The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 2788: con man?

There are many genius doctors in Chinese medicine. In China’s medicine for thousands of years, there will definitely be a lot of treasures, and of course there will be a lot of dross, but in the treatment of cancer, even if you take some useful and useless medicine, or even poisonous medicine. , Li Yifei wouldn't say anything. He would get a fire needle to burn the patient who was already suffering from pain again. This is really... horrible.

It is important to know that cancer patients, especially those in the middle and advanced stages, are very fragile. The consequences of chemotherapy and radiotherapy are also very serious. In some cases, various indicators in the body are reduced, and the resistance is even lower, let alone a large area. The appearance of burns requires a lot of energy and cells in the body, even a small sore may cause infection and even death.

On the way, when she heard the little girl’s father's account, Wu Shuwei repeatedly couldn't bear it. She also couldn't figure out how this happened. She couldn't help but said, "Is this still a doctor? Isn't there so many patients and family members that no one can break them? ?"

"There should be, but many of them are patients from other places. He promised that if the treatment is not possible, then the treatment fee will be refunded by half, so that many family members may not be able to make trouble." The little girl's mother said.

"What if the person is dead? Cancer patients will die at any time." Wu Shuwei asked.

"That's okay. The patients who went to the treatment were already desperate. There was no way. Just like we did at the beginning, compared to the hospital treatment fees, the fees they charge can only be said to be very small, so generally It’s an attitude of giving it a try!" said the little girl’s father.

Li Yifei nodded, agreed with the other party's statement, and then said: "You will know when you go. If it is fake, this person is really hateful."

When Li Yifei treated a little girl, he claimed to be Chinese medicine. The so-called Chinese medicine is the Chinese medicine. It is the crystallization of ancient Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Li Yifei himself believes in the medicine of Chinese medicine, and he also hopes to promote those real medical skills. , Instead of all kinds of crooks.

When the car drove to the front of the Chinese medicine clinic that claims to be able to treat various cancers, Li Yifei and others got off the car and saw two rows of benches in front of the car. Several old men and women were sitting on them, wearing very thin clothes. Standing motionless, face up to the sky, arms posed, palms up, fingers still pinching, the people passing by seemed to be strange, and they didn't even look at it. It was the first time Li Yifei and Wu Shuwei saw them. I feel very puzzled, what are these people doing?

"They are receiving treatment!" the little girl's father whispered.

Wu Shuwei asked incomprehensibly: "How is this treated? Is it sunbathing?"

"Yes, it seems to have something to do with yin and yang. The sun is shining at noon, which seems to mean," the little girl's father replied.

"But this is too little to wear. Old people have poor blood circulation, and their limbs are prone to chills. This is still the case on such a cold day?" Wu Shuwei couldn't help being a little surprised.

"I don't know." The little girl's father said truthfully, and Wu Shuwei looked at Li Yifei, who patted her hand and said, "Go in first."

These old people are not young anymore, and those who are children are watching their parents suffer here, and they don’t know what they will feel...

This is a Chinese medicine clinic with two floors. The downstairs is where all kinds of Chinese medicine physiotherapy are performed. Well, the two words physiotherapy were invented and created, and then they are specialized in the treatment of cancer. There are too many people who usually treat cancer. So you need to make an appointment in advance, otherwise you will come for nothing, and there is a problem with Doctor Shan. When you make an appointment, you must come at that time. It is out of date. Even if it is not busy here, he will not accept him.

This kind of bad temper has caused many patients to come on time and punctually if they want to treat cancer. Like Li Yifei, they did not make an appointment, but they were obstructed after entering the house. Two female doctors in white coats blocked the crowd and asked What are they doing.

"Doctor, my daughter has been treated here!" said the little girl's father.

"Have you been treated here?" The female doctor looked at everyone suspiciously, and finally fell on the little girl. The female doctor next to him quickly said, "Oh, it's you. I remember you said during the return visit a few days ago. Is my daughter's illness cured? This is great!"

When she said this, she couldn't help raising her voice and saying loudly: "Dear patients, look at this little girl, she is treating the disease here. Isn't it cancer? The late-stage one is treated by our single doctor, you Look, how long it has been, it's already a good deal."

The little girl's father wanted to defend. Li Yifei motioned that he didn't need to explain, but smiled, and said, "So let's come back and have a look at Doctor Shan."

"Okay, I'm going to report now. Doctor Shan is treating the patient." The female doctor said with a beaming smile, which was obviously extremely useful. After speaking, she turned around and walked up to her arms. Li Yifei spoke to several people: "It's okay. , They can say anything, let’s see the situation first."

Several people nodded, and Wu Shuwei glanced around and found that there were more than a dozen beds on the first floor. They were either lying, crawling, or waiting in a weird posture. The beds were full, and there were some people who came to accompany them. There are dazzling needles pierced in the body, and some are on the head, or cupping in a certain part, oh no, it should be said that it is a blood tank, because those cupping jars are filled with red blood and look like It's something like blood tofu, some are even full, and it looks like a lot of blood.

There was a trace of unbearable expression on her face. Although she was not a doctor, she believed that this method would not cure the disease. She thought, there are many elderly people in the house, blood vessels, skin, and various functions. Her hematopoietic function is also weak. So much blood is produced at one time, and it is forced to be drawn out. She really doesn't think this can cure the disease.

Looking at the patients being treated, they seemed to be very painful. Some even groaned. I didn’t know whether it was the original pain or the pain after the treatment. Wu Shuwei pulled Li Yifei’s sleeve, and the latter nodded, expressing himself. I also saw that there was a strong burnt smell in the air, like a vegetable paste, and there was also a smell of meat, but the smell of the latter was very weak, more of the smell of smoke.

The smell floats from the hug, so it seems that Shan Guiming is treating cancer patients.

"Doctor Shan asked you to go up, but he is currently being treated. You go up and wait a while, and it will be over soon." The female doctor walked down with a thick smile on her face, and then said to the surrounding patients: "Shan The doctor’s medical skills are nothing to say. Everyone has seen it. This is a curative effect. So, if you have a relative who has cancer, it can’t be treated by a regular hospital, so come here to try it, although there is a possibility of failure. ...But there is always hope."

Li Yifei smiled faintly and nodded towards the female doctor. Li Yifei stepped upstairs and quickly walked upstairs. The upstairs was even more smoky. There were many wooden sticks in a box that seemed to be specially made. Wooden sticks are also some of the roots of some medicinal materials. Li Yifei can recognize some of them. However, these medicinal materials, or woody plants, have different medicinal effects. They are simply burned by fire, burned into charcoal, and then inserted into the patient's body. , Li Yifei really couldn't think of any healing effects.

A few people walked up, and a doctor quickly walked out of the cubicle. He was about fifty years old. However, it is said that Doctor Shan is sixty years old this year and looks young. When the other party came out, he looked at Li Yifei. He showed a deep smile and proactively stretched out his hand and said: "Hello, I heard that you are here to give feedback, how is it? You are completely healed."

When he was speaking, his eyes really filled with joy, staring at the little girl.

"This is?" Doctor Shan had an impression of the little girl's parents. After shaking hands, he looked at Li Yifei and asked.

"This is..." The little girl's father stuttered a bit. Li Yifei introduced himself: "Hello, I heard about Doctor Shan's reputation, so I came here to visit."

"Visit? Oh. Sit down, there are patients on my side who want to be treated, and we will talk afterwards." Doctor Shan's attitude became obviously cold, and he turned and walked back.

"Doctor Shan, can I have a visit?" Li Yifei asked from behind, and they had already followed.

"No, the treatment process is a bit unsightly, and the other is that we must protect the privacy of patients, right, so you can't visit." Doctor Shan stopped and said.

It seems reasonable, but Li Yifei has already seen through the face of Doctor Shan. At least, he is not a cultivator, because there is no trace of true Qi fluctuations in his body. This shows that he is not a cultivator. Of course, there is a little possibility that his cultivation is. It is higher than Li Yifei, and much higher, so I can hide myself from being discovered by Li Yifei, just like the mystery I once faced.

But is it possible? Li Yifei doesn’t believe it, so he can basically be sure that this Doctor Shan is a liar, whether he scams money or reputation, in short, he is a liar, especially the old men and women who are being treated downstairs. , Using those methods to cure diseases, it is because of good health and good luck that no one died, and that accelerated death is the result of those treatment methods.

Li Yifei said: "Doctor Shan, I am a reporter. After hearing about my niece, I want to help you with an interview so that more people can know."

"Reporter? That's even worse. I don't welcome reporters here. If you have nothing to do, just report blindly. I don't welcome you. Hurry up!" Doctor Shan changed his face and walked over to push Li Yifei out.

It must be impossible to push, and Li Yifei will not go out. He looked at Doctor Shan.

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