At this level of cultivation on both sides, the verbal stimulation may only be the verbal stimulation. Most of the time, it is difficult to have any effect, but sometimes it is fatal. For example, at this moment, Li Yifei seems to be casual. The mockery is actually disintegrating Murong Zheng's psychological defense.

Originally under speculation, Murong was a very strong-minded person. If he were not such a strong person, he would not be able to get Noah’s Ark, an organization that often destroys humanity, but he encountered a failure, or rather After being abandoned, Murong Zheng is again a fragile person. Only he himself knows how strong the other party is. If he leaves the other party’s support, he will have nothing...

Li Yifei's verbal offensive made Murong Zheng even appear to have some logical confusion. Li Yifei shouted loudly and said: "You are such an unfaithful, unfilial person and want to dominate the world. It's ridiculous!"

Murong Zheng shook his body, raised his face, staring at Li Yifei with blood-red eyes, and defended: "You can add some vocabulary. You don't need to over and over again just use these words!"

"Senior Murong is not bad to you, why do you have to kill him? If I were an orphan, I would never kill my adoptive father, especially when he taught you so many things. You can have today because of him. Without him, you would have starved to death!" Li Yifei's tone changed.

Yao Lingfu bit her lip. This is something she can't understand. She knows Murong Yuanqing very well and that period of time. She also watched Murong Zheng grow up, so she couldn't understand why the other party did that.

When Murong heard this question, he didn't answer it immediately, but a smile of comfort appeared on his face...Of course, it was difficult to make such an expression on his disfigured face.

"Why kill him? Because it should be killed, I wanted to kill him at the beginning. It is kind enough to let him live for so many years!" Murong Zheng said with a smirk.

"But Senior Murong...he has run out of time, can't you let him reach the end of his life?" Li Yifei asked with condensed eyebrows.

Murong Zheng glanced at the crowd and said, "Why let him come to the end of his life? Why? You should know that if I don't have to kill him, the degeneration event will definitely be successful. Say, it's a huge disaster, right?"

Li Yifei nodded. He wanted to agree with this, so he said, "I don't know where Senior Murong has offended you and made you hate him so much..."

"Yes, I just hate him. I hate him to the bone. When I know that he is going to die, I am happy, but also angry. He can only be killed by me. Why dare to die by himself? So I came and personally When I killed him, it was my happiest day in all these years, hahaha, so you asked me why I killed him? Because I would be happy."

"So, you have a very serious mental problem, that is, mental illness." Li Yifei said lightly, feeling very sad in his heart.

"Hahahaha, you don't understand, you don't understand, that's a hypocrite, what kind of senior do you really think he is? Li Yifei, take your simple head, Murong Yuanqing, he is a hypocrite, a hypocrite through and through. , It's just a scum!" Murong Zheng shouted loudly, and the iron chains on his body were creaking.

"So, where is the hypocrisy?" Li Yifei asked without change.

"Where? Everywhere is hypocritical!"

Yao Lingfu, who had been patient, suddenly spoke. She looked at Murongzheng with a grim expression and asked sharply, "Murongzheng, did someone tell you something that year, that's why you betrayed the teacher?"

Murong Zheng stared at Yao Lingfu with a pair of scarlet eyes, he smiled, and said, "What about it, so what about it? It's not the same result. You are the person involved. You should know what Murong is doing. He is a scumbag. !"

"Sure enough!" Yao Lingfu said here, sighing heavily, shook his head and said: "Sure enough, hehe, it really is!"

Yao Lingfu said it three times in a row, and it was true. Li Yifei didn't know it, so he looked over and waited for the old man to reveal it.

"Murongzheng, no matter what that person has told you, but I can tell you with my lifetime reputation, he is lying to you." Yao Lingfu said sternly.

Murong Zheng's expression stiffened, and quickly shook his head, saying: "What are you, your guarantee..."

"Murongzheng!" Li Yifei saw his rude words, and immediately stopped and said: "You have fallen to this point. Senior Yao doesn't need to lie to you. Your fate must be a death, but we don't understand why you have to kill Murong. Seniors are not allowed. He doesn't treat you a hundred good ones, so there are ninety-nine good ones. Wouldn't you be a little grateful if you were raised by him since you were young?"

Without waiting for Murong to speak, Li Yifei continued: "People can be stubborn, extreme, or mentally ill, but... people have to divide their good and bad, right?"

"Hehe, why, want to make me regret it before I die?"

"Murongzheng, you can tell your reason. Although most of the old people are no longer there, I am still alive and I know what happened at that time!" Yao Lingfu said here, and said to the people behind him: "You go out first!"

The people in the back looked at each other and walked out one after another. There were only three people left in the space. Yao Lingfu continued, "I always feel that there is a misunderstanding. I grew up watching you and I still remember you. When you were seventeen years old, on your birthday, Murong asked you your wishes. You said that you want to be an unparalleled hero, inherit Murong’s mantle, and let him rest without being so tired. Although many years have passed, but I I remember it clearly. You also said to me that you hope Murong can be with Qingqiu, so that the two can have a company when they are old. This is what you told me, you may forget it, but I always remember it. So Murong said You hurt him and rebelled against the teacher. I don’t believe it or believe it at all. It’s almost impossible to happen, Murong Zheng, I think there must be a misunderstanding, and your personality is a bit extreme. If you have a misunderstanding, you won’t ask about it. The same is true for Murong. You were raised by him. You two tend to be too aggressive towards people you are close to. So, I know there must be a misunderstanding, otherwise you won’t become That way!"

As Yao Lingfu was talking, his emotions would inevitably become agitated. Li Yifei hurriedly walked over and comforted him: "Senior, don't get excited, Murong is destined to die when he is doing these things. He just said those things he wanted to say. If you don't want to say it, just bring it down and talk to Senior Murong in person."

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