The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 880】 Ten Thousand High-Grade Spirit Stones (Fill 5)

() Soon, the three and three demon emperors walked into the hall.

The one in the middle is an old man in his sixties, wearing a Taoist robe, his hair is neatly coiled up, pierced by a hairpin, and a little draped behind his head, he looks like a Taoist priest.

This is the Heavenly Centipede Ridge, and the Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor is the master, so the veteran walking in the middle should be the Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor.

On the right side of the Celestial Centipede Demon Emperor is an old man in green robes, who looks almost the same age as the Celestial Centipede Demon Emperor. This old man is tall and thin, with a tall and pointed nose, and his eyes are as deep as an eagle, extremely sharp, giving people the feeling of Like a bird, it is the Qingpeng Demon Emperor.

On the left side of the Celestial Centipede Demon Emperor, of course, is the Oversea Demon Emperor. He is dressed in a black robe, as tall as the Qingpeng Demon Emperor, but stronger, and looks younger than the Sky Centipede Demon Emperor and the Qingpeng Demon Emperor.

"Congratulations to the Celestial Centipede Demon Emperor, on his 400th birthday, a long life without bounds...!" Immediately, many demon kings and demon emperors shouted.

The Celestial Centipede Demon Emperor had a smile all over his face, cupped his fists and cupped his hands to the strong men, and said: "Thank you for your kindness, everyone, for coming to the Emperor's birthday feast. Tian Centeniling welcomes you very much. Today is the Emperor's birthday, and I am very happy. Let's eat!" Delicious drink, please forgive me if the hospitality is not good...!" ..

"Where is that...!" All the powerhouses clasped their fists together and said, how could they dare to push themselves.

Those emperors are better, they can deal with the Celestial Centipede Demon Emperor, and have some friendship.

And these demon kings are nothing in front of the Celestial Centipede Demon Emperor. If it wasn't for today's birthday, they would definitely not have anything to say to them.

On weekdays, it is difficult for these demon kings to get to Tiantian if they want to see the centipede demon emperor.

Be polite. The Celestial Centipede Demon Emperor and the other two demon emperors continued to move forward to the three seats on the high platform.

"Hey......!" Suddenly, the Qingpeng Yaohuang let out a startled hey. With his sharp eyes, he could see Tieshikuang's seat from a distance, and the chair was overturned on the ground.

Qingpeng Yaohuang pointed to the overturned chair, and said: "What's going on? Today is the birthday of old friend Centipede, it's a day of great joy, and someone knocked over the chair, hum... Who was sitting just now?" Here, get out."

The Qingpeng Demon Emperor went into a rage, and all the powerful monster clan thumped in their hearts. Some people looked at Tie Shikuang, and more people looked at Xuantian.

Everyone knows that Tie Shikuang is the quasi-emperor of Qingpeng Continent, and Qingpeng Yaohuang. It is the number one powerhouse in Qingpeng Continent. That piece of land, named after him, has been hundreds of years.

"Lord Qingpeng, it is... the seat of the little lion." Tie Shikuang squeezed out from the crowd with a respectful expression.

While speaking, Tie Shi glanced wildly at Xuantian, with a hint of viciousness.

It seems to say: My backer is here, boy, you are finished.

Qingpeng Yaohuang's face turned cold. Said: "Iron Lion Maniac, why did you overturn the chair? Disrespectful to the old friend of the centipede?"

"Master Qingpeng, it's not because the little lion was knocked over, but because the little lion was knocked into the air by someone else, so the chair overturned." Tie Shi said madly, at this time he told his story about flying, and he didn't feel it at all. To embarrassment, but a little fun.

He knew that Qingpeng Yaohuang would definitely stand up for him.

"Oh...! Who is so bold to take action at the birthday banquet of old friend Tian Centen?" Sure enough, Qingpeng Yaohuang's voice began to increase, and a little changed.

"It's Huang Tian!" Tie Shi madly pointed at Xuan Tian, ​​his eyes were full of excitement.

A top peak king?

Tian Centenary, Qing Peng, and Fu Hai, the three demon emperors looked at Xuan Tian at the same time, their eyes were slightly surprised.

Xuantian stood up at this time, and didn't look at Tie Shi Kuang, nor at Qingpeng Demon Emperor, but clasped his fists at the owner of this place, Tian Centipede Demon Emperor: "In the next casual cultivator, I have heard about the Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor for a long time. Daming, I came to Tianwu Island by chance today, and I came here to congratulate the Demon Emperor Tianwu on his 400th birthday, and was brought here to sit down by a friend from Guiling, who knows that Tie Shikuang is very dissatisfied with Guiling's actions , shot at me, yu kicked me out of this seat, and didn't make a move at the beginning, but Iron Lion Kuang didn't stop, instead, he became more profitable, and I had no choice but to return a finger sword, and he turned his back on his chair, and the sky centipede Demon Emperor, please learn from me."

"Really?" The Celestial Centipede Demon Emperor spoke, and cast a wild look at Iron Lion with displeasure.

Today is his birthday banquet, and the demon king and quasi-demon emperor are only able to eat and drink in Tianwuling because of his birthday banquet. If the iron lion knocks over the chair madly, it is not because of Mr. Xuantian. To attack, but Tie Shikuang made the first move, and Xuantian fought back, then... whoever knocked over the chair, of course, the Celestial Centipede Demon Emperor knew.

"Brother Huang Tian's words are very true, everyone present saw it with their own eyes." Yang Tian stood up and said.

"Yes...! It was Iron Lion Kuang who provoked it."

"The first time he made a move, little friend Huang Tian didn't fight back. Later, when he made a second move and used his martial skills, little friend Huang Tian just swiped his two fingers, and Tie Shikuang flew away."


It is impossible for everyone present to be friends of Iron Lion Maniac, and many demon kings immediately spoke out.


Qingpeng Yaohuang slapped Tie Shikuang on the face, and shouted: "You bastard, go back to Qingpeng Continent, and you will be fined for ten years without going out."

There was a blood-red slap mark on Tie Shikuang's face, and several teeth were knocked out, but he dared not resist, endured the pain, and nodded repeatedly: "Yes... yes...!"

This time, Tie Shikuang was completely ashamed, and walked out with his head bowed.

"Wait...!" the Celestial Centipede Demon Emperor said, "Help up the chair first."

"Yes...!" Tie Shikuang didn't even dare to fart, he hurried back to lift up the chair, and then ran out.

The Sky Centipede Demon Emperor looked at Xuantian and said, "Young men are born to be heroes. He has such strength at a young age and has a bright future."

Xuan Tian smiled slightly and said, "Thank you very much, Demon Emperor Tiancenti, for the compliment."

"Hmph!" Qingpeng Yaohuang snorted softly, he was suppressed and couldn't let go of the anger in his heart, although he slapped Tie Shikuang, he still had a big opinion on Xuantian.

Qingpeng Yaohuang said: "My name is Huang Tian, ​​I came to celebrate my birthday, but I want a gift, I don't know what gift you brought, don't come to Tianwuling to eat and drink for free...!"

"Haha! I don't have any good gifts. I only have 10,000 high-grade spiritual stones. I hope the Demon Emperor Tiancenti will accept them." Xuan Tian smiled slightly and then waved his hand.

Crash la la la...

A large pile of spiritual stones appeared in front of his desk, piled up like a mountain.

These spiritual stones contain astonishing spiritual energy from heaven and earth, and each one is a top-grade spiritual stone.

High-grade spiritual stones are items needed for the emperor's cultivation.

Although Yunzhou is suitable for emperors to practice, the spiritual energy content is not comparable to that of high-grade spiritual stones.

After becoming an emperor, if there are no resources, the speed of cultivation is very slow only by absorbing the aura of heaven and earth. You may only be promoted to the second-level emperor in a lifetime, and you can finally become the third-level emperor.

If you want to become a fourth-level emperor, it is impossible if you are not a genius with outstanding qualifications.

However, it would be different if there were high-grade spiritual stones for cultivation. Ten thousand high-grade spiritual stones would be enough for an emperor to practice for ten years.

The Heavenly Centipede Demon Emperor has these ten thousand high-grade spiritual stones. Maybe he will break through in cultivation in a few years and become a fourth-level emperor.

If there is no high-grade spirit stone, only by absorbing the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth, at most, the cultivation level can not be reduced. The emperor will be four hundred years old, which is also in his old age, and he will lose his vitality and blood. Without the absorption of the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth, his cultivation base will degenerate.

Ten thousand high-grade spiritual stones, this is a huge gift.

Spiritual stones are inexhaustible for Xuantian.

Yunzhou is vast and boundless, with rich spiritual energy. Naturally, there are many veins of spiritual stones buried deep underground.

It is difficult for others to find it, but Xuantian's Emperor's Eye can see thousands of meters underground.

These days, Xuantian encountered many veins of spirit stones along the way, one of which was a vein of high-grade spirit stones, and Xuantian dug out some of them.

With Xuantian's current strength, he could punch a huge hole in the earth. Mining a vein of spirit stone was very simple.

This high-grade spirit stone vein is located in a shallow sea area 8,000 meters below the ground, stretching for hundreds of miles. Xuantian just excavated some places where spirit stones are dense. There are tens of thousands of spirit stones, and some scattered places , Xuantian thought it was troublesome and did not touch it.

The geology there has been destroyed and the spiritual energy has leaked out. If a strong person passes by, he will definitely find the spiritual stone veins below. Although the dense areas have been dug, there are spiritual stones distributed for hundreds of miles, and at least they can still be dug out. Tens of thousands of high-grade spirit stones.

There are tens of thousands of spiritual stones, and they are also top-grade spiritual stones. Giving them away easily is something even the emperor cannot do.

Everyone's eyes shone when they looked at the pile of high-grade spiritual stones.

Even the Demon Emperor Qingpeng and the Demon Emperor Fuhai are no exception. After obtaining these spiritual stones, their cultivation may further improve.

However, with the Demon Emperor Tiancenti around, no one dared to snatch these spiritual stones.

Although it was taken out by Xuantian, it was given by Xuantian to the Demon Emperor Tiancenti. Whoever dares to shoot is not fighting against the Demon Emperor Tiancenti?

With a wave of his hand, Xuantian put ten thousand high-grade spiritual stones into a space ring, threw it towards the Demon Emperor Tiancenti, and said, "Please accept it with a smile."

The interspatial ring flew smoothly and smoothly, and was caught in the hands of the Demon Emperor Tian Centipede. He laughed and said, "Little friend Huang Tian gave me such a heavy gift, which made the old man very embarrassed. It is too precious to accept it, but these spiritual stones have some effect on the old man." It's very useful, it would be a pity not to accept it, I will accept it anyway, if little friend Huang Tian needs my help with anything, just ask."

Xuantian wanted the Demon Emperor Tiancenti to speak.

He asked the Demon Emperor Tian Centipede for help first, and Demon Emperor Tian Centipede asked for help from Xuantian first. These are completely different things.

Xuan Tian said: "I don't know the Demon Emperor Tiancenti, but do you know Zhongzhou?"

The Sky Centipede Demon Emperor invited the Qingpeng Demon Emperor and the Fuhai Demon Emperor to sit down on their seats. He also sat on the main seat, and then said: "Zhongzhou is a far away place."

Xuantian was overjoyed. It seemed that the Demon Emperor Tiancenti indeed knew the whereabouts of Zhongzhou: "How to get to Central Continent from Yunzhou, please teach me how to get to Central Continent!"

"Little friend Huang Tian is going to Central Continent?" Demon Emperor Tiancenti's voice sounded surprised!

Qingpeng Demon Emperor, Fuhai Demon Emperor, and many demon emperors and demon kings all looked towards Xuantian.

Of course, there are only a few people who know about Zhongzhou. Most of them are surprised by the Demon Emperor Tiancenti and follow the Demon Emperor Qingpeng and Fuhai Demon Emperor to look at Xuantian.

Xuantian nodded and said: "Yes!" (To be continued. Mobile phone users please go and read.)

ps: Third update, please vote for recommendation

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