The Supreme Being

Chapter 1007 A Pair of Feet

The red light is like fire, the green is flourishing, the yellow-brown is heavy, the white-gold is sharp, and the black water is moist. The five rays of light merge into one, flowing endlessly, and suddenly brushing down, bringing about earth-shaking changes in the material world. As long as it exists in reality, it seems that it can be brushed into it.

This is the five-color divine light.

Even in ancient times, it is considered a rare great magical power. It inherits the heaven and earth, originates from the great way, and is the foundation of reality.

Looking at Tai Li with strange hair color and arrogant expression, looking at the red, green, yellow, white and black five-color light that covers her sight, Su Daji was a little dazed for a while, as if she had returned to the Conferred Gods, and saw the demon clan great sage who made "Son of Haotian" Lu Ya and "Ancient Buddha of the Past" Randeng flee in embarrassment, and the great magical power person who can be called the top ones such as Qingdi under the other side.

At this moment, time seemed to flow backwards, and Tai Li actually showed some of his spirit!

Never bowing your head is an indelible pride, and what is more proud than never bowing your head is to endure humiliation and bear heavy burdens. For the sake of a lofty purpose, you bow your head temporarily and wait for an opportunity. You are not afraid of death, but you are afraid that this ambition has not been fulfilled!

At the end of the Conferred God War, a period of history was mysteriously erased. I only vaguely remember that the Demon Saint led the Great Saints of the Heavens to kill on Lingshan Mountain, and he, who had become the Peacock King, was waiting there.

At that time, he was also so proud and no longer bowed his head, right?

With a brush of the five-color divine light, the position where Su Daji was was empty and had been brushed in.

Until this time, Ye Di, Qin Yue and others came back to their senses from the shock of the Zhuxian Sword Formation killing two great celestial beings, and from the horror of the two celestial beings being transformed by white long hair. They saw Tai Li's words shaking Yin Weiyang's existence, saw him use the five-color divine light to brush Su Daji in, and saw the five rays of light behind him, red, green, yellow, white and black, trembling violently, like water fluctuations, as if something was about to break through the shackles and tear the ban.


The part of the body that had not taken the "Nine Turns Lixuan Pill" felt excited and saw a chance to escape.

If you don't leave now, when will you leave?

When Su Daji escapes from the five-color divine light?

Everyone has the instinct to survive, and Yin Weiyang no longer exists, and his hair has returned to white. The power left behind has gradually become illusory. "The Immortal" Zhongli Mei gritted his teeth, and the light around him leaped and leaped, and he tried his best to suppress his injuries and escaped to the outside of the Biyou Palace, wanting to escape from Jinao Island.

Some body escaped, while others restrained their instincts and weighed the pros and cons. If they didn't help Tai Li at this time, Su Daji would be able to escape soon. By then, she would manipulate the Biyou Palace and the forbidden method of the prehistoric fragments. How many people could escape?

Staying is a better choice than running away!

The most important thing at the moment is to work together to subdue Su Daji!

Yun He was cunning and greedy, but at this moment, he was the first to attack. The Hunyuan Yiqi Shangqing divine talisman flew out, interpreting the myriad things and forming an immortal array. He Qi shook his body and turned into an invisible sword energy, blending into the myriad formation, acting as a killing intent, and the cooperation was quite tacit. The "Red Emperor" Sun Chuci raised the red long sword in his hand, as if controlling the divine fire of the heavens, and slashed it down with a bang. Following the trajectory left by the formation, it turned into a flaming dragon and a phoenix outside the five-colored divine light...

The Dharma body that has taken the "Nine Turns Lixuan Pill" naturally There was no thought of escaping. Some chose to be loyal to Su Daji to accumulate merits and detoxify. Some were aggressive and planned to take this opportunity to control the enemy and obtain the real antidote. For a while, the Biyou Palace was in chaos. Qin Yue, the "Golden Immortal of Chaos", stopped Shan Heng, the "Supreme Demon Lord". Huo Lishang, the "Emperor of Night", took out the Mahakala Luo Sword and turned the Mahabrahma Night into an attack, covering Xu Bei, the "Ancestor of Yin". Suddenly, a breath gathered behind him and turned into a phantom, sneaking out of the Biyou Palace. Two methods and two preparations.


The fierce battle caused damage to the Biyou Palace, and the red, green, yellow, white and black five-color light behind Tai Li trembled to the extreme, and suddenly tore it apart, and a strong black gas gushed out.

There was a pair of red and crystal eyes in the black gas, beautiful and strange, and a fox tail stretched out from the inside and whipped around.

Snap! The divine fire of the Red Emperor was extinguished, the Wanxiang Immortal Formation was shattered, and He Qi was directly blasted out of the formation by the aftermath of the shock, and his Dharma body became much more illusory.

Snap! Another fox tail was pulled on the demon saint spear stabbed by Tai Li, and the quietly burning flame was dimmed. Tai Li was pulled back several steps and stepped on the ground of the Biyou Palace, which had been condensed for ten thousand years in the depths of the sun.

In just a moment, all the sieges were repelled by Su Daji!

She was a celestial fairy, a real celestial fairy, not a celestial fairy transformed by white demon hair!

The power of celestial fairies can be seen!

Another fox tail was pulled out, and the Red Emperor, Yunhe and others actually felt a little desperate. This was not an opponent that could be fought, and it was not an opponent that could make up for the gap with numbers. Even if all the Dharma bodies gathered on the scene, it could only delay the arrival of the moment of destruction.

At this moment, the broken Biyou Palace hall was lit up with waves, as if it had sunk under the water, sparkling and shining, and the fox tail had a brief delay.

Delay? As Tai Li and Ye Di and other Dharma bodies sensed, a man in a wide robe and large sleeves stepped into the palace gate. He had handsome features that almost looked like a god or demon. One hand had six fingers and the other held a long sword with floating light.

"Han Guang..." Tai Li was delighted. The magician came at the right time.

But didn't he enter the fragment of the prehistoric world? How did he suddenly appear near the Biyou Palace?

Without time to think about so many things, Tai Li showed his Five Elements Peacock True Body and pushed the Demon Saint Spear to the extreme. The five-color divine light and the Phoenix Wing Black Gold Spear were fired at the same time.

Han Guang had encountered many adventures, and his strength was unpredictable. Even if he joined forces with him with the Demon Saint Spear, he was not as good as Chong and Lu Da in fighting against Guldo, but he was not far behind. He could hold on for a short time under Su Daji and would not be defeated.

"Magic Master" Han Guang's eyes flickered, and his heart was full of doubts. His "Yan Mo incarnation" was a backup. He relied on the inexplicable induction of the fragments of the Donghuang Bell to search and hide in the east, but he walked to the Biyou Palace and was lost!

Was he discovered by the island owner and deliberately led? Or was the thing pointed to by the inexplicable induction hidden in the depths of the Biyou Palace?


The nearby prehistoric world was breaking and turning into nothingness, which was extremely dangerous, but Meng Qi didn't care so much, and his eyes were fixed on the celestial messenger who turned into two white hairs.

They turned out to be transformed from two white hairs?

I can change my hair, but I have to wait until I can prove the legend before I can change my hair. And I can't exceed the limited number at a time.

Almost eight or nine hair changes... white long hair... descendants of the Shang Dynasty on Jin'ao Island... Su Daji... a replicator who pretends to be everyone's Dharma body without any flaws...

Meng Qi's heart moved, and he thought of the possible identity of the island owner.

"Meishan Great Sage" Yuan Hong!

His skills are similar to eight or nine, and he can fight Yang Jian on equal terms. Their changes are also equal. It is difficult to kill the White Ape Great Sage without the "Flying Knife of Immortal Slaying", the Great Commander of the Shang Dynasty!

The Battle of the Gods ended abruptly after the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation. Yuan Hong did not directly fight against the Yuanshi lineage. With his strength as a demon clan great sage, it was easy for him to keep his life. It was natural for him to take Su Daji and the descendants of the Shang Dynasty to hide in Jin'ao Island.

He disguised the Dharmakaya with hair, collected and copied the skills, in order to create virtual cause and effect, conceal the truth, and prepare for future awakening and layout?

Let's go! This idea suddenly emerged in Meng Qi's mind. "White Ape Great Sage" Yuan Hong acted in this roundabout way, obviously not wanting to wake up in advance, and the celestial beings on Jin'ao Island had been discovered by himself, unreal, and easily shaken, and there were probably only one or two real celestial beings, which were not enough to shake the pattern of the real world.

Therefore, as long as we escape from Jin'ao Island, even if things go smoothly, there will definitely be a blow later, but it can be endured!

As for dealing with Yuan Hong, I and others don't have this ability, and it's not the real Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun Yang Jian here, he can be called the monkey nemesis.

Bah, my junior brother often makes me want to cry without tears, calling Yang Jian the monkey nemesis is not scolding myself?

As the thought flashed, Meng Qi seized the opportunity of the shattering of the prehistoric world. The auspicious clouds collided above his head, covering Su Wuming, Mr. Lu and Gao Lan. Then he seized the cause and effect connection, escaped from this world, and rushed back to the Biyou Palace to rescue He Qi and Yunhe Zhenren.


The demonic aura filled the entire Biyou Palace. Su Daji's nine tails were magical, completely overwhelming Tai Li and Han Guang's "Yan Mo body", showing the grace and terror of the ancient demon.


The light was shattered, and black air appeared on Han Guang's body, wriggling into ropes, trying to tie him up.


Tai Li was whipped away again. If it weren't for the demon saint spear blocking it, I'm afraid his real body would have been shattered. Su Daji smiled charmingly and fought easily.

Qin Yue and others became more and more disappointed as the battle went on. The horror of the celestial fairy was even more exaggerated than when they felt it through the water curtain. Is there really no chance?

At this moment, their eyes lit up and saw the four Dharma bodies that had just killed the two celestial beings emerge.

They are back!

The Immortal Execution Sword Formation is back!

Meng Qi looked at Su Daji with deep eyes, raised the Lixian Sword again, and shook out a five-colored sword light.

Su Daji's face changed, no longer as casual as before.

She had just witnessed the power of the Immortal Execution Sword Formation with her own eyes.

It is worthy of being the first killing formation in the ancient times!


Deep in the Biyou Palace, there is a secret room that separates life and death.

There is a bed in the secret room, and a man is lying casually. His whole body is covered by countless flashing light spots, and each light spot is a life and an identity.

"Meet the Great Sage Yuan." The transparent Dharma King Du Shi appeared in the void.

The person on the bed is the "Meishan Great Sage" Yuan Hong!

Yuan Hong did not stand up, but smiled and said, "Is my mother okay now?"

"My mother is doing well." Dushi Fawang said calmly, "The Great Sage is really generous. In order to conceal the truth, he even held the Golden Turtle Banquet."

Yuan Hong smiled and said, "I don't know how many eyes are secretly watching my mother and me. If we are in an open and aboveboard relationship and discuss secret matters, it is easy to be judged as an alliance. Therefore, I simply invite the Dharma bodies of the real world so that you can come without being noticed, and then create a melee, a fictitious purpose, and divert the eyes and ears to cover up our silent meeting."

"The Great Sage is as wise as the sea, and I admire him deeply." Dushi Fawang said sincerely, "Have you found the thing my mother wants?"

"Found it." Yuan Hong smiled easily.

Suddenly, there was a creaking sound, and the door of the secret room was opened!

As Yuan Hong and Dushi Fawang sensed each other, Bai Ze Demon King walked in, his expression was listless and full of fear, and the first two feet stepped out of the darkness behind it, two feet wearing straw shoes.

Above the two feet was a man wearing a strange green robe, with disheveled hair and a handsome appearance.

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