The Sweetest Medicine

Chapter 551: In addition to pain, there is love

Chapter 551, in addition to pain, there is love

Fang knows that the cold slammed back: "There is nothing for him."


"He won't appear in our lives."

Because of Gan Gan’s words, he laughed and closed his mouth.

The usual cold and serious man wants to tell her that if Lu Xuechen is really interested in him, he will not care about Lu Xuechen, and he will not be friends with him.

My heart is inexplicably a little sweet.

She held her body slightly, her hands were circled from the back, and the whole person was kneeling on him. "So, Lu Xuechen's **** is normal, right?"

Fang Zhihan took her hand and took a circle to sit on her lap, stretched her hand into her arms, and then kissed her lips carefully. The overbearing kiss made Gangan suffocate. Gently loosen.

The breathless two people, the blurred face seems to have dyed a bit of lust, especially in Gan Gan, eyelids, as if to get out of the water, cheeks are also dizzy like a rouge.

Fang Zhihan's nose tip and her squinting, slightly squinting, the mouth is shallow and shallow, like a very pleasant shouting her name: "Little fish."

The voice is low and mellow, it seems that the most delicious wine is so touching, so sweet, and falls in the heart like a spring rain to moisturize.

"Yeah." After Yu Gangan was finished, he was a little surprised: "Why don't you call me a small metamorphosis."

Fang Zhihan stared at her eyes and raised an eyebrow and asked: "Do you like me to call you a small pervert?"

Yu Gangan immediately refused: "No!"

Her eyes turned and he asked: "You are not saying that I am your little ancestor!"

Fang Zhihan is a serious nod: "Well, you are my little ancestor."

In Gan Gan’s eyes, he smiled and turned into a crescent moon. He smiled and said, “Hey, the little ancestors will hurt you.”

Fang Zhihan slammed her: "Only hurt?"

Yu Gangan said a little shyly: "There is love," she kissed his face slightly: "I love you."

Fang Zhihan smiled very satisfied, completely without the cold and loneliness of the past, like a little boy who opened his heart and screamed.

Her little hand held his big hand and said: "You look very cold, but your hands are warm, my hands are always cold, especially the alluvial plains, but holding your hand will feel very warm."

The woman’s love words make the man’s mouth smile a little deeper.

Such a warm atmosphere seemed to have rendered the whole house. The mosquito coils stepped on the arrogant little steps and walked gracefully. A perfect jump fell on the coffee table and screamed at the two.

Yu Gangan immediately reached out and wanted to hold a mosquito-repellent incense, but the waist was covered with cold. "When you see the mosquito-repellent incense, hold it, you love me a little more, or love it a little more."

"Of course it is you, I like mosquito coils, because mosquito coils are yours."

"Oh." Fang knows that the cold eyes are bright and bright, it seems to be a star, and paused, and asked: "What about me and your master?"

Yu Gangan is crying and laughing, a little helpless: "Of course you are, the beauty master is the love of loved ones, my love is you."

This man is too insecure.

There is no sense of security in a relationship. Shouldn’t it be a woman? She and Fang Zhihan's role have been changed!

However, this is just proof, Fang Zhihan really likes her.

The man's big hand holds the woman's small hand tighter and can't help but kiss her lips. When the cross is interlocked, pressing people on the sofa is a hot love.........

(End of this chapter)

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