The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

(Chapter 901) Little Tiger Becomes Emperor


spn  The Sea Demon Emperor, the Black Eagle Shuangsha, the Qingpeng Demon Emperor...the four huge corpses are still falling.

From the time Xuantian pulled out the emperor-level sword from the body of the Demon Emperor Fuhai to the time he killed the two evil spirits of Xuan Ying and the Demon Emperor Qing Peng, it only took three seconds.

The body of the Sea-covering Demon Emperor that fell first had not yet reached the ground.


boom! boom! boom! boom! [

boom! boom!

Seven shaking sounds were heard in succession, and the corpses of the four demon kings fell to the ground, shaking the ground.

Dapeng Peak! There are no less than a thousand strong monsters!

At this moment, the entire Dapeng Mountain was silent, not even the sound of breathing.

All the powerful demon clan men were stunned and even held their breath.

Even the third-level emperor Tiancenti Demon Emperor is no exception.

Xuantian's attack power exceeded their imagination, completely beyond their imagination.

The Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor is as famous as the Qingpeng Demon Emperor and the Fuhai Demon Emperor. They are all the top ones in this sea area with a radius of tens of thousands of miles. Now he is very lucky in his heart that he is not against Xuantian. Otherwise, he will definitely be against the Qingpeng Demon Emperor. , the fate of overthrowing the Sea Demon Emperor Yyng.

He pointed out the way to Zhongzhou to Xuantian, but benefited from Xuantian and harvested 10,000 high-grade spiritual stones, which gave him the possibility of making a breakthrough in his cultivation.

"Fortunately! Fortunately! This is my emperor's luck...!" The Demon Emperor Tiancenti sighed in his heart.

On Dapeng Mountain, there are more than a thousand powerful monsters, and there are also many emperors.

However, even after waking up from the shock, I was shocked, angry and happy. Their expressions were all different, but no one dared to scold Xuantian, and no one dared to get close to Xuantian.

They just watched from afar. There was always a look of surprise in his eyes.

There were also some powerful demon clan men who looked at the corpses of Fuhai Demon Emperor, Qingpeng Demon Emperor, and Xuan Ying Shuangsha with longing in their eyes.

They are all the corpses of third-level demon kings. Demonic beasts can directly improve their cultivation by devouring the corpses of warriors or demonic beasts. Low-level demonic beasts can eat the corpses of high-level demonic beasts, which is extremely effective.

If a Demon King eats the corpse of a Level 3 Demon King, his cultivation level will definitely break through continuously in a short period of time. Given time, all the energy of the third-level demon emperor can be refined, and it may even reach the realm of the third-level demon emperor.

but. If the Demon King wants to eat the Demon Emperor, that is simply impossible. How can there be such a chance?

Generally speaking, it is impossible for low-level monsters to eat high-level monsters. Unless it's a coincidence.

Now. With the corpses of four third-level demon emperors in front of them, many powerful demon clan men were of course jealous. [

However, jealousy is still jealous. None of these four third-level demon kings are famous figures. They have piles of subordinates. How can they let their corpses be eaten by others.

What's more, Xuantian was still standing over the corpses of the four demon emperors. No strong demon clan dared to go there.

In the void, Xuantian put away the emperor-level sword in his hand. The power of the third-level sword elixir was even beyond his expectation. It was truly terrifying. Once the sword was released, it could kill a third-level emperor like chopping melons and vegetables. Or, it’s still chopping melons and vegetables.

Of course, the two demons of Xuan Ying join forces, but they can only be compared with the fourth-level emperor. The real fourth-level emperor is definitely stronger than the two of them, and he can suppress Xuantian with no more than three avenues, but from killing Xuan Tian Judging from the situation of Ying Shuangsha chopping melons and vegetables, Xuantian was very confident in killing the fourth-level emperor.


It wasn't until Xuantian killed four third-level demon kings that the little tiger on his shoulder stood up with some interest and stretched.

Xuan Tian patted Xiao Hu on the shoulder and said, "Don't waste it!"

Xiaohu nodded and jumped down from Xuantian's shoulder. In an instant, his body grew larger, reaching a length of five hundred meters.

Xiaohu's body can be said to be thin among monsters of the same realm. The monster's strength is almost directly proportional to its body, but there are exceptions, and Xiaohu is the exception among the exceptions.

With a body of five hundred meters long, it is also very huge, like a small mountain range.

The head is almost as big as a small mountain peak, and the bloody mouth is big enough to eat a palace.

The little tiger first landed next to the body of the Demon Emperor and ate the two halves of his head.

The teeth of the little tiger are very strong and sharp. The head of the Sea-covered Demon King must be very strong, but when bitten by the little tiger, there was only a clicking sound and it soon broke into pieces.

Even the flesh, blood and bones were chewed up by the little tiger and eaten without any waste.

In Dapeng Mountain, the powerful demon clan members had different expressions: some were angry, some were envious, and some were pity.

But they could only watch. Xuantian's strength shocked the hearts of every strong demon clan person. No matter whether they were angry or envious, they did not dare to stop him.

Soon, the two dragon heads were eaten by the little tiger, and it came to the huge dragon body.

The body of the dragon, which is nearly two thousand meters long, is almost like a mountain range. In front of the corpse of the Sea-covered Demon King, the little tiger looks small.

However, Xiaohu was not worried about not being able to eat at all.

Its claws were sharper than ordinary imperial swords. When the huge tiger claws were grabbed, the dragon's scales were shattered, and large chunks of flesh and blood were grabbed off. Then, it was bitten into the belly.

In less than a hundred breaths, the nearly 2,000-meter-long body of the Fuhai Demon King was all eaten by Xiaohu.

Then, Xiao Hu was not satisfied and quickly came to the body of the Qingpeng Demon Emperor. [

The two halves of the Qingpeng Demon Emperor's corpse were not far apart. The little tiger was not anorexic at all, and quickly ate all the Qingpeng Demon Emperor's corpse, including its feathers and claws.

While eating and refining, the corpses of Sea Demon Emperor and Qingpeng Demon Emperor were quickly transformed into pure energy. This is the instinct of monsters.

And Xiaohu is even more outstanding in refining the flesh and blood of monsters.

Therefore, the corpses of the Sea-Building Demon Emperor and the Qingpeng Demon Emperor were so huge that they were all eaten by the little tiger. The little tiger didn't feel any bloating at all, and all of them were turned into pure energy and absorbed.

After eating the Qingpeng Demon King, Xiaohu came to the corpses of Xuanying Shuangsha again, tore them into pieces without ceremony, and ate them all in one bite.

Only half an hour. The corpses of the four third-level demon kings all entered Xiaohu's belly.


After eating the corpses of Xuanying Shuangsha, Xiaohu finally let out a long burp.

Xuantian stood in the sky. Looking at Xiaohu, silently, Xiaohu ate four third-level demon kings, completely absorbed and refined their energy, and should have a breakthrough in his cultivation.

On Dapeng Mountain, the eyes of all the powerful demon tribes were focused on Xiaohu.

"Ho ho ho!"

It didn't take long. The little tiger looked up to the sky and roared wildly, the sound shaking the heaven and the earth.

Its body moves at a speed visible to the naked eye. Expanding, continuing to expand...

The body that was originally only 500 meters long turned into 510 meters in the blink of an eye. Another blink. It became 520 meters again...

There was a hint of joy in Xuantian's eyes. Sure enough, Xiaohu began to evolve and his cultivation level was about to break through.

When Xuantian first arrived in Yunzhou and killed the two emperors of Guiyue Sect, Xiaohu ate their flesh and blood and became a quasi-demon emperor. Later. In Emperor Danyuan's Mansion, there is plenty of spiritual energy. Xiaohu has been practicing for half a year.

Now that he has eaten the flesh and blood of four major third-level demon kings at once, he is finally about to make a big leap.

The next step up from the quasi-demon emperor is the demon emperor.

Xiaohu reached the realm of the emperor one step earlier than Xuantian and became the Demon King.

Xiaohu's body is growing rapidly, his aura is causing huge waves, and his strength is also increasing rapidly.

Soon, the little tiger grew to 600 meters long, and then it reached 610 meters, 620 meters... It didn't take long before the little tiger's length exceeded 700 meters.

It was only 500 meters just now, but now it has grown to 700 meters long. In such a short period of time, Xiaohu has grown an unknown amount of flesh and blood. After eating the flesh and blood of four major third-level demon kings and absorbing them into pure energy, It became Xiaohu's own flesh and blood.

Seven hundred and ten meters...

Seven hundred and twenty meters...

The little tiger's body reached a full length of more than 830 meters before stopping.

Its aura and strength have increased more than ten times compared to when it was the Quasi-Demon Emperor.

Xiaohu's cultivation reached a great level and he became an emperor in one fell swoop.

Compared to the Demon Emperor, Xiaohu's body is still relatively small, but its strength is far from comparable to that of a first-level emperor who has just become an emperor.

When it was still a quasi-demon emperor, Xiaohu could easily defeat the second-level emperor, and even the third-level emperor. Now, the third-level emperor is definitely not its opponent, and even the fourth-level emperor can defeat it. In a fight, who wins and who loses has to be proven in actual combat.

There is no natural tribulation for Xiaohu's improvement in cultivation, and the same is true for Long Ziyan. Unlike Xuantian, other warriors, and the Demon Emperor, who have to go through natural tribulation to improve their cultivation.

Even ordinary warriors, demon kings, kings, emperors, and other such big breakthroughs in cultivation will definitely face disaster.

"I wonder how long it will take for me to become an emperor?" Xuan Tian thought to himself as he looked at Xiaohu who had become an emperor.

To become an emperor requires a lot of energy accumulation.

With the amount of spiritual grass in Xuantian's hands, he could rely on the thousand-year-old spiritual elixir and the two-thousand-year-old spiritual elixir to spend several months to improve his cultivation. There was great hope.

However, Xuantian's cultivation does not want to rely entirely on external forces. To consolidate his cultivation, he must rely on his own cultivation, because this is the key to laying a good foundation.

Only after your cultivation is completely consolidated, you only need to accumulate energy to break through. At this time, you can use elixirs to accumulate energy quickly, saving a lot of time.

Pills cannot be completely relied on, but they cannot be completely discarded. They must be controlled at a certain level, so that they can practice quickly, ensure a solid foundation, and always maintain a leading position in the same realm in terms of combat power.

"Bluff!" Xiaohu broke through and transformed into a demon queen, leaping towards the sky. Soon her body shrank and turned into a palm-long kitten, landing on Xuantian's shoulder.

Then, he caressed Xuantian with his head.

Xuantian touched Xiaohu's head, took a few steps forward, and came outside the formation aura shield of Dapeng Mountain.

The strong man from the demon clan suddenly became nervous. With Xuantian's terrifying attack power, Dapeng Mountain's formation aura might not be able to stop him. (To be continued...)

ps: Here comes the second update, and there will be a third update at 8pm...

Oh oh oh,,, the little tiger has become an emperor, is Xuantian still far away? ? ? ? Please buy your tickets or monthly tickets, the exciting and refreshing plot will be coming soon.

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