The Supreme Being

Chapter 1034 Hanchan Temple (please vote for recommendation)

In the Chenghuang Temple, a down-and-out scholar was telling stories about myths and legends to a group of children.

"But the Emperor Jiuhua descended on the clouds and said that this monster was his gatekeeper beast that had sneaked into the lower world. He also asked a few nobles to take him back to the cave and discipline him strictly..." The scholar's face was withered and yellow, and he pretended to be so. "Okay, if you want to know what happened next, let's listen to the explanation next time."

The children were disappointed. One of them asked ignorantly: "Sir, is it true that if the monsters from the gods and bodhisattva's family eat people, they only need to be strictly disciplined, and other monsters will be killed?"

The scholar was stunned, not knowing how to answer. After telling stories for so many years, this was the first time he tasted it from this perspective. This seemed to be a perfect refinement.

Children are innocent and less tainted by worldly things, but they can see problems that adults take for granted.

Just as he was about to explain, he suddenly heard the loud sound of water and the huge movement of the embankment collapsing.


The river rolled and flowed eastward, passing through the mountains and plains. It continued from the Middle Ages to the confrontation between the Jin Dynasty and the Northern Zhou Dynasty. It can be said that the terrain has not changed much.

The secrets obtained by the Zhenwu Sect are hidden in "Jiang Xinyuan". The specific location is unknown. Based on the clues left by Emperor Zhenwu and the rumors that the founder of the Zhenwu Sect has been inherited, Meng Qi narrowed the scope to a stretch of water three thousand miles long. After teleportation After the formation arrived, it slowly flew high in the sky, observing the subtle changes in the qi of heaven and earth, and combined with the methods left by Emperor Zhenwu, trying to find clues to the entrance from the rules.

After searching for a while, Meng Qi suddenly found that the embankment in front of him was washed away by the river water. White waves smashed the water gate and poured into a city, sweeping away many people. The prosperous world was turned into a water town. Tragedies of family destruction and death were everywhere. His father lost his life. A son, a wife lost her husband, a son lost his mother, and the atmosphere of grief and despair condensed into a "dark cloud."

One after another, the escaping lights stand in mid-air, and the exterior scenes of this place are either rescuing people, retreating water, or repairing the city's forbidden laws. Each of them stirs up the heaven and earth, showing extraordinary power.


The water surged, and a woman struggled in the turbid flood water, holding a wooden basin with both hands. In the basin was a crying baby under one year old.

The flood became more and more severe, and the waves came one after another. The woman gradually became unable to support her, her body became heavier, and she felt chills. She was about to drag the tub down and make it overturn.

Gritting her teeth, the woman pushed the wooden basin away with all her strength. Her longing eyes were swallowed up by the flood. There was only one thought in her mind, hoping that the strong men on the high-altitude exterior scene would rescue her child as soon as possible.

Such tragedies happened in many places flooded by floods. Although there are many powerful people in the exterior scene and the control range is wide, many victims can be rescued at one time. However, due to the lack of equipment that can contain people, there is a disconnect between rescue and resettlement, and it is difficult to take into account all the victims at the same time. common people.

After discovering that tragic things happened one after another, a man in a wide robe and long sleeves took a deep breath in the exterior scene, showed his back earth appearance, clenched his fist, summoned all his strength, and struck down fiercely in the air.


The fist absorbed Wuji's energy, became bigger and bigger, and hit the embankment hard, cutting off part of the surging flood.

The earth squirmed and rose rapidly, not only repairing the collapsed parts, but also climbing up, trying to block the flow of water.

No, why are there floods in this season? Meng Qi murmured in his heart, took a step forward, and appeared high in the city from thousands of miles away.

At this moment, the flood suddenly surged, the waves parted, and a monster dozens of feet long emerged. It had a body like a snake, four legs, and a small horn on its head, just like a dragon!

The dragon's mouth opened, and the water surged into the air, turning into a whirlpool, trying to swallow up the exterior scene of the wide robe and sleeves alive.

It turned out to be a big monster causing trouble! Meng Qi's heart suddenly dawned. He waved his left hand and opened his cuffs. The sky and the earth suddenly became dark. The victims caught in the flood flew up one after another and threw their sleeves into their robes. All the land submerged by the flood was left except for the dragon.

When he saw the power of the magical power "The Universe in His Sleeves", Jiaolong knew something was wrong. He twisted his body and tried to dive into the depths of the river.

Meng Qi had a five-color fairy sword in his right hand and slashed it down gently.


The dragon just entered the water, but it felt as if he had hit an iron plate. His head felt dizzy, and then he felt the void surrounding him layer upon layer, like a cage and shackles, making him breathless. He used up all his strength and used many magical powers. , unable to break free.

"Great Immortal, Great Immortal, have mercy on me!" The dragon rolled his eyes and suddenly begged for mercy.

Meng Qi looked at the mess in the city below and felt that many lives had been lost. He said with a calm face: "When they prayed for life, you didn't seem to listen."

Jiaolong heard that Meng Qi had strong murderous intentions and knew that begging for mercy was useless. He snorted coldly and said: "I am the mount of the great wise saint monk of Hanchan Temple. I sneaked out of the temple while he was in seclusion, and I accidentally caused this mistake. You want to punish me." Since the law enforcement monk of Hanchan Temple has come forward, there is no need for you to step in and take over. Could it be that you want to offend Hanchan Temple?"

"Holy Monk Great Wisdom is a disciple of Maitreya Buddha and one of the four great holy monks in the real world. If you want to kill me, you have to consider the consequences!"

He quietly crushed a collar.

Meng Qipi smiled and said: "Buddha Maitreya is the Buddha who saves the world and is compassionate. How can he support you, a monster who harms the world?"

Seeing that Meng Qi's will was unshakable, Jiaolong shuddered in his heart and said hurriedly: "Maitreya Buddha doesn't care, but the Great Wisdom Saint Monk will. Last time I sneaked into the world of mortals, and my blood was wasted. He also took me back as a punishment." I have been thinking about it for hundreds of years... You, you, what do you want to do?"

Meng Qi was too lazy to listen anymore and planned to take action.

At this moment, the clear light of the glass in the void flashed, and a white lotus flower stood out, bloomed slowly, and turned into a lotus platform. On top of it sat a young novice monk with red lips and white teeth but a strong aura.

As soon as the young novice appeared, he shouted loudly: "Donor, please show mercy!"

Seeing the little novice, Jiaolong felt like he was seeing a relative, and pretended to cry bitterly: "Brother Haijing, save me quickly! He wants to kill me!"

The little novice monk Haijing had a serious expression on his face, pointed at Zeguo below and said, "Look at the good things you have done, and how many sins you have carried on your body. It is difficult to make amends this time, and the poor monk will be the first to let you go!"

He turned to look at Meng Qi, sighed and said: "This benefactor, it is the mount of the great wise monk of Hanchan Temple. It was a demon king who brought trouble to one party before. Its wild nature is difficult to tame, so it makes mistakes again and again. Alas, it's also The discipline of Hanchan Temple is not strict, and the poor monk has committed a lot of sins, so he was allowed to sneak out of the temple. Please hand him over to the poor monk, bring him back to the temple, and discipline him strictly so that he will not dare to do evil again. "

"Just strict discipline? Did this person die in vain?" Meng Qi pointed at the mess below with an expressionless face as the flood receded.

The young novice monk Haijing said "Amitabha": "The deceased has passed away, but it is still a living creature. How can the donor harm a life for revenge?"

"We, Hanchan Temple, should hold a water and land ceremony here to save those who died in vain and allow them to enter the Pure Land early. And it will also perform good deeds and make up for its sins with a useful body. Isn't this better than killing it directly?"

"That's right!" Jiaolong nodded frequently, and Senior Brother Haijing was indeed sharp-tongued.

Meng Qi pondered for a moment and asked, "Isn't this the first time it has sneaked out of the temple?"

"Yes, it is Hanchan Temple's fault. I will strictly discipline you in the future." Haijing said calmly, repeating what he said before.

Meng Qi suddenly showed a smile:

"Over and over again, you Hanchan Temple can't teach well, so someone will teach it for you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the sword in his right hand shook, and the void cage around the dragon suddenly shrank.

"Save..." Jiaolong only had time to shout out before he was crushed into a puddle of flesh by layers of emptiness. The remnants of his obsession echoed with disbelief and horror.

He actually didn't give Hanchan Temple any face!

Not giving face to Hanchan Temple is not giving face to the great wise monk, and not giving face to the great wise monk is not giving face to Maitreya Buddha!

Haijing's shot was half a beat too slow and he couldn't stop it in time. His heart was rippled, and there was anger in his eyes: "You, you are so cruel, and you don't have any compassion at all!"

"It has become dead. If I recite the salvation scriptures a few more times and do more good deeds, wouldn't it be able to make up for it and show the same compassion?" Meng Qi said with a half-smile but not a smile, and responded with Haijing's previous words.

"You, you!" Haijing was speechless for a moment.

Meng Qi continued: "Could it be that the young master wants to punish someone? How can he avenge a living life for the dead?"

Haijing calmed down, recited the Buddha's name in a low voice and said, "The donor is too murderous and likes to use violence to fight violence. Why not go back to Hanchan Temple with the poor monk and face the wall for ten years to dispel this hostility?"

"Young master is in trouble." Meng Qi shook his head and smiled. He saw the flood receding, his sleeves and robes opened, and silhouettes flying out one after another and falling lightly into the city. "Look, saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. I don't know." How many pagodas are there to protect and dispel the hostility, why do we need to face the wall?”

Haijing said in a deep voice: "Strong words!"

"Strong words? Why can't someone who is not a Buddhist resist violence with violence?" Meng Qi whispered softly, "I have seen Arhats, Bodhisattvas, and even great Bodhisattvas and Buddhas. I don't know how much higher they are than you, nor are they. I said something similar to someone, please go back and ask the wise sage for advice.”

After saying that, Meng Qi stepped on the somersault cloud and flashed out of the city, continuing his search for Jiang Xinyuan. Seeing that he easily subdued the dragon, Haijing knew that he was not strong enough to compete with him. His face changed for a while, and he left angrily. .

After several days of searching and observing the changes in the qi of heaven and earth, Meng Qi finally found the location of Jiang Xinyuan. He used the secret method left by Emperor Zhenwu to go deep into the bottom of the river and opened the entrance.

Meng Qi was not greedy, so as not to seriously damage the historical process. He looked at the source of the river where the mysterious water flows, and left a secret cause and effect connection at the entrance. Once someone enters, he will be able to sense it immediately, and he will be able to come from the air immediately.

After exiting Jiang Xinyuan, Meng Qi flew out of the river. Suddenly, his heart moved and he took a step back.

One step makes a thousand miles.

Seven monks appeared in front of them. The leader was Haijing. The other six monks had complexions hidden in colored glaze. They were either Arhats or Bodhisattvas.

"Holy Monk Dazhi asked the benefactor to return to Hanchan Temple for a talk." Ha Jing said loudly.

Each of the six Bodhisattvas and Arhats opened their right hands and held a fragment of a golden talisman in their palms. Each fragment had a word written in Sanskrit:

"Om", "Ma", "Ne", "Ba", "Mi" and "Hum"!

Mantra? Meng Qi's heart trembled, and he suddenly felt that things were not as simple as they seemed.


At the entrance of Chunyangzi's mausoleum, three rays of light fell. The Overlord's body was hidden high, leading the way, followed closely by Gurdo and Su Daji.

With a slash of the knife, the entrance opened by itself. The Overlord was about to move forward when he suddenly paused. There was an old man with gray hair sitting cross-legged in front of the Broken Dragon Stone in the mausoleum. He didn't have the aura of one man to guard against all others, but he was so focused. Piety makes one's heart palpitate.

"Not bad..." Overlord whispered, and a smile appeared on Guldo's face.

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