The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 2734: You have to learn

Jumping down on the twelfth floor, ordinary people can’t do it. Even if you do, even if you don’t fall to death, you will have broken your arms and legs, let alone escape, so, If the police investigation is true, then the murderer is probably not an ordinary person.

Li Yifei knew that he did not do it, and he also knew that he did not send anyone to do it, so how did Zhao Xianxun die? Who killed it?

"Are you sure you want to thoroughly investigate this case?" Li Yifei asked suddenly, his tone changed, and several people on the opposite side almost flashed to his waist.

The deputy office nodded and said: "If such a vicious case is not investigated, the credibility of the police will be affected, and the colleagues will also be affected."

"As you said, if you really jumped down from the twelfth floor, then it was definitely not done by ordinary people. The scope will be further narrowed, but it will be more difficult to check. I know it was not me, nor me. People do it, believe it or not, I know it myself anyway!"

"Let’s assume that you didn’t do this thing, Mr. Li, who did it? Mr. Li can also provide us with an idea. After all, if you didn’t do it, someone deliberately framed and murdered Zhao Xianjin. Then the nature is even worse."

"Haha, how can I give you the answer? I have so many enemies, I can’t guess who did it. In short, I didn’t do this thing. For me, Zhao Xianxian is so disgusting and perverted. Evil people, get rid of the police's hatred, and go to jail. Dead can make many perverts take warning!" Li Yifei stood up with a smile, patted the other person on the shoulder, and said, "But this is not my business. I hope that your police will solve the case as soon as possible and find out the real culprit. In addition, if it is really done by a cultivator, it will be difficult for you ordinary people to find out. You should ask the relevant personnel to save it."

The deputy hall nodded slowly and sighed in his heart. He really couldn't do anything with Li Yifei, and he couldn't use it. Oh, to be precise, if you want to use it, it must be them. This is for sure.

So after he nodded stiffly, he said: "Well, then we will go back first, thank you comrades from the provincial and municipal bureaus, and trouble you."

"Don't send it, go well." Li Yifei's voice came.

These people huff, huff, and go. If they were replaced by ordinary people, it would be a burden in their heart, but Li Yifei didn’t feel anything. After these people left, he raised his eyebrows and continued to accompany the children. play.

Things on the Internet are still fermenting, but Zhao Xianxian was killed. In many people’s eyes, that is to relieve his anger. The wicked retribution is better than watching the wicked get away with it. Many people have also begun to say that this is the end of perversion. Because it hurts the truth, it's intolerable.

However, there are also people who claim that this matter was done by the veteran as an insider. The veteran was in Ninh Province and the power in Yecheng was overwhelming. He only covered the sky and saw that the other party was too arrogant. The murderer even posted some so-called details on the PO, saying that the veteran told him specifically.

"Let me check with this person, he is so serious, and he said something like the truth, how I feel suspicious." It was Lin Qiong who was talking, she got off work early today, and when she got home, she took a screenshot When I found Chu Xiaoyao, the women in the family were actually paying attention to this matter during this time, especially this is directly related to their privacy and safety.

"No problem, leave it to me." Chu Xiaoyao patted her chest and said. During this period of time, she has shown her great power and fully embodies her own value. So I am also very happy, but just tired, because It’s not as easy as imagined. In many cases, tracking clues, even if you have superb technology, requires careful analysis, logical thinking, and grasp of details, otherwise clues will be missed.

It’s not stupid to be perverted. Most people may be scornful and don’t care about the information leaks, but some people, especially those with high education and knowledge, who look like dogs on the surface and whisper and pirate behind the scenes, must be hidden. , Always do not want to be discovered.

It is precisely because of this that Chu Xiaoyao is a little tired. Her friends are also working day and night, not asking for hard work, and completely spontaneous.

When the information was found out, the other party was a reporter from a black province, a reporter from a small newspaper, specializing in the online platform. Chu Xiaoyao checked it and found nothing special, but this person seems to be a frequent blogger. , Specious, made up, and some will write out, so in the circle it is quite black.

After Lin Qiong knew the result, he snorted: "This kind of person is also hateful, talking nonsense, Xiaoyao, you will punish him a little."

"I did it a long time ago. I dare to slander our husband. I won't take him." Chu Xiaoyao raised her chin and snorted. She didn't say how to punish, but since it is a punishment, it must not be easy Let go of the other party.

Li Yifei was riding a horse for his son. Several children stood in a row, sitting together, counting their numbers, waiting for the return of Malaysia, and being ridden by them... Regardless of men and women, if you want to ride, you can sign up. But you have to wait patiently. You can ride only when you are on your own. To qualify for riding, you have to tell Li Yifei that you love your father and give him a kiss.

A few women were opposed to it, because Li Yifei is the head of the Li family, and the head of the family has the majesty of the head of the family. How can he be a cow or horse for the children, let alone toss for more than an hour. This is not good, even Xu Yingying is also I don’t agree, but I can’t hold it back. Li Yifei is willing to ride and not ride, so he said so, but in fact he still accompanies the child to play, besides, when he grows up, he accompanies the child to play once, so it’s not too much .

Therefore, in the spacious recreation room, Li Yifei was transformed into Malaysia. Of course, it took only an hour. The children were tired of playing and went to take a nap. Li Yifei picked up the documents to see that Li Xinyue and Song Lianyao sat Next to him, one helped Li Yifei massage his thighs, while the other walked around to help Li Yifei rub his shoulders.

"Two wives, why are you so...attentive today?" Li Yifei put down the computer and asked after reading it. He was just looking at the situation in Africa. Because of his intervention, General Guangxi and their current power are expanding very quickly. , Almost soon expanded to more than half of the country, and gradually stabilized, faintly can already announce the founding of the country, Li Yifei, the godfather behind, has not lost control of these two generals, the two Still respecting him as a god, I guess he will not resist too much in the future, because Li Yifei did not squeeze the two people, on the contrary, he also provided so much help. Whether it is weapons or funds, there are such god-like people, two people. Not stupid, what good is there to resist him?

Of course, on their territory, Huaxia people do business, develop minerals, oil fields, etc., which are protected by special personnel and enjoy very preferential treatment. However, even with such a preferential treatment, General Guangxi made a lot of money, enough. The expenses of the troops can also buy some advanced weapons to fight.

Everything is progressing well. In this regard, the African branches of a few state-owned enterprises have benefited the most. With the cooperation of General Guangxi, they quickly launched a number of businesses and used local cheap labor to obtain a lot of resources for the country. These are all sent back to China every day, so they are also grateful to Li Yifei.

As for the Arab region of Central Asia, due to Li Yifei’s several interventions, Wu Shuwei has also helped Wu Shuwei complete a number of cooperations. Among them, oil and gas field development projects are more related to the country’s policy formulation. At present, it is still progressing very well. In addition, Li Yifei is here. Now everything is fine with the force that was cultivated. Li Yifei dispelled the other party’s intention to build a nation. It is best to make a fortune with a muffled voice. If you dare to have that intention, the surrounding countries will send troops in minutes. It is better to compete with several forces. In China, first fight for more for yourself, so as not to be strangled by the joint, and it will also affect the interests of the company where Li Yifei and Wu Shuwei work.

Li Yifei doesn't need to manage these things often, just collect information regularly. After all, he is already on the right track.

Generally speaking, it is very good. Although Li Yifei has not made much profit from it, he can bring some profits to the country and gain some bargaining chips in the game of international interests. This is what Li Yifei is concerned about. This is why the chiefs treat him The impression of Li Yifei is not bad, because although he can make troubles and toss some, but his heart is red. In the big right and wrong, Li Yifei does not have to choose, even if he does not like his leadership, he must be right. What he did nodded.

In addition, with the support of Murong Yuanqing and others, as long as Li Yifei and the Li family do not make mistakes of principle, the country will not move them. Even if they develop larger and become the country’s most eye-catching trillionaires, they may be allowed. .

However, with the current scale and staffing of the Li family, there are two to three hundred billion, which is already the limit, and it is difficult to break one step further. The experience of everyone is limited, and the horizons and capabilities are the same. In order to be able to cope with the ever-changing situation of the Li family, all the girls in the family, and the people in charge of everything in business, are constantly learning, charging, and improving.

Even Li Yifei...he was asked by several women to learn, not to practice kungfu, not to learn strategy, but to learn the basics of business purely. Poor Li Yifei can fly a plane and drive a tank underneath. , = Proficient in many foreign languages, amazing cultivation, but for business knowledge, the basic knowledge of systematic business theory, really don’t know much. Looking at the more than ten big tome in front of him, Li Yifei rubbed his brows, no wonder he was this Two days of melancholy, there are reasons for this.

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