The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 2490: Two thousand five hundred and eighty-sixth track

"In that case, Feiyuan Company is not good!" Half an hour later, Li Yifei was already sitting in the company's dormitory and asked about the situation. As the big brother opposite said, three months' salary, plus these Tian’s salary was only paid for forty days. Feiyuan Company seemed to be unprepared to pay the rest of the salary, or was simply delayed. Moreover, the arrears of wages were not only for the hundreds of people, but also various materials. That's the big one. It is said that there are more than 20 million, so it is not a small number, but there is still a gap between the number and the guess of the Li family.

It is visually estimated that at least 80 million or more of the money has been fraudulently made or misappropriated, so that even the workers' wages of more than 1 million cannot be paid.

This may be the least amount of money. If it can be sent out, these workers will not make trouble, let alone go on strike. As for the partners, Feiyuan Company is backed by the Li family. It is the largest family in the province and the most For wealthy families, it’s probably difficult for these partners to get rid of the Li family’s company because of millions or tens of millions. Doesn’t it mean that they have torn the Li family directly? These people dare not get this. Bet.

Those who were beaten did not go to the hospital. Two of them were not lightly beaten, but they paid a lot of money to see a doctor. They were reluctant to get the money, so they simply wrapped up in the hospital and went back to the dormitory to raise them. Li Yifei took a look at it. It was found that the injuries of these people could not be delayed, and they need to be treated quickly, otherwise they may be serious or have sequelae.

What is this! Li Yifei frowned when he thought of Yang Shuo. According to her resume, she would basically be promoted in two years, and might even be entrusted with important tasks. By then, she would get more income, shares, etc., even if she could not become a billionaire. Millionaire, but it won't be much worse, and now... she is going to play herself to death.

Li Yifei left the construction site, but still couldn’t figure it out. Sitting in the car, he happened to see Xu Yingying sending a message asking that Yang Shuo was an old man in her company. After the Li family grew, these old people became part of the backbone. Of course, it can be used. There are not many people, and many of them are recruited by Su Mengxin and others. Yang Shuo is very useful among the elderly. He has strong business ability and is smart enough. Li Yifei is not in a hurry to drive away. Xu Yingying said something.

After listening to Xu Yingying, she was silent for a while before she said, "Yi Fei, how can this is it strange? With my understanding of Yang Shuo, she can't be like this. Really, we have been colleagues for many years at least, she If there are difficulties, you should tell me."

"Don't worry, I will check it slowly. Don't let a bad person go, and don't wrong a good person. Well, the deficit has already appeared, and there is always a reason." Li Yifei said.

Xu Yingying sighed and felt a pity. She is a nostalgic person, but she is also a person who distinguishes right from wrong. She will not protect Yang Shuo just because she has some friendships with her. You must know that she is harming the interests of the Li family. Li Yifei has not Say the workers' reactions, otherwise Xu Yingying would be even more angry.

"What about the child? Why didn't I hear his voice." Li Yifei asked.

"I've been asleep for a while. I've been very good these few days. You don't cry much every day. You don't know." Xu Yingying replied.

"That's good, you should also take care of yourself. You don't have to do exercises so tiringly every day. It will be fine when I go back and help you regulate your body." Li Yifei persuaded Xu Yingying that her body was a little out of shape after giving birth, so I started to exercise every night a year ago. Sometimes I asked other women to go to the gym. I even hired a body-building teacher for this. They learned and practiced earnestly. It’s not easy to stick to it.

Li Yifei also supported him, but sometimes he felt unbearable when seeing Xu Yingying and them so tired. That's why he gave this advice.

Of course, the effect of such persuasion is very weak, because Xu Yingying and the others have made up their minds. Although they have both repaired with Li Yifei, the effect is very weak. It is not as effective as Jiang Ningxiang and Su Li. Even Su Mengxin, she also said that when a woman arrives After thirty, the body seems to start to go downhill, and aging becomes faster. If you don't exercise more, I am afraid that it will be more than forty. Jiang Ningxiang and Zuli are still young and beautiful, and they are going to run away from the old people.

This is indeed a problem. Li Yifei feels women’s sense of crisis in this area. There is no good way at present. Xu Shanshan, Jiang Ningxiang and Su Li, the three of them are all natural masters now, so don’t say that you will never be young. Zhu, at least if you like, it won’t be difficult to keep this look when you’re a hundred years old. Didn’t you see that Senior Qiu is now in her thirties and looks young and beautiful? As for Yao Lingfu, it’s because of herself. Not willing, plus the age is much older than a hundred years old, so it can't be changed.

Let all the wives in the family stay youthful, and then they can only cultivate, and they have to cultivate successfully. Then this kind of double cultivation method is not enough. There seems to be only one way, and that is, Li Yifei reaches the legendary state of unspeakable, like giving Su Li changed his fate against the sky, forcibly modifying the physique of the girls, and then they can practice and enter the state of innate masters.

At present, Li Yifei can’t reach it, so he has to think of other ways. Hearing Xu Yingying said that it’s okay. This kind of exercise is good for the body. Li Yifei stopped persuading them. The two chatted for a while, and Li Yifei hung up He cut off the phone and drove to the resident of Dancheng Feiyuan Company. It was the end of get off work. Li Yifei checked if he could wait for Yang Shuo or found useful information.

After get off work hours, some people from Feiyuan Company came out one after another, in twos and threes. These people could not see anything on their faces. Li Yifei stopped by and got out of the car to smoke. Hearing these people's loud or small voices, a voice fell in. In his ears, only two women who were close to each other said: "Let me tell you, Mr. Yang is in trouble now."

"Have you heard that too?"

"It's not a secret. The construction site strikes and the workers are beaten. This matter can't be suppressed, and..." The woman said with a mysterious smile. After looking around and finding no one, she said in a smaller voice. "I was going to deliver the documents in the morning, but when I heard Mr. Yang seemed to be calling and asking someone to book her air tickets, that tone... But I was very anxious. I just don’t know where Mr. Yang is going. If I go abroad. If there is no problem, I don’t believe it.”

Going abroad? Li Yifei was stunned when he heard these three words. If it was really the case, then Yang Shuo would have settled down on this matter. Even if there is a secret, she did it. There is no need to check it. People can control the rescue.

"No, Mr. Yang, where did you get the money? Well, it's none of our business. Anyway, we have a salary. If something happens to her, someone will come to clean up the mess."

"That's, hey, I told you that the restaurant was very delicious yesterday. I still want to eat it today. Aren't you okay for a while, I invite you, let's go?"

"Go and go, let's drink." The two women said and walked away with a smile. Li Yifei finished smoking a cigarette, put the cigarette **** out and threw it into the trash can beside him. He glanced at the office building and didn't see Yang Shuo's. The figure, ready to check where Yang Shuo is.

As soon as he was about to leave, Li Yifei saw Yang Shuo coming out, a few tens of meters away. Li Yifei noticed that her face was not so good. After leaving the house, he looked around, as if he was making sure there was no one, and then walked quickly. To the Chevrolet she bought herself.

The car started and quickly merged into the traffic flow. Yang Shuo didn't notice that there was a poetry picture behind him. Li Yifei had this plan originally, so when he saw Yang Shuo, he naturally wanted to follow.

If this woman wants to run, then Li Yifei will take action to keep her, if there are other reasons, then look at the situation first.

Yang Shuo's car turned around and almost hit the car in the next lane several times. In Li Yifei's opinion, an old driver drove like this, either because he drank too much or he was not paying attention.

The car passed through Dan City and finally came to a newly built community. Yang Shuo's car drove into the underground parking lot. Li Yifei's car couldn't get in. He frowned and remembered Yang Shuo's breath. Fortunately, his perception ability Now it has become very large, and it will not be difficult to reach within a hundred meters. Li Yifei can feel it beyond this distance, but it is not necessarily accurate, especially for ordinary people.

The security of the community is good. Li Yifei didn't have the key, so he was stopped outside, but he used a box of cigarettes, opened the door, and walked in. Li Yifei walked inside and felt it, steel and concrete could not stop his perception. Ability, in Li Yifei's mind, is like another three-dimensional three-dimensional map, every building, every room, and whether there is anyone in it, is presented in Li Yifei's mind.

At the same time, I heard a lot of noises in my ears. I looked at the time. It was already six o'clock at this time. Some people were already cooking. Li Yifei also heard some humming sounds, which seemed to be... What I did, um, I don't need to listen to this. When he walked to the center of the community, Li Yifei didn't feel Yang Shuo's position, so he stopped.

Continue to walk inside, but Li Yifei never felt Yang Shuo's breath. This is very abnormal, no, it can be said to be very abnormal. Li Yifei started to perceive when he entered the community, but he did not find Yang Shuo's place after walking around. Either she left the car as soon as she drove in, out of Li Yifei's range of perception, or... she was shielded.

Li Yifei tutted and said softly, "It's interesting. If the former, it means that she might notice someone following her, so she deliberately went around. If it's the latter, then she can escape my perception, maybe not The average master."

Li Yifei was anxious. He walked to a quiet place, took out his mobile phone and called Xu Yingying, asking her to send someone to watch the provincial airport to prevent Yang Shuo from fleeing.

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