The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 2691: Worthy of the national emblem on the hat

You can't mess with people like Li Yifei, because you will really suffer. This is something that some people in Ninh Province know. The people who provoke him are now very unlucky. Some of them have broken up and died. Of course, it is because these people are hateful enough. If you do evil, don’t blame Li Yifei. Don't those who don't provoke him live well, disease-free and disaster-free.

So this is asking for it, no wonder others.

More than one hundred people have been arrested. This is definitely the biggest arrest in Anxi in recent years. The scope of influence will be very wide. Because these people's unique national identity is a sensitive topic today, but this is not for evil. , The sword of evil, no matter which ethnicity they are, they are all Chinese, and they belong to the same country. Everyone is tolerant, considerate, and respects each other, but cannot be too tolerant of a certain ethnic group. That is not to love them, but to harm them. , The so-called not suffering from poverty but suffering from unevenness, not suffering from many but suffering from few, everyone is the same, then it does not matter to everyone, there is, or there is none, usually there will be no accidents, I am afraid you have me or not, then I even just I started to be considerate, but I couldn't stand it after a long time, because I had to ask "why?" Especially when you have it, you don’t cherish it, you violate my rights everywhere, and you want to get more and take up more, then this matter will easily lead to big conflicts.

So today’s matter, Li Yifei feels that what he has done is meaningful. The stability and harmony of the society are not indulged, but the education and legal system are carried out together. They give seats to the elderly in the car, and reach out when they see difficulties. It is enlightenment, education, and morality, but this alone does not work. If there are bad people and cannot accept severe punishment, then good people will become bad.

Why? Because bad people are popular, bad people take advantage, pay less and gain more, but no one sanctions them, so good people will think, I am not a bad brain, why can't I be like them, who doesn't want to take advantage?

I hope to give an alert to the Anxi City Government. Some policies are good, but they are not implemented in this way. Half of the flying eagle team are so-called ethnic minorities, but everyone enjoys themselves and respects each other. They are no different from brothers, and even brothers of life and death. , Everyone will always have their own beliefs, superstitions, taboos, some do not wear a certain kind of clothing, some do not eat pork, some do not eat dog meat, some do not eat vegetarian, etc., but they all get along well. And the key issue is that in the interests of the country and the people, all those beliefs and taboos can be thrown away. In the face of survival, we must first talk about survival.

On the way back, Li Yifei thought for a while, and still called Su Lao. The old man just woke up, after hearing Li Yifei’s statement, he did not rush to answer, but thought for a while and said, "You are doing the right thing. The way is a bit radical, and the word national unity has always been asked by universities. It cannot be described clearly in a few words, nor can it be changed by a few people. China is a multi-ethnic country with a vast area and a vast territory. The population distribution is extremely uneven, and the economic development is the same. In addition, the education in many remote areas is still very low. We can't expect those people to have a clear understanding, so... in a few decades Well, maybe many people will understand the truth we are talking about today."

"Grandpa, it's such a thing, but as soon as I encounter such a split, people who feel that they have a certain belief or identity are superior to others, they are superior, and I can't bear it!"

"Do you think we guys can't think of it? You think it will be like in the drama, the people below will expire the people above, so the highest decision-maker will naively think that the people are really doing well, everyone is very happy, the country It’s ridiculous. We all came out of the countryside. Everyone knows that good days are hard to come by, so we think about not dealing with related issues in such a radical way, but it never means that things have not been resolved. You didn’t know it before. It was because the country suppressed relevant news. Now you know. It’s because the Internet is developing too much and public opinion is not well controlled. Of course, it’s not that the news is blocked to cover your eyes and ears, but you don’t want this negative The news impacts everyone’s ordinary lives. Maintaining stability is about stabilizing the society. It is for ordinary people or rich people to live in a relatively safe and fair society. In places like the Middle East, where there is money and no money, no one has money. Safe, how can life continue?"

"I understand the truth, and I didn't say that this method is wrong. What I mean is to beware of the infiltration of extremists. Some things are wrong and can't be tolerated. This kind of people and things will appear in the bustling streets, which is unexpected!" Li Yifei said.

"Haha, isn't this a discovery? That's why I said to you, the extreme is a bit extreme, but it's not wrong. Some people should also beat them. Sitting in that position, they believe in the Communist Party and believe in atheism, not mess. The things that are focused on the country and the people, not a certain part of the people. If only a certain part of the people is benefited, then it is a split, communism, a well-off society is still going on in an all-round way. People’s interests are looking for trouble and making unfairness!"

"Grandpa, don't be angry. I just murmur with you. I can't influence many people, but you can, grandpa. You have the opportunity to talk to the chiefs. Sometimes they make good decisions. It's a pity. The following execution... is really problematic, and good things can be done bad things, making people speechless."

"Understand what you mean, another day. When we old guys met, they said about this. In fact, this is not something that can be changed in a short time. It has been for many years. When whoever made this policy, I was clear. Raising objections is not to help those groups, but to harm them. How can I hold a bunch of them and suppress most of the policies? Isn’t this a joke? It’s a pity that I was in a labor reform at the time. The policy has gone down. Alas, forget it, don’t tell me, I understand what you said, and I also know that your heart is good. You are all brothers and sisters of any ethnic group, and they are all Chinese, but not because of ethnicity. The status is in vain of the law, and the enforcement of those below is also a problem!"

"That's what it means. If you break the law, you will be arrested. If you are arrested and sentenced, how can it be said that it is correct because of who it is? Yes, but don't let them continue to be evil. That is simply too unfair to ordinary people. Now." Li Yifei said.

There are thousands of terrorist attacks in the world every year, almost a few every day, dozens of them, which arouse social attention and may cause a sensation in a few days. Most of them are in the Middle East, but China also has them, but they are large. Part of the danger is strangled before it breaks out. Thanks to the soldiers and police at all levels, they are the strongest walls for us to live and work in the front line. People who don’t live in the frontier don’t know the situation there is severe, so Li Yifei's first order was to let the Flying Eagle team intervene for a six-month military operation.

The operation this time was named "Operation Wolf Hunt." After Zheng Mingrui and others understood the reasons before and after, they immediately took their orders and began to seize the time to train against the clock.

Li Yifei didn't have to ask too much about this. He didn't care about everything, he wanted to help with training, but after all, he had other things to do, so it was impossible to live in the Flying Eagle team.

After returning to the residence and talking to the women, Su Mengxin and others can also understand this treatment. This is the best result. Even Li Yifei is just a police force oppressing Anxi City. For the police, they have to endure very much. Great pressure, multi-party pressure.

But it’s not a big deal. The police blocked the news on the Internet. Li Yifei did not find out after checking it, so there is no need to explain anything. However, this matter is still circulated in Anxi City, no matter which ethnicity it is. They are Chinese. As ordinary people, the existence of these thieves surnamed Bai has indeed affected their daily lives. No one wants to be robbed while shopping. No one wants to encounter unfair things. Being forcibly oppressed by those people, even people of the same ethnic group as them clapped their hands and cheered. It is these **** who are the main force to discredit their nation.

Li Yifei's meaning is also very clear. It has nothing to do with what ethnicity or people from anywhere. Don’t spray it geographically, and don’t stereotype the people in a certain place. They use existing policies and guidelines to exploit loopholes and loopholes to achieve their own ulterior goals, do evil and endanger society.

Therefore, the Anxi city police only need to find this direction, and it is not difficult to deal with it. Li Yifei called the person in charge and said this. The other party really figured it out in an instant and said, "Mr. Li, thank you. You have settled the matter, and now you come to give me guidance again, hey, thinking about it this way, it will be smooth in an instant, and bad things can be turned into good things. The ordinary people will be even more satisfied!"

"You're welcome, I also hope that you can respect the national emblem on your hat and don't let it be dusted!" Li Yifei said.

"Please rest assured!" The person in charge solemnly said.

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