The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 402】 Demanding Compensation (Part 2)

The expression on Aofeicheng's face was as ugly as it could be.

Fifteen hundred spirit stones is a huge amount of money compared to the sky for a super strong person in the sky level. There are not a few sky level powerhouses in the land of China, but those who can get 1,500 spirit stones , but very few.

The supply of spirit stones in the land of Shenzhou is in short supply. Even if it is a top-rank force, the spirit stones that disciples can receive are very limited, which is far from what they need for daily cultivation. Therefore, no force has a surplus of spirit stones.

However, for top-rank forces like Aojian Villa, there are a lot of earth-level powerhouses, and there are also super-powerhouses of the sky level. The average distribution of spirit stones is not much, but the total number is a lot, and a large number of spirit stones are needed every year. Stone consumption, last year, you need to prepare for the next year, there should be a lot of spirit stones in the warehouse.

Xuantian wanted to cut a big piece of flesh at Aojian Villa, since someone in Aojian Villa had the intention to kill him and moved the killer to kill him, then Xuantian would teach them a profound lesson.

Therefore, although the Xuantian lion opened his mouth, he didn't think it was too much at all. Compared with life, fifteen hundred spirit stones are nothing. If a person dies, no amount of treasures will be needed.

It stands to reason that fate needs to be repaid with life. This is an endless hatred, and it cannot be resolved with just 1,500 spirit stones. However, Aojian Villa is powerful, so it is not wise to turn your face completely.

Moreover, Ao Xuanxuan is also from Aojian Villa, she can be said to be Xuantian's best friend in the 'Beichen Pavilion', Xuantian naturally does not want to have an irresolvable life-and-death confrontation with Aojian Villa.

Besides, a top-ranking force. The number of people is less than a few thousand, and the number is more than ten thousand or even tens of thousands. It is impossible for everyone to want Xuantian's life. The hatred of one person should not spread to tens of thousands of people in the entire force.

Even the 'Ba Jianmen' has become an enemy of Xuantian three times, and it has become a fire and water. Without dying, Xuantian never thought of killing tens of thousands of warriors of the 'Bajianmen' to take revenge, even the most evil ones. It's hard to think of such an idea, let alone Xuantian, who has always been more ruthless towards his enemies. For irrelevant people, Xuan Tian always wishes them a happy life.

Aofeicheng discussed with several elders in a low voice, and after the discussion, one elder suddenly left, and Aofeicheng walked up to Wu Yunjin and Xuantian, and said with a bitter face: "Aojian Villa is willing to compensate , but 1,500 spirit stones are too precious, even if this pavilion is honored in a state, it is difficult to take it out, Elder Wu. Look at this...!"

Wu Yunjin pointed at Xuantian and said, "Xuantian is the person involved, you should talk to Xuantian!"

"Little friend Xuantian, look... I heard that you are friends with Ao Xuanxuan from this village, so this compensation. Can it be less?" Aofeicheng smiled unnaturally, and it was really embarrassing for him. , as a heaven-level powerhouse, he is in his fifties, and he is still a leader of a third-rank force, but he has to humble himself in front of a teenage earth-level junior.

Now that Aofei City has played the emotional card. Xuantian naturally wanted to make a discount, but Xuantian could tell from the way Aofeicheng looked at him earlier that Aofeicheng had resentment towards him, if the resentment did not come from Xuantian and Bajian It is very possible that Aofei City is related to the man in black who assassinated him. It is impossible for Xuantian to give Aofei City too much face, saying:

"If it's just my personal reputation damage, then it's easy to say, less is less, but this matter is related to the face of 'Beichen Pavilion', if the compensation is too little, and the matter spreads, the warriors in the world will think that 'Beichen Pavilion' is easy to bully, For attacking and killing their Pavilion Master’s direct disciples, a small amount of compensation would be enough. Then wouldn’t there be a lot of people coming to attack me, the Pavilion Master’s direct disciple, even some direct disciples, even some elders, in the future? I'm afraid I can't guarantee my safety when I walk around the world. My personal compensation is less than three hundred spirit stones, but the honor compensation of 'Beichen Pavilion' cannot be less than one thousand spirit stones. You will pay me a total of twelve hundred spirit stones. Stone is fine."

Although 300 pieces of spirit stones are missing, 1,200 pieces and 1,500 pieces are also heavenly money.

Heaven-level powerhouses can only consume a hundred pieces of spirit stones a year, and earth-level powerhouses can only consume twenty or thirty pieces a year. More than a thousand pieces of spirit stones are enough for hundreds of ground-level powerhouses to practice for a whole day. In one year, Aojian Villa took out so many spirit stones, it was indeed equivalent to digging out their flesh and blood.

"Little friend Xuantian, spirit stones are the lifeblood of a power. Although this village can get 1,200 spirit stones, it will have a huge impact on the future cultivation of the disciples of the village's lower level. The old man guarantees that from now on Houaojian Villa will never be an enemy of your little friend, can you be more accommodating...!"

A voice sounded from the back of the main hall, and soon, an old man who was almost seventy years old came out, followed by the Supreme Elder who had just left.

The person who came was Ao Gujue, the number one master of Aojian Villa, who was of a high seniority and was the master of Aofei City.

Of course, Xuantian also knows his other identity, which is Ao Xuanxuan's grandfather.

"Senior Proud!" Wu Yunjin met, and was able to call himself a junior... In the sky thousands of meters high, white clouds were floating, and Xuantian and Wu Yunjin were flying at high speed, heading for the 'Beichen Pavilion'.

They have already left from Aojian Villa, Ao Gujue personally showed up to promise that Aojian Villa will not fight against Xuantian in the future, he is Ao Xuanxuan's grandfather, Xuantian can't push him too much, the compensation fee is less Many, only two hundred spirit stones were obtained from Aojian Villa, and the bulk of one thousand was removed.

Two hundred spirit stones, for Xuantian at the Earth level, this is already a huge sum of money, enough for him to practice in the Earth level for several years, and he should have reached the Heaven level early.

At least, Xuantian doesn't have to worry about spirit stones before the Heavenly Stage Realm, and Xuantian still has some Spiritual Stones on his body, even after stepping into the Heavenly Stage Realm, they can still last for a while.

Wu Yunjin flew with Xuantian at an extremely fast speed, and left Aozhou a day later, Xuantian turned his head and glanced, his concerns were all in the 'Sky Sword Sect', this time he left the Northern Territory, it was Fengzong The edict was to return to the 'Beichen Pavilion', Xuantian had a premonition that there would be something for him to do, otherwise he would not be ordered to come back, and the next time he returned to the Northern Territory, I don't know when it will be.

The flying speed of the heaven-level powerhouse is much faster than that of the earth-level powerhouse. In less than ten days, Xuantian and Wu Yunjin returned to the 'Beichen Pavilion'.

Luo Xiaoye was still in retreat, Xuantian followed Jiang Feixing's instructions, and the first stop when he returned to the 'Beichen Pavilion' was to visit Yuan Huixin.

Xuantian came to Yuan Huixin's mansion, and the person who received Xuantian was her disciple Ao Xuanxuan.

Not seeing each other for half a year, Ao Xuanxuan's cultivation has already broken through to the second level of the Earth Stage.

However, seeing that Xuantian's cultivation had broken through the fourth level of the Earth Stage, Ao Xuanxuan's mouth completely opened into an O shape.

How long has it been? In just over half a year, Ao Xuanxuan's cultivation in the earth-level realm has increased by one level. Compared with the average earth-level strongman, this is already a very fast speed. However, at the same time, Xuantian has continuously Three realms have been raised.

It took more than half a year to improve three realms in the ground level. This kind of cultivation speed is incredible even for a genius disciple like Ao Xuanxuan. Even the "first son" in the ground level, the cultivation speed I'm afraid they are all inferior.

"Master has gone to attend the 'Elder Group' meeting, and he will be back in a short time, you wait here first!" Ao Xuanxuan led Xuantian to sit down, and then asked excitedly: "How is your return to the Northern Territory this time?" How about it? It must be very beautiful, I have heard your reputation in the 'Beichen Pavilion'!"

"Hey... it's hard to say!" Xuan Tian sighed.

"Let's hear it!" Ao Xuanxuan sat down beside Xuantian.

Except for some unspeakable things, Xuantian will briefly describe what happened after returning to the Northern Territory. Regarding the trip to Aojian Villa, Xuantian did not hide it, because it is not a secret, and Ao Xuanxuan will know sooner or later.

However, when talking about the lion in Aojian Villa, Xuantian was really embarrassed in front of Ao Xuanxuan.

The focus of Ao Xuanxuan's attention was obviously not on Xuantian's big lion's mouth, but she stood up very excitedly, "It's unbelievable, it's unbelievable, how could the people from Aojian Villa go to assassinate you? I have sent a letter to grandpa I have asked him to treat you well several times, how could someone in Aojian Villa not listen to his old man? You are so stupid."

When Ao Xuanxuan finished speaking excitedly, her voice suddenly quieted down, a blush appeared on her face, she glanced at Xuantian timidly, unintentionally, she sent letters several times after Xuantian returned to the Northern Region Her grandfather said that he wanted to care about Xuantian.

The scene was a little awkward.

"Xuanxuan...!" At this moment, Yuan Huixin's voice sounded, and she came back, just to resolve the embarrassment.


"Uncle Yuan!"

Xuantian and Ao Xuanxuan greeted them at the same time.

"Xuantian, so you are here, and I just wanted to find you!" Yuan Huixin fixed her eyes on Xuantian as soon as she entered the hall.

"Looking for me?" Xuantian thought in his heart that I just came back and was about to look for you, "Why is Uncle Yuan looking for me?"

Seeing Xuantian's expression puzzled, Yuan Hui said inwardly, "Elder Wu already told you at the 'Elders' meeting that you are back, and after the 'Elders' resolution, you will be sent to participate in a big event."

Xuan Tian thought that something was really wrong, and he expected it to be not bad at all, but he didn't expect that something would happen so quickly, as soon as he arrived at the 'Beichen Pavilion', something would happen.

"What's up?"

Yuan Huixin said: "The news came from the battlefield in the northeast of China that the 'Blood Refining Sect' has increased its power to attack the land of China, and rescue is urgently needed. The 'Elder Group' is going to send some disciples of the lower level to the northeast battlefield for support. God, you are also among them, and you are going to go to the battlefield to practice and practice."

In the northeast of China, a battle with the 'Blood Refining Sect'?

Xuan Tian's heart trembled, he just came back from the Northern Territory, and he was going to the northeast of Shenzhou again, this is really a long journey. (Welcome to your support, which is my biggest motivation.) rv

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