The Supreme Being

Chapter 1019: Sad and Lamentable (Second update, please give me a monthly ticket)

The sun is like the moon, it is dark and windy, in the eyes of Wu Daoming, the "Tai Shang Demon", a pale gold giant stands tall and towering in the sky, with Buddha's light behind his head. The three faces have the same appearance but different expressions, looking down solemnly, calmly or proudly. Own.


Discovered? Wu Daoming's heart contracted violently, as if it was tightly grasped by the enemy's hand, and his vision was temporarily congested.

Although the demon species has gained control of the body, it still maintains its mortal body in order to hide from the tall people guarding it from all directions in Luocheng. When encountering this situation, it is naturally impossible to restrain the body's instinctive reaction.

Of course, this is also closer to the reaction of ordinary people when encountering similar things, and it is less likely to be spotted.

Should he be the first to attack and create chaos, or should he be calmer and more dangerous and not reveal his identity? With his heart pounding, Wu Daoming fell into a brief hesitation.

At this moment, he saw the pale gold giant's three pairs of eyes and six rays of gaze turning away from him as if nothing had happened, looking at the multi-eyed king whose dharma body was starting to break from the smallest structure.

Didn't you find out your secret?

Or are you pretending not to reveal your secret?

Wu Daoming felt joy in his heart. No matter what the possibility was, it meant that he had escaped temporarily. He hid his face, pretended to be frightened by the "dead body", and stumbled towards the entrance of the alley.

In other parts of Luocheng, some blacksmiths put down their unformed farm tools, some shop assistants remembered that their homes were not closed, and hurriedly asked for leave. Demon seeds awakened, and supreme demons appeared one after another, swarming towards the nearest city gate. Go and join the team leaving the city.

However, these are all actions to confuse the view. As early as the moment of "Tengu eating the sun", taking advantage of the absolute darkness, a demon species has quietly awakened and controlled the physical body, and this physical body is that of a man setting up a stall by the city gate. , he pretended to avoid the coming rainstorm and quickly packed up his belongings. At this time, he had arrived at the city gate and was about to be inspected by the guards before leaving.

Near the city gate, a Dharma Master stood in mid-air, his eyes showing double pupils, carefully examining the people leaving the city, and the same was true in other places.

The dragnet is not a lie!

However, the Supreme Heavenly Demon was unafraid and drew the attention of the immortals, triggering a melee and leaving them with no time to look back. He was not afraid of the searches of other Dharma Bodies at all. Even if they were face to face, the Demon Seed could still hide with the help of its body.

Stepping forward unhurriedly, Wu Daoming walked up to the guard. The Dharmakaya's gaze swept across his body, and after a brief pause, he moved away without finding anything.

Wu Daoming raised his head slightly, waiting for the sky to be high enough for birds to fly and the sea to be wide enough for fish to leap.

Near Mrs. Wang's tofu shop, Wu Daoming, who was running toward the alley with his face covered, passed the light gold giant with anxiety.

Nothing happened... He breathed a sigh of relief. He glanced at the dying King of Many Eyes from the corner of his eye, sighed secretly, quickened his pace, and was about to cross.

At this moment, the multi-eyed king, whose consciousness was already confused, felt something familiar. He tremblingly pointed at the Supreme Demon and opened his mouth with difficulty:

"Lord, save me..."

The voice was hoarse and low, but when it reached Wu Daoming's ears, it sounded like a huge thunder, making his whole body tremble.

Oops! His heart sank when he saw the beauty in men's clothing suddenly changed her expression. Without thinking, she slashed a sword light high into the sky. The sword light exploded and turned into a stream of spiritual consciousness containing sounds, which echoed over Luocheng:

"Seal the city gate, no one is allowed in, no one is allowed out!"

"The Supreme Demon turned into a mortal and tried to escape in the chaos!"

Before Wu Daoming at the city gate could react, he saw a flash of light and shadow, and the forbidden law was opened, sealing the city gate.

The Taishang Heavenly Demon near Aunt Wang's Tofu Shop was filled with frustration. The Demon Seed completely controlled his body, and the pale gold giant in the induction also had a bit of helplessness in his eyes.

Why are you so helpless? Wu Daoming's thoughts flashed and he calmed down. At that time, he read two sentences:

"Heaven is going to entrust this person with a great responsibility, but his determination must be hardened first..."

The voice echoed in his heart. The demon took a step forward and grabbed Ren Qiu Shui with both hands. His six fingers popped out, and his filthy energy became light.

Ren Qiushui calmly returned his sword and slashed, and the blue moon rose, isolating the two sides in different worlds.

Suddenly, a sword light rose up in the west of the city. It surged into the sea of ​​stars and enveloped the entire Luocheng. All the creatures seemed to have the will to strengthen themselves and understood some truths between heaven and earth. Their bodies were filled with vigorous energy, and they suddenly became powerful. After popping out the demon seed, Wu Dai Xuan Goddess' expression changed a few times, and she silently spat out the flesh foam, dissolving her body.

Make a living for the people!

Qi Sheng connected with Shengmin and reacted quickly, exiting the country of ritual and music, and slashed out the Four Ultimate Swords.

Demon seeds were sprayed out one after another, all of which were dark red and almost black. They twisted and squirmed, gathered in an instant, and turned into a ferocious demon fetus.

The demon fetus split open, and the seven or eight-year-old "Tai Shang Tian Demon" Wu Daoming reappeared. He wore the Demon Emperor's Claw on his right hand, burning his Dharma Body. He tore it out of thin air, pulled out five filthy gaps, and was about to plunge in.

Life or death, it all depends!

However, the Biyue Sword in Ren Qiushui's hand rose into the sky, spreading light across the sky, cutting off the passage between the filthy gap and the outside world!

The radiant sword light converged, condensed into a beam, and slashed at Wu Daoming with great force. The pure sword light seemed to illuminate all the changes in the future, sealing off all the responses of the Supreme Demon and creating peace for future generations!

If this sword evolves to the extreme, it will be the sword that cuts off hidden dangers and occupies the other side of the future... Seeing the light of this sword, Meng Qi's eyes lit up, and he secretly sighed that all the saints in the Middle Ages were indeed strong men who carved their own paths. If it is limited by the times, not to mention the other side, the legend is still not a problem, and destiny is not hopeless.

Wu Daoming's child-like face flushed, and he seemed to have reversed his demonic body, using this to activate the Demon King's claws, transforming into a monstrous black hand, and directly pressed the sword light.

First the sword light and the black hand disintegrated, and then there was a loud bang. Wu Daoming was knocked to the ground and hit the city gate, creating a big crater. The aftermath swept around the area. Even if the forbidden law was eliminated, many people were shocked. Those who left the city were destroyed.

At this moment, it was too late to isolate the battle.

Wu Daoming spurted blood from his mouth and felt weak all over. He was still in a state of transformation. He only relied on the power of the Demon King's claws to withstand the blow of the Hesheng Tianxian. However, he was seriously injured and could not do anything else. Moreover, in the Kingdom of Ritual and Music It is about to cover itself again and become isolated from the mortal world.

Can we only hope that the Demon Emperor's Claw will awaken to the legend and save the world on his own? As soon as Wu Daoming had this idea, he suddenly felt that there was an extra person behind him!

The Qi Sage's two swords cut through the Supreme Heavenly Demon. Just as he was waiting to join forces with Ren Qiushui and other Dharma Bodies to take advantage of the victory and attack to completely eliminate the demonic calamity, he was shocked to see a man wearing a bamboo hat behind Wu Daoming.

The man who appeared out of nowhere, with his tall body and majestic posture, stood there quietly, making everyone tremble and not dare to offend.

The man took off his bamboo hat, revealing a face with strong outlines and clear lines. A sense of arrogance and domineering filled the world, and his eyes were glaring at all living beings.


Meng Qi had seen this figure in both Ananda Pure Land and Juedao, and now that he saw him again, it felt like he was in another world.

He actually appeared in Luocheng!

The unparalleled overlord quietly came to Luocheng.

"Overlord, what do you want to do?" Qi Sheng's loud voice sounded.

The Overlord didn't speak, threw away the bamboo hat, held the Taishang Tianmo in his left hand, and held the long knife in his right hand. He suddenly paused, as if he had fallen into absolute stillness, and then the long knife broke through the restraints, shattered the stillness, and erupted into an unimaginable explosion. of power and impact.

Then, a ray of purple light flashed, brilliant and domineering, cutting the sky in reverse, the immortal made changes, cut off the sword light of the Qi Saint who established the heart of heaven and earth, and divided the sky of Luocheng into two.

Purple light burst out and flooded the sky above Luocheng. There were constant banging and banging sounds. The Kingdom of Ritual and Music was defeated from the outside, and the immortals popped up one after another, as if the scene when the heaven fell was reappeared.

By the time the light dissipated, the Overlord and the Supreme Demon had long since disappeared.

"So domineering..." Meng Qi had already put away Fa Tian Xiang Di. When he first met the Overlord, he left a very deep impression.

Why did he want to save Wu Daoming? Looking for fellow Taoists to fight against the mighty power?


The river was surging, and there were two more people on the bank. The Overlord stood with his hands behind his back, arrogantly looking at Wu Daoming, the "Tai Shang Demon" who was like a seven or eight-year-old child.

"Why did you save me?" Wu Daoming asked in a deep voice, full of doubts in his heart.

Although the Overlord has always been domineering and arrogant, and does whatever he wants, he has never had a good impression of evil heretics. He has no friendship with the Overlord. They even fought twice and escaped with the claws of the Demon King. Why should he save himself? Because of the relationship between the Five Dynasties Xuannv?

The Overlord looked down at Wu Daoming and said proudly: "It would be a pity to kill you at this time. When you grow to the ultimate level of an immortal, I will fight you one-on-one to see which one is stronger, the Demon Emperor's claws or my sword." profit!"

"Just for this reason?" Wu Daoming was a little surprised.

The Overlord turned around, took a step across the river, and said nonchalantly: "Isn't this reason enough?"

He disappeared from Wu Daoming's eyes in a few steps. When he was about to find the Fifth Generation Xuannv, he suddenly found a man wearing Minghuang Emperor's robe standing by the road. This man had a handsome face, cold eyes, and a figure as tall as himself. He had A little bit of a feeling of being taken seriously.

The man in imperial robes looked at the Overlord intently and sighed suddenly:

"Sad, deplorable."

sad? Deplorable? The Overlord narrowed his eyes slightly and held the Jue Dao in his right hand. Is there anyone in this world who dares to challenge him in person?

However, the man in imperial robes withdrew his gaze, his expression became more sad, he shook his head and smiled bitterly:

"I'm pathetic too."

"They are all pathetic people..."

The voice faded away, and the man in imperial robes ignored the Overlord's gaze and left on his own.

"A madman?" Overlord did not draw his sword in the end.

The second update is here. Please read the third update tomorrow morning because it may be a little late to update. Please give me a monthly pass~

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