at the entrance. Yamei came into the door carrying the small bag and saw the three of them in the living room. He could not help but greet him with a smile. "Master Qingyou, you are back. I prepared the salmon you like to eat at night. . "

"Aunt Yamei, I'll take it for you." Nakagawa Aya saw him, came forward to help, and Yamei didn't refuse, she smiled and said ~ ~ Sister Ezumi, I'll go to the kitchen first Already. "

Euxu nodded slightly. Yamei also looked at Kimura and Shu with a smile and nodded, saying hello, Kimura and Shu still smiled.

Waiting for Nakagawa Aya to come over and look at him with a questioning look, Kimura and Shuki shook their heads slightly, indicating that Auntie Amei was not unusual.

Xu Huixu watched the eyes exchange between the two, she hummed softly, "I'm tired, go upstairs and rest for a while." As she said, she also took away the snack in front of Qing Yan, indicating that she was angry.

Nakagawa Nakagawa didn't care. After his mother left, he hurriedly said, "How is Kimura? Do you see anything?"

"Sorry ..." Kimura and Shuki shook his head. "To be honest, there is too little information. So let's go out and see the situation."

After a short while, the two went out. Their destination was Jingshan Park, but after walking around, Kimura and the tree did not find anything unusual. They also went to the chess room to take a look, but found nothing.

"Why ... you stay here tonight?" Nakagawa Aya looked at Kimura and the tree with anticipation.

"Okay." After pondering for a while, Kimura and Shuji thought that nothing had happened recently. He nodded and responded.

After the encounter, Kimura and Shu had a hearty dinner at Nakagawa's house. That night, he didn't go back. He and Nakagawa Aya had been waiting for something strange in the living room on the first floor.

I just came down one night, and Kimura and the tree did not find anything.

Early in the morning, Nakagawa Yakuza yawned ... and the old lady woke up and looked funny at her. She said, "I dreamed of that scene again when I was sleeping."

Nakagawa Aya and Kimura face each other face to face, speechless.

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