
spn  As for the strength of Xin Wuxia, the emperors of the Wei family all have a general understanding, and they know that he is stronger than the seventh-level emperor.

The two fifth-level emperors only attacked from a distance. When they saw the sword formation and Jian Gang counterattacking, they instantly dodged to the side and struck a blow.

"Be careful, he has to fight hard. If we fight with him from a distance for more than ten breaths, he will definitely attack his heart with poisonous gas. He will die. The more power he exerts, the faster he will die...!" Wei Hailiang shouted loudly. road.

While they were talking, the attacks of the two fourth-level emperors of the Wei family also came to Xuantian and Geng Yuqing.

sunset dusk[

Xuantian immediately used the fifth form of the Rising Sun Instant Killing Sword, which was a unique move.

He did not use the power of the Three-turn Sword Pill. As one of the five super aristocratic families, the Wei family, Xuantian must have some trump cards in his hand.

Xuantian's understanding of mysteries has reached the early stage of the fifth level, which is equivalent to that of a fourth-level emperor. Gang Yuan is also strengthened by the immortal golden body, but can be compared with a third-level emperor. Although it is worse than a fourth-level emperor, it is not considered. distant.

With a crisp sound, Xuantian's sunset move was completely broken by the opponent, and a golden sword light continued to slash towards him.

The Wei family's secret skill is the Great Tiangang Jin Geng Sword Qi!

This sword energy was sharper than the sharp one, but it was blocked by Xuantian's 'Sunset Dusk' move, and its power was already weak.


An arc trajectory appeared in the void, and Xuantian moved as fast as a ghost month to avoid the golden sword energy.

"Brother Xin, I will use the Holy Cauldron to imprison the void. Come and kill the people of the Wei family!" Xuantian sent a message to Xin Wuxia's soul while Gui Yue was moving away.

the other side. Geng Yuqing also blocked the attack of Wei Weilin, another fourth-level emperor.


A loud shout rang out, and Xuantian Guiyue moved to avoid Wei Dongyuan's sword in the blink of an eye. Then he killed Wei Dongyuan.

"You're looking for death...!" When Wei Dongyuan saw Xuantian taking the initiative to kill him, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he used the Great Tiangang Jin Geng Sword Qi again to kill Xuantian.

call out

At this moment, a piercing sound suddenly came from a distance.

However, Xin Wuxia used the Zhoutian Star Sword Formation to block the attacks of Wei Hailiang and the two fifth-level emperors. He still had enough energy left to use thirty-six spiritual swords to attack Wei Dongyuan.

Thirty-six spiritual swords. They were all imperial-level spiritual swords. Xin Wuxia killed Wei Dongyuan and split them in two. Half of it slashed towards the Great Tiangang Jin Geng Sword Qi, and the other half formed a straight line and stabbed Wei Dongyuan directly.

With an explosion, the Great Tiangang Jin Geng Sword Qi slashed by Wei Dongyuan was shattered into pieces.

Wei Dongyuan watched as the other eighteen imperial-level spiritual swords came towards him. He looked horrified. [

He wanted to teleport away. But the void is as solid as iron, and the contract has expired.


Wei Dongyuan increased his speed to the limit, dodged to the side, and shouted in horror: "No, there is a formation to confine the void here!"

Of course, he didn't know that it was because the Holy Cauldron imprisoned the void, and he thought that Xin Wuxia and others had deliberately set up the formation.

call out

A sword light suddenly shot out for more than ten miles in the air, and Wei Dongyuan's voice suddenly stopped.

He was trying his best to avoid being pursued by Xin Wuxia's spiritual sword, but his throat was slashed by Xuantian's 'Rising Sun' move. A head suddenly flew up.

Wei Dongyuan never expected a quasi-emperor. He was able to burst out with such fast speed and such powerful attack power that he could easily break through his protective Gang Yuan and his seventh-grade spiritual body at the early stage of fifth level.

Without Xin Wuxia's sword array attack, Wei Dongyuan could easily block Xuantian's move, but... now he was fatally attacked.

A more deadly attack was yet to come. The thirty-six emperor-level spiritual swords that Xin Wuxia had killed spun in the air and surrounded Wei Dongyuan's head. A bright light flashed and a shrill scream sounded. Wei Dongyuan's head was chopped into pieces by thirty-six emperor-level spiritual swords.

Wei Dongyuan died.

Wei Hailiang, Wei Mingbo, and Wei Dongru attacked Xin Wuxia with all their strength, but they were all blocked by Xin Wuxia using the Zhoutian Star Sword Formation. His hands were in sword postures, constantly changing. The sword formation was spinning like a star in a battle, and With Xin Wuxia as the center and a radius of more than 20 miles, they were all shrouded in starlight. The sword array and sword gangs were all about to attack and kill instantly.

Not only Wei Hailiang, Wei Mingbo, and Wei Dongru, but also Wei Dongyuan and Wei Weilin who killed Xiang Xuantian and Geng Yuqing were all within the range covered by the sword array.

Wei Dongyuan's death was beyond the expectations of the Wei family emperor. They never expected that Xin Wuxia would still have the strength to kill Wei Dongyuan under the siege of Wei Hailiang, Wei Mingbo, and Wei Dongru.

Moreover, after killing Wei Dongyuan, Xin Wuxia showed no signs of poisonous gas attacking his heart.

"What's going on?" Wei Zhenyu, who was watching the battle from a distance, shouted angrily, his eyes like swords staring at Xuan Tian.

Wei Dongyuan is a fourth-level emperor. In Central Continent, emperors are the top combat power, especially emperors above fourth level. They are the elites among emperors and are the precious wealth of any world.

The death of one is a huge loss.

"Master Yu, Xin Wuxia is working hard. His fighting power just now was an extraordinary explosion." Wei Hailiang shouted loudly, "He won't be able to sustain such an explosion of strength for long. He will take ten breaths at most and he will die...!"

Although Wei Dongyuan just called out the formation with void confinement, the emperor of the Wei family didn't pay much attention, thinking that Xin Wuxia was fighting with his last resort this time, so he set up a large formation to completely decide his life and death.

"Don't let him run away!" Wei Zhenyu shouted coldly, his eyes falling on Xuan Tian, ​​"If you dare to kill someone from my Wei family, boy, I will cut you into pieces."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wei Zhenyu's murderous intention surged, and he was about to take action to kill Xuantian. [

Although it was Xin Wuxia's sword array attack that gave Wei Dongyuan the final fatal blow, if Xuantian hadn't suddenly decapitated Wei Dongyuan with a sword, Wei Dongyuan would not have died under the sword array so quickly. Wei Zhenyu was too late to save him.

"Wei Zhenyu, your opponent is me!" At this moment, a loud shout came from a distance.

A fiery red shadow jumped in the void, and in two blinks of an eye, Wei Zhenyu appeared twenty miles in front of him from more than a thousand miles away.


This fiery red figure was a young third-level emperor. As soon as he arrived, he shouted loudly, and a red long sword appeared in his hand, and he slashed straight down at Wei Zhenyu.


This sword broke through the sky and was more than twenty miles long, cutting the sky in half.

In the sword, there is a dragon that shakes the sky. A red fire dragon is flying, and it is showing its teeth. It has a feeling of destroying the world. It is not difficult to imagine how powerful this sword is.

Even though he was twenty miles apart, Wei Zhenyu felt the huge wexe from under this sword. His heart tightened and his expression was shocked.

Xuantian looked at the young emperor who suddenly rushed towards him. His entire body was filled with arrogance, like a burning flame.

He has the same cultivation level as a third-level emperor, but he dares to attack Wei Zhenyu. He must be one of the five most perverted monsters in Central Continent. The only person who fits this image is Zhan Lang, who has a fire spirit body that day.

Xuantian's prediction was good, and the person coming was Zhan Lang.

At this moment, Zhan Lang is like a god of fire, his whole body is covered with a layer of flames, and his fiery red hair is like a ball of fire. With one strike of his sword, the sword beam breaks through the air, and the dragon's flame shakes the sky, almost having the power to destroy the heaven and the earth. .

"Yin Yang Liang Yi Sword Formation!"

Wei Zhenyu had just been defeated by Zhan Lang not long ago. He did not dare to neglect Zhan Lang and immediately displayed his strongest ability.

Swish swish swish...

Fully two hundred spiritual swords rushed out from Wei Zhenyu's body and soared into the sky.

Two hundred spiritual swords rotated rapidly, and light flashed in the sky, half black and half white, forming a yin and yang sword pattern.


In an instant, the Yin Yang Sword Diagram collided with the Fire Dragon Sword Gang, making a loud explosion.

After the screen paused for a blink of an eye, the two of them were at a standstill. The Yin Yang Sword Diagram instantly collapsed and turned into a shower of swords, shooting back towards Wei Zhenyu. Although the Fire Dragon Sword Gang in the sky had shrunk by less than half, it was still as powerful as ever.

"Take my sword again!" Zhan Lang shouted.

With a twist of his sword skills, the fire dragon exploded in size and was more than ten miles long, circling around him.

Then, Zhan Lang took a step forward, strode three thousand meters away, and stabbed Wei Zhenyu with his sword.

The huge fire dragon followed the sword, and with all the flames, it opened its mouth and made a sharp scream, and rushed towards Wei Zhenyu.

Wei Zhenyu was so aware that he made a circle with his hands and gathered them in front of his chest. In an instant, the two hundred spirits gathered together according to the gesture and rotated rapidly ten miles away in front, forming a Yin-Yang sword pattern to block Zhan Lang's sword.

At the same time, Wei Zhenyu's body exploded backwards and shouted: "Zhan Lang, today is not the time for us to fight. There is a chance that in three months we will have a decisive battle in the Taipei Plain of Central Continent in front of the people of the world!"

Bahba bahb…

The Yin Yang Sword Figure was retreating steadily under Zhan Lang's fire dragon sword.

Zhan Lang was like a flame demon, unstoppable. He laughed loudly and said: "Wei Zhenyu, you want to obtain the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation of the Star Sword Sect? Capture the Emperor's Spiritual Sword of Master Xin? Haha... I have it." The waves of war are here, don’t even think about getting what you want, just take another strike from me and let the fire dragon ascend to the sky and strike!"

Seeing that although the Yin Yang Sword Tu was defeated, it still blocked the Fire Dragon Sword Gang, Zhan Lang knew that it would not be easy to completely defeat Wei Zhenyu without showing his true strength.

As Zhan Lang shouted loudly, he saw the fire dragon sword retracted. In an instant, Zhan Lang bowed his back, his body resembled a dragon, and he leaped into the sky.

A roar shook the heavens and the earth, and with Zhan Lang's leap, a huge flame dragon soared into the sky within his body.

Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo

Beside the giant flame dragon, the void burst, and there was an extremely strong and terrifying sword energy.

In the blink of an eye, Zhan Lang and the giant flame dragon soared four to five thousand meters, commanding a high altitude.

At this time, Zhan Lang raised his hands to the sky, and the red sword appeared again. The flame dragon suddenly condensed and all entered the red sword.


Zhan Lang cuts it off with one sword!

The flame dragon condensed into the sword burst out with a red flame sword gang in an instant.

With each move, the power of the flame dragon increased several times, reaching a length of twenty miles, which was very frightening. It turned into a terrifying fire dragon sword, fell from the sky, and slashed down at Wei Zhenyu. (To be continued...)

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