The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

(Chapter 905) Grandpa Xuantian is here!


spn  The Son of God and the Goddess have artifacts that can travel through various areas and can travel throughout the sword world.

The Sword World is very vast. There are countless regions like Zhongzhou and Yunzhou, especially small regions like Tianzhou and Shenzhou, which are even more numerous.

Sons of God and goddesses may stop at a certain sect when walking in a certain area. For example, Xuanyuan Chuxue once stopped at Piaoxue Pavilion in Tianzhou.

It seems that Sikong Xiang should have stayed in Qingyun Sword Sect for a while while walking in Yunzhou.

The Son of God and the Goddess are looking for Jiuding. They have the ability to walk in various areas. Naturally, they will not stay in one place for too long. The sword world is very vast. Some areas are adjacent to each other, while some areas may be separated by billions of miles or even billions of miles. This round trip may take several years or even ten years. [

Sikong Xiang is the only Son of God that Xuantian has ever met, and he once fought with him in China.

At that time, Sikong Xiang was already a fourth-level Dacheng Emperor. However, due to the restrictions of the world of China, he could only control his cultivation to the same level as Xuantian. As a result, he was defeated by Xuantian.

Sikong Ding brought Princess Yingyue with him. Si Kongxiang and Sikong Ding both belonged to the Sikong family. They had a battle with Xuantian. Xuantian did not like either Sikong Ding or Sikong Xiang.

Xuantian and Chiyouzi parted ways. Chiyouzi continued to go to Bixia Palace to recruit reinforcements, while Xuantian went directly to Qingyun Sword Sect.

Although Xuantian is very confident that the third-turn sword elixir can kill the fourth-level emperor, and the emperor's heavenly eye can see through the formation, he cannot give Chi Youzi a guarantee. If a more powerful emperor from the Demon Sect arrives, then Xuantian He also had to run away, so he let Chi Youzi continue to look for reinforcements.

Qingyun Sword Sect. Located in Qingyun Mountains, Lianyun Peak.

Early the next morning, Xuantian arrived at the Qingyun Mountains. Thousands of miles away, he could see the towering Lianyun Peak.

There are four directions of Lianyunfeng. There are four shorter peaks, each one or two hundred miles apart, but they are still more than 5,000 meters high.

The Qingyun Sword Sect is divided into five branches, each located on the five peaks.

At this moment, Xuantian was thousands of miles away and could see the entire five mountain ranges of the Qingyun Sword Sect. Among them, the main peak is shrouded by a huge light mask, and the outer periphery of the light mask is brilliant and flashing.

Xuantian knew that it was the glow produced by the strong men of the Demon Sect besieging the Qingyun Sword Sect's mountain-protecting formation.

The human body is simply too small. You can't even see it from thousands of miles away. You can only see the thousands of rays of light emitted when the move is made, which is very bright and dazzling.

A journey of tens of thousands of miles is not that long to Xuantian, it only takes twenty or thirty breaths. Then we arrived.

Looking closer, the fighting here is extremely fierce.

The Qingyun Sword Sect's mountain-protecting formation has begun to shatter, and sometimes large holes with a radius of tens or hundreds of meters will appear.

Of course, the gaping hole was very short-lived, fleeting, and the strong man from the Demon Sect couldn't rush into it.

Moreover, even if you can rush into it, you will soon have no way out and have to fight directly with the strong men of the Qingyun Sword Sect. Therefore, unless the mountain guarding formation is broken enough to allow most of the Demon Sect's strong men to pass through, the Demon Sect's strong men will unite into the Qingyun Sword Sect.

By that time, it was basically time for the mountain guarding formation to be destroyed.

Looking at the current situation, it seems that the mountain guarding formation has been destroyed. Not far away. [

What Fang Yuanbo said is true. With Geng Yuqing's formation skills, it only takes two days at most to break through the Qingyun Sword Sect's mountain-protecting formation. Today is the day to break the formation.

There are thousands of powerful demon sects besieging the Qingyun Sword Sect, and the weakest one is also the Dacheng King. On the Jiu Demon Continent, there are three imperial powers of the demon sect: the Sky Splitting Sword Sect, Bingyun Palace, and Jinyang Valley.

In each imperial force, there are thousands of kings. In addition, there are some royal forces from the Demon Sect. More than a thousand are selected to besiege the Qingyun Sword Sect. They are all elites among the kings, and their strength is not bad.

As for the emperors on the Demon Sect, there are eight, among them, one is a fourth-level emperor, three are third-level emperors, two are second-level emperors, and two are first-level emperors.

The fourth-level emperor is Geng Yuqing. He comes from the Yin Mo Sect, one of the seven sects of the Demon Sect. He has a great background, but his formation skills are even more terrifying.

Along with Geng Yuqing, there are two third-level emperors from the Yin Mo Sect: Shi Qing and Jiao Zhengming, both of whom are also powerful figures.

Another third-level emperor is Pei Lie, the leader of the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect. The other second-level emperors and first-level emperors are all supreme elders of the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect.

As for the two emperor-level powerhouses from Bingyun Palace and Jinyang Valley, they brought some of the kings to Jiuxiao Sect, another emperor-level force in Jiu Mo Continent's righteous path.

Even though the Jiuxiao Sect knew that the Qingyun Sword Sect was in a dangerous situation, it was too busy taking care of itself that it naturally had no energy to save the Qingyun Sword Sect.

If nothing unexpected happens, in another moment and a half, the Qingyun Sword Sect's mountain-protecting formation will be completely destroyed.

Now that the four auxiliary peaks of the Qingyun Sword Sect have been lost, everyone has retreated to the main peak. Moreover, the formation air shield has also been reduced to the point where it only covers the main peak. The reduced range can make the formation air shield stronger and support the defense. longer.

The Qingyun Sword Sect, like the Splitting Sky Sword Sect, has five emperors, and the strongest one is the third-level emperor. However, the Demon Sect has eight emperors, not only three third-level emperors, but also Geng A fourth-level emperor like Yu Qing is proficient in formations.

It is conceivable that once the mountain-protecting formation is destroyed, the Qingyun Sword Sect will be in disaster. The disparity in strength between the two sides is very large.

If it develops normally, Qingyun Sword Sect will definitely not be able to survive this disaster.

However, with the arrival of Xuantian, there will be some changes in the future.

From a distance, Xuantian opened his Imperial Heavenly Eyes and carefully observed all the powerful demon sects. After confirming that there were no real masters lurking in the crowd, he stepped directly in the air and walked towards Lian Yunfeng in a swaggering manner.

"Grandson of the Demon Sect, your grandfather Xuantian is here...!" Xuantian shouted loudly as he walked a thousand meters in the air.

Geng Yuqing is the master of formations. He has deployed powerful formations around the Qingyun Sword Sect. First, he can restrain the Qingyun Sword Sect's mountain-protecting formation, and secondly, he can enhance the attack power of the powerful demon sects. It took more than two days to break through the Qingyun Sword Sect's mountain-protecting formation.

This is breaking the formation with formation.

As soon as Xuantian's voice sounded, the sound waves formed a line and rushed forward. Thousands of miles away, the powerful demon sect besieging the Qingyun Sword Sect and the warriors of the Qingyun Sword Sect could all clearly hear it.


Xuantian? [

The strong men of the Demon Sect and the warriors of the Qingyun Sword Sect were all stunned.

Some people who have never heard of Xuantian don't know who Xuantian is or who he is. In front of so many powerful people from the Demon Sect, he dares to speak like this. Is he an emperor of level five or above?

But when they looked at Xuantian, who was just a quasi-emperor, they suddenly looked disappointed and showed contempt. If a quasi-emperor dared to speak like this, it was completely arrogant and seeking death.

Those who had heard of Xuantian were even more surprised.

Didn't Xuantian enter the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion and never come out again?

Half a year has passed, how come we arrived at Jiu Mo Continent all of a sudden?

The two places are so far apart, which is so unexpected.

Although Xuantian killed the emperor of Guiyue Sect, it was widely spread, but it was not known to the whole world in Yunzhou.

But since he killed Fan Shaoxiao, the seventh young master of the Demon Sect, his name has spread throughout the Demon Sect, Zhengdao, Monster Clan... Especially the emperor, basically no one has heard of Xuantian's deeds.

Among the kings, the vast majority have heard of Xuantian's deeds.

The ones with the greatest emotional fluctuations were the three powerful men of the Yin Demon Sect.

As the emperor of one of the seven demon sects, he was very familiar with Xuantian. Xuantian was the target of the seven demons' pursuit order.

Once the Seven Demons' killing order is issued, it is the duty to kill the target no matter when, where or who sees it.

The fourth-level emperor Geng Yuqing's eyes were filled with surprise and then joy, "Xuantian is the person who was hunted by the Seven Demons' Hunting Order. Once the Seven Demons' Hunting Order was issued, the pursuit will remain unchanged for the rest of his life. He actually escaped from the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion alive. He came out, which was really unexpected... But, he wants to save the Qingyun Sword Sect? Hehe... This is simply throwing himself into a trap. If I can kill Xuantian, then I will have completed the Seven Demons Hunting Order. It will be recorded in the history of the Demon Sect, and there will be extremely generous rewards. Moreover, if we can win the two holy cauldrons, it will make Long Yan, the son of Balasa, very happy. Not only will our Demon Sect benefit from this, but this Emperor will also gain a great deal. The good thing is, if Balasa Mingzi cultivates me, teaches me the Dharma, and takes me to the demon world, maybe I still have hope of breaking through and becoming an emperor in this life, hehe...!"

The more Geng Yuqing thought about it, the happier he became. The corners of his mouth turned up and he couldn't help but smile.

"Junior brother Shi Qing and junior brother Jiao Zhengming, you two go and kill Xuantian. It is best to introduce him into the formation so that he cannot escape." Geng Yuqing said to Xuan Qing and Jiao Zhengming, the two third-level emperors. The messenger said.

He wants to preside over the formation, break through the Qingyun Sword Sect, obtain the Emperor of Hell's soil, open the passage to the devil world, and let Mingzi Boluosu come to Yunzhou. This is also a big deal. The most important thing is to break through the mountain-protecting formation of the Qingyun Sword Sect. Actually, it was difficult for him to get away at this time.

Shi Qing and Jiao Zhengming both had sinister and excited looks in their eyes, and they were obviously very satisfied with Geng Yuqing's arrangement.

"Hehe... don't worry, senior brother, this kid has thrown himself into a trap, and we will let him taste the consequences of going against the Demon Sect." Shi Qing and Jiao Zhengming said through their souls.

"Xuan Tian, ​​are you seeking death?"

"You are being chased by the seven demons of my demon sect and dare to show up here. You are really tired of living. We will let you get what you want, haha...!"

Shi Qing and Jiao Zhengming said loudly, flying towards Xuantian as fast as lightning.

They flew out of the range of the formation formed by Geng Yuqingbu, preparing to fight Xuantian first, and then deliberately pretended to be defeated and retreated in order to trick Xuantian into the formation.

Everyone knows that Xuantian carries the Holy Cauldron and can teleport close to him. If Xuantian teleports away, no one can catch up. Unless Xuantian is chased until his physical strength collapses, and he can teleport again, he can catch up. possible.

But the changes in such a pursuit were too big. Like last time, Xuantian was chased into the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion. As a result, Xuantian did not die. Half a year later, his cultivation level has been greatly improved. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote and vote monthly at Qidian. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read it.)

ps: There will be a small outbreak tomorrow on the 18th,,,,,,,,, everyone please vote, thank you. . .

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