The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 2794: Make an appointment

Of course, Li Yifei won’t hurt her beautiful lady, and it’s just teasing her. Since the relationship between the two of them has been established, Li Yifei has liked this teasing. Looking at Wu Shuwei, who has a completely different personality from the past, he feels very good because it means Wu Shuwei is also changing.

The important thing is that this change makes her feel happy, which is better than anything else. If it is unhappy, then this change does not matter. If it is happy, this is the purpose of two people being together. Happy to each other.

It is also the ultimate goal of young men and women together. Regardless of the economic conditions in reality, what is suitable? Isn't it just being able to feel happiness from the other person? It’s appropriate to be happy and happy with TA, but in real life, many external conditions have been artificially added, such as house, car, ticket, the identity of the other’s parents, status, work, etc...

After getting in touch with Wu Shuwei for a while, Li Yifei chose to reply to the other party. In response, Li Yifei wrote: "My medical skills are not high, but they are all orthodox Chinese medical skills. If you want to challenge, then I will dare to fight, but it's better to be quicker, I I don’t have time to spend with you. As for the one million you said, I might not lack this little money. I will either add one billion to one billion, or just bet on something else!"

Netizens quickly boiled, and a person named Elephant left a message: "Look, look, veterans are ready to fight!"

"Haha, one billion billion? Veterans, you look at them too highly, and these grandsons are not tied together, right?"

"They cheated money for so many years. One hundred million is still there, one billion is a mystery, but it's impossible to say that scammers are terrible these years."

"I went downstairs to buy a bench, and the veteran really made a difference."

Some people watch the excitement, some applaud, some people follow Li Yifei, and some people will choose to abuse them. These people may not be fans of those people, but Li Yifei can understand this mentality. From another perspective, he has his wealth, perhaps many people. He felt that he didn't need to have general knowledge with these people, and he might even have to provoke him. Li Yifei just ignores them. Once the hot spot is over, those people should be liars or liars, famous doctors or famous doctors.

But the crux of the problem lies here. Li Yifei can ignore and ignore these people, but now that he knows, Li Yifei can't watch them cheating, right? Of course, at the moment he has not personally confirmed the medical skills of these people, so he does not know how they are, but Li Yifei is clear that the things they post on Weibo are really not a famous doctor. They are all fooling people.

In this case, Li Yifei can stop without proving their authenticity. If it is true, Li Yifei can apologize for losing money, because the real master of traditional Chinese medicine is worthy of respect, but if it is a fake, it will not end up better than Shan Guiwei. go with.

"Haha, okay, let's make an appointment. Today, Heming is here to pick it up. I don't have one billion, but you said to bet on something else, what?" Several people led by Heming studied it. , Took it down.

Li Yifei replied: "Since everyone knows how to practice medicine, this is the bet. The loser cannot practice medicine in this life. Of course, the loser is a liar. If he still dares to practice medicine in this life, the patient will not agree."

"Hey, the veteran is drawing a salary from the bottom of the tank. If he really wins, those scammers will cut their money!" A netizen couldn't help but say.

Li Yifei’s fans have a lot of confidence in him, in all aspects, but if they talk about Chinese medicine, they really don’t have much confidence. Although they believe, they have never seen Li Yifei show off his ability in this area, so they can’t help but ask: "Boss, is it okay in medical skills? If you play in person, I don’t think it’s fair. Otherwise, send three people on the opposite side. Let’s send three people here. With your influence, boss, find three real masters of Chinese medicine. Not difficult!"

Not only this person suggested Li Yifei, but many others were worried about him. This was also out of good intentions, but Li Yifei had confidence in himself. If the theory of Chinese medicine is used, he might not know much, and it is too late to make up for it. , But if you talk about treatment and diagnosis, then he is simply a master.

The other party also stared at the Internet, and quickly replied: "Yes, since you are going to be ashamed, then let you be ashamed. Chinese medicine is a profound knowledge, not something that a yellow-mouthed child like you can comprehend, ha ha, Since you want to insult yourself, the old man will accompany you!"

"Since you agree, let's make rules." Li Yifei didn't want to talk nonsense.

The two parties talked over the air, and quickly formulated a series of rules. For example, they sent three of them to fight against Li Yifei. They started with the most basic "seeing, hearing, asking, and cutting" of traditional Chinese medicine. In the field, Li Yifei fought three games alone. As for patients, netizens can sign up. The two parties decided to hand over to a third party for operation and supervision. At that time, some Chinese medicine departments and masters would also be invited to the scene.

Li Yifei added an article: "I hope that the western medicine comrades will also be there and the media will also be there. At the same time, the contract is signed before the game. If you lose, it will prove that the other party is a real master of Chinese medicine. Li Yifei is willing to pay 1 billion Chinese currency to establish a foundation. To promote the development of Chinese medicine, and to give them 100 million as compensation, and if he wins, then the other people will not be able to practice medicine for life, and the police will have to investigate the past."

One billion plus one hundred million, one billion, Li Yifei is a big deal. Netizens all feel passionate and admire the veterans even more. He paid so much for something that had nothing to do with him, even To a certain extent, he also gambled on his reputation. After all, he really lost money and lost his reputation. He was more famous than those Chinese medicine doctors.

"The real can't be fake, the fake can't be real, the truth is true and the fake, I'll see the difference in five days." Li Yifei finally posted a Weibo.

A few people from the other party got together and started the research. Of course, Li Yifei was scolded before the research. However, since the comparison method was set in advance, it was relatively easy. They all have some The medical skills are only different in level, so they still have a lot of confidence in the face of problems that are raised in advance. Furthermore, even if they knew Li Yifei's identity, they didn't believe that the other party would even be proficient in medicine, wouldn't they be all-rounders?

So these few days, they are preparing nervously, in an attempt to defeat Li Yifei.

After a few days, Li Yifei went to class normally, and spent time with Wu Shuwei. The window paper was completely punctured. Wu Shuwei became very annoying. It seems that after these learning days, she and Li Yifei can’t see each other often. The house was on fire quickly, even if her body was not good enough, her heart was still demanding, so she often needed Li Yifei to work hard to help her restore her strength, otherwise she would really be too much to eat.

This kind of thing, all the girls in the family also know that everyone supports Li Yifei. Generally speaking, this is a good thing. Li Yifei is cracking down on fakes. If the other party is true, then it is certainly a good thing. It proves these strange-sounding treatments. It's really useful, and if it's fake...hehe, don't blame Li Yifei for being ruthless, and hope that this can spread the whole thing out, so that the so-called Chinese medicine doctors who are hiding in towns, counties or even villages can wake up.

There are many people in China, with a population of 1.3 or 4 billion, and the level of medical care is extremely uneven. The more underdeveloped the place, the more backward medical care, even in the southeast coast. Even so, those quack doctors are also abominable, and they are not necessarily dead. In the end, their disease delayed treatment, turning immortality into mortal, which is also an evil.

"Call my husband to listen." In the evening, Wu Shuwei, who was nestled in Li Yifei's arms, stretched out his slender hand, pinched two grapes and stuffed it into Li Yifei's mouth. The latter sought out with one hand and helped Wu Shuwei with the other. While holding the tablet, the two are watching an entertainment program, of course, the real thinking is not on that.

Hearing Li Yifei’s words, Wu Shuwei’s cheeks became hot, and the two of them were sure that the relationship was ten days old. Wu Shuwei called Yifei at most, or called Fei from deep in love. One night, Wu Shuwei called his brother a few times and called Li Yifei. He's seizures, so if he catches the opportunity these days, he will let Wu Shuwei'change'.

"Not married yet." Wu Shuwei whispered, looking a little emboldened.

"Marriage... will happen on this day, but not in the near future, but am I not your husband?" Li Yifei frowned and asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, so I have to ask you."

"Anyway, in this life... Except for you, I won't have a second man. If you don't want me, then I will live my life by myself. I can swear on that."

"Swear an ass, besides, it's only you who don't want me. There is no possibility that I don't want you. You don't know how obsessed I am with you." In the second half, Li Yifei couldn't help but said with a smirk. Wu Shuwei is not only sensitive Physique, it’s even rarer to spray...This can be proved by the fact that the two people change the bedsheets very frequently. Often the final battlefield of a battle has to be changed from the bed to the ground, or the bathroom, so as not to It hurts the innocent.

Ahem, this aspect can only be appreciated, Wu Shuwei will not be able to stand it, she obviously still can't let go of this aspect, but this is her beauty, as long as Li Yifei knows it.

"Huh, after we get married, I will call every day." Wu Shuwei insisted.

"Now let's call it out, it's nothing. You agree that I am the only man in your life, and I will swear to be with you all my life, so isn't it your husband?"

"But this is just a name." Wu Shuwei dug his mouth.

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