The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 2915: Gun and threat

When Li Mingnan and his mother returned home, they were scolded by Li Mingnan’s father. Obviously, the old man was so angry that he also felt that his wife and children almost got into a big trouble for no reason. It stands to reason that his status can be ignored by Li Yifei. People, because the two are not in the same world, regardless of whether it is China or elsewhere, they are based on the secular world's regime after all. No matter how tyrannical the practitioners are, they can’t mess around, organizations like Noah’s Ark Once discovered, it can only face recovery from people all over the world.

However, despite this, it is not actually true. After all, the cultivator’s personal abilities are too strong and unmatched. Therefore, people in the world must also consider these. If it is someone else, it doesn’t matter, but Li Yifei. Three words...In recent years, it has been a bit hot. In addition to his background, this man has a magical legend. Anyone who provokes him will have no good end...This is special What a horrible place, who must be this to be able to fail without fail, whether it is against the cultivators or those with a big background.

What's more, if this person wants to be married to the Wu family, it is even more important to pay attention. It can be said that it is unfortunate that the son provokes such a person, so he hastened to apologize.

When he arrives at home, he naturally wants to give vent to Li Mingnan and his wife. Don't mess with people who shouldn't. In that case, no one can save him.

It was also the first time that Li Yifei used this method to "pretend, compare". At that time, he thought that if it didn't work, it would be a big deal for Wu Shuwei's father to blast Li Mingnan away.

In the car, Wu Shuwei let go of a big stone in his heart and finally obtained the formal consent of his parents, and if the child is pregnant, the child can also be named Wu. She doesn't care about this. The child's last name will do, but the parents obviously care about it. , So the current result is the best result.

Turning his head to look at him, Wu Shuwei felt sweeter in his heart as he looked at him, as if he could marry Li Yifei tomorrow. The eyes between his lovers are unique, and Li Yifei can feel the tenderness beside him.

"My husband, I want to be here..." Wu Shuwei couldn't help but tremble when the car drove into a relatively dark place.

Li Yifei almost braked and stopped here. Wu Shuwei voluntarily asked to be in the car. This is something that has never happened. However, considering that this is the capital city, it is not too late. I am afraid that there is no quiet place in the true sense. : "Hold on for a while, and my husband will satisfy you when you get home!"

"Fuck you!" Wu Shuwei couldn't help groaning, but he was still very shy, and after pushing Li Yifei.

While the two were talking and laughing, a dark figure suddenly rushed out of the woods in the diagonal thorn. Li Yifei hurriedly stepped on the brakes while turning the steering wheel to avoid it. Fortunately, the speed was not fast, so he did not hit the person who rushed out.

However, the Land Rover with good performance still left a long brake mark on the ground. Li Yifei unfastened his seat belt and said, "You are in the car, let me see what happened."

Li Yifei got out of the car and was about to check the man who fell on the ground. Seeing that the man looked like a woman, he had long hair, but the clothes on his body were a bit tattered. He was about to walk over when he saw the forest rushing. Three men came out, screaming as they ran; "Why, bitch, dare to resist, I am attracted to you, dare you not follow?"

While they were talking, the three men had already rushed to the woman, and they were about to drag her back into the woods!

"Stop!" Li Yifei shouted. He was shocked for a few seconds, and almost thought it was filming, because this is the capital city, the best place. Whether it is the police or other defenses, it is the highest in the country. It is only ten. A little too much, there are people here who are planning to implement strong, J, is this **** dreaming? So he shouted a few seconds late, and after reacting, Li Yifei shouted immediately.

"Boy, you'd better leave him nosy, I can't take care of Lao Tzu's business!" The man who scolded just now raised his head and looked at Li Yifei. Seeing that he was alone, he cursed and took out one at the same time. The gun...

It was definitely a pistol. Li Yifei could see clearly. The other party shook the gun in his hand and pointed the muzzle at him. At the same time, he also saw clearly the woman who was caught by the three of them. She was a beautiful woman. The darkness could not stop Li Yifei's sight. Her clothes were torn, and even the bra was pulled out. She was still crying, but after seeing the gun, she immediately covered her mouth desperately and shook her head weakly.

"Are you going to be an old man for me?" Li Yifei said lightly, without stopping, walking towards the three of them step by step.

"Fuck, are you still enthusiastic? Why, want to be a hero? Fuck, believe it or not I will give you a shot?"

"You got a real gun?"

"Stop him, of course I took a real gun, a real gun that can kill you!" said humanity.

"I think you are a bit familiar." Li Yifei suddenly frowned. The man had a grim expression, but he was indeed a handsome man. Even Li Yifei had to admit that this product was selling well, so he said that.

What Li Yifei didn't expect was that when he said this, the other party was a little panicked. He pulled up the sleeves of his sweater and said to the two left and right: "Don't talk nonsense with him, get the person back quickly, right? Even running so far, there are you, don't you pretend to be a hero, be careful I shot you!

"If you haven't met, you won't be able to take this person." Li Yifei smiled and said, as if to shake hands, stretched out his hand, and did not see his movements. Li Yifei appeared in the three. In front of the person, the talking man groaned and shot subconsciously.

He was holding a real gun, and it was a real gun with live ammunition, and even a real gun that had already opened the insurance. So this nervousness, subconsciously shot the bullet, and the bullet was shot out. Li Yifei was close at hand, but the bullet was naturally impossible. Shot him, he seemed to have done nothing in the illusion, but the bullet had already escaped, hitting a telegraph pole tens of meters away, making a noise.

The man had no time to fire a second shot because he already felt that his body was out of control. The next second he had already flown out. The two people beside him flew faster than him. All this happened within one second. of.

Li Yifei rescued the woman. The woman also looked familiar, so he frowned in no hurry and said, "Don't cry, tell me what's the matter?"

The woman nodded vigorously and controlled her emotions. After a while, she said: "Veteran, comrade veteran, I know it is you, thank you for saving me!"

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