The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 2702: I am different

"Hahaha!" Li Yifei couldn't help but laugh, shook his head, and said: "Even if you are on you, and you find that you are indeed a virgin, if you give you money, you will run away. I am definitely afraid to go to your school to make trouble, you say so."

"Why don't you dare? This kind of thing in school...I should be the one who is ashamed!" The girl whispered and then said: "Sir, my name is Li Minjia, I am from the College of Western Languages, majoring in English education, junior class. , This is my student ID!"

Li Yifei took it and took a look at the student ID, and found that it was Li Minjia. The words on it were very delicate. The photo on the student ID was very pure and youthful. It looked like a photo from a year or two ago, but the hairstyle was The same, it’s not difficult to identify. Girls don’t have makeup today, and they still look plain. Well, it’s hard for a straight guy to distinguish the difference between light makeup and plain makeup anyway.

Li Yifei returned the student ID to the girl and said, "You really decided to sell your body for 20,000 yuan?"

"I...I have divorced my parents since I was a child, and my mother took care of me when I grew up. I have finally passed the university entrance exam, and I am going to graduate. I am able to repay her, but she is sick. I want to make her live longer Years, at least enjoy a little blessing, but I still have no other way. I have worked hard and worked hard as a tutor, but only enough for my living expenses, only enough for my tuition, and I saved 15 thousand in two years. There is still a big gap in medical expenses, and this is only the initial treatment cost. I know this is very difficult and it is no different from the sky-high price for me, even if I believe that I will not only make such a little money in the future, I will make it A lot of money, but right now, I really only have such a small amount of money and only such a small ability. The only thing I may be worth is this body. If I can't even bear the body, how can I be worthy of my mother's nurturing grace for me. "The girl said, tears fell. She didn't wipe it, but the pain on her face faded a lot. It seems that the pain has been alleviated by the hard experience of these years.

Li Yifei said: "If your mother knew that you sold her body for a little money, she put a dirty man under her body, ravaged and played around at will, would she disagree with the treatment? Would she be angry? , I even want to die right away."

"I..." Li Minjia was speechless. She hadn't thought about these problems. Li Yifei said at this time. It was indeed a very serious problem. The mother's education for her was very successful. Girls should pay attention to things since they were young. Instilled in her, she also developed a good character and quality, but if her mother knew that she did such a thing for money, she would not forgive her until she died, and she would be scolded to death.

"Think about it, I have less than an hour left, you can think about it, and tell me after you think about it!" Li Yifei said.

The girl gave a gratitude and put her hands together. She was struggling and struggling with herself. As Li Yifei said, once she betrayed herself, she might become another person, someone she didn't know. Even the disgusting person, what should she do at that time, not to mention, the initial treatment has already been 50,000, and the latter? Is she going to...sell? Thinking of this, the girl can’t help but feel sad, but she can’t cry anymore. She needs to make a decision. The man next to her doesn’t look ugly, he’s even very energetic, and has a good figure. With that calm temperament, Li Minjia agrees. I don't hate it. If you ask yourself if she will give her body to such a person, Li Minjia can't give a negative answer, at least he looks more pleasing to the eye than the previous ones.

When the girl was thinking, Li Yifei whispered: "She was too young at the time, and she didn't know all the gifts given by fate. She had already set the price secretly." This sentence was written by Zweig in The Queen of the Decapitation. In one sentence, when she read, the girl had already had a halt, looked up at him, and Li Yifei spoke it again in English, the words were round and clear, which also caused the girl to fall into a greater struggle.

A few seconds later, the girl raised her head with a certain expression on her face, and said: "Sir, if you are willing to pay me 20,000 yuan, and if it is a lump sum payment, I am willing to... with you, half a month, no, a month. Okay, but if I come to my aunt, it will take six or seven days. Please forgive me at that time."

Li Yifei was not surprised. He had seen the girl's determination a long time ago. The reason for reciting that sentence was just a momentary emotion. How many girls in this school gave their bodies for the so-called vanity and money? But is this kind of pay really costless? How many boys are the same, you must know that it is not only rich men who like young girls, rich women also like small meat, young and energetic... how many young men and women in the name of love, Wanton sex.

Li Yifei couldn't say anything about it. He was just a little emotional. Hearing the girl's decision, Li Yifei was not surprised at all. He just smiled and said, "No regrets?"

"I will regret it, but not now, nor this month." The girl's tone was firm.

Li Yifei didn't ask any further, he nodded lightly, turned and said, "Your home is in the provincial capital, right?"

"Yes..., you want..."

"Do you know how to go?" Li Yifei asked.

The girl just wanted to say that she knew, but she became vigilant and said, "What are you going to do? Sir, I must not let my mother know about this kind of thing, otherwise she will really not be able to stand it. Please, if you agree , We can go to the hotel now, oh no, it's the hotel, I need to take a shower."

"Don't be stupid, I am old, so I won't harm your small flowers. Let them bloom in the best age!" Li Yifei smiled softly and said, "Take me to your house, if you It’s true. I’ll help you find a way to treat your mother’s illness! Of course, the premise is that you are really sick and very serious!"

"Huh?" The girl didn't seem to hear clearly. She stared at Li Yifei with wide eyes, her mouth wide open, and she looked at Li Yifei stiffly, and then asked after a while: "Sir, you want me ?"

"You should understand it right, and you don't need to sell yourself, keep it, and you will find the man you truly love in the future, and you will start enjoying the life of both sexes." After Li Yifei looked at the time, he found that it was over nine to twenty, and said: "I'll have something else for a while, you only have forty to fifty minutes, so decide for yourself!"

"I, I, I..." The girl was a little dizzy by the huge surprise, but she still thought that she could not get something for nothing. She stammered for a while, a little excited and wanted to grab Li Yifei's hand, but she didn't dare. Said: "Sir, I can't do that. We are not relatives. You bought me for help. If you give me free money, I... really can't understand."

"Can't understand? Think I have money and nowhere to spend?" Li Yifei asked.

The girl nodded, then shook her head quickly, and said, "I can't understand it. I'm ready to pay, otherwise it will be difficult for me to pay this debt."

"Give me your hand!" Li Yifei said, and also stretched out her hand. The girl hesitated, slowly raised her hand and placed it on Li Yifei's hand. Li Yifei held it, but felt that the hand was soft and comfortable, but Maybe the girl was too nervous, so her palms were sweating, and she felt wet and cold. As soon as she grasped it, the girl pulled her hand back nervously. Li Yifei shook it lightly and then released it. Although the girl has made further preparations, even if Li Yifei touches her other parts, the girl is ready. .

But it was still loosened. Li Yifei had no desire and could not bear to tarnish her, so he just shook it and loosened it. At the same time, he said: "You have paid, very good, I am not ugly. You are such an excellent girl, basically Most men want to get involved, but wanting and doing are not the same thing. Just like when you were outside the car door, I might have been thinking about your figure, some organs are not beautiful, but That’s just thinking, because there are things that can’t be done yet, do you understand what I’m talking about?”

"Understand...but don't understand!" the girl said.

Li Yifei pointed his finger and said, "Because of beauty, I can't bear to see you being defiled. I don't want to, and I don't want other men to be defiled. Just think of a pig on your youthful body. Staying with him for a month and a half, vomiting his organs, ****, sleeping together, do you feel acceptable?"

"No, but for the sake of money, I can bear it!" The girl's eyes were red again. She understood what Li Yifei meant, but she couldn't believe that she would meet such a good man. This is nothing like what those female classmates said. In fact, she wanted to sell her body for money. Those girls gave her the idea. Maybe the other party was kind. After all, it is difficult to raise so much money in a short time.

And betraying one's own body seems to be a very good way, but... that is a way of impersonality, to put it bluntly, whoring. What did the guest ask you to do. What you have to do, let you eat the bottom, you have to eat, and you have to pose in whatever pose you are asked. Often students do free trading, which means that there is not enough security and often customers order Let them go by themselves if they want to live. Not to mention the unhygienic hygiene, the safety is not high, what if they encounter abnormalities? Who can guarantee that there is no perversion? On the contrary, people who often look for girls may have a high rate of perversion.

It is still hard for Li Minjia to believe that there will be such a good person. She originally thought that Li Yifei stopped here, just like everyone else, waiting for the female college students to come up to'contact live', so she mustered the courage to come up.

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