The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 3002: The power of poetry

Whether the nonsense is not in his control, it is Qingluan's decision. The girl has already crossed her eyebrows, and Li Yifei hastily apologized, saying, "I was abrupt. This is normal with me, but I didn't expect it. You shouldn't say it here."

"Huh, Deng's apprentice!" Qing Luan tweeted, still very curious. After all, Xiu Qi had a very good attitude towards him, and even asked him on the other hand. After asking for advice, Fei disappeared. I guess he went to do some research. She said that there were many books, so she became more curious, and asked, "Which books have you read? Tell me about it, and we can talk to each other."

"Which books have you read? Um...does the Analects count?" Li Yifei said subconsciously.

"Of course the book of the saint counts, not to mention the Analects!" Qing Luan said with a serious expression, his face full of respect, and even arched his hands up to the sky to show respect.

"I have read some of the ancient books, the Four Books, Five Classics, Tang Poetry, Song Ciyuan... Uh, that's it, and then some novels." Li Yifei almost said that they had revealed the stuffing, Xiu Qi and they came from the Song Dynasty, so it is. And it is impossible to have Yuanqu and Ming and Qing novels...

"I have read a lot of Tang poetry, but not many Song poetry. What do you know?"

Song Ci? There are too many. Compared with seven-character and five-character rhyme poems, Li Yifei prefers words and feels more beautiful. In addition, Huaxia students are required to recite poems almost from the beginning of enrollment. Li Yifei never forgets. , So it’s too easy to recite. He quickly recites a few poems.

It’s just that Li Yifei has forgotten the approximate time of these words. Some of them were later words, so Qingluan naturally hadn’t heard of them. She couldn’t help staring wide-eyed and looked intoxicated. After Li Yifei finished speaking for a long time, She was still repeating those words and memorized them again.

"Why... how could there be such a beautiful word, and I haven't read it, or even heard it?" Qing Luan couldn't help feeling a little sad.

"It's normal, the world is so big, there are so many things I haven't heard of before."

"No, but the poems... I should have heard them all, no matter the original, or the literature of the world, I should have heard them!" Qing Luan was unwilling to believe it.

"This..." Li Yifei didn't want to stimulate her, so he said: "Maybe it happened to be lost. My master also likes to collect these, so I can know. Besides, you said, you just like to see things from China, and You don’t like to watch things in the places where other people cultivate, right?"

"I don't like it very much, it feels weird!" Qing Luan said.

"That's right, in fact, if you sink your heart to read, some are still beautiful. They also have poems, words, novels, poignant love stories, and fierce wars!"

"You may be right, but I... didn't study their language well, and there are no people who can speak that language, so I can only give it up for the time being."

"This...I will know a little bit, but I don't know if I will be the same as what they said, so I can't teach you!"

"You can?"

‘Uh...Yes, yes, but not many. Their language is very complicated, and the language may be different every so far. "Li Yifei said.

"Really? I don't know, but I have a few books here, you can see if they are!" Qingluan said, already turned to leave, Li Yifei saw her say to leave, and didn't know whether to stop it. A few minutes later, Qing Luan came back, rubbing some dust on his clothes. Obviously these books were not taken seriously, and they might even be used as a stepping stone.

Putting it in front of Li Yifei, he took a look and found that it was in Latin characters and the other was in French, but it was not the same as the current French, and there were some other characters in it. Li Yifei was dizzy, not to mention Old English. There are also several differences between modern English and modern English. There must be a gap. He couldn't help but shook his head and said: "Sorry, I...may not be able to help you. I can only understand these books, and I don't know. Did you pronounce it right when you said it."

Qingluan raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, arranged the book on the stone table aside, and said: "It's okay, I don't like it myself, but to the words you just said... I want to write it down. Is it ok?"

"Of course, no problem at all, remember? Otherwise, I will tell you again!" Li Yifei said.

"Remember!" Qing Luan said, and with a wave of her hand, she had turned into paper, pen and inkstone from the storage space. She wrote at the desk, and quickly recorded these words. Her words... average, only average , Li Yifei feels that she writes better than her.

"Do these have names?"

"Yes, the name of the poem!" After Li Yifei finished the name of the poem, Qing Luan nodded with joy, and said: "That's right. With these names, it is complete. It's so beautiful. I guess this poem should be a poetess. Written out!"

"I think so too!"

"Hey, the angle is very unique. I like it very much. I can read it every day when I look back and hang it in my room! It's pleasing to the eye!" Qing Luan was in a good mood. The two seemed to resolve the embarrassment they had done before. Of course, it was mainly Li Yifei. Embarrassing, Qing Luan didn't seem to mind, after all, she was not the one who lost.

Li Yifei knew that he could not leave for the time being. One was that Uncle Xiu Qi wanted to continue to ask him something, and Li Yifei himself felt that he should help. After all, Uncle Xiu Qi was a bit great. If he could really increase production through the earth's methods, it would be considered as such It's a good thing, why not do it, not to mention that he can also know some information about this world from the mouth of the father and daughter, which is also a good thing for him.

Therefore, Li Yifei stayed here for a while, and he could practice by relying on the spar that Qingluan exchanged for him, striving to break through to the Golden Core Stage, so that he could have more strength...

With the understanding of this world, Li Yifei is actually suffering mentally, not for anything else, but the strength level of this world, he is the highest on earth, and he has become one of the lowest level of cultivators in this world. , Then the possibility of finding to fill the cracks will become much smaller, and no one knows what dangers they will face.

The first step is to survive first. If you can’t survive, everything will be gone. Uncle Xiu Qi also provided him with a temporary place to live, so Li Yifei cultivated as soon as possible, and he gave the situation five crystal stones. Leave five. According to estimates, these five may never last, and you can break through.

But the question that followed was...even if it was a breakthrough, what exercise would he use to continue practicing? There are countless cultivation techniques in this world, but it is impossible for ordinary people to master it. Li Yifei’s cultivation technique is already at the limit when he reaches the golden core. If he goes further, he always needs cultivation technique.

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