The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 2742: Hometown

"No, you need to fry it a little bit. A strong aroma will come out in a few seconds, and after the frying, it will turn red. It looks very attractive, I When I was young, I improved my family’s eating conditions, and I often caught fish, crickets, and some snakes and came home to eat."

"Still catching snakes?" Chu Xiaoyao asked with wide eyes.

"Of course, snakes are very common in my house. Sometimes they can be seen in aqua toilets, in gardens, and at home, not to mention the riverside or down the mountain. They are very common."

"My God, is that snake delicious?" Chu Xiaoyao showed her true color as a foodie. Although she was afraid of snakes, she still didn't forget her original intention and went straight to the subject.

Su Li is distracted. She is also very interested in eating, but when she mentions snakes, she thinks of the second meeting between the two. When Li Yifei went to Su's house, the encounter on the back mountain seemed to be Not very happy. After all, Li Yifei threw her down. Su Li was very angry at the time. Even if he figured out that Li Yifei was trying to save her, Su Li was still angry. Looking back now, the taste is different. Thanks a lot to that big snake to make their fate go further.

"Hey, Ari, my husband said that snakes are also delicious. Do you want to catch a snake? If you come back, you can roast it and blow it up." Chu Xiaoyao pushed the distracted Su Li and said with interest. .

"Ah? No, I heard that snakes are all parasites, and eating them will be bad for your health." Su Li regained consciousness and said.

"Oh, okay, but my husband just said that after the snake was caught, he tore a little skin from the head, and then gently pulled, the whole skin and internal organs went out, leaving the white snake meat. After cleaning, cut it into sections, blanch it with hot water, then boil the soup, or marinate it with salt, throw it in the hot oil pan, roll it up a few times, and it tastes delicious. "Chu Xiao When Yao spoke, she couldn't help drooling. She still hadn't eaten this, and she would be greedy by imagination. If she had eaten it, it would be even more memorable.

For example, Li Yifei, when he got out of the car and glanced at the river, he knew that there was this kind of cricket in the river. Maybe it is not as delicious as it was in the past. After all, there was nothing to eat back then. I still miss it, so I went down to the river to catch it myself.

Back then, he was able to catch more than other children, because it was very simple. There are stones on which cricket crickets live, or stones called cricket nests. There are newly turned fine sands in front of the stones, and some stones are not. It turned over for nothing, so he usually started directly at the kind of stone with sand, grabbing a precise one, rarely when there are empty hands, other children do not, they don’t seem to have discovered the secret, still If you search one by one, the efficiency is naturally low.

This is the cleverness. Li Yifei couldn't help but smile when he thought of this. Chu Xiaoyao stood on the shore, shook the bucket in her hand, and said, "Would you like to add some water?"

"Well, pretend to be a little bit, not too much."

"Okay, okay!" Chu Xiaoyao nodded hurriedly, and then urged Li Yifei to say: "Husband, grab it quickly, grab more, take it home when the time comes, and give it to the sisters to taste."

"Okay!" Li Yifei promised. There are a lot of crickets in this small river. This kind of thing has many scientific names, such as Changbai Mountain lobster, grass lobster, water cricket, cricket cricket, cricket cricket, and cricket crickets are cold water inhabitants. , Living in clear waters, pollution-free rivers and streams and other rocky waters. It has extremely high water quality requirements and is sensitive to pesticides and chemicals, and slight pollution can cause its death. At present, due to the extensive use of pesticides in rice fields in recent years, the living area of ​​crickets is getting smaller and smaller. Only in the northeast forest area, some unpolluted rivers or creeks can occasionally be seen.

It looks like a lobster but is small. The first pair of feet are chelated. There are beards and two sharp needles on both sides of the mouth. They live in unpolluted fresh water and are the intermediate host of paragonimiasis. The cricket is an omnivorous organism. It feeds on small microorganisms, insects and fresh moss as its main food. It also feeds on small fish, tadpoles and soft insects in the river. Rana frogs are also eaten in winter. It is common to dive under rocks when avoiding, and sometimes into earth holes and tree roots. Occasionally surfaced. Walking by the tail reverse paddling. The action is in the opposite direction of the head. The growth of crickets is achieved by molting their shells, and each time they withdraw their shells, they will grow up in a circle. The returned shell is soft and shaped. Because of poor eyesight and fear of light, they are slow to move. They are often caught by people or animals because they are too late to dodge. The meat of the cricket is tender and white with rich nutrition.

This is the real delicacy of northern children, river fresh, and after it has been fried, the whole shell can be eaten, and it can be swallowed after chewing. It is not as hard as a crayfish.

The capture of cricket crickets began. According to Li Yifei’s clever method, more than a dozen were caught quickly. One of them was very large and was female. Under its shrimp feet, there was a bunch of small crickets, all of which looked like Sticking to it, those little guys are also alive. This scene surprised Su Li and Chu Xiaoyao. The two used their mobile phones to take pictures and broadcast live to the women at home. Seeing this prawn, the two moved After feeling compassion, he said: "Let's let it go. We have caught so many today. We have to save some small ones for this river, lest we catch all of them."

"Okay, so are the others. If you catch the eggs or have hatched, let them go!" Li Yifei told the others, but after a few security guards figured it out, they rolled up their trousers and went down to the river to grab them. catch.

There is a lot of people and strength. It took almost 20 minutes to catch hundreds of them. Li Yifei arranged for someone to pick up branches and set up a barbecue grill. In this regard, the security guards were also very familiar with it and completed it quickly, Chu Xiaoyao And Su Li clumsily took out a few cricket crickets and prepared to clean the internal organs, but the live shrimps can catch people. It is also a lot of fun for two women to scream at once.

The entrails still returned to the river directly. The small fish and other crickets would come to eat. Don’t worry, I used the wicker on the side of the road to wear a few strings. I thought there was no salt, but a security guard rushed to a car like a whirlwind. Carrying a small box and opening it, there is not only salt, but also oil, chili, soy sauce, vinegar and sugar. It can be said to be all available. This is simply great. Li Yifei personally took a few strings of cricket crickets. On the top of the fire, I brushed a little oil with a brush and sprinkled a little salt, and soon there was a crackling sound, and also a strong fragrance. Chu Xiaoyao squatted on Li Yifei with wide eyes. On the side, holding her cheeks in her hands, she couldn't bear it anymore, and kept asking Li Yifei when it was ready and when it was finished. The scent made her want to taste it.

It’s the same in Su Li, staring at a few prawns on the fire, Li Yifei laughed and asked the security guards to catch them. There are almost enough crickets here, and there may be almost no one here, so these guys breed special Many, grabbing a few hundred will not cause ecological damage.

Of course, this thing actually has no meat. When I was a child, there was really nothing to eat. This thing looks very delicious. Now the Li family has a very bad appetite, so they may not like it.

A few skewers were quickly baked. Li Yifei handed Chu Xiaoyao and Zu Rico a skewer, and he threw the rest to the security guard. Today one is to solve the graveyard matter, but this is not a big deal. Li Yifei personally Come out, if it's still difficult to solve, that would be an accident, and now enjoy this kind of food that was only available when I was a child, that is worthy of joy.

Because the conditions are simple, it may not be so delicious, but it is better than fresh. After a little roasting, the scent of the crickets escapes, which makes the taste buds agitated. The two girls generally ask Li Yifei how to eat, while grinning. Chewing hard.

"It's delicious, am I hungry? No, it's delicious." When Chu Xiaoyao learned that the whole shrimp could be eaten, she didn't want to lose any of it, so she ate up one shrimp little by little. .

"Throw it up if you can't bite, don't worry about wasting!" Li Yifei smiled.

"No, no, it's really delicious. I have never eaten this kind of... cricket, nor have I eaten crayfish like this. It turns out that they can be chewed up." Chu Xiaoyao said as she moved her hands. The other grilled cricket in the middle was blown up, cheeks bulging.

Li Yifei smiled and said, "Haha, just like to eat, Ahri, how about you?" When talking, he directly threw a whole cricket into his mouth and chewed it. This kind of food is not peeled. Yes, after all, there is not much meat in total. Except for shrimp tails, there is really no meat. Even the shrimp tails have a hard shell. If they are peeled off, there is really nothing left. If you eat them with the shells, you really don’t have a taste. of.

Li Yifei swallowed a few mouthfuls, and Su Li nodded slightly. Compared to Chu Xiaoyao, she ate a lot more delicately, nodded and said: "It tastes good, I haven't eaten it before, and it’s better than expected. It’s easier to chew. I’m thinking that if it’s a crayfish method, it’s better to make this."

Of course, hard-shelled places, such as tongs and shrimp tails, are still not easy to chew. Li Yifei doesn't care, but the two women need to chew for a while, or they are afraid of swallowing and scratching the esophagus. Li Yifei let her The two vomit some parts and don't have to force them to eat.

The barbecue here continued. After the ten skewers were grilled, Li Yifei personally delivered them to them. The aunts were still busy, and when they saw the baked crickets, they said, "Is there still such a thing in this river? This is a good thing." Ah, you didn’t have much to eat when you were young, so you just rely on these things to relieve your greed. Remember that there is a small fork in the river next to your house. The water inside is not deep. You guys went to catch fish. The rocks are all soft You care little fish, go home and clean it, then you can go directly to the frying pan and fry it."

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