The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

(Chapter 957) You look like a psycho to me


spn  In the formation aura, Xuantian immediately sensed that a gaze was fixed on him.

He immediately opened his eyes, but only saw the flames in front of him.


In the center of Xuantian's forehead, he also opened a vertical eye, and earth-yellow light shot out. He immediately saw a young man looking at him from outside the formation's aura mask, more than twenty miles away.

The young man looked about the same age as Xuantian, about twenty, very young, but already a fourth-level emperor, and he also had a vertical eye open on his forehead. [

In the center of the Tengjia ancient land, the fire was so fierce that with the naked eyes of the emperor, he could probably see ten miles away, but it was difficult to see twenty miles away. Xuantian and the young man could see each other more than twenty miles apart. Because of the third eye between the eyebrows.

"Oh! It's interesting, you also have the Emperor's Heavenly Eye, haha...!" Lu Juechen sighed softly, "We really have a lot of the same things, but unfortunately, I lived a few years earlier than you, and my cultivation level is higher. Between your two realms, you are no match for me...!"

"Lu Juechen?" Xuan Tian looked at the windy man and said slowly.

Lu Juechen was surrounded by a hurricane whirlpool, and there were strong winds for dozens of miles around, fiery and fierce. Only within the formation's air shield could the wind be calm.

As for the five perverted monsters, Xuantian naturally knew their characteristics very clearly. This fourth-level emperor was so young and had a superb understanding of the secrets of wind. Naturally, he was Lu Juechen, who now ranked first among the five perverted monsters.

However, Xuan Tian knew that Lu Juechen had a profound understanding of the mysteries of wind, but he didn't know it. The other party actually also knows the Imperial Eye.

Lu Juechen's clothes and black hair were flying, and Huang Daotian's eyes were filled with earthy yellow light. Loudly said: "Xuan Tian, ​​your mission is over!"

"Mission?" Xuan Tian frowned.

Lu Juechen nodded and said: "Your mission is to find the Holy Cauldron, and then... hand over the Holy Cauldron to me. Hand over the Chaos Holy Cauldron and the Thunder Holy Cauldron. I think you are lucky. Not bad. You can continue to help me find the Holy Cauldron in the future."

Xuan Tian smiled slightly and said: "Lu Juechen, are you kidding me!"

"Oh...!" A playful smile appeared on Lu Juechen's face. Said: "Do you think I'm joking?"

"I don't think you're joking!" Xuan Tian shook his head, Lu Juechen's expression lifted, and Xuan Tian continued, "I don't think you're crazy!"

The expression on Lu Juechen's face was stunned. The surrounding wind also stopped. In an instant, it was as if time had stopped, but his face was changing rapidly, turning into blue, and the flying expression on his face suddenly disappeared.

"You are very courageous!" Lu Juechen's voice turned cold, and the strong wind around him continued to blow, "Do you think you can stop me with this formation-breaking technique?"

The Emperor's Heavenly Eye is the nemesis of any emperor-level formation.

When he was in the Qingyun Sword Sect in Yunzhou, Xuantian's Emperor's Heavenly Eye could see through the reality of the formation laid out by Geng Yuqing. Breaking the formation is easy.

Lu Juechen also has the Emperor's Heavenly Eye, so it is not difficult to break through this magical aura shield. As long as he destroys one of the formation flags, the formation's air shield will be vacated.

The formation flag is the formation base. If a formation does not have the formation base, it will have shortcomings. If all the formation bases are gone, the formation will be completely gone.

Xuan Tian smiled slightly and said: "It is true that the formation cannot stop you, but I have never thought of relying on this formation's aura to block anyone. I just don't want to be troubled by others when I am comprehending the mysteries. Lu Juechen, There was a wave of the aura of a seventh-level emperor in your direction before, but it quickly dissipated. Perhaps it was because of you. If you are confident enough in your own strength, wait for me for half an hour and I will withdraw. Fa, if you have the strength to take the Holy Cauldron from my hand, feel free to come and get it." [

Lu Juechen's eyes flashed, he raised his palm, squeezed the air, and said: "Okay, I will wait for you for half an hour to see how far you can understand the secret of fire. Anyway, you can't escape from my hand. Heart."

It took half an hour to realize that even if Xuantian could break through the secret of fire to a higher level, it would not be in Lu Juechen's eyes.

Xuantian curled up his lips, closed his eyes, and continued to refine and absorb the Fire Essence Flower. In another half hour, it would be enough to completely refine and absorb it, and the Mystery of Fire should break through to the fifth level limit.

When the time comes, I can travel a million miles in one step, and the world is at my disposal. No matter how profound Lu Juechen's secret of wind is, or how fast he is, even a horse can't catch up with him.

Xuantian is not afraid that Lu Juechen will take action in advance. People like him will either take action directly just now, or they will do what they say and have their own Taoism. Therefore, Xuantian feels at ease and integrates into the enlightenment fire. In the artistic conception of its profound meaning.

To put it another way, even if Lu Juechen takes action in advance, once the formation has an impact, he will know and can leave at any time.

Soon, half an hour passed, and the fire element petal in Xuantian's body was completely refined and absorbed, and his understanding of the secret of fire reached a higher level, reaching the fifth level limit.

The four major mysteries of Chaos, Thunder, Earth, and Fire have all reached the fifth-level limit, and you can practice the fourth-turn sword elixir.

Xuantian stood up with a smile on his lips. It was time to go back to Sunset Tower.

Outside the formation aura, Lu Juechen, who had been waiting for half an hour, suddenly opened his Imperial Heavenly Eyes and looked towards Xuantian.

More than twenty miles away, Xuan Tian waved to Lu Juechen and said, "Thank you, brother, for staying with me for half an hour. Xuan has something important to do, so I went ahead and informed you, hahaha...!" "

While laughing, Xuantian waved his hand, and the eight formation flags immediately rose into the air, turning into eight streams of light and flying into Xuantian's hands, and the formation's aura immediately dissipated.

"Dare you play tricks on me? You're looking for death!"

Lu Juechen roared angrily, his eyes shot out with intense murderous intent. He took a step forward like the wind, and with a wave of his hands, two wind blades slashed through the void for ten miles in an instant, slashing towards Xuantian.

Of those two wind blades, one had the shadow of a dragon, and the other had the shadow of a snake. The dragon and snake were dancing, and their power was astonishing. Xuantian immediately felt the sharp aura, as if there was a magic weapon on his body, trying to cut his body into pieces. fragments.

However, Xuan Tian's expression remained unchanged. As he laughed, a Taoist talisman appeared in his hand and disappeared.

At the same time, Xuantian took a step forward and his body disappeared into the void.

The dragon-snake wind blade slashed into the air, cutting two huge ravines dozens of miles long into the earth.

Lu Juechen's figure was like the wind, and he appeared in the place where Xuantian disappeared in an instant. His eyes were fixed in one direction, and his voice was cold, "Escape? Even if I move the magic talisman, you can't escape from the palm of my hand." "

The hurricane vortex and violent wind around Lu Juechen dissipated and were replaced by a breeze. As the breeze blew by, any fluctuation in the void could not escape Lu Juechen's induction.

Teleporting will also leave a space channel in the void.

Lu Juechen's wind sensing was not as accurate as Xuantian's summoning of the Void Gate, but he could still sense the specific direction of the space passage. [


Lu Juechen's silhouette reached two thousand miles away in a flash. His teleportation speed was even faster than that of the Quasi-Emperor, and he quickly chased Xuan Tian.

Millions of miles away, Xuantian's figure emerged from the sky, and he still had a moving talisman in his hand.

He took out the Teleportation Talisman, but it was just for show, making people think that he relied on the Teleportation Talisman to teleport millions of miles.

In the next moment, Xuantian took another step forward and traveled a million miles through the void. After a few steps, he returned to the Sunset Tower.

Lu Juechen was two thousand miles away in an instant, and the distance of ten thousand miles was only five breaths away. The breeze was rippling around him, and he sensed the traces left in the void, and he quickly pursued Xuantian.

Once upon a time, Lu Juechen chased Master Xue Chan for thousands of miles, relying on the wind to sense the tracks left by Master Xue Chan in the void. If Master Xue Chan hadn't come to Central Continent and knew the danger, he would have brought twenty or thirty pieces of moving gods. With the talisman on his body, he escaped from Central Continent all the way. The final result may be life-threatening.

"Master Xuechan was trained by the ancestor of Xuechan, who gave him a large number of teleportation talismans to defend himself. Xuantian, I think you have a few teleportation talismans on your body...!" Lu Juechen thought to himself.

Moving Talisman is the price of escape, and even the five great perverted monster geniuses don't have many of them.

There are many talented disciples in the younger generations of the five great sword emperor families. Others are not as outstanding as the five great perverted monsters, but they are also very qualified. Of course, they cannot give up. There are also some main characters who are afraid that they will also carry with them when they are in danger. There is a moving talisman.

The moving talisman can only be found in ancient ruins. It is a non-renewable treasure and the quantity is very small. If you divide it between this and that, naturally one person will not have many.

Like Young Master Xuechan, it was because the ancestor Xuechan put all his efforts into cultivating him that he had so many moving talismans on his body.

Lu Juechen was so horrified that he couldn't even imagine that if Xuan Tian became the queen, a gate to the void would appear in the Chaos Holy Cauldron. No moving talisman was needed at all. Xuan Tian could easily move a million miles in one step.

Lu Juechen had only chased him for more than 10,000 miles when Xuan Tian had already returned to the Sunset Tower and asked Geng Yuqing to activate all the formation aura shields in the Sunset Tower one by one.

Even if Lu Juechen had the Imperial Eye, it would be difficult to break the formation. Moreover, Xiyang Tower and the Fengyun Family were in an alliance. As long as Lu Juechen dared to destroy the formation of the Sunset Tower, Yan Gucheng would crush the Fengyun Family and leave behind With the letter talisman, strong men from Fengyun Family will come immediately.

In the Sunset Tower, Xuantian is absolutely safe.

Speaking of Lu Juechen, if Lu Jin, the quasi-emperor of the Lu family, is here, he can only stare blankly and has no choice.

In just five hundred breaths, Lu Juechen had already flown a million miles away and finally sensed that this spatial passage had reached its end. However, another trace of the spatial passage appeared in the void.

Lu Juechen thought that Xuantian teleported away, and with his speed, he could definitely catch up.

However, Lu Juechen soon discovered that he was wrong.

The second space channel was still exhausted, with no breaking point at all. He teleported continuously for hundreds of thousands of miles, and the space channel was still spreading forward.

"Impossible, how could he use the Teleportation Talisman continuously? How many of such a precious treasure would he have on his body? How could it be so wasteful?" Lu Juechen was puzzled.

At this time, Xuantian had already retreated in the Sunset Tower and began to practice the Four-turn Sword Pill. (To be continued...)

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