The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 850: Be a father again

Michelle returned to the office, but she was a little tangled in the chair.

Yesterday, she had made up her mind to leave here and never meet Li Yifei again. That's why she was so bold and proactive, just to leave her the best memories.

But now Xu Yingying is agitated, and she promises to stay, how will she face Li Yifei in the future?

When I think of the passionate kiss with Li Yifei last night, Michelle's heart is rippling. Without this kiss, she could still meet Li Yifei as before and still maintain a kind of naturalness, but now the kisses are all kissed, how natural is it? .

But she has already agreed, and she can't leave anymore. Yesterday she only considered the relationship and did not consider the status quo of the company. As Xu Yingying said, now that she is gone, the work in the company will be connected. There are many problems in the above, and the impact on the company is still quite large.

Michelle has always followed Xu Yingying as an example, so she is also extremely serious about her work. Now when she thinks that her departure will have so much impact on the company, she cannot leave.

"Now I'm really ashamed. Brother Li must have seen that I am leaving yesterday, so he agreed to me. It's fine now. I haven't walked, but I still follow him... How can I see him in the future? ."

Fortunately, Michelle didn’t struggle for a long time. As soon as she got busy with work, she devoted herself to her work. Moreover, Li Yifei did not show up in the past two days, and finally calmed down her mood slowly. , But every night she would think of the scene with Li Yifei in the snow that night, and the ecstasy kiss in the car, which made her always toss and turn, and could not sleep.

Li Yifei was in the office on the other side of the factory, holding the phone in his hand. Yes, he was holding the phone far away from his ears, but he could still hear Xiao Linger's cry inside.

"Li Yifei, when will you help us solve it? This is going to be on fire. In half a month, the trial marriage ceremony will be held. At that time, it is done. For the sake of face, no family will regret the marriage. You are Isn't it just letting go? I can tell you, if you let go, then we will all say that it is yours, and that you are pregnant with your child, I see what you do."

Li Yifei waited for Xiao Ling'er to finish yelling, then took the phone and said, "My sister-in-law, grandma, this matter can't be done all at once. I have to be sufficiently prepared. Month? Time must be too late."

"This is what you said, and I can tell you, if you really don't help, then you wait to collect the corpses for us, and you can see if we can do it."

"Yes, you can do it, but you can't be impulsive until the last minute. I'm already making arrangements here."

"It's about the same."

After hanging up the phone, Li Yifei explained to Xu Shanshan, who was rolling his eyes at him: “They are Mengxin’s friends, they are forced to marry someone they don’t like, so I have to ask me to help. I can't help them either."

Xu Shanshan came to Li Yifei's side, put her arms on Li Yifei's shoulders, bent down, looked at Li Yifei with a smile, and said, "Then... how do you say it is your person? She also said she was pregnant with your child, you What did you do to them?"

Xu Shanshan was in a professional suit at this time. Although it was cold at this time and there was a turtleneck sweater inside, there was no spring time to show off, but this posture was really attractive, coupled with the relationship between the two, Li Yifei's Still couldn't help but glance at Xu Shanshan's chest, and said, "They just force me to help. What can I do with them?"

"Really? That's the best thing. I can tell you that things at home are hard to settle now. If you go crazy outside, I can't help you if my sister really gets angry afterwards."

Li Yifei nodded repeatedly, and said: "I see, Shanshan..." Li Yifei said, his hands already wrapped around Xu Shanshan's waist.

"Why?" Xu Shanshan squinted at Li Yifei, her voice soft and greasy.

"I miss you." Li Yifei moved his hands gently, breathing a little hot.

Xu Shanshan glanced at the door of the office and said, "Then what do you want?"

Li Yifei straightened Xu Shanshan all of a sudden, and whispered, "Someone is coming."

Xu Shanshan hit Li Yifei once, twisted and returned to her position, and then the door was knocked.

I haven’t been to the factory for many days, and coupled with the backlog after the Chinese New Year, Li Yifei doesn’t have much free time at all. Just after I kissed Xu Shanshan, someone would come, which made Xu Shanshan and Li Yifei was a little upset, but there was nothing to do.

At noon, the two can finally get a little affection, but they can only restrain themselves from messing around. Now if they do too much, it will easily make Xu Yingying telepathic. If Xu Yingying has something to tell Ugly, that would be terrible.

On the fourteenth of the first lunar month, Xu Yingying went on a business trip. This time not only did he go far, but also took a long time. Since the company started operating, the foreign market has been prepared. Now the foreign market has been opened up for a while, Xu Yingying It is necessary to investigate the situation of foreign markets, and conduct deeper discussions and exchanges with several partners.

As soon as Xu Yingying left, Li Yifei was relieved, but Ye Yunzhu's expected delivery date was even advanced. Xu Yingying had just left for a day, and Ye Yunzhu shouted that his stomach hurts.

Li Yifei was worried that when Ye Yunzhu gave birth, it would cause a big conflict in the family. Xu Yingying accepted a small Yifei, but it didn’t mean she could still accept the child in Ye Yunzhu’s belly, so she left now, but it was resolved all at once. This contradiction.

It's not just Li Yifei who feels grateful, but everyone in the family feels quite grateful. At this time, it is really inappropriate to let Xu Yingying know that the child in Ye Yunzhu's belly is Li Yifei.

Li Yifei was also numb at this time, even if his comrades were shot or something, he could deal with it calmly, but this was Ye Yunzhu, but his own flesh and blood in his stomach, she couldn't be deserted at all.

Fortunately, there was also Ning Xin'er, who had given birth to a child, and hurriedly instructed everyone to send Ye Yunzhu to the hospital, and then let everyone don’t forget to bring the baby supplies bought during this time, lest the child was born too late.

When he arrived in the hospital, Ye Yunzhu was pushed into the delivery room. The doctor took a responsibility letter for Li Yifei to sign.

Looking at the above regulations, Li Yifei suddenly felt dizzy. The birth of a child was so scary that the hospital was not responsible for the normal birth and death of mothers.

In fact, everyone who has signed this word knows that the hospital just writes out all kinds of situations. Even if there is a little chance, the hospital must inform the family members, but for the family members, there is no snack when looking at the items. Ability, these can make people collapse.

Seeing Li Yifei signing on it with trembling fingers, everyone wanted to laugh, but because Ye Yunzhu had already moved into the delivery room, everyone was still quite nervous.

Ye Yunzhu chose natural childbirth. This is a big challenge for modern women. Nowadays, many women choose C-section when they give birth. Although it may seem like a cut, it is not very painful and natural. Production is a very painful thing.

This is something that Ye Yunzhu has decided long ago. She can only be a mother this time in her life, so she has to give birth by herself, so as to make her birth more complete. If a C-section is delivered, it may also be for her. A pity.

In addition, there is another most important point, that is, it is said that children born naturally and given birth are smarter than those delivered by caesarean section, so Ye Yunzhu is also willing to suffer for the sake of children.

Natural birth, Li Yifei, the husband, can accompany him. He hurriedly changed into a sterile gown. Li Yifei came to the delivery room. At this time, Ye Yunzhu was already lying on the delivery bed, with a white cloth covered on her legs, her knees up, her legs up. Separated, working hard under the guidance of the doctor.

Li Yifei rushed forward and held Ye Yunzhu's hand tightly. Ye Yunzhu's hand also held Li Yifei's hand tightly. The hand that was usually very delicate was actually quite powerful at this time.

"Wife, how are you?" Li Yifei had a thousand words in his heart, and he couldn't say it at this time.

" hurts!" Ye Yunzhu gritted his teeth, his head covered with sweat.

Li Yifei felt even more distressed, but even if he had the abilities of the whole body, he couldn't help Ye Yunzhu at this time. He could only comfort Ye Yunzhu and encourage her.

"Take a deep breath, don't be nervous, you have already seen your head." The doctor encouraged Ye Yunzhu.

Upon hearing this, Li Yifei's heart suddenly raised his throat. This was the most critical moment.

"Strong! Hard! I'll be out soon!" The doctor directed Ye Yunzhu again.

Ye Yunzhu took another deep breath and made the last effort, but the pain made her unbearable. It was not the most painful moments of an appraiser. Among them, having a baby was the top one. It can be seen how painful it is for a woman to have a child.

Li Yifei suddenly felt a pain in his arm. Ye Yunzhu actually bit his arm. Normally, if Li Yifei’s skin was attacked, he would naturally stretch his muscles to protect himself, but at this time, he He didn't dare, and quickly relieved the strength of his arm, allowing Ye Yunzhu to bite his arm.

Seeing Ye Yunzhu's pain, since Li Yifei couldn't do anything for Ye Yunzhu, he would suffer with her and share the feeling of being a parent.

With a cry of the baby, Ye Yunzhu finally released Li Yifei's arm and let out a long sigh.

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