The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 780】 Domineering and majestic

() While Xuantian and Lin Luofu were communicating, the king of the Lin family and the kings of the six evil sects were also talking!

Lin Haotian said: "The Righteous Alliance will advance and retreat together, not the evil alliance, and my wife is from Piaoxue Pavilion. If anything goes wrong with the Lin family, the Righteous Alliance will not give up. Even if we take ten thousand steps back, even if If the Righteous Alliance does not stand up for the Lin family, Piaoxue Pavilion alone is enough to wipe out all six of your forces."

Piaoxue Pavilion is one of the top king-level forces in Tianzhou. It belongs to the Righteous Alliance. It is a sect with only female disciples. Being able to marry a disciple of Piaoxue Pavilion is the dream of many powerful people in Tianzhou!

The Dacheng King of the Corpse Ghost Sect snorted coldly, Lin Haotian was right!

Whether it is the righteous alliance or the evil sect alliance, the most taboo thing is to kill everyone. If the two sides are fighting, it is normal for one force to be wiped out. But in a relatively peaceful era, wiping out a king-level force is definitely a huge provocation. , will trigger a decisive battle between the two camps!

Fighting together will be of no benefit to either the righteous alliance or the evil alliance."

"Hahahaha...!" The Dacheng King of Ten Thousand Snake Valley laughed, his voice was like the hissing of a poisonous snake, which made people chill, "Piaoxue Pavilion, as a top king power, is indeed not comparable to the six major powers in Yunze County, but we The evil sect alliance also includes Yin Luo Sect, Dark Moon Sect, Fire Worship Sect, Cao Family and other forces that are not weaker than Piaoxue Pavilion. If Piaoxue Pavilion wants to move the six major forces in Yunze County, it has to weigh it carefully. The disciples of Piaoxue Pavilion become Thousands, and there are many who marry outside. For the Lin family, Piaoxue Pavilion has to calculate the price and whether it is worth it. Lin Haotian, we don’t want to cause a war between good and evil, so. We can let the Lin family go, but We must meet our three requirements!”

"Shime request?" Lin Haotian asked.

The Dacheng King of Ten Thousand Snakes Valley said: "First, teach the Sword Emperor's Search for the Dragon. This is not a treasure that your Lin family can possess. Second, I heard that there is a king named Tianchen in the Lin family and asked him to come out and commit suicide. On the way to Huangquan Bury with the king of the Sun family. Third, I heard that you gave birth to a daughter with a peerless appearance. Hehe... Let her accompany each king of the six major forces for one month, let us have fun... Lin Haotian, don't be so angry. , I will send your daughter back after playing."

"Yes! These three conditions are necessary. The life and death of your Lin family is yours to decide!"

"If you agree to these three conditions, we will leave immediately. If you don't agree, we will leave the Lin family without any grass, no chickens or dogs left!"

"Hehe...! If you don't agree, the consequences will be disastrous. Our Corpse Ghost Sect is short of warrior corpses for disciples to test, and your Lin family can just make up for it!"

The accomplished kings of several other major evil sects all said gloomily.

Lin Haotian's breathing was rapid. I almost burst out of anger, but the opponent's strength was too strong. It was easy to wipe out the Lin family. No matter how angry he was, he had to endure it.

Xuantian and Lin Luofu also had angry faces, and the third request was more hateful than killing her.


Xuan Tian snorted coldly, and he also became angry and said loudly: "I also have a request, please listen to me!"

While talking, Xuan Tian took Lin Luofu and flew into the sky towards the five kings of the Lin family.

Although the elders and disciples of the Lin family had angry faces, their eyes showed despair. They had no strength to resist at all in front of the six great kings.

Seeing Xuantian, the warriors of the Lin family showed a hint of joy, but the joy immediately disappeared. Although Xuantian killed the Xiaocheng Ultimate King, there were six Dacheng Kings on the other side.

There is a huge gap between the Xiao Cheng Ultimate King and the Dacheng King. The Xiao Cheng Ultimate King is still in the early stage of King Realm, while the Dacheng King is in the middle stage of King Realm. There is a huge gap between them. Many geniuses are between ordinary kings and Xiao Cheng King. You can still skip level challenges with any shihou, but after becoming a Xiao Cheng Extreme King, skip level challenges become a thing of the past, and you cannot cross the gap between Xiao Cheng Extreme King and Dacheng King.

No one thought that Xuantian had the strength to kill the Dacheng King, let alone the six Dacheng Kings on the other side.

Therefore, the look of the Lin family warriors turned into despair again.

Xuantian was very fast. After finishing his words, he walked up to the five kings of the Lin family and asked Lin Luofu to stand next to her father. He then took a few steps forward and stood in front of the five kings of the Lin family, with more than ten people opposite him. The king is opposite.

"Are you Tianchen?"

"Did you kill the king of the Sun family?"

"Death is imminent, do you still have any demands?"

The kings of the Sun family and the six evil sects shouted one after another.

Xuantian raised his right hand, pointed forward with his index finger, and pointed at the kings of the Sun family and the Dacheng kings of the six evil sects one by one, and said: "You, your two kings of the Sun family, and you, you, you, You, you, you six Dacheng kings, now kneel down and swear to God that this siege of the Lin family has nothing to do with the forces behind you, and then Ziji chops off Ziji’s head. I will pretend that this never happened, no. Find trouble with the forces behind you, otherwise, I will be angry together, wherever the sword energy is rampant, whether it is the Sun family, Shime Corpse Ghost Sect, Xie Yue Sect, Soul Splitting Sect, Tianxie Valley,

Beiling Miao Family, Ten Thousand Snake Valley..., all your kings will die, no one will be spared. If I am in a bad mood and swing a few more swords, all the elders and disciples of your major forces will die. "

Silence filled the place!


Everyone was stunned when they heard this!

The king of the Lin family looked at Xuantian, thinking that Ziji had heard wrong!

Lin Luofu looked at Xuantian in surprise, with a look of obsession in his eyes. At this moment, Xuantian's image almost turned into infinity in his eyes, so domineering!

All the Lin family warriors were stunned, and many rubbed their ears in disbelief!

As for the strong men of the six evil sects, they were all shocked. Some shook their heads and couldn't believe it.

A small-time extreme king dared to say such words to the six evil sects.

Not to mention the large number of more than 30 kings from the six evil sects, the six Dacheng kings alone were so overwhelming that all the warriors under the Dacheng kings could not breathe.

In Lin Luofu's view, Xuantian was domineering!

In the eyes of the strong men of the six evil sects, Xuantian was simply having a seizure, having a psychotic attack, and was completely stupid!

Therefore, they looked at Xuan Tian like a fool and were stunned!

Seeing that the strong men of the six evil sects and the two kings of the Sun family were in a daze, Xuantian waved his palm and shouted: "Are you still waiting for Shime? If you wait for me to take action, you will not have the chance to kill only eight people. !”

Xuantian's second sentence made the strong men of the six evil sects react from their daze. They were all furious and stared at Xuantian with sword-like eyes. Their ruguo eyes could kill people. Xuantian was cut into pieces at this moment. .

"You're a boy who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth!"

"He must be crazy, he's been kicked in the head by a donkey!"

"Boy, you are sleepwalking now!"

"I heard that this kid has lost his memory and has a brain problem. It seems true!"

The strong men of the six evil sects shouted one after another.

Xuan Tian stepped forward, glanced at everyone with a cold gaze, and said: "Since you are reluctant to commit suicide, then I have no choice but to send you to the road to hell. Today you can't escape. Let's all go together, and I will do it all at once." Kill them all!"

"Arrogant! I'm here to break your fantasy and turn your body into a corpse puppet!"

The Dacheng King of the Corpse Sect shouted loudly, and glanced at the kings of the six evil sects, "You all get out of the way, I will kill him alone!"

While he was talking, the Dacheng King of the Corpse Ghost Sect took down the coffin from behind him and stood beside him.

The Corpse Ghost Sect is good at the art of refining corpses. Everyone has a corpse puppet, which is generally equal to Ziji's strength. Then the corpse puppet in the coffin may also be a great king, or at least a small ultimate king.

The Dacheng King of the Corpse Ghost Sect had no intention of opening the coffin. As the Dacheng King, he would not believe what Xuantian said at all. Not only did he not ask for help from others, he even did not bother to use his corpse puppet.

How powerful a Dacheng King is, the warriors present are all very passionate. The strong men of the six evil sects are very confident in the Dacheng King of the Corpse Sect, and they all step back some distance.


A voice suddenly sounded, coming from Xuantian's mouth.

With the sound, an extremely fierce murderous aura suddenly emerged in the void, and even strong men thousands of meters away felt a chill in their bodies.

Xuantian's body suddenly glowed with a flash of electricity, and his body was like a bolt of lightning, rushing towards the Dacheng King at the Corpse Ghost Gate in front.

call out!

In the blink of an eye, an almost transparent sword appeared in Xuantian's hand, which struck out a streak of lightning as thin as a silk thread.

As soon as this sword came out, the long swords in everyone's hands couldn't help but tremble slightly, just like a weak person couldn't help but tremble in front of a strong person.

"It's an emperor-level magic weapon!" Suddenly, many people exclaimed, including the king.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the emperor-level magic weapon in Xuantian's hand, but they ignored the light and thunder sword energy that was like an electric wire!

The Dacheng King of the Corpse Ghost Sect was arrogant and did not pay much attention to Xuantian. Especially when Xuantian's emperor-level sword appeared, his attention was completely attracted by the emperor-level sword, thinking that Xuantian's confidence came from Regarding the Emperor-level sword, I believe that the power of this sword mainly lies in the Emperor-level sword itself.

The attack power of Thunder Sword Qi is terrifying and terrifying!

The consequences of underestimating the Thunder Sword are very serious!

Just when the Dacheng King of the Corpse Ghost Gate fell on the Imperial Sword and blocked the Imperial Sword with the Royal Treasure in his hand, he suddenly felt a numb pain in his body, which then turned into warmth.

I saw a huge crack suddenly opened in his body, and the bones were visible. Warm blood rushed out from the huge wound like a flood that burst a dam!

The terrifying attack power of the Thunder Sword Qi can easily break through even a second-level spiritual body!


The Dacheng King of the Corpse Gate screamed in horror, and his body suddenly fell from the sky!

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