The Supreme Being

Chapter 1095 Changes between Him and Me

The golden arc drew a wonderful trajectory, bent the direction, and unexpectedly drew towards the sleeping god with a lotus on his belly button. All the talismans were highlighted, layered on top of each other, like golden shackles, holding the huge god in place. Every innate orifice of the body.

Seeing that the God-beating Whip, which exuded an aura that made him tremble with fear, changed its attack target, the gods on all sides not only did not relax, but eight eyes shot out long rays of light at the same time. No longer caring about waiting for all the bubbles to enlighten, they chose Detonate them directly to create a ray storm that destroys everything, wiping out the enemies and the surroundings together.

He is the incarnation of the universe. As long as there is enough time, he can drive at least part of the power of the universe to complete the doomsday storm equivalent to the collapse and destruction of many river systems and galaxies, destroying all the universe in the discovered area, so that Meng Qi can The changes in the wind, the escape of the true spirit, and Han Guang's time regression all lost their effect. They became a small boat on the sea in the storm, capsized instantly, and no one was spared.

This is even more terrifying than the simple destructive power legendary in similar universes!

In terms of legend, each projection is equivalent to the galaxy-level power of the universe and world it belongs to. The union of all realms of incarnations, plus the inner universe, may be equal to all the power of such a vast and boundless universe, except for the higher essence and transcendence. The universe can use the special properties of the real world to directly change the rules of the universe. The actual expressive power is slightly inferior to that of the God-man with four directions and four hands. Of course, it is faster than the speed at which he mobilizes power. There is almost no preparation, because there are countless universes. At the same time.

In today's universe, legends may not be able to defeat the God of Creation, because He has occupied this place for a long time and has many characteristics of the other side. Without corresponding methods of restraint, he can only rely on the projection to be immortal and his body. If you don't die, force your way out.

At this moment, the God of Creation failed to mobilize all the power of the universe he had mastered, and the bubbles were insufficiently enlightened. It was only equivalent to the collision and collapse of a dozen stars and violent release, but he believed that this was enough. After the previous trial, As well as his understanding of the Nine Seals of Yuanshi, he consciously figured out the limits of Meng Qi and Han Guang. The immortals were close to their peak strength, and each had characteristics that surpassed their current state. However, they would definitely not be able to withstand such a pure and terrifying ray storm, and they would surely disappear.

At the same time, His other arms waved, blocking the sleeping God's body with his omnipresent ability.

This is His universe, this is the place where He dominates, and this is a special place that is difficult to change drastically with the breath of the real world.

Unless there is a legendary power or true creation with the characteristics of the other side, He will always be invincible!


Each bubble made an illusory shattering sound, and the scorching light lit up one after another, forming a ray storm that would engulf everything.

The entire universe seemed to be illuminated, all movement was swallowed up, and the void made a creaking sound, as if it had reached the end of the world.

Meng Qi was not panicked. He was about to use the technique of transforming three pure beings into one qi, and set up the Immortal Killing Sword Formation to slow down the storm with the intention of chaos and infinity, allowing the essence of destruction and chaos to dull the god, and find the opportunity to draw the sleeping god's body, but Suddenly, Han Guang moved, and the incarnation of the Emperor of Heaven jumped out of his body again. He condensed himself and instantly turned into a bronze fragment, just like the fragment of the East Emperor Bell that he had won in the past.

What is different from the original is that this fragment of the East Emperor Bell has a majestic and solemn atmosphere that dominates the whole world, and it also carries a lofty and ethereal temperament of indifferently overlooking the flow of the long river and the changes of the years, as if the Emperor of Heaven, the head of the Five Emperors, came here in ancient times.

Han Guang's four arms of Buddha and Demon simultaneously grasped the fragment of the incarnation, and Yama returned to his own body. The swastika between the eyebrows, the reverse swastika and the six fingers of destruction all shined, blessing this fragment of the East Emperor Bell that was blended with the aura of the Emperor of Heaven.

The fragment suddenly expanded and turned into an illusory ancient bell. There was a wake-up call. Then, the scorching light that had just been released shrank back. Then, the bubble of broken destruction resurfaced and took shape again. Then, gods with four arms appeared on all sides. Although He was everywhere in the previous position, in order to avoid the divine whip, the position in front of the sleeping God was deliberately erased just now, so as not to be caught by the tail, penetrate the essence, and hit the body at a higher level. After all, it was a peerless weapon against the gods.


The bell sounded melodiously, and everything returned to the normal state two moments ago.

Go back in time and come back to "yesterday"!

With just this blow and only two moments of retreat, Han Guang's aura dropped sharply, as if he had received a full blow from an enemy of Meng Qi's level. The fragments of the East Emperor Bell were much dimmer, not as powerful as the previous incarnation of the Emperor of Heaven. So terrifying.

There are still two moments before the explosion that can destroy itself. The creation god who tried to block it in front of the sleeping god disappeared. Although Meng Qi was surprised by Han Guang's undermining method, he had so much combat experience that if he still couldn't grasp it, If you seize this opportunity, Nahe should perish today!

Layers of talismans, golden light waved down, and with a bang, the whip hit the sleeping giant god.

Click, this divine body was like a clay puppet under the divine whip. It was torn apart directly. The lotus growing above the navel retracted. The creator god let out an angry and vicious cry, but he could not stop his dreamlike illusion. broken.

The dark and tranquil infinite universe is also shattering. The universe is about to cease to exist, return to nothingness, and return to true chaos.

At this moment, the swastika between the eyebrows of the golden Buddha in front of Han Guang suddenly flew out and landed on the torn body of the sleeping god.

The glass light turned, and the swastika merged strangely. The split and broken body of the god squirmed and gathered, and returned to wholeness. A lotus grew again at the navel. The lotus bloomed, and the gods with four arms appeared again and opened. eyes.

Meng Qi suddenly felt a change in his vision. He had the subtle feeling of looking down at the entire universe and grasping every bit of it. This returning creator god no longer had spiritual intelligence and was no longer a projection of the original, but had a subtle relationship with himself. The connection has become a projected incarnation of oneself, which can be directly used to fill the mark of the legendary foundation without further adjustment.

The inner scene changes in the multiverse, and the internal organs naturally advance a little towards the level of the heavens.

After defeating and destroying the original projection, He returned to the cause of all effects and naturally became his own "other and self"?

Meng Qi suddenly had an enlightenment. From now on, his "other-self" mark has undergone subtle changes. Not only can he follow the footsteps of the Demon Buddha and simulate his image in different universes, but he can also create "original" correspondences. Use whatever projection is convenient for you. Of course, there can only be one for each universe.

Obviously the "other and self" should only be related to the devil and Buddha, but under the influence of the "cause of all effects", the relationship has changed and it can also be related to Yuanshi...

Can the exercise actually change the relationship between "other and self"?

At this time, the universe was stabilized again, and in the depths of darkness, the God of Destruction was born, but Han Guang was already one step ahead and blended his Yama Demon brand with him.

"Is this one of your goals?" Meng Qi seemed calm and looked at the magician.

Han Guang smiled slightly: "Of course, the so-called 'other self' is the projection of oneself in the world, and there is a subtle connection and communication. However, if oneself practices special skills, acquires characteristics, and improves his essence, this connection will naturally occur. There will be changes, and the corresponding 'other-self' may change, or may increase. Just like you rely on the cause of all effects, you have more 'other-self' such as the original projection, and the same is true for me."

The sleeping god, the god of destruction... Meng Qi and the four-faced god nodded at the same time, and said in unison: "It seems that we will inevitably have some fights in the future."

The essence of the complete universe has begun to decline. It is not as close to the real world as before, but it is also relatively solid and it is not easy to change the rules. And when the battle between Meng Qi and Han Guang determines the winner in the future, there will be the possibility of improvement, just like the original Yuanshi Tianzun Play against other big figures on the other side.

"This matter is not urgent. It will not be too late after legend or creation. Of course, you and I will eventually fight." Han Guang spoke at the same time as the sleeping god and the god of destruction.

"What are your other purposes?" Meng Qi asked casually.

Han Guang said with a smile: "Some big shots see the Golden Emperor's flaws and naturally don't want him to make up for it. Their attitudes are divided into two types. One is to help you succeed, help Xiao Sang grow and expand the flaws, and the other is to take advantage of the flaws. In my own hands, I will take the initiative whether to suppress the Golden Emperor or make him change his mind and form an alliance. Of course, there are also allies of the Golden Emperor. Who do you think I am? "

He did not answer directly, but analyzed different attitudes.

Meng Qi nodded thoughtfully, and with the help of the projection - the universe incarnation level projection, he instantly found the passage, jumped out of the ancient well.

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