The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 429】 The King's Legacy (Part 1)

call out!

At the moment when Yin Qiuyong's mind was shocked, Xuantian suddenly soared into the sky, and a bright sword light burst out.

In the light of the sword, there was a trace of thunderous power, like a flash of lightning, piercing the sky, and stabbing Yin Qiuyong instantly.

Xuantian practiced the 'Leihua Zunjue', the real energy in his body was extremely thick, and the sword light carried the power of thunder, this is the performance of Xuantian's circulating the real energy in his body to the limit.

This sword is the pinnacle of Xuantian's full strength!

Compared with the two swords that instantly killed Yin Xieyuan and Yin Luozong Great Elder just now, the speed is faster! More powerful! More momentum!

Mrs. Gu is in Yin Qiuyong's hands, the more time she has, the more humiliated she will be. Therefore, Xuantian took advantage of the moment when the fighting spirit in Yin Qiuyong's heart suddenly collapsed, and made a decisive move.

Originally, Yin Qiuyong was shocked by Xuantian's steadfast killing intent, but at this moment, Xuantian's sudden thrust of the sword made his back feel cold, and his whole hair exploded.

However, it was also this blast of cold that made Yin Qiuyong's mind instantly react. As a strong man in the eighth level of the earth-level realm, he is extremely powerful, and his mind is far stronger than that of Yin Xieyuan and Yin Luozong's great elders. Liu was much firmer, and his instinctive vigilance made him instantly sober.

However, Xuantian's sword was like a shooting star chasing the moon, and the light pierced through the sky. Even if Yin Qiuyong came back to his senses, he was still horrified. This sword was hard to resist.

Facing such a terrifying sword strike, Yin Qiuyong had no choice but to protect himself, and was powerless to attack Mrs. Gu again.

"Hmph!" A cold snort sounded suddenly, not loud, but like a muffled thunder, everyone could hear it clearly.

The one who made the sound was the leader of the man in black who was slightly more imposing than Yin Qiuyong.

While snorting coldly. The leader of the man in black threw a punch instantly.


The fist tore through the void, and the leader of the man in black suddenly rushed to the front of Xuantian's stabbing sword like a change of shape. It was only at this moment that the fist glow rushed out from the leader of the man in black's fist .

There was a leopard roar, and the fist light blasted by the leader of the man in black was completely different from the ordinary fist light. It was not as simple as just condensing the true essence into a huge fist. Although there is a huge fist shadow in the void, the true essence has condensed into a huge cheetah.

One punch out. A giant leopard rushed out from the fist of the leader of the man in black, raised its head and roared, its majesty was overwhelming. The momentum is shocking.

When Yin Qiuyong was attacked by Xuantian, it was not only the leader of the man in black who shot, but also all the strong men of Yin Luozong attacked Xuantian when they saw the suzerain was attacked, but their speed was half a beat slower. , There is no way to stop Xuantian's offensive, only the fist of the leader of the man in black was able to get in between Xuantian and Yin Qiuyong before Xuantian's sword pierced Yin Qiuyong's body. \u003cIs it true that he was so injured that he couldn't move, so he kept back his hands, so that if Mu Chang fights, he won't suffer. \u003cGu has an extra 'Tian Shao', which completely disrupts Yin Qiuyong's plan. Although 'Tian Shao' is young, and his cultivation is only at the fifth level of the earth level, his swordsmanship is superb. Even Yin Qiuyong felt the force of oppression, and his back felt cold when facing Tian Shao's sword.

However, the leader of the man in black made a move, but it made Yin Qiuyong feel at ease.

The leader of the man in black is a strong man who has stepped into the eighth level of the earth-level realm for more than 20 years. His true energy has reached the limit of the eighth-level of the earth-level realm. Acupoints, one can leap over the dragon gate and break through to the ninth level of the earth-level realm, which is equivalent to a person who has stepped into the ninth-level of the earth-level realm with more than half of his body. \u003cRetired in one battle, the strength is no longer in the category of the eighth-level powerhouse of the earth-level realm, no matter how superb Xuantian's swordsmanship is, no matter how strong his strength is, and the combat power of leapfrog challenges is against the sky, that is only the earth-level realm Yin Qiuyong is naturally not afraid of the fifth level of cultivation.

"Hey hey hey...!" Seeing the leader of the man in black make a move, Yin Qiuyong laughed, stretched out his right palm, and touched Mrs. Gu's chest.

Yin Qiuyong is not a good guy, since he said it just now, now that the leader of the man in black is blocking Xuantian, he will do it right now, and blaspheme Mrs. Guzhu in front of everyone.

Speaking of time, it was fast at that time, everything that happened was just in the blink of an eye.

Seeing the leader of the man in black suddenly rushing over and blocking the front, Xuantian showed no panic, everything seemed to be within his expectations.

The leader of the man in black is very powerful. Although Xuantian is not afraid, defeating him is not something that can be solved in a short while. In this way, Mrs. Gu has long been desecrated by Yin Qiuyong.

The speed at which Xuan Tian stabbed forward with the sword did not decrease at all, but with a flicker of his figure, there were seven more in an instant.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!

Eight radiant sword glows burst out suddenly in the sky.

Phantom flying step!

This is the combat footwork in the top-level lightness kung fu 'Hundred Ghosts Pushing Technique'. After Xuantian successfully cultivated it, he hasn't used it much.

The 'Phantom Flying Step' is an evolution of the 'Ghost Shadow Step', which is even more powerful.

The figures transformed from the 'Phantom Shadow Walk' are all phantom bodies and have no attack power. However, the figures transformed from the 'Phantom Shadow Walk' not only have real attack power, but also have the ability to fly in the sky.

Xuantian has now cultivated the 'Phantom Shadow Flying Step' to the third level, including the real body, which can differentiate into eight figures in total, and the strength will decrease by 50% in order.

That is to say, the strength of the real body remains unchanged, and the other seven figures, the first one has half the strength of the real body, the second has only half the strength of the first... and so on.

Although the strength of the latter few is only a tenth or a hundredth of that of the real body, the effect is very obvious.

The most important thing is that the eight figures are exactly the same. Unless the other party has cultivated the 'Earth Eye Pupil', it is impossible to distinguish which is the real body, which is the incarnation, which is strong and which is weak.

There are also powerful beings in the avatar, Xuantian's real body's combat power is sky-defying, even if it is only half or a quarter of the strength, they all have the strength to leapfrog challenges.

boom--! The leopard-shaped fist of the leader of the man in black smashed Xuantian's sword light into pieces, and then blasted Xuantian's body into nothingness.

There were no screams, and no flesh and blood flying across the sky. Xuantian disappeared instantly like a bubble pierced through. This was just an incarnation.

The leader of the man in black looked surprised, beyond his surprise.

One avatar was broken, but there were still seven Xuantians, stabbing out seven bright sword lights, and killing Yin Qiuyong.

Yin Qiuyong's complexion instantly turned pale, completely unexpected that Xuan Tian broke through the blockade of the leader of the man in black in the blink of an eye.

If Yin Qiuyong had been on guard from the beginning, even though Xuantian's swordsmanship was excellent, he might not be able to defeat him with one strike, and he was not 100% sure of rescuing Mrs. Gu.

But now, the situation is completely different.

A shrill scream rang out, and Yin Qiuyong's right hand which was touching Mrs. Gu's wife broke off at the wrist, and blood spurted out in an instant.

This is the sword pierced by Xuantian's real body, the speed is the fastest, and the sword lights of the other six incarnations are also piercing Yin Qiuyong at this moment.

After all, Yin Qiuyong is a strong man in the eighth level of the earth-level realm, with first-rate reactions, his body retreated like a streamer amidst the screams, although his right palm was chopped off by Xuantian's real body, but he was not attacked by several avatars.

Xuantian's purpose was to save Mrs. Gu and force Yin Qiuyong to retreat, and the goal was achieved. With a stretch of his left palm, he hugged Mrs. Gu by the waist, and the sword light in his body shot up to the sky.

The several avatars all collapsed into nothingness under the attack of more than twenty strong men from Yin Luozong, while Xuantian, holding Mrs. Gu Zhu, returned to the side of Mu Qingchen and Mu Qingjie brothers.

Xuan Tian's figure was divided into eight parts, broke through the blockade of the leader of the man in black, cut off Yin Qiuyong's right palm with a single sword, and all the strong men in the valley held their breath.

It wasn't until Xuantian brought Mrs. Gu Master back to them that the strong men woke up from the shock.

"Mother!" Mu Qingchen and Mu Qingjie gathered around at the same time: "Young Master Tian, ​​we don't know how to thank you, even if we do everything for you, as long as Tian Shao says a word to you, we will never refuse."

Xuan Tian untied Mrs. Gu's acupoints, said: "You're welcome, since I've seen this matter, I won't stand by and watch."


There was a loud noise, mixed with a roar of a tiger, which suddenly sounded.

Xuantian and the others immediately felt a terrifying coercion covering them, and a gust of wind rose and hit them.

The leader of the man in black struck again. \u003cThe strong men in the valley rushed over.

The leader of the man in black was furious. The power of this punch was three points stronger than that punch just now.

Xuantian held the sword in both hands, and slashed down vertically, the bright sword light almost turned into a huge beam of light, the fierce sword energy cut in all directions, making people tremble with fear.

The sharp sword light was invincible, the tiger-shaped fist of the leader of the man in black was cut in half by Xuan Tian.

However, the strength of the leader of the man in black is indeed tyrannical. Xuantian's strength is strong enough, but he was still shocked by the counter-shock force of this fist light and took a step back.

"Tiger shape! Leopard shape! This is the small five-shaped fist, you are from the 'Five Elements Palace' of the Western Regions." Xuantian shouted.

"Hahahaha...!" The leader of the man in black laughed loudly, "For you have some knowledge, you know that the old man is from the 'Five Elements Palace', so you can catch him without letting go!"

Xuantian said coldly: "'Five Elements Palace' is a well-known orthodox sect, its disciples are chivalrous and righteous, and do many good deeds, but you old dog colludes with the evil 'yin Luozong', and dare not show your true colors to others, how can you be a 'five' The people in Xinggong should be traitors or abandoned evils of the Five Elements Palace, I met the owner of the Five Elements Palace several times when I was young, and today I will remove you for his old man who colluded with evil ways and did evil. "

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