The Supreme Being

Chapter 1053 The two years since leaving Dharmakaya

In previous years, the Doujia Store in Shendu was full of good and bad people, with gossip flying everywhere, many warriors coming and going, some drinking tea, some drinking wine, noisy and lively, but in the past six months, it has become much quieter. Even today, when the new land list and human list are released, there are still many empty seats.

"No, no, it's not like before." The shopkeeper of the Doujia Store put his hands in his sleeves, exhaled white air from his mouth, stood at the corner of the stairs, shook his head repeatedly, and sighed.

A new clerk looked at the shopkeeper blankly and asked in confusion: "Why is the business so bad?"

The shopkeeper was full of thoughts, and he opened the chatterbox once he was touched: "You came from the countryside and have only been a clerk for a short time. You don't usually come into contact with the world, so naturally you don't know some things."

"Shopkeeper, what's the matter?" The clerk was full of curiosity.

"It's a long story. It starts from two years ago when Jin'ao Island in the East China Sea surfaced and sent a celestial messenger to deliver a letter." The shopkeeper looked out the window and fell into memories, as if he had also experienced the great event that shook the world. "Celestial messenger, Jin'ao Island actually used celestials as messengers! Do you know what a celestial being is? The body has its own cave heaven, and the world is created in a leaf. The power is as vast as the stars. It is absolutely beyond the imagination of mortals like us. Such immortals can only serve as messengers."

"What are the messengers here for?" The waiter's eyes lit up when he heard it.

The shopkeeper was silent for a while and said: "They invited all the Dharma masters on the Heavenly List to the banquet. Facing the celestials, no one dared to refuse. All the Dharma masters went, but they never came back. There are rumors that they were all imprisoned by Jin'ao Island, and there are also rumors that they were unwilling to submit to Jin'ao Island and were killed. Jin'ao Island has disappeared since then. The banquet that year has become the biggest mystery in the world."

The waiter shuddered when he heard it, and felt that this was more scary than the ghost stories told by the witch in his hometown.

"All the Dharmakayas have disappeared, and the only pillars of the martial arts world are the Grand Masters. The top forces have the mountain protection formation and the sect-guarding magic weapons, which are relatively unaffected. The other forces have become more active. On the other hand, along with the emergence of Jin'ao Island, the overseas fairyland has also emerged. Their immortal figures also went to the Jin'ao Island banquet and disappeared. The Tiandao League and the Three Demons and Four Wonders, who are the leaders, have many half-step Dharmakayas and are aggressive." The shopkeeper was in high spirits, recalling the great battle in the past. "At that time, the two sides met in the East China Sea. The elites of the righteous path came out. 'Taishang Divine Sword' Jiang Zhiwei defeated the opponent's seven half-steps in a row. 'Ice Fairy' Ye Yuqi also fought one against two and defeated a pair of Grand Masters who were good at joining forces. Only two of them fought, and the overseas fairyland retreated. At this point, China and overseas can finally communicate normally." "It's awesome!" The clerk was very excited, but immediately became confused, "But what does this have to do with our bad business?" The shopkeeper said, "The After this battle, the world has realized the importance of the Dharmakaya. The Grandmasters have been in seclusion, sharpening their skills, striving to be the first to break through, looking down on the crowd, and have rarely intervened in worldly affairs. It is difficult for them to effectively implicate the Demon Emperor. Under the Demon Emperor's rectification, the Southern Wasteland..." He unconsciously lowered his voice: "... It is thriving. There, any warrior can get the introductory chapter of peerless magic skills. As long as they work hard and study hard, no matter how long it takes, after passing the physical and mental tests, they can be passed on to the more advanced peerless magic skills. Hey, peerless magic skills, how many sects and families have fought each other to death but still can't get one, but everyone in the Southern Wasteland can practice it. In the past, there were Grandmasters suppressing the momentum. Now, I don't know how many rising stars, how many poor children, and how many old-timers who have been in the arena for many years but still do nothing have all hidden their names and sneaked to the Southern Wasteland. Do you think our business can get better?" "Is that so..." The guy licked his lips, his heart was inexplicably hot. "If I were not old, I would have given up hope long ago. Who knows, who knows..." The shopkeeper did not continue, and changed the subject, "Moreover, the different martial arts of the Central Plains and the overseas fairy worlds collided fiercely, and sparks burst out. The first choice for training is not Jiangdong, not the capital of the gods, but overseas." He lowered his voice again: "Besides, so many Dharma bodies disappeared on Jin'ao Island in the East China Sea. If they really died, as long as their remains are found, wouldn't it be possible to discover magic weapons, skills and secrets?" "There may be such a shocking treasure at the end of the East China Sea. Although the disciples and old friends of the Dharma bodies are exploring, it cannot stop the people in the rivers and lakes from flocking to find it. The number of seafarers is expanding at an alarming rate. Among the regular guests of our Doujia store, more than a dozen have gone to the East China Sea." "Nowadays, there is a popular saying: Go, go to the sea, go on adventures, go to find the treasures left by the Dharma bodies, don't let the opportunity go to waste!" The clerk was full of imagination and yearning, and wanted to find a sea ship and become a sailor on the spot. …………

Inside the palace, the Great Jin Emperor Zhao Heng had a more solemn and noble aura.

Sima Shi paced back and forth in front of him, seeming a little uneasy: "Is the King of Qin at a critical moment?"

Zhao Heng nodded slightly, seemingly calm and composed, but his hands unconsciously clenched the armrests: "Since the Dharmakaya of the World went to the banquet on Jin'ao Island and disappeared, the shadow over my Divine Capital Zhao family has dissipated, and the situation has suddenly become bright. The mental loopholes caused by the repeated setbacks of the Emperor's uncle have also been filled, and his confidence has been restored. In addition, he has refined the vast power of all living beings, and his foundation is so deep that there is no one else in the world who can compare with him. Therefore, he has been practicing hard for two years, hoping to strive to break through first, so that he can suppress and win over other forces."

"This is God's mercy and gave me the vitality and hope of the Jin Dynasty." Sima Shi sighed with emotion. If the Dharma Body were to suppress the world, regardless of whether Qin King Zhao Jingshi's soul was perfect or not, just a breakthrough would have to be fought, as if The original Qionghua Banquet.

Unexpectedly, Jin'ao Island suddenly appeared, leaving the world's Dharma Body forever, and an unprecedented good situation was placed in front of the Zhao family in the divine capital.

If you still can’t catch it this time, then the days are up! Sima Shi glanced at Zhao Heng and saw tension and expectation hidden in his eyes, just like his own.


Xijian Pavilion, Jiang Zhiwei's residence.

Wearing a goose-yellow dress, she sat cross-legged. Her breath and body felt empty, as if she were here and yet on the horizon.

Years passed, and time flew by. Jiang Zhiwei sat quietly in this state, forgetting about the mortal world and the world. She didn't know how long it took before she opened her eyes.

Those pair of lacquer-like eyes are deep and boundless, as if they are hiding layers of universes. Whoever focuses their eyes on them will be unable to extricate themselves.

Miraculously restrained, Jiang Zhiwei beckoned for an ancient book, intending to soothe her spirit and recover from fatigue before continuing to practice.

This ancient book was accidentally obtained by a descendant of Xijian Pavilion from a certain medieval ruins. The book contains the past events of the sword immortals in the era when the saints contended. It suited Jiang Zhiwei's taste, so she borrowed it to read.

"'Sword Regrets the Sea of ​​Stars' Zhuo Chaosheng, the headmaster of the Heaven and Earth Sword Sect, a Heavenly Sword Immortal, possesses the Eight Desolations Wuji Sword and is a short-distance approacher. This person has an ugly appearance and a short stature, but he doesn't care at all. He is magnanimous and self-possessed. He drank too much when he was young. Later, he was scolded and woke up. He often carried a wine gourd but only filled it with water. He fell while besieging the Overlord..." Jiang Zhiwei read with relish, turning the pages from time to time.

Suddenly, the corners of her mouth raised, revealing a bright smile: "This sword immortal's name is the same as that of the young monk."

This page of ancient books records a sword immortal whose deeds have rarely been spread before: "'Sword Saint' Su Meng, a sword immortal whose dragon has seen its head but not its tail. He had a good relationship with 'Biyue Sword Immortal' Ren Qiushui, and in Luo Cheng pointed out the world's swordsmanship and listed the seven top ones, which are..."

"Hey, the views of people at that time coincided with those of later generations." Jiang Zhiwei clicked her tongue in surprise, "Is it true that different paths lead to the same destination?"

"As a human immortal, Su Meng retreated calmly from the Demon Sword King of the Demon Sect, and later killed the Multi-Eyed King in Luocheng. With one sword, he formed a formation and subdued the five major sword sects. He became famous all over the world and was dubbed the 'Sword Technique' "The reputation of being the best." After reading this section, Jiang Zhiwei felt excited and couldn't help but think about the ancients. At that time, there were masters who could master the realm of "one sword forming an array" at the immortal level. era.

I am still far away from this realm. In today's world, I am afraid that only Mr. Lu Da and Xiao Meng who are different from their predecessors can do it by blazing their own path. The medieval era is truly extraordinary.

"As for the Earth Immortal, Su Meng has already been able to test the invincible Overlord in the sword test. Although he unfortunately lost due to his inferior level, the Overlord suffered a severe loss. As for what the loss was, the Overlord did not even reveal the five-generation Xuannv. , after that, Su Meng confronted Wu Daoming, the Supreme Demon who had completed his transformation, and rescued Zhuo Chaosheng from the claws of the Demon Emperor. Later, he traveled far away in the sea of ​​​​stars and disappeared without a trace. Otherwise, if he waited for him to be promoted to an immortal or a legend, I am afraid that Don’t let the overlord be the only one beautiful, there will always be shortcomings in the world, which makes people sigh.”

"Su Meng is a generous man and extremely humble. He has never cared about reputation and has always been indifferent. However, his swordsmanship far beyond the realm, his outstanding appearance and grace have become a role model for swordsmen in the world..."

Jiang Zhiwei read to the end and felt inexplicably embarrassed. She couldn't help but laugh, shaking her head and laughing: "The young monk's soul lamp is blazing, so it's no big deal. When he comes back, I will tell him the story of Sumeng. It's really interesting... …”


In a secret place, the former prince of the Jin Dynasty was sitting cross-legged, with white lotus clusters forming a high platform under his body.

White lotuses bloomed all around him, and each one gave birth to a golden swastika. They were pointing to the sky and touching the ground with one hand, tempering the true spirit of the Dharmakaya.

At the same time, there was a golden statue of Buddha placed in front of him, with a big belly and an ever-open smile. Light points of aspiration power were constantly coming out of the void, drilling into the Buddha statue, and condensing it into becoming more and more translucent and pure.

"Although the Sambhogakaya and Yellow Eyebrow have been destroyed at the hands of the Demon Buddha, the White Lotus Pure Land teachings have been reduced to pieces and spread throughout all Buddhist sects and tributaries of heretics. The foundation is still there. Once awakened, it still has majestic power..." The former prince He sighed with emotion. After two years of cultivating both Dharma and Retribution, he was no longer an ordinary person.

With his eyes half open and half closed, he slowly merged the golden Buddha with his Dharmakaya.

"No matter whether the outcome of the Qing Emperor's affair is good or bad in the Middle Ages, at least we have won a hand now."

"Amitabha took advantage of the chaos to send Gao Lan away, and bought me two years of growth. Now I am no longer as weak as when I first came into the world, and I no longer need to hide here and there."


At the end of the East China Sea, many sea ships were speeding, and sometimes people came to this sea area with the help of teleportation arrays, because it was said that Jin'ao Island appeared here.

On a large ship, many warriors and sailors looked around, looking for traces.

At this moment, a ray of light burst out in front of them, and thousands of auspicious auras appeared. A mirage-like scene appeared, and figures with auras so powerful that they triggered tsunamis stood out.

"This..." Haike held the railing and rope and drifted with the current.

Is this the missing person?

Did they get out of trouble?

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