The Supreme Being

Chapter 155 Wang Family

The Wang family in Jiangdong, one of the fourteen aristocratic families in the world, was ranked higher than the Zhang family in Longnan in the minds of Jianghu people. Therefore, Wu Qinxin and others were shocked and awed when they heard Zhang Zhihui, the "Fire Sun Divine Palm", asking him this question. , and felt that it was natural. It turned out that this was the famous Kanxu Sword Technique. It was a peak level sword technique that fully understood the principles of swordsmanship. No wonder he and others could not see the mystery, and felt that it was ordinary and ordinary. After all, the realms were too far apart. !

"Brother Meng is from the Wang family in Jiangdong..." Wu Qinxin's previous impression of Meng Qi was that he was handsome but careless, but looking back now, he vaguely felt that he had a free and uninhibited temperament.

The eyes of everyone looking at Meng Qi changed instantly. The one who can learn the "Kanxu Sword Technique" is definitely a direct descendant of the Wang family!

For this kind of aristocratic family, the meaning of children is not limited to the surname Wang. In order to compete with the sect, even the children of daughters who marry outside the family can be regarded as direct descendants as long as they swear in front of the ancestral hall not to teach martial arts to outsiders, and if they meet outstanding Talented people will work hard to recruit sons-in-law from their families. Therefore, when the Wu Jinshi rankings are announced every year, many people from aristocratic families will be listed on the list to catch their son-in-laws.

"Master Zhang misunderstood." Meng Qi returned his sword to its sheath and replied with a carefree smile.

This kind of thing must be explained clearly, otherwise the accusation of pretending to be a descendant of the Wang family, or secretly learning the Wang family's magical skills will be extremely troublesome.

However, Meng Qi didn't care too much. The Jiangdong Wang family was famous, and he had also heard of the "Kanxu Sword Technique", which was only similar in appearance to Dugu Nine Swords.

The ancestor of the Wang family in Jiangdong was a person from the ancient mythical age. He was destined to obtain the peerless magic weapon "Luo Shu", from which he understood the principles of heaven and spent his whole life creating a magical skill comparable to "Fuhuang Bagua", named " "Calculation Sutra", calculate all the ways of heaven, all the principles of law, all the mortal world, all the human hearts!

Therefore, the Wang family in Jiangdong has gone through ancient and medieval times, seeking good luck and avoiding evil. It has been passed down to this day. It is the oldest family and knows many ancient secrets. However, the "Suan Jing" is too overbearing and suffers the jealousy of heaven. The Wang family has passed down the "Suan Jing" for generations. The disciples of the Sutra are all weak and sickly. If they cannot achieve the Dharmakaya before the age of fifty, they will surely die young.

——For the strong people in the outdoor scene, even if their longevity is greatly reduced now, fifty years old is considered the prime of life. In the ancient and medieval times, life was just "starting".

Because of this, even if the Wang family has a long inheritance and powerful skills, they are still not superior to others in the family. After all, outstanding disciples die too early and too fast, and the Dharmakaya is not available in every generation.

Among this generation, Wang Siyuan, who "counts all the people in the world", is highly anticipated by his family. At the age of twenty-two, all his acupoints are fully opened and he is about to enter the half-step of outdoor shooting. He is said to be expected to attain the Dharmakaya before the age of fifty.

The "Kanxu Sword Technique" is a peak-level outdoor sword technique derived from "Suan Jing", and the corresponding ones include "Lianshan Palm" and "Guizang Step".

Meng Qi smiled lightly and said: "My dear, Meng Qi, this swordsmanship was passed down from a senior Dugu. He observed hundreds of swordsmanships, integrated the principles of swordsmanship, and created the 'Dugu Nine Swords'. Study the changes in swordsmanship and return to nature. What I just performed below is the 'Broken Sword Style' in the 'Dugu Nine Swords'."

He did not say the following words about "breaking all the swordsmanship in the world". After all, there are many martial arts of gods and demons in this world. The current "Dugu Nine Swords" is still far behind. It depends on whether he can improve it in the future.

"Breaking Sword Style?"

Even if Meng Qi didn't say the last half of the sentence, the name alone made people think about it. Wu Qinxin, Shangguan Han, Hua Tiange and others all had a thought in their minds. Is the breaking sword style specializing in breaking sword techniques? Move? There are so many sword techniques, and he can actually defeat them! That's too arrogant!

However, none of them dared to say this. The "Shadow Sword Technique" just turned into the "Falling into the Water Sword Technique". Luo Qiusheng could not even make the opponent return the sword to defend, and the "Finger Circle Sword Technique" was even worse. It's like meeting a nemesis, and all the authority is lost with one strike of the sword. Who dares to go up and try to see if his sword skills will be broken?

Seeing Meng Qi in the field wearing a thin green shirt and a long sword hanging from his waist, looking casual and casual, they all had a strange feeling, as if his sword-breaking style could really defeat all the swordsmanship in the world.

"Fire Sun Divine Palm" Zhang Zhihui said frankly when he saw Meng Qi. He himself had seen Wang Siyuan defeat the enemy with one sword, which was convincing. Now that he thought about it carefully, the swordsmanship between the two sides was indeed different in details, so he clicked on it. Nodding: "It's Zhang Menglang. My friend's swordsmanship has returned to its original nature. Shouldn't he be famous in the world?"

Although there are not many similar sword techniques, there are several.

Meng Qi chuckled and said, "I've just learned swordsmanship successfully, and I've been traveling a lot, but I haven't had time to make a name for myself yet."

He thought for a while and decided that the nickname "Xiaoyao Sword" was too deliberate, so he simply didn't mention it.

"Meng Shaoxia's swordsmanship is so subtle that he will definitely become famous in the world." Hua Tiange saw Meng Qi deflecting the shame of his disciple's failure. He laughed loudly and praised him sincerely. Looking at his posture, he was afraid that he would give Meng Qi a nickname on the spot.

Meng Qi smiled and cupped his hands. Since he had already demonstrated his swordsmanship, there was no need to hide it, so he used the Dugu Nine Swords to meet Huang Yun, the "Feiyun Sword" who was expected to be on the list.

Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly heard a loud click, and saw that the roof facing the strange stone suddenly collapsed. The tiles fell away, and the smoke was blurred. A figure fell from the sky and directly grabbed the strange stone.

His whole body was wrapped in black clothes. With a kick of his feet, he rose straight into the sky. As fast as lightning, he flew from the big hole to the roof.

This change happened in the blink of an eye. Hua Tiange's attention was diverted, and he couldn't stop it even at close range. He just grabbed it with his right hand and tore off a piece of black cloth.

"Chase!" He was shocked and angry. He didn't expect that in broad daylight, among the many masters gathered, someone would dare to grab the strange stone directly from the sky!

He jumped up, kicked off the beam, and flew straight out, chasing the man in black.

Ning Jidao, Zhang Zhihui, Huang Yun and others reacted, turned around and ran out of the hall, chasing after them as well.

"Chase!" The heroes present immediately became excited, and one or two of them all chased after him.

They have a certain sense of luck. If both sides lose, and they take away the strange stone without anyone noticing, wouldn't it mean that they will be successful?

And even if you don't have such good luck, it would be good if you can help the Zengxian Sect and the Qinshan Sword Sect to retrieve the rare stones from the sky and make a contribution. Even if you have accumulated a network of contacts, you may not be able to use them in the future.

"Meng Xiao, Mr. Meng, aren't you chasing me?" Wu Qinxin saw Meng Qi walking back to the banquet in a hurry, and he stopped walking and asked in confusion.

Hehe, I have become a young master from a young brother... Meng Qi chuckled to himself: "Master Hua Clan, Master Ning, Master Zhang, and Shao Xia Huang are all not ordinary people. Since they can snatch back the strange stone, I won't join in the fun."

If they can't catch up and get it back, they don't have much hope. After all, Hua Tiange and Ning Jidao are both masters of the Nine Apertures. Even though the awakening period focuses more on the change of moves, his Dugu Nine Swords happens to be their nemesis, but Even if they join forces, they can't get any better, unless dark clouds gather and thunder and lightning come.

Besides, even if I'm lucky enough to get a rare stone from heaven, I won't be shy about it because of my temperament. In this case, why waste time?

"That's right." Wu Qinxin and Shangguanhan simply stayed and slowly walked out of the hall with Meng Qi.

The two of them were silent, not knowing how to talk to Meng Qi, who suddenly became a master of swordsmanship.

"After eating the flowing water banquet, I have to go east along the river. You two will say goodbye." Meng Qi looked at the sky and said with a smile.

Wu Qinxin bit her lip, mustered up her courage, and said curiously: "Mr. Meng, the Dugu Nine Swords are known as the Nine Swords, and they also have the Sword-Breaking Style. Could it be that there is also the Sword-Breaking Style?"

"Smart." Meng Qi praised.

Shangguan Han was a little embarrassed and a little curious and said: "I don't know what senior Dugu's name is. Maybe there are rumors about him in the world."

"Senior Dugu's past name is unknown. He claims to seek defeat, and he wants to be defeated but fails." Meng Qi replied yearningly.

He didn't hide much. After all, the exchange chart of the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation only introduced the characteristics of the swordsmanship and did not mention which world it came from. The main world is vast and vast, and many martial arts are only spread in a small area. Therefore, other reincarnations When a person hears this name, he can only say "Oh" and say, "It turns out it is the swordsmanship of our world."

"Desires cannot be achieved once they are defeated." Although Wu Qinxin and Shangguan Han felt that this was bragging. After all, Senior Dugu was not a famous Dharmakaya deity for hundreds of years, but this kind of pride was still worth yearning for.

After meeting each other, Meng Qi smiled and said: "If you two are willing, you can go out to the 'three mountains and four rivers' to have a look. The world is vast, and there are countless amazing skills and unique skills. If you are limited to one place, you will inevitably have a narrow vision, be stubborn, and it will be difficult to make breakthroughs in martial arts." , of course, it’s also dangerous outside.”

Wu Qinxin and Shangguan Han were at the age where they wanted to get rid of their shackles and spread their wings. Meng Qi's proposal was completely in line with their tastes, so they nodded in agreement without hesitation.

"We will be careful and plan to travel to Huanzhou in the future." Shangguan Han replied with longing. The Luoxia Divine Sword Sect has a certain influence in Huanzhou, and it is relatively less dangerous for them to travel there.

Huanzhou, maybe there is a chance to meet him... Meng Qi smiled and said goodbye without saying anything. He turned around with his sword and drifted away.

Looking at his back, Wu Qinxin couldn't help but praise: "Mr. Meng is such a dashing swordsman."


Since he had taken action in Qinshan, Meng Qi did not carelessly take a boat directly. Instead, he traveled over the mountains and ridges, intending to go to the next city with a dock.

It was getting dark, and Meng Qi was a little tired, so he went into a ruined temple on the mountain and meditated in front of the Buddha statue.

Suddenly, his ears moved and he heard the sound of water dripping. It was faint and difficult to distinguish, almost suspicious of hallucination.

Meng Qi stood up, drew out the Bingque Sword, and looked around without care. When he walked behind the Buddha statue, his eyes narrowed because there were a few drops of black blood under the Buddha statue.

While listening quietly, Meng Qi heard a faint sound of breathing inside the Buddha statue.

"Who?" Meng Qi asked in a low voice.

The man inside the Buddha statue held his breath for a moment, thinking that Meng Qi was deceiving him.

Meng Qi did not dare to neglect. He observed for a while, then raised his sword and opened the secret door on the back of the Buddha statue, revealing the hole inside. A man in a brocade robe was curled up there, with a pool of black blood under his body.

"My friend, are you okay?" Meng Qi asked.

Seeing that Meng Qi didn't take action, the man smiled bitterly: "Master, what do you think?"

He paused and said: "My Hua Lun accidentally discovered that the Qinshan Sword Sect was colluding with the Luo Jiao. He was hunted down here and hid in the Buddha statue. You must be careful, sir."

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