The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 2475: Two thousand five hundred and seventy-one

Two thousand five hundred and seventy-one

As for the vegetables Su's father bought, they are actually two kinds of vegetables, a fish, and a piece of meat. Without a refrigerator, they can be frozen directly on the window sill. The conditions in the kitchen are also very poor. Li Yifei walked over and unscrewed the tap and found a drop of water. There was no sound, and there was no sound inside, and there was a big bucket next to the pool, and the water in it was almost used up.

Li Yifei came back and asked, "Dad, is there often no water here?"

Father Su turned his head when he heard the words, nodded and said: "This is not good, water and electricity, stop if there is nothing to do, and if you don't pay attention, there will be no water and electricity. There is no way. We have looked for it many times. Every time I come and get it done, the result is broken in a few days. The electricity is okay, that is, the line is aging. In addition to this place, people are not willing to replace the line for us, but the water is not good. The pipeline is buried in the ground. No one came to repair the broken ones. We couldn’t afford to pay. People didn’t care. I suspected that the water pipe burst again this time. A few days ago, there was water coming out of the building. We called and the other party did. No one came, so we closed the sluice, so we didn't have water for a few days."

"If you don't have water for the New Year, this group of people is also wicked enough." Su Yiyi said.

Li Yifei nodded and said, "It's a bit too much!"

Su's father laughed, and said helplessly: "Don't blame the water company, this place is a solitary place, and there are only a few buildings around, and the people who live in it are poor, old people, and people who can't afford it. Tap water. If you want to repair it, you have to replace the entire pipeline and open up all the lines. This is not a small amount of money. Even if it is a house-to-house spread, you can’t afford it. A family costs several thousand yuan, even if there are a few. Everyone is willing to pay, and most of them don’t take money. They count on the water company to take it. People are not stupid."

This is the reason, but the water company is the government's livelihood project, and you cannot always expect to make money. No, it should be said that money must be made, but investment is also appropriate. Li Yifei has not touched this aspect, so it is not very clear. Judging by instinct, he said: "Dad, when Yiyi and I went upstairs, a few uncles and aunts were talking about this downstairs!"

"It's useless to say that if you refuse to take a few thousand dollars, then there is no water available!" Father Su shook his head and said, "But most of them are no way. If everyone agrees, they will take it too. Those in their early days clamored that they would never take it, so many people stopped taking it."

"There is no water for the New Year, it's really..." Li Yifei didn't know what to say, there is mouse **** everywhere, this kind of thing is really annoying.

Su Yiyi was kind-hearted and whispered, "If...if it's not troublesome, you can help them. There is no electricity or water for the holidays, and this day is not easy."

"Yifei, if you have a way, you can help, but today you are thirty. I am afraid it will be difficult to find someone. Otherwise, let them hold on for two days and wait until the festival." Father Su was moved. But looking at his son-in-law, he still said.

Li Yifei thought for a while, nodded and said: "Then I will find someone to get it, even if I want to fix it, I will ask them to negotiate after the year to deal with these two days first."

There is no water or electricity, it is really too compelling. If you encounter it, please help, even if it is a good deed.

Seeing Li Yifei's agreement, Father Su laughed happily, and said, "I thank you for them. It's helpless to say it. Most of the people living here are elderly people, or those idlers who can't make much money. I can't move out, and I stay here all day long."

"Then it won't help!" Su Yiyi said quickly, for fear that her father would make any excessive demands, such as giving money to those people, she would have to cut off her father's ideas first.

Father Su really didn't have this idea, he just sighed with emotion just now.

Li Yifei nodded and said, "Let me... make a few calls. Today is a little bit special. It's really not easy to find someone!"

Not only is it not easy to find people, Li Yifei is a little confused about whom to look for, let alone what day it is. In Yecheng, Li Yifei wants to find someone to do business at 12 o'clock in the evening, so the other party will not help. Even if he doesn’t want to, he will definitely agree. This is his reputation, but... you can’t go to the city because of this. You can’t find any deputy mayor. , Director and the like, one water, one electricity, um...not to mention, Li Yifei suddenly thought of Ye Yunzhu, the deputy mayor of culture, education and health. Are these things managed by the health department?

It didn't seem to be the case. Li Yifei was also unsure, so he quickly called Deputy Mayor Ye.

"Hey, Yifei, are you back?" Ye Yunzhu smelled it as soon as he got on the phone.

"No, there is something here, Yunzhu, you are the deputy mayor, and I have something to help you." Li Yifei said and explained the things here. After Ye Yunzhu heard it, he said immediately: "Don't worry. This is indeed my responsibility. I’ll let... Tsk, forget it, I’ll go directly to the person in charge at the head, and let his contact person deal with it, and I’ll talk about it in the next year. I will provide water and electricity first. !"

"Okay, leave it to you, and send you the address!" Li Yifei said.

"Well, you, Yiyi, and uncle come back soon, the house is waiting for you 1"

"Let's go back!" Li Yifei said, hung up the phone, and said to the Su family's father and daughter: "Yunzhu will take care of the matter, let's not care, she will contact me to repair it!"

This son-in-law... is really amazing. Father Su said in his heart, a phone call to the deputy mayor, um, the deputy mayor is still his wife, sister of our daughter...for Li Yifei women, these old father-in-laws The mother-in-law had already accepted it, so she didn't feel upset.

Hearing that Li Yifei had settled the matter, Su's father was relieved. Li Yifei carried a small bag containing a little of Su's father's underwear and so on. The three of them went downstairs one after another. Su's father carried the bought vegetables and fish. After going downstairs, he walked towards the old man and gave the fish to the old lady, while the meat was given to the old man, and the vegetables were given to the other old man.

"Lao Su, what are you... doing? Give the food to us, how are you doing it?" the old man who received the meat asked.

"I'm okay, I'll go to the girl's house to celebrate the New Year. Isn't the daughter and son-in-law coming to pick me up!" Father Su smiled.

"Daughter and son-in-law? When did I think you were an old bachelor!" The old lady put a smile on her face and glared at Li Yifei and Su Yiyi, and reprimanded: "You two are children, not the old lady. You, driving such a good car by yourself, why do you treat your dad so badly? You look like a rich man, but let your dad live in such a place, so you can bear it?"

"It's not like that, it's because I ran here because of my temper. Didn't they come to me after they knew it!" Su's father explained quickly.

Su Yiyi nodded repeatedly and said, "Mother, I was wrong, I promise not to do this in the future."

Li Yifei also nodded, and the aunty hummed, and said: "Forget it, your family's affairs, the auntie can't talk too much, and your father is not in good health. Since he took your home for the New Year, he should go to the hospital for inspection. We old guys, once we get sick, we don’t get milder, we find it early and treat it early."

"Yes, thank you auntie!" Su Yiyi said quickly.

"Really... Lao Su, don't come back. There is nothing to live in this place. When you are old, don't be too temperamental. If your daughter lives in a comfortable home, live more." The aunt seemed uneasy. , An exhortation.

When he was an enthusiastic person, Li Yifei thought in his heart that Father Su also nodded and said: "Don't worry, my daughter and son-in-law are filial, not what you think. Okay, I'll go first. Let's talk again after the new year. happy New Year."

"You too, you are all happy!" The old people blessed, but after all, it was hard to smile. After all, there was no water or electricity, and I didn't know how to cook or eat the New Year's Eve dinner tonight.

Father Su walked out a few steps, turned his head abruptly, and shouted: "Don't worry, my son-in-law called the relevant department. They will be able to send someone to deal with water and electricity in a short time. We will provide you with water and electricity first. ."

"Really?" When the aunt heard this, her face glowed, she walked a few steps to catch up, and asked: "Old Su, are you talking nonsense? Your son-in-law really did it?"

While talking, a few old people looked at Li Yifei with a suspicious expression on his face. Father Su said, "Don't worry, I won't fool you. If you come to cultivate, you can't go wrong!"

"Does your son-in-law still have this ability?" The aunt asked, looking at Li Yifei and then said: "Boy, the aunt doesn't mean that, it's really...for the water and electricity, we didn't ask for less, and we couldn't do it. "

"Auntie, you and my dad are all friends, and I can't fool you. It is estimated that you can come in half an hour and an hour. They can also guarantee power and water supply these days. I will discuss with you about the replacement of the line in the next year." Li Yifei said,

"My God, this is a great thing, boy, you still have this ability, great, I have to tell everyone this news, great, this year will pass if there is water and electricity!" Old lady Said with joy.

Father Su laughed and said, "Don't worry, my son-in-law is absolutely reliable and does what he says."

"True Niu, Lao Su, you have a good son-in-law. We blamed him just now. In fact, I mentioned it casually. I didn't expect this child to take it to heart. You are talking about it. If there is water and electricity, We are so grateful."

"Thank you, the neighbor lives, if you can help, you can help. The big guys are old. You have a good Chinese New Year. Let's talk again after the new year." Father Su said, waving his hand and going to the car more than ten meters away. .

"Dad, be careful!" Li Yifei just waved his hand at a few old people. When he turned around, he saw a flowerpot suddenly fell from the sky, and he was about to hit Father Su. He hurriedly rushed over and took a punch. The basin opens.

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