The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 2079: Compete with the world for time

Competing for time with heaven and earth, because I don't know how long the dam can last. It seems that there is a danger of complete cracking at any time, so the current safety zone will also become a vast ocean.

And in the water, in this season, ordinary people will not be able to take a few seconds of soaking, let alone a few minutes or a few hours, otherwise they will be frozen to death without drowning, and Yang Rui and others will also If you can go into the water to save people, isn’t that a death, let alone them, professional winter swimming enthusiasts, athletes, can’t go into the water in this kind of water conditions, the danger of underwater is not just the bone-chilling cold, don’t look at Li Yifei When he came back, he swam so fast because he had adapted a little bit, and there were hidden traps everywhere under the water, which was very dangerous.

Yang Rui and the others did not insist on entering the water when they saw this. They have been rescued for several hours, but they are actually very tired and so cold, let alone stripped of the water, even if they are sweating, if they do not exercise continuously, the sweat on the body Will make them feel cold enough.

I admire Li Yifei even more in my heart. Yang Rui and others are ordinary soldiers. They don't know how Li Yifei's flying eagle team trains, and don't know so much, but after this time, he is estimated to be Li Yifei's life fans.

Li Yifei didn’t think so much. People cut the waves in the muddy water and swam towards the house. Under the vast water, I don’t know how many people are buried, but they can’t save them anymore. Li Yifei can only save these people who have escaped. Robbery.

Before the natural disasters, the Chinese people, uh, had a strong cohesion. Those who had escaped confirmed that their family members were okay, and hurriedly went into the rescue. The neighbors are familiar with each other. No one from anyone’s family came out. If they have identified them , The collection is also more convenient.

Except for Li Yifei, they are all impossible to find people living underneath through a thick cover.

Li Yifei swam back, pointed at a woman next to him, and said, "Jump down, I will follow you. You have to hold back this moment. It will be very cold, but there is hope of alive!"

"Let my sister go first, her child is younger, only more than four months!" The woman shook her head and pulled the woman next to her.

The woman next to her also hurriedly gave in, and Li Yifei's affection for the two women immediately increased a lot. It was beyond his expectation that these two women were able to give in at this time when they could lose their lives at any time.

But at this moment, it is not the time to be humbly, Li Yifei urged: "Jump down, time was wasted!"

When he swam back, he saw that the water level had risen by tens of centimeters, which proved that the flow of the upstream reservoir had increased.

The elder sister still did not jump, but pushed the woman just now and pushed her down. Li Yifei caught her, holding her back with one hand, and let her lie on her back on the water, looking for the direction, Li Yifei invaded. In the water, she carried her back.

The people on the shore became nervous again. In this case, it was already hard enough to swim alone. Now that one more person is more dangerous and more difficult, if...

"Be careful!" Several people on the shore used lights to help Li Yifei guide his direction. Suddenly one person saw a huge floating object floating upstream. The light shone and found that it seemed to be a big tree, hurriedly reminding Li Yifei, but the water was turbulent and the sound was very loud. Noisy, they don't know if Li Yifei heard it.

Li Yifei actually heard it, but it was too late. This section happened to be the most turbulent part of the water. When Li Yifei saw the big tree, it was already too late. If he was hit by the big tree, Li Yifei might still be fine. However, the woman on her body didn't know what would happen, so in a hurry, Li Yifei immediately grabbed her clothes and violently shouted, "Shut up."

Worrying that she would not have time to shut up, Li Yifei covered her mouth, grabbed her with both hands and sank forcefully. During this process, Li Yifei could not control the direction, and could only drift down with the water, and then float out in a few seconds. More than ten meters. And the big tree also ran into it.

'what! "Yang Rui and the others screamed. The sister on the house also covered her mouth, her eyes widened.

On the black water surface, the big tree floated down quickly, but there was no figure of Li Yifei and the woman on the water.

More than ten seconds later, a figure suddenly turned out from below twenty or thirty meters away. Li Yifei held the woman with one hand and got out of the water. The woman coughed violently, and Li Yifei began to swim to the shore.

"There, hurry up, go and help!" The sharp-eyed man noticed this scene and shouted, pointing down, while sprinting across.

A minute later, Li Yifei took the frozen woman who was almost unconscious to the shore and lifted her ashore. Two women ran over and wrapped the woman in a shabby quilt prepared in advance, and someone carried her. She ran away, trying to get her into the car, at least the car had air conditioning and it wouldn't be too cold.

"Mr. Li, you must be careful. Just... it was too thrilling." Yang Rui wanted to pull Li Yifei up, but he didn't dare to do that.

Li Yifei glanced at him, smiled, and said, "It's okay, don't worry about me, you don't need to be here, just save others."

Just when Li Yifei sank into the water, he pressed the woman down first, but he didn't have time to escape and was hit by a big tree, so he floated out several tens of meters. After he slowed down, he immediately fought forward. It seems that the woman should be fine.

The current was too fast, so Li Yifei took a look, but first went ashore, ran to the place where the water was originally launched, and then swam to the house.

The weather was too cold. As soon as Li Yifei came out of the water, white gas immediately rose from his body. A cloud of white smoke rose up. Li Yifei ran back quickly, too late to speak, and another fierce plunged in and swam quickly in the water.

This time the speed was faster. As soon as Li Yifei came out of the water, he suddenly felt a big wave hitting him. He was almost photographed, and the opponent who was stepping on his feet suddenly softened. Li Yifei hurriedly shouted: "Quick jump, the house wants Collapsed!"

Although it is a two-story building, I don’t know how many years it has been built. I was washed by the water and it’s been precarious for a long time. It’s not easy to be able to persist until now. The older sister heard Li Yifei’s words, and she bit her silver teeth and just about to jump off. , But there was a flash underfoot, and people fell down.

Oops, Li Yifei quickly jumped up, grabbed an eaves with his hand, and jumped up again with his strength, grabbed the woman's leg, pulled her over, and pushed it out with another palm, leading himself and the woman in reverse.

The house had already begun to collapse, and staying on it would be too dangerous. After falling into the water, Li Yifei followed the method just now and carried the sister back again. In order to avoid the situation again, Li Yifei swam extremely fast this time. Almost non-stop, the limbs are moving.

The elder sister was in shock. She was soaked in the water and her whole body was frozen. She screamed in panic. This was something that could not be controlled. Fortunately, the process did not last long. About two minutes, Li Yifei took someone back. To the shore.

Someone from the shore naturally responded and took the older sister away, but the older sister struggled to turn her head back, her mouth was so cold that it was too cold, but she still turned her head and said thank you to Li Yifei.

Li Yifei waved his hand and said in his heart: "These two words will do, and it won't be a waste of my hard work to save people, but in other words, the water is really cold, and thanks to me, it may not be possible to save these two women by another person. "

After a delay, when the house falls, the woman may fall into the water and be washed down by the flood. This is not bad, but it would be even worse if she was smashed directly by the house.

That is, Li Yifei raced against the clock to be able to rescue people.

"Mr. Li, come out quickly, thank you, all our officers and soldiers thank you!" Yang Rui respected and admired Li Yifei very much at this time. This is a true Republican soldier, worthy of all of them to learn from.

Li Yifei nodded. He didn't like to soak in the water. When he got out of the water, someone immediately took the coat and put it on for him.

Li Yifei didn't wear clothes. After asking Yang Rui a few questions, Li Yifei frowned. The upstream dam had already been repaired, but there was no way to repair it. He had to put a big stone to block it, but this half is very bad. So it is very likely that in the next few hours, one or two days, the dam will collapse.

Then, saving people has to hurry up, otherwise everything will be over if it crashes.

Covering the water's edge, Li Yi flew up and walked up. Suddenly he turned his head and took a bright flashlight from his hand. It shone toward the water and saw a big tree 100 meters away. At this time, only the big tree was left. At the bottom half of the height, it seemed that the water was about ten meters deep. A person was clearly standing on the tree. Seeing the flashlight shining past, the person waved desperately.

Li Yifei's eyes were better. He saw clearly that it was a child, wearing a pink padded jacket, blue pants, and long hair. She was a little girl, probably in her teens.

"There is someone over there!" Yang Rui, who was beside Li Yifei, also saw it. He immediately became anxious and explained to Li Yifei: "Mr. Li, there was originally the corner of the estuary, very close to the mountain, the location of the mountain collapse is Over there, as for that tree..."

Yang Rui hesitated, he was not a local, so naturally he didn't know. At this time, a resident of the town said, "There were no trees there. That place should be a road. The road to the dam and the village is now one more. A tree, unless the big tree on the mountain was pushed down."

This is the worst result. Li Yifei grinned. It is more than a hundred meters away from there. Can Li Yifei swim over? Of course you can swim, but if you take a person and swim more than one hundred meters, there is almost no place to rest, let alone whether he can stand it, can the child stand it?

Thinking of this, Li Yifei rubbed his face with both hands, only to find that there was still ice scum on his face. After looking back at a few people, Li Yifei asked, "Is there anything that can be sealed to protect the child, so far? I’m afraid she’s freezing out when she comes back from the tour."

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