The Supreme Being

Chapter 1086: Spreading “Tao” to all realms (please vote for the big chapter)

When Zhao Heng announced his abdication, the Zhao family in the divine capital returned to the aristocratic family, the Jin Dynasty was attached to the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and the country no longer had a name, Meng Qi, who was practicing in Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain, said it was impossible not to be surprised. Who would have thought that Zhao He could not be blinded by glitz or blinded by desire for power, assess the situation, resolutely give up his position as emperor, give up most of the power of all living beings, and choose to surrender so neatly.

After returning from the Middle Ages, he saw that Big Brother Doubi's cultivation was improving day by day, and the Human Emperor Sword had also awakened to the level of a heavenly immortal. After conquering the grasslands of the North, he himself was also looking forward to becoming a heavenly immortal. He believed that it would be a matter of time for the Northern Zhou Dynasty to go south, and the Zhao family in the divine capital would eventually Will make a decision, whether the family and the country will perish together, or give up wisely, singing "The motherland cannot bear to look back in the moonlight".

Without the cooperation of the sects, there is no third ending. The power of all the beings in the Shendu Formation is really strong, and they can barely resist the Celestial Immortal-level divine weapons. But with the Celestial Emperor, there is no other possibility. However, since the fall of "Zi Qi Haoran" in the Jin family, a new Dharmakaya has not appeared yet. The Zhao family can't stop it, and they can't stop it either, except for the Jiangdong Wang family.

But the problem is that the Wang family's eternal heritage has been "squandered" by Wang Siyuan, a prodigal son, and even the peerless treasure Luoshu has been lost. The remaining branch is the strongest at the top of the Earth Immortal. With the help of Dongtian Shang, he is not afraid of Gao Pan and interferes in the situation between the north and the south. It is beyond its capabilities and will no longer regain the majesty of a true top force.

The situation is like this. Meng Qi can think of possible developments without using Yuxu's calculations. After all, Mr. Lu Da and Su Wuming, the pillars of the sect, are both dedicated to swordsmanship. When the catastrophe is coming and the crisis is getting closer, it is better to see it early. If there is no dispute between sects and aristocratic families, the unification of the north and the south may not be forcibly blocked.

Regarding this matter, he has been struggling and in a dilemma. On the left is his sworn brother, who speaks coldly, but at least he has not fallen out yet. He has a lot of kindness and deep friendship. On the right is a good friend who has experienced life and death together. How should you deal with the conflict?

Whether to forcefully side with Da Jin and stop his sworn brother from going south, or to decisively knock Zhao Laowu unconscious, drag him back to Yuxu Palace, wait until the situation is settled, and then convince him to accept the reality, Meng Qi always has a hard time making a choice, and every time he thinks about it, he feels weird. When you have a headache, you subconsciously avoid similar problems and escape reality.

Now that the Zhao family in the divine capital knelt down so quickly and decisively, Meng Qi was surprised and felt so relaxed and happy. He couldn't help humming a ditty and sang randomly, "We people, we are so happy today..."

Zhao Laowu clearly understands the overall situation, assesses the situation, and makes rational judgments. He is a real hero. In the future, as long as he is funny and does not impose restrictions on Big Brother, he will probably be able to reach a higher level.

The north and south were unified, the grasslands were surrendered, and the Great Zhou Dynasty created a prosperous era unprecedented in modern times. In just one month, Gao Lan entered the realm of immortals. The aura of the emperor soared into the sky and enveloped the entire territory. Light golden clouds could be seen everywhere.

Then he used the special ability of the Celestial Immortal Emperor to spend six months to help Sima Shi, who had been half a year, to obtain the Dharmakaya. He still allowed him to take charge of the six merged gates. At the same time, he tried his best to enhance his martial arts status, beating but gathering the big families. The majesty of the emperor is unparalleled forever.

Before that, Gao Lan had already named four heirs, showing the emperor's ambition and not being limited to the Gao family in Changle. They were the emperor's brother Su Meng, King Zhao Heng of Jin, King Gao Teng of Changle, and Princess Wuwu Cao E. The rankings were divided into three. successively.

When he learned the news, Meng Qi had only one thought in his heart:

Damn, he is serious!

The eldest brother is still a senior mental patient after all... Feeling the power of all living beings coming in like a river and surrounding him, Meng Qi was extremely helpless and could only collect it and use it for Zhao Laowu in the future or to use it instead of merit to refine magic weapons.

His mind quickly calmed down, and Meng Qi was about to enter the latent cultivation again. At this moment, something clicked in his mind, and a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his hand.

"We can't waste our time in cultivation..." He whispered, popping up the nine universal awareness symbols one by one, and throwing them at the gathering places of the creatures in different universes.

It will take at least three or four years to open up the remaining acupoints, and it will take another one or two years to try to feed back the internal organs. In such a long time, I will not be able to do anything at all, but I can use the "Ten Thousand Realms Universal Sign" to leave enough traces in different universes, so that I can It will be adjusted in the future and turned into a mark, laying a solid foundation for the legend.

If it weren't for the fact that his current spiritual consciousness could only be distracted by nine universes for the time being, he would have refined several boxes of "Ten Thousand Worlds Awareness Talisman" and thrown them out.

Seeing the Universal Knowledge Talisman penetrating through time and space, waiting for the destined person, Meng Qi lowered his eyes and sprayed out streams of chaotic energy from his nostrils.


In the vast universe, galaxies composed of hundreds of billions or even trillions of stars and nebulae can be seen everywhere, adding color to the darkness that occupies the vast majority.

A galaxy has six beautiful and huge spiral arms, each containing countless brilliant stars, comparable to the gravel on the bottom of a river. Next to one of the inconspicuous stars, there are dozens or twenty non-luminous planets. surround.

From the inside to the outside, the seventh planet is at the most suitable distance, with a blue ocean covering most of its surface, a bipolar magnetic field, and layers of seas of clouds. As a result, it has a broad continent, green plants, and the spirit of all things.

Cities are lined up one after another, with rail transit and high-altitude aircraft coexisting. In the most prosperous city on the east coast, in a small alley, a thin student wearing glasses is huddled on the ground, being violently raped by a group of thugs wearing the same school uniform. Kicked, groaning in pain constantly from the mouth.

"Fuck you, you dare not give me an answer!"

"My grades are great. I have the ability to get into the top 50 in my grade!"

"You deserve to be beaten. You can only use one word, you deserve to be beaten!"

Bang bang bang, after they vented their anger, they dropped the words "Be good and learn how to behave in the future" and walked away. The thin student curled up for a long time. When the pain passed, he slowly stood up. The student card on his chest read "Wuhua No. 2 Middle School" , Class 6, Grade 3, Fei Zhengtao.”

He wiped his mouth and found that there was some blood at the corner of his mouth, one of his teeth was loose, and there were many bruises and bloody injuries on his body.

After taking a few quick breaths, Fei Zhengtao suppressed his violent emotions and showed a face full of frustration and pain. These gangsters knew how to bully him. Could it be that he really looked like someone easy to bully?

I have always been honest, taciturn, and never caused trouble. I have always been obedient to them. I handed over most of my pocket money. How could I still be bullied? If I did anything that didn't go to their liking, I would immediately get punched and kicked...

Graduation is in four months, hold it in, they won't go to college! Fei Zhengtao comforted himself.

It was only then that he realized that his vision was blurred because he had wisely thrown his glasses far away, otherwise they would be easily broken and his parents would nag him again.

He squinted his eyes and looked around, and finally found the glasses. There was a metal sheet next to it. The shape was very similar to the ultra-thin mobile phone that had been popular for a while, but it had no screen and was covered with weird and charming patterns and patterns. Weird button.

Fei Zhengtao put on his glasses and looked at them for a long time. Out of curiosity, he picked them up and found that they were soft and soft, not like metal.

"Is it a piece of art that someone else dropped?" Fei Zhengtao thought thoughtfully. He waited for a while, sorted himself out, and found that no one came to look for him. He was eager to go back and report it, so as not to be discovered by his parents. So he put away the metal sheet, put on his schoolbag, and hurried to the bus stop, planning to hand it over to the police tomorrow.

Everything went well. Fei Zhengtao grinned and took a shower. He hid in his room and pretended to complete his homework to avoid his parents' desire for grades.

After locking the door, he took out the thin metal piece, looked at it several times, and moved the buttons, but nothing happened, so he threw it aside and turned on the computer to search for what it was.

The computer screen lit up, and the desktop was about to appear. At this moment, Fei Zhengtao heard the sound of zizzi and saw the desktop blurred, as if a rainbow flashed, while the metal sheet next to it bloomed with a faint brilliance, cool and quiet.

Before Fei Zhengtao could react, an emotionless voice sounded in his ears:

"The Universal Knowledge Ball responds, and the number is activated."

"We are detecting the rules of the world and matching local language and customary patterns. Please wait patiently."

"The matching is completed and connected to the computer. The user can use it at will."

Fei Zhengtao couldn't understand the first two sentences at all. He only felt that they had a sense of dialect. But when he got to the third sentence, he found that the voice suddenly changed into a journalistic style with straight words and accents.

"Here, what's going on..." Fei Zhengtao looked confused. He pushed up his glasses subconsciously and saw that the desktop became unfamiliar. A browser automatically popped up and entered the "Wanjie Navigation" page, which was the same as usual. Similar, it is divided into many items, such as forums, live broadcasts, and shopping malls. There are forums such as "Yangjianzhai", "Jianghu Teahouse", "Pudu Pure Land", "Tao follows Nature", "Wulin Station", etc., such as Live broadcasts of Nanhuang teaching, martial arts competition, singing and dancing, etc., such as Wanjie Mall, such as Wanjie Search.

Fei Zhengtao became increasingly confused, as if he was dreaming. What kind of websites are these?

He subconsciously clicked on Yangjianzhai, and suddenly realized that he wanted to close it, but be sure not to get infected by the virus!

At this time, the page has been opened, and there is a very eye-catching post in the "Yangjianzhai" boutique column:

"The Whole Process of Achieving the Dharmakaya with the Supreme Divine Sword"

No virus? At this time, Fei Zhengtao felt like he had broken into another world and enjoyed the pleasure of peeping. He became curious and clicked on this post to see what happened. Could he have been hijacked by hackers? ?

When you click on the post, the video will play automatically, and there will be a voice at the beginning:

"Four years ago, the Taishang Divine Sword Jiang Nuxia communicated with others in all realms, cut through the heavenly tribulation with one sword, and obtained the 'Tai Shang Sword Lord' dharma body. Her accumulation and legendary characteristics are even greater than those of the predecessors of the Heavenly Sword. Now that there is hope for the Earth Immortal, let us relive the scene at that time to inspire every swordsman."

A towering peak appeared, and dark clouds gathered around it. It was already close to the top of the peak. The darkness was extremely terrifying, and lightning of various colors jumped. Just by seeing it, you can feel the power.

At this time, a bright sword light flew out from the peak, cutting through the dark clouds, dispelling the thunder, and a bright yellow figure appeared. There were countless black hole-like vortices around her, highlighting different universes inside, and the perspective became smaller, focusing on They appeared on different figures, but these figures were not aware of anything unusual. They were practicing swordsmanship, learning piano, playing or weaving, and were not enlightened at all.

The goose-yellow figure opened its bright eyes, showing the appearance of the Dharma. His vision was full of tolerance and colleagues, putting all these figures behind him.

With one step of the Dharma phase, it merged with the body, and the five-colored immortal thunder struck down from the sky, which was gorgeous and terrifying.

The body transformed into sword light, facing the thunder, and cut through the five-color fairy thunder, turning it into countless streams of light.

Fei Zhengtao watched it intently, and after a long time he said to himself: "This special effect is really, really good! I'm afraid it cost hundreds of millions, right?"

Is it an internal website for a certain movie? His mood suddenly became excited, and he casually browsed the posts of "Yangjianzhai". There were posts that looked like serious discussions about swordsmanship, and there were also posts on topics that caused controversy, such as "I have objections to the ranking of the six gates. Re-arrange it and fight if you don’t accept it!”

This is a post from a person with the nickname "Yinyue Cult Master". He said: "...'Yuanhuang' Su Meng was able to kill the Earth Immortal-level Gu God when he first entered the Dharmakaya. When he reached the Earth Immortal level, he could even compete with the Celestial Immortal. Now he has perfected it. The Universal Knowledge Ball, which has never been seen before or since, has been in seclusion for five years. The gods are in sight. Who can fight today? "

"The Left Envoy of the Divine Religion" replied: "'Magic Master' Han Guang integrated some of the Nine Demonic Paths such as Mie Tianmen, Shura Temple, Huanxi Temple, and Blood Clothes Sect, and merged them into the Demon Sect to reproduce the great deeds of the Supreme Demon. An immortal who has been mastering the time sword technique for many years, Yuanhuang is not yet in the realm, so he is no match for him!"

"Father Wusheng" said: "The human emperor has come to this world to unify the north and the south. With the blessing of all living beings, he is not afraid of any gods!"

Another "Black Emperor" person said: "I'm not blackballing them. I'll first defeat Mr. Lu Da and Tianwai Shenjian. The former has been promoted long ago, and the latter has also made a breakthrough recently. Even though they have not been in the world for many years, they were back then. Mr. Lu Da has been guarding the tomb for a long time and has been forgotten by the world. Didn’t he shock the world for a while? "

"I am more optimistic about Fairy Hunyuan from the overseas fairy world. Have you forgotten the power of Hunyuan Jindou? The powerful immortal in the starry sky came and was reduced to a mortal before she could even last a breath. Now that she has finally become an immortal, her strength can be imagined. Know."

"I support Yuanhuang and forwarded five forums. Can I get Yuanhuang coins?"

Looking at these replies and discussions, Fei Zhengtao gradually frowned. Why did they say it so seriously? Could it be that the thin metal sheet connected him to the world of Xianxia?

Who is "Emperor Yuan" Su Meng? He looks very cool...

The more Fei Zhengtao thought about it, the more wrong he became. He hurriedly quit the forum and opened the Wanjie Mall to see what items were being sold.

The mall opened, and he was dazzled by the row of goods, and he was stunned on the spot:

"The Chunyang Evil-Breaking Knife is on sale, the last ten orders only cost one hundred and ninety-eight royal coins!"

""Wind God Steps", Earth Immortal Kung Fu, obtained from the Nanzhou Mausoleum, anyone interested can chat privately."

"Long-term supply of Sun God Stone and Heavenly Thunder Essence. Large quantities are preferential. We can only pay with Yuanhuang coins."

These, these are all artifacts from martial arts and fairy tales! Fei Zhengtao's eyes bulged when he saw it, and the following two items shocked him even more:

"The large battleship of Reach, complete with all weapons - your honest friend in the stars."

"Life is hard and you can only hurt yourself. The purest essence of grass and trees - comes from a humble Eternal Green Root."

And these? Fei Zhengtao quickly closed the mall, calmed his pounding little heart, and carefully recalled everything he had just experienced. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he had had an adventure because of the metal sheet.

is that true?

Can I buy magical secrets to strengthen my body?

He clicked on the mall again, looked for a skill at random, and tried to choose to buy it, when a prompt popped up:

"You don't have Yuanhuang coins."

Yuanhuang Coin, "Yuanhuang" Su Meng, being able to name a virtual currency after his own nickname is really impressive. He must be a big shot... Fei Zhengtao took a breath, full of curiosity about "Yuanhuang" Su Meng.

So, he opened Wanjie Search, entered the words "Yuanhuang Sumeng", and waited for the results. Then he saw a line of large characters:

"According to relevant laws and regulations, some search results will not be displayed."

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