The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 2737: Disputes without specific conclusions

Someone left a message soon. A woman named Feminist Fighter wrote below this article by Li Yifei: "Veteran, I am a rational woman, I think you What I said is reasonable, and what I want to say is that the woman you hang up is not a standard feminist, she is an egoist, and what she says and does all deviate from the spirit of feminism, so People, we will criticize, you also said that the rapid development of the country leads to material and spiritual imbalance, so we should promote some ideological progress, respect women, this is necessary, as you pointed out The bride price, the house and the car issue, what I want to say is, I did not do this kind of thing. When my husband and I got married, there was nothing. The two worked for two years and saved a down payment. Ten years later Now I have a house in the capital. I believe that two people love each other sincerely, and they both work hard and fight for the future, so life will not be too bad!"

This feminist's message was liked by many people, and she quickly liked it, and was also commented by many people.

Another man left a message: "I don’t know where these people are from these prejudices. On our side, yes, I’m from the Northeast. The girls on our side are pretty awesome. Don’t even talk about getting married. I listened to my girlfriend before, and I gave my girlfriend all the money I earned after marriage. She was in charge of everything. I call this a wife, let alone do it. I can't always scold me. Now my children are three years old. Now, my mother and her mother have come to take care of it. This is the old man to help us. They are not obligated to take care of the children. My wife and I are very grateful to the elderly on both sides. I don’t know if this is not respect for women, then what counts Because of the **** of men and women, there is a natural difference in physiology. Men grow out of men and women grow out of women. Why do we have to advocate equality because there is no equality, let alone men and women, there is no absolute in this society Regarding equality, I think we should be a normal person. Just find a normal person. The buddies around me do the same. No one doesn’t care for my wife. It was not decades ago. Everyone is now a university. After graduation, with culture and thinking, how can we still behave like our grandparents and fathers."

This person was also liked, and reached more than 10,000 in a short period of time. Li Yifei also took a look. He agreed with many of them. Because the composition of the Li family is too unique, I can’t give an example, but there are some in life. Many examples can be cited. Generally speaking, if you fall in love with a normal person, marry or marry a normal person, your life will not be messy, so it is good for everyone to be a normal person. Why sensational, a true rights fighter He doesn't talk about these things all day long, most of the morals are used to restrain himself, not others, and he also gave the two a compliment.

Similarly, I saw a lot of abuse. Li Yifei didn’t hand it over to Chu Xiaoyao to investigate these abuses. These are two things. Different people have different understandings of such a sensitive incident, and their views are different. It's just too normal, so there is no need to scold people. If you have different opinions, just hold different opinions.

One person left a message: "A veteran with such a background, such a growth, to be able to do this, it is actually not easy to be able to say these things. Think about it, everyone, what is even more admirable is that he can do this thing Take it out, speak it out, and let everyone discuss it. This is even more difficult. You must know that this is a big V with more than 10 million fans, which is equivalent to a public figure. So it is not easy to say that he is a female and looks good. Not beautiful, just an ordinary person. When there are inconveniences and conveniences in life, I can’t blame others for inconveniences. It’s not that I’m weak. I make sense. I’m just right and strong. I’m weak. I have to think first. When I think about why I am so weak, is there a way to change, strengthen, and make myself not weak, instead of putting my hands on my waist and telling people around me that I am a woman, you should let me, and if I am weak, you must let me For me, people with this kind of thinking are terrible. They or they have blurred many things. If this kind of person is not an egoist, what kind of person is it?"

There are also some people who have given evidence of things around them, and many of them are also emotional. Generally speaking, most of them are still normal. Since they want rights, they must first pay obligations. Many men treat Li Yifei The account that was calculated is also very sad, because that is the greatest reality.

A man said: "Many women say that they want to equal rights with men and fight for their rights, but in the matter of getting married, they have turned themselves into the weak, or even the victim of marriage, so they want a house. I want a car, a signature, a dowry, a lot of things, such a person, what kind of rights fighter, isn't this also the most direct egoist? I am a man, from my point of view, I am like a veteran. Because I am a man, I am willing to earn more and work harder, so that my wife and children will live more comfortably. This is what I have paid for this family. I also hope that my future wife can see this and at least feel sorry for me. Now, right, is this too demanding? Is this disrespect for women?"

Another man said: "Human nature is evil. Whether it is a man or a woman, it is acquired education and all aspects of restraint make us like normal people. So I think it is more important to work hard to improve ourselves. The so-called building a plane tree, The phoenix is ​​attracted, the majority of male compatriots, and of course female friends, if you feel that your significant other is not up to the standard, then you'd better examine yourself, whether you are the same, whether You Dao is a family, don’t enter It’s also unfair for a family to be inadequate, but ask the other to do what they do. This is also unfair. Isn’t there a saying in "A Dream of Red Mansions" that the heart is higher than the sky and the life is thinner than paper. If men and women fall to this point, it would be very miserable. Yes, in the end, hard work is not necessarily successful, but if you don’t work hard, ordinary people want to succeed, just like a frog at the bottom of a well leaning on the bottom of the hole and longing for a white swan to fall from the sky, even if it can fall, are you not afraid of being killed?"

Li Yifei did not expect that his Weibo was even hotter than the previous secret shooting incident. It actually caused extensive discussion. When everyone was eating together in the evening, even a few women mentioned it. They also surf the Internet, surfing entertainment news, animal cute pets, funny videos and so on. They naturally saw this discussion, which also increased the heat.

In the words of Su Mengxin: "After the matriarchal clan ended, China entered into a patriarchal society for thousands of years. This is inevitable, because the problem of fertility is no longer the biggest test of survival, so survival And expansion of the territory, food is the test. Men have become the dominant players in this area because of their natural physical advantages. Over the years, China has undergone tremendous changes. We should see clearly that these changes are in a good direction. Yes, the most fundamental reason for the change is culture. Education from a young age, reading more books, and a broader career will create different views on the same thing. You go to forums with a relatively high level of education. You will find that the above men and women’s views on rights and obligations seem to be more appropriate, while ordinary people do not think too much in this regard, but it does not mean that they disrespect women, or that they do what they do. Such a rigid consciousness is simply a manifestation of ignorance!"

"That's right, the girls in our school, it's simply... the men are struggling to catch up, so it is really unnecessary to talk about patriarchy and feminist rights. Our family never mentions this. Isn't the husband treating us very well? "Chu Xiaoyao said while chewing on a piece of meat and competing with it.

"In fact, it is a good thing that it can cause discussion. This house has already crushed many families. Can they save a million in their lifetime? Especially ordinary families in China have the habit of saving instead of investing. At the bank's interest rate, even if there is one million, it will not earn much interest, and it will not even catch up with the rate of inflation. The child gets married and suddenly disappears. There is pension insurance and retirement salary is okay. If not, then It’s almost nothing to rely on. If the son and wife are like that, they still have something to do in their old age, and if the children can’t count on it, don’t you say that this is not equivalent to ruining their hope in advance!” It was Su Yiyi who spoke to some of her relatives. This is the case in China. Recently, she even came to her, because the relative’s son got married and continued to spend time. The old couple had no ability to survive. If you say you go out to work, someone in their 60s, which Where do you want it? Especially the house was gone. I sold it to my son to collect money to buy a wedding house. The daughter-in-law promised to live with her parents. After marriage, she changed her mind and drove the old couple out. She had to rent a house temporarily, and the son did not have one. Ability, can't get the money, the old couple has no choice in the end. When she asks her father, the old man has nothing to do. You can give the money directly. The old couple does not have the ability to survive. How much can you give? What's more, giving them money, it is estimated that it will eventually fall into the hands of the son, so this kind of thing finally came to Su Yiyi.

She has so much emotion, because this kind of thing never happens in the Li family. This is her luck, but many people will be miserable.

"Yes, this is only a small city like ours. If it is in a provincial capital, there are many places with house prices ranging from 10,000 to 20,000. One hundred square meters is one or two million, but the salary is not high, which is equivalent to the life of ordinary people. Buying a house, the child was born within a few years of the house, and the education of child I is the most direct and fundamental problem." He Fangqing sighed.

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