The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

(Chapter 902) Jiu Demon Continent


spn  The strong man from the demon race didn't know what Xuantian was doing when he came over, but he was extremely wary of Xuantian. When he saw Xuantian coming over, he would instinctively get nervous.

Xuantian walked outside the formation aura of Dapeng Mountain and said, "Excuse me, where is the teleportation array from Qingpeng Continent to the east of Yunzhou?"

Seeing that Xuantian only asked about the location of the teleportation array, the powerful demon clan men breathed a sigh of relief.

"Going north from here, eighteen thousand miles away, is the teleportation array, which is guarded by the king of the Qingpeng clan." A voice came from Dapeng Mountain, and the speaker was the Demon Emperor Tiancenti.

This time on the Qingpeng Demon Emperor's birthday, there were a total of five third-level emperors. Four of them died, leaving only the Tiancenti Demon Emperor. Naturally, he was the leader of the powerful demon clan. [

Xuantian clasped his fists, raised his hands to the Demon Emperor Tiancenti, and said: "Monster Emperor Tiancenti, thank you for telling me the way to Central Continent. Xuan went to the east of Yunzhou this time and went to Central Continent."

This time, at the Qingpeng Demon Emperor's birthday banquet, four third-level emperors were killed in succession. The news will definitely spread to all directions soon and be known to the demon sect.

Naturally, Xuantian wanted to tell the Demon Sect about his trip to Central Continent and draw the Demon Sect's attention to Central Continent.

The Demon King Tiancenti also cupped his fists and raised his hands, saying: "Although my old friend Qingpeng has offended you, the Qingpeng clan is an evildoer. Xuantian, I hope you will show mercy."

"Don't worry, Demon Emperor Tiancenti, I will kill anyone who offends me, and I will not disturb anyone who doesn't offend me...!" After Xuantian finished speaking, his figure flashed and teleported away.

Before leaving the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion, Xuantian had already refined the second-level letter talisman and obtained

Here, the sky is filled with snow, a pure white sky, it is the Feixue Continent.

This time, it was the farthest distance Xuantian had ever teleported through the teleportation array, exceeding 200 million miles.

In the past, teleportation through the teleportation array took just an instant or a few breaths, but this time, it lasted for dozens of breaths while traveling through the void. The distance of teleportation was really long.

At Xuantian's current speed of four million miles a day, it would take nearly two months to teleport every day, but it would only take dozens of breaths to pass through the teleportation array.

I have to say that this is simply a miracle. No wonder only a strong man who became an emperor can carve out such a mysterious teleportation array.

Feixue Continent is six million miles wide and eight million miles long, with snow falling all year round.

This is the northeastern part of Yunzhou. To be precise, it is in the northerly direction. Feixue Continent is one of the northernmost continents among all the continents in Yunzhou.

Jiu Mo Continent, which is connected to Zhongzhou, is located directly northeast of Yunzhou, and is still more than 20 million miles away from Feixue Continent.

This is a one-way teleportation array. With such a long distance, even the Sword Emperor cannot carve out a space array that can teleport back and forth. Compared to Qingpeng Continent, which is guarded by many strong men, this place is relatively desolate.

Jiu Mo Continent is a little to the east and south of Feixue Continent. Xuantian found the direction and teleported to the southeast.

They teleported for six consecutive days and passed many islands along the way, but they did not find the huge land mass. Although the Jiu Demon Continent was not that big, it was still three to four million miles in radius.

With doubts, Xuantian asked about the location of Jiu Mo Continent on an island. As a result, it turned out that he had arrived at the southern sea area of ​​​​Jiu Mo Continent, and it was already in the southeast direction. If he continued to move forward, he would miss it completely. Jiu Mo Continent.

It seems that Xuantian's direction has deviated.

A distance of tens of millions of miles, a slight difference in direction, a loss of hundreds of thousands of miles, or even millions of miles.

At such a long distance and unfamiliar with the place, Xuantian just flew in a general direction, and there was nothing wrong with deviations.

Knowing the specific location of the Jiu Demon Continent, Xuantian adjusted his direction and turned to the north. According to people, this place is less than a million miles away from the Jiu Demon Continent.

At noon, Xuantian saw a piece of land appearing in front of him.

Calculating the distance, this should be the Jiu Demon Continent.

Jiu Mo Continent is a mixture of forces between the Righteous Path and the Demonic Sect. It has a radius of more than three million miles and has a total of five imperial forces. Among them, two Imperial forces belong to the Righteous Path, and three imperial forces belong to the Demonic Sect.

Among the five imperial powers, the Righteous Qingyun Sword Sect and the Demon Sect's Sky-Splitting Sword Sect are the strongest, both of which have third-level emperors in charge. The remaining three imperial powers: the Righteous Nine Heavens Sect, the Demon Sect Bingyun Palace, and Jinyang Valley. There is only one first-level emperor. [

Therefore, although there is one less imperial power on the Righteous Path side, the overall strength is not much inferior and is roughly the same.

Jiu Mo Continent is the key to Central Continent. On the way to Jiu Mo Continent, Xuantian has already found out some news about Jiu Mo Continent and the specific location of Jiu Mo Ridge.

Jiu Mo Ridge is located in the center of the north of Jiu Mo Continent and stretches for tens of thousands of miles. Xuantian teleports all the way north and will always reach the northern coastline of Jiu Mo Continent. Then he flies west along the northern coastline and will naturally reach Jiu Mo Continent. Magic Ridge.

"It has been more than half a year since I arrived in Yunzhou. Sister Ziyan should have arrived in Central Continent long ago. I don't know how she is doing in Central Continent. Haha... When I get to Central Continent, I will be able to meet her again...!"

"There are also Mr. Shenji, Uncle Yan, Yan Xixi, Li Yifeng... and others. In the blink of an eye, I have been away from Central Continent for several years. I don't know if they are doing well or not. What is the level of cultivation of the five perverted monsters in Central Continent? , he should have already become an emperor...!"

"The last time I went to Central Continent, I left from the Demon Realm. At that time, I was only halfway to the level of a king. Now a few years later, when I go to Central Continent again, I am already a quasi-emperor. Those old friends will definitely be shocked...!"

Xuantian's mind was spinning and a smile hung on his lips.

Unknowingly, Xuantian flew into the Jiu Demon Continent, already millions of miles away.

The edge of this land is still not visible, and it is indeed not comparable to islands with a radius of less than a million miles.

"Akayou Azusa, you can't escape, hahaha...!" Suddenly, a laugh came from a distance.

Xuantian's hearing is so sensitive that he can clearly hear voices even hundreds of miles away.

He immediately looked towards the source of the sound, which was in front of and to his left. The speaker should be hundreds of miles away, but there were many mountains there, blocking Xuantian's view.

"The dog thief of the Demon Gate...!" Soon, another angry shout came from the distance.

Although the voice was loud, Xuantian could tell that there was a lack of energy in the voice. It seemed that the person speaking was weak in energy and blood and must have been seriously injured.

"Being chased by people from the Demon Sect? This Chi Youzi is either a righteous warrior or a member of the Demon Clan...!" Xuan Tian's eyes lit up. He was interested in the Demon Sect being involved and teleported to the left. Fly away.

The next moment, Xuantian appeared on the top of a mountain more than 400 miles away, with a wide view.

Just under the foot of this mountain peak, a huge forest fell down, and a big battle obviously took place.

At this moment, a quasi-emperor who was about fifty years old was surrounded by five people.

Of the five powerful men surrounding him, two were quasi-emperors, and the other three were top kings or above.

The quasi-emperor, who was about fifty years old, was covered in blood. He was obviously very seriously injured. He should be the 'Azuki Akito', and the five people who surrounded and killed him were the strong men of the Demon Sect.

"Chiyouzi, your Qingyun Sword Sect is destined to be wiped out today. No one is left. If you want to recruit reinforcements, haha..., there is no way." Standing directly in front of Chiyouzi, the quasi-emperor of the Demon Sect laughed.

As soon as he opened his mouth, it was proved that Xuantian's judgment was correct. It was indeed five powerful demon sects who surrounded and killed the quasi-emperor named Chi Youzi, and Chi Youzi was from the Qingyun Sword Sect.

From these words, it can be seen that the Qingyun Sword Sect seems to have encountered great difficulties and is in danger of being exterminated.

Chi Youzi couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, dyeing the skirt of his chest bright red, and said angrily: "Fang Yuanbo, today you Splitting Heaven Sword Sect used the power of the Demon Sect to destroy our Qingyun Sword Sect. My righteous way will also destroy your Sky Splitting Sword Sect and avenge my Qingyun Sword Sect."

"Hahahaha...!" Fang Yuanbo burst into laughter and said: "This time our sect has made great contributions to the Demon Sect. The Demon Sect will reward us greatly. The strength of the Sky Splitting Sword Sect will increase by leaps and bounds. The righteous way will destroy the sect." Tianjian Sect? Dreaming!"

"Senior Brother Fang, this old thief is about to run out of gas. Why bother talking nonsense to him? Just kill him!" said another quasi-emperor of the Demon Sect.

"Okay...!" Fang Yuanbo laughed ferociously and shouted: "Kill!"

"Ah!" A shrill scream sounded at the same time as the word "kill".

There was a flash of sword light in the distance, and the top king of the Demon Sect behind Chiyouzi was instantly cut into two halves, screaming for his life. (To be continued...)

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