The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 2450: Two thousand five hundred and forty-six

The mayor of Yue District gave his nickname Yue Buqun. He was white without a beard, and looked like a handsome scholar. He was also very attractive in middle-aged appearance, but the reputation was not very good. According to rumors, this guy is good at hooking up female subordinates. The relationship between men and women is very unclear, and in the area under his jurisdiction, it is said that many beautiful female civil servants have been tainted by him.

A person is handsome, he is in a high position, he has wrists, and he has power. It is easy to make women succumb. He also pays attention to everything he has done. It is very easy to get promotion and transfer. Of course, this is just a rumor. Those men with green heads weren’t making trouble either. Oh, it’s not that no one made trouble. In the first two years, a man even rushed to the district committee with a knife. He was eventually taken down by the police. Anyway, I didn't see that man come out to make trouble.

As for other things, many men open their eyes and close their eyes. Anyway, their daughter-in-law will do it. They can upgrade quickly and get benefits. Really don't laugh, this kind of thing has always been what you know, I know, God knows, and the talkative aunts of various agencies...

Something digressed. In short, Yue Buqun got a son in his middle-aged age. He was still born by a young wife who continued to marry. Now the child is eighteen, and Yue Buqun is just fifty-four, which is considered an old son. He can still do one. In fact, the district mayor has served for two terms, so in the new development zone, Yue Buqun has great rights. It is not that others do not care about his position. It is because there are people in the province. According to rumors, Yue Buqun’s old man The classmates are in the province, and there are people on board, and Yue Buqun doesn't want to continue to be promoted, so he wants to work in the district chief until he retires, so he can work for several years.

However, some well-informed people reported that Yue Buqun, an old classmate from the province, is a woman. Although she looks ugly, she is lucky and prosperous, but she looks a little ugly. She had a crush on Yue Buqun when she was in school. After that, the two of them had a leg. The so-called promotion device was also useful for men, so Yue Buqun was able to prosper, and he was extremely stable.

In the new development zone, the mayor of Yue is a big banner, always prosperous, and the Weihe side, and the public security branch of Yang Jin and others are also located in the new development zone. Yang Jin is very familiar with Yue Liang. I helped Yue Liang wipe his **** for two years, just to flatter him. Unfortunately, he is a little far away from the other Yue District. The flattery of the past two years has been slapped on the horse's leg. Yue Liang doesn’t appreciate it. When it arrives, I will say a few words not indifferently, and just kick it when I don't need it.

This time Yue Liang had an accident while driving, so he directly called Yang Jin and asked him to deal with it. Yang Jin agreed without thinking at first. Who knows that an investigation is such a difficult thing to do, but since it has been agreed, He didn't have a good time, so he bit the bullet and threw it out to Li Yifei without saying a few words when he arrived at the hospital. Then the thing just happened.

If Yang Jin was given a chance, he wouldn't agree to kill him, and the instructor...he was going to regret his intestines now, right? I knew it was such a rotten thing. What kind of limelight would Laozi show?

It's a pity that it's too late. After all, I have offended Li Yifei and been beaten. The matter has become a big deal. Moreover, even if Li Yifei is not guilty, he may not be able to get better. This guy has been an instructor for many years, and sometimes he does things like this. Don't ask whether things are right or wrong, ask people first.

Li Yifei coldly watched the two arguing and swearing, and said lightly: "Almost it, Yang Jin, right? And you, now arrest the perpetrator for me, I don't care what it is the district head or the district head’s child. Regardless of his background, what I understand is that he ran a red light, hit someone and then escaped, and he was suspected of being drunk."

Catch the district chief's son? The instructor was stunned, and shook his head subconsciously. However, he stopped quickly and asked him to grab the district chief's son before he could make a move. He didn't have the guts, even if you could fight it? In Huaxia, the official is everything, and the level of official position is the basis of everything. If he dares to make a move, it is called the following offense, and the official has the right to make any punishment directly. Well, although it is not possible to beat people now, there are some punishments. It can still be achieved.

The instructor is not willing to do this kind of thing, even if it sounds to be Yue Liang's fault now, after all, he doesn't know what Li Yifei's background is, but now he just knows that Li Yifei can't offend him, at least he can't beat him, the opponent is too arrogant.

Yang Jin grinned for a while, naturally he was unwilling, but felt that he was unlucky today and encountered hard stubble.

"Yes, don't you?" Li Yifei nodded lightly and stepped on Yang Jin's leg. He only heard a scream, and the voice echoed from the building, making those who heard it couldn't bear it. Still grinning, Li Yifei stepped on the knee of one of Yang Jin’s legs, and Li Yifei stepped to the instructor, who hurriedly rolled to the side and hid, saying: "No, no, I... I called People go to catch people, don't step on my legs!"

"You won't cry if you don't see the coffin!" Li Yifei said coldly.

Yes, I shed tears when I missed it, but the key is that the consequences are too serious. The instructor wants to cry without tears, but he chose the latter for the mountains in the distance and the big feet nearby, so he quickly dialed the phone and looked at it. Looking at Li Yifei, he hesitated, and said, "The's me. Something happened to me and I need your help..."

The instructor felt a little embarrassed to finish, and the director was stunned. What was the situation in his mind, why did I ask someone to arrest Yue Liang? Don't you know that Yue Liang is the son of District Chief Yue? Are you brain pumped? But he also understood that it was estimated that Yue Liang had done something extraordinary, otherwise it wouldn't be like this. After thinking about it, he replied: "It's fine for you to decide on this matter, but I have a suggestion. You must find out that the matter is making a decision, and you must not wrong others, otherwise District Chief Yue will not be able to explain it."

I confessed to your second uncle. The instructor was swearing in his heart. The director simply shirked responsibility and refused to take responsibility. He made it clear that Yue Liang was suspected of driving under the influence, and he ran a red light and hit someone, and escaped afterwards. This is clear enough. But you don't act...

"Director, after all, I am too low-level in this matter to make a decision. You have to make a decision!"

"Okay, I'm having a meeting in the province. It's fine for you to make your own decision, not to tell you!" said the director and hung up the phone.

Toot, listening to the voice in his hand, the instructor shook his body a few seconds later, and looked at Li Yifei subconsciously, not knowing how to reply.

"Your entire public security system is bad enough." Li Yifei said, and the instructor smiled awkwardly, and said: "This is... the director of the branch, sir, you see that I also called, but there is really no way, or else ...You call your friends and let them deal with it. This is more convenient. After all, District Chief there, if there is no order from the superior, we would not dare to arrest people."

Li Yifei stared at him and asked, "So you are telling me that you wear this layer of skin for nothing?"

"No... of course not, it's just... the official level is crushing people to death, not to mention a lot of difference, I am powerless." The instructor replied.

"Haha." Li Yifei sneered.

The director over there hung up the phone and looked a little solemn. Of course, he didn't have a meeting in any province, but happened to come to the district party committee to report on work. Then he received this kind of call. Even if it is a little troublesome, are you and his mind confused? , To arrest the mayor’s son, even if... even if he is suspected of drunk driving and has a car accident, can’t you solve the problem for the mayor? You can’t turn this matter into a trivial matter instead of Make a big noise, make a noise...

This way everyone’s faces are not pretty. The district mayor was slightly annoyed. He stood in the corridor and thought for a while, stomped and turned to the district mayor’s office, knocked gently on the door, the composition of the new development zone is somewhat special, the district party secretary It is one of his privileges to shoulder with the district chief.

The director knocked on the door and came in. District Chief Yue saw that it was him, smiled, and said, "Did you forget to report something?" But it was just here that he came to report to him.

"This... District Chief, there is indeed one thing I want to report to you." The chief turned around and closed the door. District Chief Yue frowned. He wanted to show that he had a breeze in his sleeves and was a decent official, so he usually opened the reporting work for his subordinates. The one who opens the door is to speak to others for nothing. Of course, the things that are really not to be spoken to are not reported here.

"Sit down and say." District Chief Yue said with a smile. This director is considered his person, and it is impossible not to be his person if he can be the director of the division, otherwise he would have been replaced early.

"Mayor, I didn't handle this matter well, but I just learned about it two minutes ago. Don't worry, I will criticize and educate them when I go back."

"What's the matter? You also criticize and educate. Don't be under pressure. What the **** is the matter. Let me first tell me if there is a mistake in work, I will criticize you. If it is other things, we will also consider the situation. Look, don't kill with one pole." District Chief Yue said kindly.

The director hurriedly nodded, sorted out his thoughts, and said: "Just now the instructor reported to me that it was...well, it seems that Young Master Yue had a car accident!"

"What?" District Chief Yue was slightly startled, his son had a car accident? Why didn't he know, Wen Yan hurriedly said: "What are you telling the truth? How is Yue Liang now, why don't I know!"

"District Chief, don't worry, the son is okay, but the car has crashed." The director hurriedly said.

District Chief Yue was more relieved now. He was always good at his son. He was very fond of and used to this son. If something happened to his son, he would not be able to bear it. After confirming that his son was okay, he said: "If the car is broken, it will break down. Just repair it. If you are okay, it will be fine. Fortunately, you told me, this kid did not tell me.

The director squeezed a smile, and then said: "District Chief Yue, I believe Master Yue didn't mean it, but when the car accident just happened, he... accidentally hit a passerby."

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