The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 2454: The two thousand and fifty-fifth army came out

He couldn't understand it, but it didn't matter, because Wang Gang had no turning back. He grinned and said, "I'll take care of you when I look back!"

"Poor!" Li Yifei shook his head and slowly stood up. As Li Yifei stood up, an aura suddenly emerged. The surrounding special police felt a huge pressure. It was an unspeakable feeling. They were instinctive. He wanted to step back, but a few seconds later, Li Yifei pushed away the chair and walked towards Wang Gang.

"What are you doing?" Wang Gang asked loudly, instinctively flustered. After all, now his subordinates are not obedient. Wang Gang knows the opponent's combat effectiveness, so he is instinctively flustered.

Li Yifei came slowly, every step like a heavy drum, knocking on Wang Gang's heart. He didn't know why this happened, so he swallowed nervously, his eyes dodged, and as the person who came, whether it was the instructor or that Police officers with guns, both of them are too familiar with Li Yifei's routine. He wants to do it.

My God, is he going to beat a branch chief in front of more than 20 police officers? What is the situation? Has this person been arrogant to this point? Regarding the extent of Li Yifei's arrogance, there is actually no need to guess, because it will be witnessed next.

With a playful smile on Li Yifei's face, he walked step by step, each step seemed to be stepping on Wang Gang's heart. Seeing that the distance was only ten steps away, Wang Gang finally couldn't help but shouted at the people on both sides: "Are you guys? Are you blind? Can't see that he is going to do something to me? Am I **** you? You are ruthless. If I'm fine, I will trouble you one by one."

When humanity is in desperate situation, many things will be exposed. What kind of demeanor, what kind of energy cultivation skills, are all useless, Li Yifei only took a few steps, and Wang Gang was about to collapse.

"Director Wang, people often say that if you don’t die, you will not die. I don’t know how you understand this sentence?" Li Yifei takes every step so slowly that when this question is asked, Wang Gang has plenty of time to answer , He gritted his teeth and said: "Don't want to scare me, you thug, I tell you, if you dare to touch me, I promise you and your family will be miserable, and I will use my right to retaliate against you. !"

"There are more than 20 people and more than 40 ears. Director Wang threatened an ordinary person like this. Oh, it's a victim. You are a real hero. Is this serving the people? It is novel." Li Yifei smiled. Said indifferently.

It's too much. Many police officers couldn't help but pouting. Of course, this was talking about Wang Gang, not Li Yifei. In the past, whether it was meetings or daily routines, Wang Gang showed the style of a great chief, which is as chaotic as it is now. After the battle, he was completely flustered and even reluctant to speak.

Looking at it this way, Director Wang is nothing more than that. He has no more hands and legs than a human being. The flattering skill is good, and they are indeed beyond their reach.

" talk nonsense, give me the gun, if you come back, I will kill you!" Wang Gang took two steps back and reached out to grab the gun in the hand of the special police captain. The latter flung his arm away and said, "Wang In the game, calm down, it will happen!"

"Something happened? Did it happen to you? The same goes for you. Let's see how I clean up you today!" Wang Gang said madly.

The SWAT captain frowned and moved a few steps aside, but it looked like he was giving way to Li Yifei, because the other party still didn't stop and was still approaching.

"You? You are cruel!" Wang Gang scolded, just about to say that the hero would not suffer the immediate loss and was ready to leave. Who would have thought that all of his subordinates would betray all of a sudden, and they immediately changed their faces. Hate it.

"You may not be able to go!" After Li Yifei finished speaking, he flew out as soon as he hooked a chair with his hand. He was hitting the back of Wang Gang, who had turned around and ran out for two steps. This guy did not exercise except for exercising on the bed. When he was running slowly, he couldn't stop the chair. He hit him on the back with a bang. Director Wang flew out, and a dog threw himself on the ground.

The police opened their mouths in surprise. Only the instructor and the policeman next to him whose gun was taken by Li Yifei were not surprised. After all, when they saw Li Yifei standing up, they knew that Wang Gang would not be able to escape too. This guy is the head, and he is here. After that, it was the same face, so it must be beaten, so the two of them suddenly felt a little balance. Anyway, everyone was beaten, let alone shame.

The face of the special police captain changed slightly. Before he thought of what to do, Li Yifei had already taken action. He directly knocked Wang Gang down and fell to the ground and cried out in pain. How to say it was under his nose. This seemed a bit too much. .

Li Yifei didn't care, as if he didn't do all this, he said easily, "It's pretty strong."

Damn, of course it's strong. This is a chair forward. It is not only strong but also heavy. Wang Gang only felt that his back was stabbed and his muscles were cramping in one place. He almost fainted because of the pain.

If it is really faint, the key is severe pain, and it is uncomfortable if it is not faint.

Li Yifei looked at Wang Gang's miserable situation, smiled faintly, walked over and squatted in front of Wang Gang, and said, "Director Wang, you can't run before you finish your words, won't you be punished?"

"You...cough cough, **** you, **** you all, are you still the police?" Wang Gang gnashed his teeth and cursed, his back hurts even more as soon as he moved, and he couldn't help grinning again.

Li Yifei laughed and said, "Of course they are policemen, and they are also policemen with a little conscience and bottom line, but I'm sorry, Director Wang is not. Not only do you have no conscience and bottom line, I can guarantee that you will be a useless person in the future. If you commit other crimes, then you will spend the rest of your life in prison. Oh, if the circumstances are serious, you may be shot."

"Shall I go to you..." Wang was about to scold, and his head was severely smashed, but it was the chair just now that Li Yifei slammed directly on his head, his expression on his face became a bit tyrannical, with a chill sound Said: "If I were you, I would only pretend to be dead and not swear. You see, this is the price of swearing. I see a lot of shameless people, so for me, this is of no use."

This time, Wang Gang was dizzy. He didn't say a word for a long time, except that his body twitched occasionally, indicating that he was still alive. Well, maybe he may not be alive. After all, the body twitching may also be a neural reflex when he just died... …

The special police captain can't stand it anymore. Even though this Wang Gang is hateful and has a bad reputation, he can't fight like this in front of them. If this happens, they will be criticized.

As soon as he walked over, Li Yifei raised his head, smiled at him, and said: "You are not bad, you are a good comrade, which unit is in front of you?"

Uh...How do you feel older than me... The SWAT captain was taken aback, and didn't know how to answer for a while, but he still said his troop number.

Li Yifei immediately remembered which unit he was, nodded, and praised: "It's no wonder that there is still a kind of military temperament after retiring for so many years. It's not bad, but unfortunately that unit was reorganized and its designation was cancelled. Your special operations brigade was incorporated. The other troops will not be as sharp as before."

"You know?" Although it was a bit out of place to ask, the special police captain asked. He didn't expect this ordinary person to know his army. After all, he has been retired for almost 20 years. Existed.

Li Yifei smiled and said, "Not only knowing, but also some origins."

This is not like what an ordinary soldier said, the tone is wrong, and it has a source...The special police captain grabbed his hair, stood next to Li Yifei, and asked, "I don't know which unit you belong to?"

Many of the members of the SWAT team are veterans. As soon as I heard the boss chatting with that arrogant man, he seemed to be a comrade-in-arms, and he became interested, and many policemen were also veterans. Interested, this product is so fierce, I am afraid it has a big backing.

Li Yifei raised his head and grinned, and asked, "Which unit do you think I came from?"

The special police captain thought about it and shook his head. Li Yifei didn't show any special abilities. He hadn't seen it before, so he couldn't guess it. Although he has paid attention to the army over the years, he is also an army fan.

Li Yifei continued to ask, "Do you think that special force is the best?"

When this question was asked, other people started to think about it. Many people had a sacred answer in their hearts, but they didn’t say anything. Especially the special police captain, he also thought of the name, but instinctively shook his head, and then said something else. A troop, this is the strongest one besides that troop. The military region has the second place in military exercises in the past two years. Although there is still a long distance from the first place, its strength is higher than other troops. a little bit.

Li Yifei shook his head and said: "It's not this unit, and I don't think this is the strongest team."

"You won't be..." The special police captain's eyes lit up. Since the second strongest was denied, could it be said that Li Yifei was from the strongest special force? It is also possible that only that force came out. Talent will be so horizontal, so tough. "

The other policemen also looked at Li Yifei, waiting for him to reveal the answer.

Li Yifei observed that there were so many comrades in arms, so he stopped hiding and said, "Yes, I came from the Flying Eagle team, but I am now discharged."

"God!" The police and special police officers who understood the meaning of these four words immediately exclaimed. They looked at Li Yifei with their eyes wide open. They only felt that the more they looked, the more they looked like. No wonder he was so skillful and ruthless, even the chief of the division bureau. Everyone dared to fight, and only those who came out of that unit were so stubborn that they dared to start. Everyone couldn't help but admire.

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