The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 2707: Big day

"Brother Tiger, this won’t work. Many people don’t know where they came from, and they rushed over. I’m afraid that there are 20 tables that can’t be put down. We can put it down here. Eighty tables, if you have more, you have to go to the next hall!" A younger brother ran over to report that today is the day of great celebration. Of course they will all come, and many people are not seated. They are all dressed in suits and shoes. The outsider followed Zhang Luo.

If you want to talk about these marriages, Brother Hu is the only one. Let’s not talk about the wedding car. It must be very high-end. This is related to his character. The key is that the all-inclusive suits and shoes are big. Leather shoes, white shirts, all strong men, and there are hundreds of people, because there are too many people, so in the end, I have to agree to the wedding car, following a large team of cars, almost all the boys have cars, but they are not Qi, so in the end we simply regrouped a team of Land Rover. All Land Rover cars were all packed. So when the caravan arrived at the bride’s house, the situation... was a bit scary, and it was really black. Like, when the car door opened, the actions were unified and standardized. There were hundreds of brawny men in suits and leather shoes. This group of people would inevitably make noise, especially when they hit the door, unless the maidens inside knew it. , And mentally prepared, just watching this scene, I am afraid it will be scared.

However, no one complains about this. Many people show that the groom has many friends, let alone the younger brothers. This proves that Brother Tiger can be regarded as some people in recent years. The younger brothers also obey him, and it proves that Brother Tiger is not like a performance So stunned, he is also a brainy person.

These little brothers are uniformly dressed, even if they are the direct brothers of Brother Tiger, they are now at the first level of the elder brother. They are also busy with everyone. There is one thing that everyone pays attention to. No accidents are allowed. They are even more important. If there is no way to restrain, even if there is a conflict with the guests, then hurry up and stop making trouble.

This kind of wedding can be regarded as a special feature. In addition to these little brothers, Wang Yaxin also has many bridesmaids. Originally planned to be one person, it was increased to four, and it became six. There are her college classmates, roommates, and graduate students. The classmates, as well as the female doctor opposite the office, as well as the middle and high school classmates, there were also many people who came. Everyone was very happy for Wang Yaxin. When they saw such a wedding, they were a little envious. There are many rich men. , But if you have money and you are willing to spend it, and you really love your wife, it is hard to find.

Especially for such a unique wedding, who also invited the richest man in Ningxia Province, who is that? Can ordinary people invite it? Throughout Ninh province, have you ever heard that the richest man came over to celebrate when he got married? That's impossible, let alone the richest man, it would be a great event to be the head of a big family.

Because of this, people realized that this wedding was even more difficult. As long as Li Yifei attended, then he could be sure that Brother Tiger would be able to improve his career and contacts in the provincial capital in the future, even if Li Yifei did not know it. Covering him, this influence alone makes people a level higher than Brother Hu cast a rat-in-law. It is impossible to embarrass him, and even to win over him, in order to have a good relationship with Brother Hu, in case he catches up with Li Yifei. Line, that's a great thing.

Brother Tiger wears a suit, has a sturdy figure and a happy face. Because the bride has been taken to the hotel, the previous things are over. Brother Tiger does not feel tired, only feels comfortable, and will soon be able to complete the best of life. The important ceremony is now. The bride is in the dressing room, changing dresses with the bridesmaids, while the groom is standing in the rest area. Hearing his report, Brother Tiger frowned and said: "Now I will check the identity. If there is no invitation, just go ahead. Stay for a while and ask about the identity of the other party before letting them go. Don't get in any cats or dogs. If something happens, I will take care of you!"

"Yes, boss, don't worry, you have already started to ask, these people are too mixed, they are all rushing to Boss Li, we have to be more careful!" The little brother whispered.

"Well, don't make trouble, tut, if I knew this, I won't invite so many people. The boss came and saw the chaos, how bad the influence!" Brother Tiger said displeased.

"Boss Li is probably not going to be angry. It will be maintained by our brothers. Besides, as long as his elders come, those people will definitely not dare to make a noise!" The younger brother said here, hitting Brother Tiger once, hitting him on the forehead, Brother Tiger said. "The old man shit, the boss is younger than me. Forget it, it doesn't matter what the title is, and the boss won't be angry. Hurry up and go and keep order for Laozi. Don't make trouble!"

"Okay!" The little brother was not annoyed, turned around and left.

"Good day!" Brother Hu shook his hands, only feeling that his life was complete, and at the same time, he hoped that there would not be any accidents, and he just wanted to end it successfully.

Among the crowd, many people came rushing to the wedding, the two guests, but when they learned that Li Yifei was coming, they were still shocked. They were shocked to the point. Everyone was ordinary people, little people. , Suddenly there is the richest man coming, which is like a miracle. After a lot of chatting, their eyes fall to the doorway, and they will see it as soon as Li Yifei arrives.

The bridesmaid is the same. Outsiders don’t know the situation, but locals like female doctors, who are born and raised, naturally know who the richest man is, have seen photos, and even follow the richest man on the Internet, knowing that he really is. A living person, unattainable, unattainable, but close in front of him, it is a great thing to have the opportunity to meet today.

"Yaxin, I should have guessed the surprise you mentioned. It's really a surprise. Haha, the doctors and nurses in the hospital don't know how many people envy me. It's good, this bridesmaid is not in vain." The female doctor was proud of it. Said,

"This time I know that I'm good to you. No one else took it, so I took you. At the wedding, I will try to let Brother Li take a group photo with us, and then I will wash it out and share it with you!" Wang Yaxin She was also satisfied in her heart, and she couldn't avoid it. It was really a glorious thing to have such a big person at the wedding, so she was also happy in her heart.

"Well, that's great. After the photos are washed out, I will put them on the side of my bed and watch them every day!" said the female doctor, holding her heart in her hands.

"Yaxin, the richest man you are talking about... is that legendary?" Wang Yaxin's graduate student asked uncertainly. She is a native of the province, and she usually does research, in the laboratory, and understands things on the Internet. Not much, even the mobile phone is not very useful, because it is inconvenient to use, so I asked this question, but after she asked, everyone else laughed and said, "Sister, don’t you understand? We don’t know the richest man in the province, but we are the richest man in Ningxia. He is really a living person, or a good person, a super good person. The key is to look handsome. Remember the flood relief in winter. The reservoir was opened. That time, our richest man took the people in the company and rushed to the past. It was so cold. Facing the crowd besieged by the flood, he just jumped in and risked his life to save many people in succession. It was a flood. , And it’s freezing temperatures, it’s a big winter, I don’t know how many people were moved to tears at the time, I’ve been a fan of him since that time, so that he is a real god, better than those **** stars, little fresh meat , The handsome guy who came out of the package is so much stronger!"

It was a female doctor who sounded exaggerated, but her words were recognized by other people. Everyone nodded and said: "It is true. Our richest man wins the truth. He can do many things. Said it was a heroic act, aside from his identity as the richest man, his deeds are truly heroic, the kind that can win medals."

"I still heard people say that when he didn't make a fortune, he was to deal with all kinds of dissatisfaction and not to cause trouble, but when he encountered injustice, he always wanted to take action and was not afraid of anyone. There are several families in our province. At the beginning, he kidnapped his child and was embarrassed to coerce him into doing something. He couldn't do anything, so..."

"So what's the matter?" It was Wang Yaxin. Of course she didn't know this story, but she felt funny in her heart because her husband was embarrassed by Li Yifei in the first place and made trouble for the other party. On the contrary, he was cleaned up by all kinds of things, but in the end it was miraculous Became a little brother.

"So, those families are gone now, as well as their respective industries. The people in the family are also in prison, dead, scattered..."

"It seems terrible for you to say, isn't it a persecution?" said the graduate girl.

"That's not what I said. I just heard this story, but it must be true. At that time, the Li family was not the richest man. The top ten improved, but after that, the Li family suddenly became the richest man. It may also be because of the annexation of these companies. It’s not clear what happened, but the kidnapping case is real. I guess it’s because those families bullied so hard that the richest man Li fought back. As for overturning those families!"

"You are really good, you even know this kind of news!" Wang Yaxin praised, the bridesmaid smiled triumphantly, and said: "I didn't know, but my dad knew something about it. He belongs to the provincial government. It’s a little better, but it’s just a deputy director. I don’t know much. By the way, Yaxin, my dad is on a business trip now, or he will come too. Let me give you two thousand yuan in red envelopes. Congratulations marry!"

"Uncle is too polite, I can't accept this red envelope, but congratulations! I accepted it!" Wang Yaxin heard that this is a red envelope for her, it is for Brother Hu, or Li Yifei, so this red envelope cannot be accepted. Yes, otherwise it will become something.

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