The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 2484: Two thousand five hundred and eighty

"This is your brother Wang Feng, please call someone." Wu Gang said first.

Li Manli hesitated for a moment. When she entered the room, Wang Feng stretched out her hand and patted her ass. So she was very bad for his senses and instinctively had some resistance, but due to her identity, she still whispered: "Brother Wang Feng ,Hello there."

"Hey, the sound is really good, crisp and nice." Wang Feng said with clear eyes.

"Ahem..." Wu Gang gave a dry cough, tugged Wang Feng, and said to Li Manli: "Lili, I don't have a few friends. I just said that your brother Wang Feng is willing to lend you money, you say."

When Li Manli heard this, there was hope in her eyes. She looked at Wang Feng with a little excitement and said, "Brother Wang Feng, I want to... borrow one thousand, or two thousand yuan to treat my mother. Can you lend me? You can make an IOU!"

After listening, Wang Feng smiled, glanced at Wu Gang, then nodded, and said: "Your uncle told me just now, I think you are very filial, and I know your mother's illness. This kind of illness can be big or small. If it’s not good, it won’t be worth one or two thousand. What will you do?”

"I..." When Li Manli heard this, her heart sank. After all, she was an underage child. She only thought about borrowing money to see a doctor, but she didn't think about what should be done if it was really serious. Wen Yan felt a little flustered, shook his head and said, "Brother Wang Feng, I don't know..."

Wang Feng seemed to be a little sad and said: "Yes, you are still a little girl, what can you do. I can lend you one thousand and two thousand, but no matter how much, you are a kid, I can't lend You are too much."

"Lili, your brother Wang Feng is a rich thief, and everyone in the town respects him." Wu Gang interjected in due course.

Li Manli squeezed her hands together, lowered her head and bit her lip, not knowing what to do.

"I really like you, little girl, otherwise." Wang Feng led the words to the topic, and said: "Actually... I don't know if I should say something."

"Brother Wang Feng, please tell me, I... I know I have no ability right now. It would be bad to borrow too much money, but I really want to treat my mother's illness. There will be absolutely no other use. I am now in business. I work in the city and work at a little more than two thousand a month. I can only spend two to three hundred a month. The rest of the money can be used to repay the bill, so you can lend me a little more."

Wu Gang moved his mouth and wanted to say that it would not work. I also expected you to send money back to life every month, but I still held back the words.

Wang Feng smiled and said, "That's not too much. Now when I go to the hospital, I have lost 30,000 to 50,000, and hundreds of thousands more may not cure the disease."

"Then...what to do, Uncle, Brother Wang Feng, I really have nothing else to do!" Li Manli was a child after all, and some of her tears couldn't stop streaming down.

Wang Feng stretched out his hand to wipe Li Manli's tears. When the little beauty cried, he still felt a little pain in his heart, but the latter stepped back and avoided. Wang Feng froze in midair, laughed, and retracted his hand, saying: "Lili, your brother, I can't look at you so embarrassed, hey, let me just say it straight. Actually, my brother is in love with you. I came to your house today and wanted to propose marriage to your mother and your uncle. You Brother Feng, I don’t have any other skills, that is, I can make money, and I have a bit of fame in our town. Everyone respects me, so if I follow my brother in the future, I promise that I will not lose my life!"

"Huh?" Li Manli was wiping her tears. Hearing what Wang Feng said, she immediately raised her head and looked at the other person in disbelief. Did she hear her right? This so-called elder brother, who looks no different from Wu Gang, is actually in love with himself?

Of course Li Manli was not happy, but shocked. After the shock, she was afraid and disgusted. She matured early and knew some things about men and women, but it did not mean that she had to go through those things. On the contrary, Li Manli only felt that the original impression was not The wonderful Wang Feng suddenly turned into a huge fly, very disgusting.

Looking to the side of Wu Gang, he even had a smile on his face. Seeing that he looked over, Wu Gang nodded and said: "Lili, your brother Wang Feng has absolutely no character. He is generous and righteous, and he knows it from far and near. If you follow him, you can't go wrong in the future."

Speaking of this, Wu Gang continued: "You also know the condition of uncle. In the future, if you get married, uncle has nothing to give away, but your brother Wang Feng said that he doesn't care about this. The woman he wants is to give her happiness. It doesn't matter if there is no money or nothing, he has all of these."

"Yes, it doesn't matter what dowry or the like is. I have the money myself, and there are several houses in my house. If you follow me, I can still feel bad." Wang Gang said indifferently.

Li Manli was frightened and frightened. She suddenly understood that this matter was probably planned by Wu Gang and Wang Feng on the opposite side. The latter came today for this matter, or that Wu Gang planned it long ago. Want to sell her.

In some rural areas, some people think this is the case. Many underage men and women can get married early, live together first, have children, and get the certificate when they are old. But Li Manli didn’t want this. She went to school and knew Puppy love, knowing that getting married at a young age is not good for her, and she wants to support herself and her mother through her own efforts, rather than relying on someone to feed herself.

At the moment, the adoptive father and that Wang Feng sang together, obviously wanting to use borrowing money to force herself to submit... Li Manli wanted to shake her head, and she took two steps back, wanting to leave the two of them.

"I know that this news is a bit sudden to you. I am sincere. Although I am a little older than you, this is not better. My brother knows what hurts people and likes you, but he won’t be like those young and young. I know the weight." Wang Feng said with a grin, a pair of eyeballs kept looking at Li Manli, only to think that this little fresh woman is really well developed, she wants a breast and a breast, and a butt, and her skin is white and tender. Yes, it is definitely not comparable to those rural girls.

"No!" Li Manli suddenly raised her head and said: "Uncle, Brother Wang Feng, I can't agree with what you said, I...I'm still young and can't think about those things."

"Why not? There are many married people in our village at the age of fifteen and six. Didn't the little six in the front house get married last year, only seventeen, and one year older than you." Wu Gang said immediately.

"It's different!" Li Manli shook her head hurriedly. Her back was already attached to the wall and she couldn't get back. She only felt that the two men in front of her were like scourges. She said with a crying voice: "Uncle, I... …I will repay you, but it can’t be now. I’m still young. When I become capable in the future, I will definitely repay you.”

"Why can't your brother Wang Feng work? If you want a house, money, money, status, and status, you can't be treated badly in the future?" Wu Gang raised his voice a lot.

Wang Feng also put a smile away, and said, "What you are worried about is reasonable, but my brother, I am not that kind of person. Go and find out. People in the town mentioned Wang Feng. Who doesn't know that my brother is a particular person and treats himself well. Nothing to say, let alone her own woman."

"No no!" Li Manli still shook her head.

Wu Gang became a little impatient. He felt that Li Manli was a bit shameless, so he pulled down and said, "Li Manli, you'd better see the situation clearly. You want to save your mother, but you don't have money. Now Brother Wang Feng is willing to pay for your mother to see a doctor. , And I like you and will treat you well. If you say this again, it will make him unhappy.

Li Manli felt a sense of fear and cold from the bottom of her heart. She didn't expect Wu Gang to be so shameless. They had designed a trap a long time ago, and even called herself back this time, probably because of this matter, he, he wants to marry himself! I want to sell myself to this Wang Feng.

Sixteen-year-old Li Manli felt the other's full malice, and felt a sense of weakness. Behind her is the wall, unable to retreat. In front of her are two wretched men. When they look at themselves, they look like they want Like eating her.

Seeing Li Manli in silence, Wang Feng said: "I promise your uncle and your mother that after you follow me, you will give them 20,000 gifts. This is not much, but when you help me give birth to a son, I will Give them one hundred thousand yuan, which is a lot!"

Twenty thousand plus an indefinite amount of one hundred thousand. This amount of money may seem a lot, but in fact it is not much. Nowadays, whoever marries a daughter-in-law cannot spend three hundred to four hundred thousand, or even one hundred and eight hundred thousand. Of course, for rural areas In terms of the latter, there are still too many. Li Manli is still young, but she is also very interested in such money, especially Wang Feng, if she marries the other party, where is her future?

Li Manli shook her head and said: "Brother Wang Feng, I...I can't promise you, I just want to lend money to my mother to see a doctor. I never thought about getting married. I'm still too young. I will consider these things after I turn 20."

"Are you young? Hehe, you are not young anymore. Although you still can't get the certificate, it's okay. Let's get things done first. It's time to have children and live a life. When we are old, we will get the certificate again."

"No, no, I don't agree!" Li Manli said with a higher tone, "Uncle, I will repay you, but not now, I don't want to get married!"

"You kid, how can you not get married? I'll tell you, your mother and I have promised you Brother Wang Feng on this matter today. It is also your blessing that he thinks of you. You can go to the town to find out and mention you. Brother Wang Feng, who doesn't give a thumbs up!" Wu Gang felt a little uncomfortable with his face, and couldn't help but stern.

Li Manli shook her head repeatedly. She didn't believe that her mother thought the same way. Although girls always want to marry, but... it definitely shouldn't be when she was sixteen. She cried and said, "Uncle, you guys. I can’t do this, I don’t agree!"

"Hehe, you have to agree if you disagree!" Wu Gang smiled coldly.

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