The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 2992: botany?

Uncle Xiu Qi didn't want to talk more with Li Yifei. It was already a special treat to give him a few fruits. It was also because Li Yifei was very polite, otherwise he would just kill him, or Li Yifei seemed to say something accidentally. In other words, it attracted Xiu Qi's attention.

"You mean grafting?"

"Yes, grafting." Li Yifei nodded. He had read Yuan Daoshen's hybrid rice-related papers, but those texts certainly do not apply here. Li Yifei can't talk about cells, molecules, genes, etc. Fortunately, grafting is also an excellent breeding method. For example, common fruits such as pears and apples can be grafted, including peaches and plums, but Li Yifei doesn't know much about this.

"Tell me carefully!" Xiu Qi pulled Li Yifei to sit down.

"I heard Uncle Xiu Qi you just said that you want to increase production, so I thought of this!" Li Yifei said.

"No, I mean, I don't understand the meaning of these two words, you try to explain it to me carefully." Xiu Qi said.

"Well, this is what my master said. He said that everything is connected, some are very big, and some are very small, so small that we can't even perceive it, but there is always a connection, just like aura. , Inhale the body and cultivate into different attributes, even unique zhenqi. We don’t know how many transformations have occurred between these transformations, but we can compare zhenqi to gravel, one gravel, ten thousand gravel, Countless sand and gravel merge together and turn into qi, and the same goes for plants. Look at this fruit, the dots on the flesh, are they all independent individuals, but when they grow together, my master calls this kind of thing Cells, some cells are large, some cells are small, and cells of different sizes, or cells of other shapes are combined together, which are different objects, there are fruits and others."

Xiu Qi listened earnestly and nodded: "Yes, this is true, humans are the same, beasts are the same, although your descriptions are not the same, but I can understand!"

Li Yifei raised his eyebrows slightly. Unexpectedly, the theoretical knowledge of this world is quite high, but then he understood that the cultivator himself studies himself or life, which is infinitely magnificent and subtle, and it is not difficult to understand this. .

He went on to say: "So my master once did an experiment to graft two similar plants, just like this..." Li Yifei picked up two pieces of wooden sticks, one thick and one thin, and the thick one inserted into the ground. , The thin one was cut off with a sword and inserted into the thick one, and he explained: "Like this, it's fine."

"This is grafting?"

"Yes, but if the plant has similar properties, such as this fruit, it should have similar fruit? It looks similar, or tastes the same? Or the tree looks similar!"

"You said stinky fruit? Well, yes, I know there are seven or eight kinds of similar fruits, although the names are different."

"Yes, the principle of grafting lies in this. For example, this fruit has a big fist, but the taste is not good, or the aura is not so abundant, so people don't like it so much. And another kind of fruit, oh, smelly fruit, it is very It’s small, and there are few knots on a tree, but it tastes good, and the qi is restored. What should I do at this time?" Li Yifei picked up the stinky fruit and bumped it in his hand, wondering why it happened. Can't you have a poetic name for a bad name? But after thinking about it again, this thing is stinking, and it is a waste of names to have poetic names.

Xiu Qi thoughtfully, after a full minute, he nodded and said: "So what you mean is, let me connect two kinds of fruit trees together, such as this kind of stinky fruit. Yes, there are a lot of auras that can be restored. When it is connected to another tree that can bear great fruit, the fruit that grows like this is this kind of fruit? And can there be more fruit?"

"It's possible in theory, but I'm not sure. I just saw my master do it, but I didn't do it myself!"

"Your statement is very new. I never thought about it. In the past, I would only worry about things like the land and the seeds of plants, but I have never tried a statement like yours."

"Grafting is actually a kind of asexual reproduction. Oh, for example, only when a man and a woman are together can have children. The same is true for plants. Those words that are opened are equivalent to women..."

"What about the man? Does the flower also have a male and female?"

"Mostly speaking, there are both males and females on a flower. The males are the stamens, that's this..." Li Yifei just saw a beautiful flower blooming next to him. He turned the sword in his hand and cut it off. Uncle Xiu Qi opened his eyes instantly, and an awe-inspiring meaning emerged. Li Yifei was stunned, subconsciously thinking that he had met a high-level expert. Just now, the cold sweat on his back came down, but It was just a breathing room, and the surroundings were warm as spring without any change. Li Yifei couldn't help swallowing and spitting, subconsciously looking at the forest, wondering if a master had come out.

Uncle Xiu Qi pointed to the flower and said, "Which are male and those are female?"

"Um..." Li Yifei didn't know for a while whether he should go on or not. He worried that his too modern words would arouse suspicion from the other party, so he hesitated. Seeing Uncle Xiu Qi's curious eyes, he still pointed at Huaxin. Location, said: "Here, or inside, do you see it, there is a passage, the inside is where the fruit is grown, and the powdery things outside are actually pollen, that is... the male, the inside is the female, but generally All of the flowers cannot be pollinated by themselves, so they need butterflies, bees, and even wind or something to blow off the pollen and fall on other flowers, so that a fruit embryo is formed, and then it grows up slowly."

"This is sexual reproduction. It does not require seeds. It only requires mature individuals. Of course, when it comes to flowering, sexual reproduction is still needed. It's just that we combine two different things together. This is the magic of grafting."

"Using the healing function of plants after being wounded, when grafting, let the two wound surfaces close and tie them together. At this time, the plants themselves will grow cells. The cells are the gravel I just mentioned. Some are big and some are small. Just like when we are injured, the skin will heal slowly and the inside will recover. The same is true for plants. After they are healed, they are connected together and become a whole. The roots absorb When water and nutrients are transported to the upper section, they will naturally continue to grow, bloom, and bear fruit."

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