The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 2075: Hometown things

When he came back this time, Li Yifei only drove an RV. At most, there was a security car behind him. However, after they arrived at the entrance of the village and confirmed the safety, they did not follow the village again. Li Yifei’s identity is not for the village. It's a secret, everyone knows that there is a great figure in the old Li's family, with hands and eyes widening, and even the whole village is following to enjoy the blessing.

For example, the road at the entrance of the village, the infrastructure in the village, the elementary school in the village, and it is even said that there are plans to build a fitness place for the village, a basketball court and a square for entertainment for the elderly and children, and related facilities and land have been planned. .

Some preferential policies are also considered leisurely in the village. These are joint benefits, so to a certain extent the people in the village must thank Li Yifei.

The arrival of Li Yifei still caused a sensation in the village. Although it was a sensation last year, it was far from the enthusiasm of the past year. After all, they have enjoyed welfare benefits, and their psychological feelings are different when facing the big man of the Li family.

Song Tao and Liu Ying got into Li Yifei's car. Meng Lei drove a Mazda 6 ahead of the road, and soon came to the village. The three aunts who knew the news in advance also waited at the entrance of the village with their families.

Apart from other things, in this year alone, the changes in the three big families have been earth-shaking, so the three aunts did not greet them at the entrance of the village as they did last year. Naturally, Li Yifei got off the car and watched. Behind my aunt and them, there were a bunch of people who were wearing festive costumes. When Li Yifei got out of the car, he saw some young guys starting to set off firecrackers. Amid the crackling sound, those wearing festive costumes began to dance. .

This...big Yangko...Li Yifei grinned. Several women in the car also got out of the car and came over to meet a few aunts, uncles, and family members.

"Second aunt, third aunt, fourth aunt!" Li Yifei called one by one, calling several uncles and relatives whose names he knew.

"It's more energetic, well." The aunts said nothing, but took Li Yifei's hand, patted his arm, shoulder, and smiled with satisfaction on his face.

Then Li Yifei asked again: "These people are..."

"You are welcome, but this was arranged by the village cadres. When you called back that day, I spoke a little louder, but the village chief who came to the house was overheard, so..." Si Yi explained, she couldn't touch it. Quasi Li Yifei was happy or unhappy, so he was a little worried.

Li Yifei nodded, oh, and then raised his eyes to look over, with a smile on his face, and said, "I haven't seen this in some years. It's really hard work for everyone."

An old man in a suit and tie came over with a smile on his face. He could see that his hair was still sprayed with hairspray, and he went all the way to the back. He stretched out his hand far away, and Li Yifei knew the identity of this man. Without introduction, he also stretched out his hand and said, "The village chief, right?"

"Hey, it's me, I welcome Mr. Li to go home. We are very welcome to the whole village, young and old, very happy, and hope that you can come back often." Village Chief Liu Changgui nodded and said with a bow.

His posture fell in the eyes of some villagers, and naturally he wanted to lick his lips. These villagers may not really welcome Li Yifei's arrival. Most of them were inspired by him, so he jumped for a while and stopped.

Li Yifei said: "Okay, I will come back often, but don't bother everyone to come and welcome again."

"Good, good!" Liu Changgui nodded hurriedly, and brought out the dialect when he was excited.

Li Yifei smiled and glanced at several aunts, and the fourth aunt said: "Come on, let's go home first."

Li Yifei gave a fist to the surrounding villagers and said, "Thank you, everyone."

When I came home, because the New Year's goods I had to prepare for the aunts had already been sent, Li Yifei and the women didn't need to bring anything. At most, the children needed to change clothes and some food.

When asked to enter the room, Li Yifei explained the reason why the other wives hadn't come. Several aunts nodded, and they understood clearly.

Li Yifei's plan is to stay for one night and go back tomorrow, and Chu Xiaoyao and the others will naturally not object. They feel very happy to be able to walk out of the house.

A room of people suddenly seemed very lively. The Li family would gather together during the New Year. Family affection was still very important to them. Unfortunately, every time when they saw Li Yifei, several elders would think of his parents.

Seeing that the atmosphere fell silent, Li Yifei said, "What are your plans next year?"

Hearing this, a group of relatives immediately became interested, and they discussed their plans. Li Yifei gave out real money. Don’t say that they can’t make money in a lifetime. Even if they can make so much money, they may not be able to. If you save up, you won't give out so much at one time. When everyone knew about it, they discussed it for a long time and came up with a plan.

The second aunt’s family decided to open a factory and plan to borrow 1.5 million yuan. This amount of money cannot open a large factory, but it can’t be that big. After all, it needs to have raw material supply and market sales, so it will only use five in the early stage. One hundred thousand to buy a production line, first try the water.

Sanyi’s family is planning to open a larger supermarket in the county, and it is also under investigation, while Siyi’s is relatively small, just planning to buy a few large trucks for long-distance transportation. Nowadays, logistics is prosperous, and it is said to be alive and well. Well, I can earn it back in a few years.

Of course, people like Song Tao and Meng Lei have already taken root in the Li family's company, so naturally they won't go home to handle these things.

Li Yifei listened attentively and gave some suggestions. Although it didn't sound promising, it was an attempt by each family. It was not good to say, even if it was all lost, it was for the sake of several aunts. Li Yifei won't care about it, but don't do it. If it is lost, he estimates that he will personally select some items before taking them out, and hand them over to get them, and then give the money to himself when he makes money.

The previous series of things made Li Yifei realize that just giving money is not enough, but it is basically impossible to do big things as soon as they come up. To put it bluntly, most of these relatives are ordinary people and they have almost no business. I don’t have any experience. I just want to run to the big ones when I come up. In all likelihood, I will lose money or be calculated by others.

These are Li Yifei’s little worries. In fact, it may not be the case. When he returns to his hometown, Li Yifei enjoys family affection more. Although it has become a nonsense, even some people in his aunt’s family talk to him. Last year, he was polite, and Li Yifei tried his best to dissolve the distance created by this status.

Fortunately, the two little girls are not only beautiful but also smart, and they have sweet mouths. They are very polite, and in a short while, they caused the family to laugh.

Li Yifei looked at everyone with a smile on his face. For some reason, he suddenly thought of the dead Shen Tianfang and Zheng Feihu at this moment. He couldn't help frowning. These days In fact, he didn't really let go of this matter, and even felt that this matter might become his demons and affect his diligence.

Just frowning, Li Yifei put on a smile and listened to the plan of the fourth aunt's family. She planned to build a small second floor on the family premises after the business was completed in the past two years. If not, she and her son. The wife moved to the city to buy a house to live in.

Li Yifei nodded and said, "It's okay to enjoy the blessing, but I am afraid that I will not be used to it. After all, the space for walking is small and the neighbors around are not familiar with it. Compared with the enthusiasm and simplicity of the village, the city Sometimes the insiders seem too cold and unfamiliar!"

The three aunts nodded at the same time, and said, "I'm just worried about this. You said that you lived well at home and suddenly moved to that small space. Maybe you are not used to it."

"I want to buy a house. It’s a big deal to live in a building in the winter, grow vegetable fields in the summer, go fishing in the river, and live a rural life. Now that you are getting older, you don’t have to do that. You can contract out all the land. , Leave the work to young people!" Li Yifei suggested with a smile.

"Have you heard what your eldest brother said? We will be responsible for enjoying the blessing in the future. You should work hard." The third uncle said, pointing to several juniors, who naturally nodded their heads and said some promises.

At this time, Li Yifei waited for everyone to finish. She looked at her father and said seriously: "Dad, when I grow up, you don't have to work hard. You will stay with your mothers at home every day. Work and make money will be left to you. We are."

"Haha!" Li Yifei burst into laughter, and everyone in the room also laughed. Li Yifei touched his daughter's head, rubbed it, and said, "Okay, when you grow up, Dad will retire."

The second daughter also said: "Dad, I also want to work to feed you. I also want to take you to the beach to play, buy you and mom a lot of food, and let you sit on the beach and watch the seagulls fly around while eating. delicious."

"Hahahaha!" Li Yifei smiled with relief and nodded hurriedly, saying: "Okay, dad wait, um, I will buy food for your aunt at that time."

"Yeah." Second daughter Li Yixiang nodded seriously.

The family naturally laughed again, even saying that the two children were too sensible, and let their children learn from them.

At this time, the qualities of the two daughters were reflected. After listening, the two of them did not look proud and proud, but their attitude did not change. Li Yifei even praised several brothers, sisters and younger siblings for being well-behaved.

Looking at Li Yifei, who looked like a small adult, Li Yifei was very emotional. He rarely educates children. Most of them are educated by wives. Especially Li Yifei, she was even alone by godfather, godmother and Ning Xiner. Those who are educated are very sensible now, which makes Li Yifei very pleased.

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