The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 2478: 274 niece save me

After the New Year’s Eve dinner and the end of the New Year’s Eve, the excitement has not diminished. Li Yifei accompanied his father-in-laws to drink slowly, chat, and drink slowly. There are rarely such occasions in these years where everyone can gather together. The old people were also very interested in what these juniors did.

In just a few years, Li Yifei and his wives pushed this newly established small family to the first place in the province. The elders know more or less about how many stories there are and how difficult it is. I just know some, not all. Today, I took this opportunity to chat with Li Yifei and others to learn about the story.

Except for some **** parts, other Li Yifei answered carefully. Even the two old Su in the family nodded frequently after listening to this, and were satisfied.

Li Yifei drank a lot when the wine was in good health. The talents ended the wine game. The waiting women sent the elders back. Li Yifei stood at the door watching them leave, standing beside him, two Su were old and old. He had already left just now, so she and Su Mengxin were fine. The two women stood beside him, one on the left and the other on the right.

Li Yifei suddenly stretched out his hand, embraced the two women from left to right, and embraced them.

"Ah!" Su Li was obviously frightened. She stiffened and struggled a little bit, but Li Yifei firmly hugged her, Su Mengxin on the other side looked at him sideways, did not speak, and did not break free.

After waking up from the double repair, Li Yifei was free from the shackles of the Witch Gu, and his life with his wives was normal, and because he was too strong, he could only stay with him as much as two or three people, but Su Li and Su Mengxin were always there. Keep not being present at the same time.

Like tonight, the three of them happened to be together, as if the other women were tacitly letting go. This was the first time that Li Yifei used some alcohol to hug the two at the same time, as if to explain something... …

Su Mengxin knew that such a day would happen sooner or later, so she was not very surprised. Su Li lowered his head, his chin stuck to his chest, and his body was obviously taut.

"Wife." Li Yifei's voice rang in her ears. This is the first time Su Li heard calling her like this. She gritted her teeth. Even though Li Yifei did not speak on this night, she had already expressed her attitude. Can she refuse... …

But why refuse? The palm of Su Li was a little sweaty, Li Yifei did not speak, Su Mengxin did not speak, the scene seemed to quiet down suddenly, the moon was scarce, and it was midwinter outside, but Li's family was warm as spring, so everyone didn’t wear much, Li Yifei Each of her hands are around her shoulders.

"Happy New Year," Li Yifei finally broke the silence.

"Husband, you are happy too!" Su Mengxin replied.

Su Li didn't say anything, so Li Yifei turned his head and asked, "What about you, Ari?"

"You... are happy too!" Su Li whispered, groaning finely.

"What about the name?" Li Yifei asked.

Su Li's face was red, and Li Yifei wanted to ask about the name, but what she said was the outlet...

"Is it not worthy of this title?" Li Yifei seemed to say disappointedly. Su Li quickly raised his head and said anxiously: "No... It's just that I am embarrassed to say it, Meng Xin..."

Su Mengxin shook her head and said, "Ali, it's okay."

Su Li took a long sigh of relief, turned around, facing Li Yifei and Su Mengxin, she slowly said: "Husband, Happy New Year!"

"Haha, happy, my baby!" Li Yifei looked over his head with a big smile and kissed Su Li's little mouth. When she kissed Su Mengxin in front of her, Su Li was flustered and wanted to escape, Li Yifei had already withdrawn.

Su Li lowered her head, wiped her lips, and subconsciously went to see Su Mengxin, wanting to see her reaction, but saw that Su Mengxin had raised her head slightly, her mouth pouted, and she looked like she begged for a kiss.

Naturally, Li Yifei would not let down the beauty's thoughts. He turned around and put his mouth together, sending a deep kiss to Su Mengxin.

Bang Bang Bang, Su Li's heart is beating faster, trying to look away, but his body doesn't listen, his eyes don't even blink. In his ears are the sounds of two people next to him kissing, and... those movements The reverie brought to her made her even feel a little regretful just now, why is it just a little bit of water instead of a long kiss...

After two minutes, Li Yifei and Su Mengxin stopped. Li Yifei turned his head and glanced at Su Li. Seeing that her face was like a red peach, her eyes were moisturized, and her heartbeat became chaotic. Li Yifei laughed and bent over and hugged her. Bend his legs, hugged Su Li, turned around and walked back to the villa, saying: "Two little ladies, let's spend a good night with my husband tonight."

"Virtue!" Su Mengxin couldn't help saying after following.

Li Yifei didn't care about those things. Like a bandit, he robbed Mrs. Xiaozhai and went home. This night, he turned the dragon and the phoenix upside down. Needless to say, when the two old Su were both in Li's house, Li Yifei was calm. Putting the big and small Su down on a bed, a long-term problem of scratching his head was successfully solved.

When Li Yifei woke up in the morning, Li Yifei was refreshed, while Su Mengxin and Su Li were lying on his side, sleeping in different positions. As soon as Li Yifei moved, Su Li woke up and opened his eyes to see the man beside him. , The little girl stretched out her hand, just about to hug Li Yifei, but stopped abruptly. Thinking of all the scenes last night, she couldn't help but stare at Li Yifei.

These days, Su Li’s body has been well recuperated, and her weight has increased to more than 90 kilograms, so there is a lot of meat on her body, but it is definitely not fat, but the well-proportioned line. How she said she is also a natural master, right There is no need to say more about the control of oneself, and there will be no real qi that can't control oneself, let Li Yifei be a trapeze.

The little hand pinched his waist, Li Yifei felt a slight pain, he frowned and stared, but Su Li was not afraid, and shook his head provocatively. Li Yifei's threat did not work, and he hummed, and one hand was already touching. Somewhere, Su Li quickly retracted his hand, trying to block Li Yifei's attack.

When she was crazy last night, apart from the initial shyness, the last three people were already very involved, but that was last night. At this time, Su Li still felt shy, so she pushed Li Yifei's hand hard.

It's a pity that she didn't dare too much power to stop Li Yifei, because she was afraid of affecting Su Mengxin's rest on the other side, so she soon fell into position. Just as Su Li wanted to beg for mercy, she saw that Li Yifei had bullied her body and pressed her over, and her strong body was covering her For a while, Su Li felt his legs were separated...

Su Mengxin secretly opened her eyes with a smile on her face. She was also embarrassed. She understood Xu Yingying's mentality. Her sister and husband were already established facts, but she was embarrassed. To uncover the window paper, and at the beginning of last night, Su Mengxin also felt that there was a barrier in her heart. It was difficult to invest like other sisters. Later... this feeling disappeared. After all, the window paper was Pierced.

Listening to the two people doing bad things by the ear, Su Mengxin turned over, feeling satisfied and powerless in her body, so she quickly decided to escape the scene, rolled over and got out of bed.

"Niece, me!" Just as Su Mengxin got out of bed and was about to flee with her clothes, she heard Su Li's call for help behind her. She almost fell on her feet. Although she was indeed a niece from the seniority, she was all like this. It's time, is it too weird to call a niece?

Su Mengxin turned to look at Su Li, and shook her head again and again: "I can't save you. You are both great masters, with strong bodies. I can't. I'm going to wash it!"

"Neither can I!" Su Li wailed, and her voice quickly became intermittent.

Li Yifei didn't do anything wrong for a long time, just after the addiction, after all, on the morning of the first day of the new year, he had to show his elders and have breakfast together, which is not good for people to wait long.

Seeing other wives, everyone tacitly knew it, and it seemed that the situation last night was deliberately created,

The so-called Lunar New Year is the New Year, the first day of the new year... Well, this is the tune. Li Yifei hummed this tune and came to the place where Li Jiabao and his family lived. As a family general, Li Yifei would naturally not pose After saying a lot of encouragement, Li Yifei also visited the security guards who gave their lives for the Li family. The names, appearances, voices, and even the accents of those people remembered. After coming to the Li family, they did their duty and some will The family moved over, and some found the other half in the Li family and got married. Their lives had just started a new chapter, but they were killed by those gangsters, and they sacrificed to defend the Li family.

Brave! Loyalty! Li Yifei will not forget them, and the Li family will not forget them. In addition to the generous compensation, Li Yifei promises that the children and family of these people will be taken care of by the Li family. If they want to leave, the Li family will be responsible for the house. If you want to stay in the Li family, then the Li family will be responsible for your children’s studies, and the Li family will also provide them with many jobs for adults.

In short, the Li family will never treat him wrongly for the people who have given it to the Li family. This is true for anyone.

Of course, in spite of this, if the person is gone, they are no longer there. They can't survive. Li Yifei is holding a child in his arms, just two years old, about the same age as his child. The child asked where his father went several times. Li Yifei couldn't answer, but it seemed that the child's father, the security guard named Zhao Xiangang, appeared in front of him. He was dark and thin, but he liked to laugh very much, and his business was excellent.

Leaving the place where the security guards lived, Li Yifei rubbed his face, and when he raised his head again, he had returned to normal. The blood of these security guards, as well as the blood of those innocent people, would be reported by Li Yifei for them. The target was Noah’s Ark. The lawless organization, they can even be said to be ******, Li Yifei will carry out this matter to the end, when Noah's Ark organization will die, Li Yifei will give up.

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