The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 938: Celebration eve

In the evening, everyone deliberately visited Su Yiyi’s father, and they still respect Su Yiyi’s father very much, even if he was an old gambler before, even if he was poor, but after all, it was Su Yiyi’s father. Have enough respect for him.

This made Su Yiyi’s father flattered, but he was also worried when he looked at the beauties. He always thought his daughter was very beautiful, so he also thought that her daughter would be very popular here. Only now I know that there is a girl here. Every match is beautiful, Su Yiyi's appearance is not dominant at all.

However, Li Yifei did not come. He had a wine bureau to participate in tonight, which made Su Yiyi's father less embarrassed.

Su Yiyi’s father ate something delicious tonight that he hadn’t eaten before. After eating, he walked around in a park-like courtyard. He came back late and slept in a room like a star hotel. All this made him feel like he was. As if dreaming.

Today Su Yiyi didn't let her father meet with Xu Yingying and Lin Qiong's parents. Her father was fine, but Xu Yingying and Lin Qiong's father would definitely have problems, so let's wait for the meeting on Saturday.

On Friday, the Li’s compound was even more lively. The first thing that came to He Fangqing’s parents was He Fangqing deliberately picked them up. Her parents were ordinary people who worked in agencies and had no real power, especially He Fangqing. His father is a very stubborn person, very ethical, and has not been greedy for so many years, but it is because of her stubbornness that He Fangqing has a headache.

Li Yifei and He Fangqing were picked up at the airport together. Seeing Li Yifei, He Fangqing’s mother looked at Li Yifei, with a smile on her face. She was obviously very satisfied with Li Yifei, but He Fangqing’s father was stern. Did not speak.

After getting in the car, He Fangqing sat in the front and her parents sat in the back. Her father finally spoke.

"Do you know that Fang Qing was divorced?"

Li Yifei immediately said, "Uncle, I know about this."

"Then on your terms, what kind of girl you can't find, why should you look for our family Fang Qing." He Fangqing's father dislikes these rich people very much, and he prefers his daughter to marry someone who is honest. The man, the last time the son-in-law was too greasy, it made him feel unsure.

Li Yifei smiled and said, "This is fate. I have a good relationship with Fang Qing. I don't care if Fang Qing has been married. I only know that she likes me now and is willing to be with me. Will suffice."

"Do you want to marry Fang Qing?"


"Then are you willing to make the family property fair and become the joint property of your husband and wife?"

He Fangqing’s mother immediately said, "You old man, how do you say this." But she was looking at Li Yifei. Obviously, this matter is also very important to her. A man is willing to spend money for a woman. It means that he likes this woman or not, and whether a rich person is willing to make the property a joint property of the husband and wife, it shows his sincerity in marriage.

Li Yifei smiled and said: "Everything I have will be shared with Fang Qing. When I marry Fang Qing, I will definitely do what my uncle and aunt told me."

"Aren't you just talking?" He Fangqing's father asked again.

Li Yifei said sincerely: "Uncles and aunts, without a stable family, no matter how great achievements are made, it is unsuccessful. I will never be separated from Fang Qing in my life, so mine is Fang Qing's."

He Fangqing's parents are finally satisfied with Li Yifei's answer.

The most important thing is the impression that Li Yifei gives to people, that is, it is very practical, absolutely not like the last one, which makes He Fangqing's father uneasy at first sight.

When they arrived at Li Yifei's compound, He Fangqing's parents were also silly. Although they already knew that Li Yifei was rich, they never thought that Li Yifei would be so rich. This was beyond their imagination.

After settling in He Fangqing’s parents, Li Yifei went to pick up Song Lianyao’s parents. Song Lianyao’s parents were businessmen. They opened a small factory and had assets of several million. This business man was relatively smooth, and they treated Li Yifei. Such a rich man has a kind of flattery in itself, so it is not as difficult as He Fangqing's parents to associate.

Such a person would be easier to deal with. After seeing the situation in the Li family compound, the two of them were really anxious that Song Lianyao could get the certificate with Li Yifei right away, and after they settled in, Song Lianyao still told his parents, Li Xinyue This friend followed Li Yifei just like her.

This makes Song Lianyao’s parents a little disappointed. Yes, they are disappointed, but not angry. If there is only a daughter and Li Yifei is an orphan, then they can be half a home here in the future. Now there are others, they You can't do that.

Song Lianyao is now telling Li Xinyue. For one thing, he knows that his parents are relatively snobbery. If they don't let them know earlier, they will easily think of something. Moreover, Li Xinyue is a good friend, and parents will be more acceptable.

These people arrived first. Li Yifei didn't accompany them tonight. Although he did nothing tonight, it would be troublesome to have dinner with him, so he simply hid and waited until tomorrow to solve it together.

Saturday, this is the day before Li Yifei's housewarming rejoicing. All the relatives in the family will be present today, or else someone will miss the ceremony tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock.

In the afternoon, several heavyweights finally arrived. First of all, the Ye family, the elder of the Ye family came in person, Ye Yunzhu's parents, and Zhou Xiaoyue's little girl.

Li Yifei just greeted them, and soon the third master of the Su family, the old man of the Xiao family, and the old man of the Zheng family also arrived, as well as several important people from the three families.

Elder Ye Family was already a very good character, but compared with these three, it was much worse.

And what made Li Yifei somewhat anxious was that in addition to these three, a big family came to the capital, and that was Ning Xin’er’s family. Not only did Ning’s father also come, but also Ning Xin’er’s parents, Several important figures from the Ning family also came.

The third master of the Su family patted Li Yifei on the shoulder, he hehe smiled, and said, "I said that brat, I actually let go of my pigeons last time. This time I also brought the Ning family. You abducted their daughter. How can someone settle accounts with you."

Li Yifei knew the old man of the Ning family. At this time, he greeted him embarrassingly and said, "Hello, Grandpa Ning."

The old man of the Ning Family glared and shouted: "Huh! You bastard, who kidnapped my granddaughter, now you dare to call me like that. Believe it or not, my boss slaps you with your ears?

Li Yifei hurriedly accompanied the smiling face and said, "Yes, grandpa, if you always want to hit me, just hit me, as long as you calm down."

"Huh, do you think I don't care about hitting you?" The old man of the Ning family used to be a senior general in the army. Although he has retired, he is still domineering and raised his hand violently, but in the end it fell on Li Yifei's shoulder.

"Grandpa!" Ning Xiner greeted her at this moment.

"You damned girl, it's really outrageous." The old man of the Ning family glared at Ning Xin'er, but there was a kind of love in his eyes. Ning Xin'er has always been his most dear granddaughter. Less, so he really wanted to.

"Grandpa, I was wrong, don't be angry."

"If I was angry with you, I would have made you so angry. Where is my granddaughter? Bring me here and let me see."

Ning Xiner hurriedly pulled Xiao Yifei over, and the Ning family hurriedly rounded up and made Xiao Yifei a little confused. Fortunately, the little girl is now accustomed to having more grandparents, grandparents, and grandparents from time to time. Not stage fright.

At this time, the third master of the Su family patted Li Yifei on the shoulder again, squeezed his eyes, and said: "Smelly boy, now you are awe-inspiring. You have kidnapped someone's daughter. If they don't do anything to you, if you change someone else, The Ning family chopped up that kid long ago to feed the bastard."

Li Yifei also knew that this time the Ning family was so talkative, it must be because of the influence he had caused after meeting with the chief leaders. He has become a hot character now. How could these big families miss such an opportunity?

Seeing the affection between Li Yifei and Su Family Third Master, the Xiao Family and Zheng Family were very envious. If it hadn’t been the last time they made the wrong decision, then their current relationship would not say that they can be with Su Family San. It's the same, but at least it will be closer than others. It's better now. Because Ning Xiner gave birth to Li Yifei's first child, the relationship with Li Yifei is now better than them.

Li Yifei led everyone to visit his yard. People from these big families also admire Li Yifei’s home very much. If they build such a home, it would be completely effortless, but they can’t do that. , That would cause a lot of criticism, on the contrary, it is not as comfortable as Li Yifei.

Li Xinyue and Michelle’s family are the last thing left. Li Xinyue didn’t intend to let his family come over. He really feels disgusted with his family, but if her family is not present for such a big thing, That is also a very inappropriate thing. After discussing it, Li Yifei decided to let Li Xinyue’s family come over. Even if Li Xinyue’s stepmother is not very good, that younger brother is more rascal, but if they are too much, Li Yifei still has a lot to deal with them. Way.

Michelle’s parents, Li Yifei did not have too much contact. They only met twice, and he would pick him up in person after a while. As the only woman who has a close relationship with Li Yifei, Li Yifei definitely wants Michelle entered the door of his Li family gracefully.

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