The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

(Chapter 919) Six-turn Heavenly Wheel Sword Formation (Second update)


spn “Sword Emperor?”

Xuantian sighed slightly in his heart!

Once upon a time, he was just a young warrior in the land of China, burdened with a family feud. At that time, the king was still a legend and only existed in historical records.

Time flies, more than ten years have passed, and now he has already broken the legend of the land of China and stood at the pinnacle of the king.

In fact, it is only half a step away from the realm of the Sword Emperor, which is above the king. [

In the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion, Xuantian practiced for half a year, plus a big battle with Yin Shaoqi. Every part of his body was constantly strengthened by the impact of power. His cultivation in the quasi-emperor realm was completely improved. Consolidate.

Vaguely, Xuantian could feel that he was very, very close to the Sword Emperor.

At this time, if you swallow a large amount of energy-replenishing elixirs, you will most likely be able to break through that boundary and become a true sword king.

Xuantian knew that if he became emperor, the thunder and disaster caused by the rules of the Great Dao would definitely be very terrifying.

I think that when I became a king, the terrifying thunder tribulation would kill even the quasi-emperor.

None of the thunder catastrophes experienced in the King's Realm were as majestic as the King's Tribulation.

Become a king, become an emperor, become an emperor!

Every time you jump to a big realm, the disaster is the greatest.

Moreover, the more powerful a genius is, the greater the calamity he will suffer when his cultivation level breaks through. Xuantian is a genius among geniuses and a monster among monsters. His calamity is so great that it is not only the ancients but also the later ones in this world. pole.

As his cultivation becomes stronger, Xuantian's senses become more sensitive.

He felt that becoming an emperor was a big event, and he had a vague feeling. If he becomes emperor, he will definitely be able to affect some major events.

For example, if he becomes emperor in Yunzhou. Of course, you can't just waste the Emperor's Tribulation casually. You can take this opportunity to go to the Demon Sect headquarters and let the strong people of the Demon Sect taste the Emperor's Tribulation. It will definitely cause the Demon Sect to be severely damaged.

However, Xuantian is now preparing to go to Central Continent, which is also extremely vast. The emperor is like a cloud, and I don’t know what will change this time when I go to Central Continent.

Therefore, Xuantian decided. There is no need to rush to become emperor, everything will develop naturally and take place.

Unless there is a major change. He then took a large amount of elixirs to become an emperor. That's also a big advantage.

Judging from the power of the Emperor's Tribulation, his Emperor's Tribulation should be a retreat for all quasi-emperors. This trump card is more powerful than any other trump card.

Xuantian calmed down, turned his thoughts from fantasy to his eyes, glanced around, and showed a smile on his face.

I saw his big hand grabbing out one after another, and extending his palm prints one after another. He picked up all the king-level and emperor-level spiritual swords lying on the ground far away around him.

A total of one hundred and eight spiritual swords. Among them, there are thirty-six emperor-level spiritual swords and seventy-two king-level spiritual swords. [

At this time, Xiaohu jumped down from Xuantian's shoulder and flew towards the broken bodies of Yin Shaoqi, Chu Weiyuan and Lou Lidong without any ceremony.

Xuantian was able to cope with the battle just now. The little tiger had been lying on Xuantian's shoulder. It was as big as a palm and light. Lying on his shoulder did not affect Xuantian's combat power at all.

Under normal circumstances, the little tiger will not take action in battles that Xuantian can handle. Only when Xuantian is in danger or someone directly attacks it, will it take action against the enemy.

It wasn't until Xuan Tian started to grab the spirit sword that Geng Yuqing, who was dozens of miles away, woke up from the shock.

"Congratulations, Master, for your great victory. Master, you are truly the reincarnation of a god. You have killed even a genius as evil as the Fifth Young Master. You are so powerful. This old servant is so impressed that I have nothing but respect for you, Master." Geng Yuqing. He flew over and flattered me.

"I also congratulate you for making the right choice." Xuan Tian glanced at Geng Yuqing and smiled slightly.

At this point, Xuan Tiancai regarded Geng Yuqing as his servant and had a foundation of trust.

Tan Yiyan from Qianhun Ridge escaped, and the news of Geng Yuqing's betrayal of the Demon Sect will soon spread. This time, the Demon Sect's fifth Shao Yin Shaoqi died, as well as the elders of the Yin Demon Sect, Chu Weiyuan and Lou Lidong, no matter what Even the Demon Sect will not spare Geng Yuqing. He has completely opposed the Demon Sect and is on the same side as Xuan Tian.

"My master's qualifications are unparalleled in ancient times and even better than those of the monsters who became emperors in the past. My master will definitely become an emperor in the future. Only by following my master will my future be brighter." Geng Yuqing said respectfully. .

Xuan Tian smiled faintly, said nothing, and quickly refined all the one hundred and eight spiritual swords into his own possessions.

At this time, Xiaohu ate all three of them, Yin Shaoqi, Chu Weiyuan, and Lou Lidong, came to Xuantian, opened his mouth, and spat out many space rings and space treasures.

The three of them all have imperial treasures in their hands. Although some were damaged by Xuantian during the battle, there should still be many precious items in the space treasures.

Of course, what Xuan Tian is most concerned about is Yin Shaoqi's space treasure.

He opened his Imperial Heavenly Eyes, scanned the numerous space treasures and rings, and quickly found Yin Shaoqi's belongings.

In a space ring, there is a bookcase with many books on it.

Among them, there are two books that Xuantian is looking for: "Six Turns of Heavenly Wheel Sword Formation" and "Yin Ming Dafa".

This six-turn Tianlun Sword Formation is the sword formation that Yin Shaoqi used just now. It is a very powerful sword formation. If all the formations are made with emperor-level spiritual swords, this formation can easily transcend three realms in the Emperor Realm. Kill your opponent.

As for the Yin Ming Dafa, it must be the imperial Yin Ming Dafa.

Whether it is the Six-turn Heavenly Wheel Sword Formation or the Yin Ming Dafa, they all have a great effect on Xuantian.

Xuantian has been practicing the King of Yin Ming Dafa for a long time. Although it is used very rarely because it harms others and benefits himself, it must be said that this is a very mysterious technique.

After practicing the Emperor Level Chapter, he could absorb the emperor's cultivation. Xuantian decided to practice the Yin Ming Dafa with the thought that it might be useful.

As for the Six-turn Heavenly Wheel Sword Formation, it requires even more practice. [

Before Xuantian became a king, he was originally a sword formation master. However, because of the scarcity of spiritual swords above the king level, Xuantian had to give up the sword formation. Now that he has the sword formation cultivation method and many spiritual swords, he has many skills anyway. Zhan Shen, Xuantian of course has to practice.

Although this sixth-turn Heavenly Wheel Sword Formation, even if it is all composed of imperial-level spiritual swords, is now not as powerful as the three-turn sword pill.

However, when Xuantian becomes the Sword King, the power of the Six-turn Heavenly Wheel Sword Formation will not be weaker than that of the Three-turn Sword Pill.

The power of the sword array increases as the user's cultivation level increases.

But the Sword Pill, the strength is fixed when the Sword Pill is formed. It has nothing to do with the improvement of cultivation, the profoundness of the Gang Yuan, or the comprehension of the secrets. If you want to improve your strength, continue to practice and condense new sword pill talents. Can.

Therefore, the third-turn sword pill can now kill a fourth-level emperor. When Xuantian becomes emperor, the power of the third-turn sword pill will remain unchanged because the secret of the sword has not been improved.

Although the sword elixir is a fusion of the power of Gang Yuan and the power of mysteries, once it is condensed into elixir, it becomes an independent existence.

The power of the sword array increases with the improvement of the user's cultivation. The power of the sword pill can only be improved by practicing the sword pill technique, and has no direct relationship with the improvement of the cultivation level.

Although the power of the third-turn sword pill is not outstanding until Xuantian becomes the queen, it does not mean that the art of sword pill has declined. Xuantian can practice the fourth-turn sword pill, and there will be five and six turns later... until Nine-turn Sword Pill, even if Xuantian has cultivated to the Nine-Star Sword Emperor, the skill of the sword pill will be the first offensive sword skill and will never fall behind.

The sword formation master is the ultimate existence among swordsmen. The most powerful sword formation can break the rules of the avenue and kill enemies beyond the four realms, and the art of sword elixir can also do it.

The art of sword elixir can be compared with the most powerful sword formation, which is enough to show that the name of the first offensive sword art is by no means an empty lie.

After checking all the space items, Xuantian harvested more than twenty spiritual swords in another space ring. Among them, nine emperor-level spiritual swords and seventeen king-level spiritual swords. The rest of the items, for Xuantian is basically useless.

"Geng Yuqing and Tan Yiyan escaped. How long will it take for them to find helpers to attack again?" Xuan Tian asked.

Geng Yuqing said: "Qianhun Ridge is the closest demon sect power. It will take at least four days for Tan Yiyan to come back. However, when Yin Shaoqi and others came, Qianhun Ridge got the news. , I don’t know whether reinforcements will be sent out in advance.”

Xuan Tian said: "We are about a thousand miles away from the Qingyun Sword Sect and have set up a formation. We will stay here for two days and we will leave as soon as the powerful men from the Bixia Palace arrive."

"Master, the people of the Qingyun Sword Sect don't care about your kindness, so why should you protect them?" Geng Yuqing said in confusion.

Xuantian said: "There are hundreds of thousands of warriors in the Qingyun Sword Sect. How can we judge the character of everyone based on a small number of ungrateful people? What's more, I, Xuantian, can do whatever I want. How can it be that others don't care about their kindness?" The influence, and I have gained a set of sword formation techniques. I have been practicing these two days, so I will stay here for two days."

"Yes, Master!" Geng Yuqing said.

The two figures flashed and disappeared from the sight of the powerful men of the Qingyun Sword Sect.

No one knew that Xuantian and Geng Yuqing had arrived at a mountain peak thousands of miles away from Lianyun Peak.

Xuantian sat on a piece of bluestone, holding the "Six-turn Heavenly Wheel Sword Formation" to watch, while Geng Yuqing arranged the formations around the foot of the mountain.

Whether he is practicing sword skills, exercises, or sword formations, Xuantian likes to understand the theory first, understand it thoroughly, and understand the principles. Only in this way can he get twice the result with half the effort.

After watching it for a whole day, Xuantian watched "Six Turns of the Heavenly Wheel Sword Formation" ten times in total. Every time he watched it, his understanding would be deeper, especially as he went to the back, the deeper his understanding became.

Although Xuantian has not started practicing the sword formation yet, in his heart, he has practiced the sword formation thousands of times and finally completed it.

On the second day, Xuantian put away the sword formation secret book and began to practice.

Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo…

One hundred and eight spiritual swords flew out and revolved around Xuantian.

The six-turn Heavenly Wheel Sword Formation uses six spiritual swords as the basis, and then thirty-six spiritual swords as the base of the formation. To set up this sword formation, at least thirty-six spiritual swords are needed.

After that, you can increase the number of formation bases based on the number of spiritual swords and the warrior's spiritual power. The more formation bases, the stronger the power.

According to the sword formation secret book, theoretically, the sword formation can accommodate up to nine formation bases. (To be continued...)

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