Although she recognizes the master, Su Li has no real energy, so she can only play a little bit of the Mo Wu sword's effect. She still relies on the power of the Mo Wu sword itself, but this is not bad, at least it satisfies Su Li's A wish, for a few days in a row, she was not happy, with the help of Li Yifei, she also accompanied Mo Wujian with a sword sleeve so that she could carry it on her back.

When it comes to this, Li Yifei still has to sigh, that Mo Wu sword, when he holds it in his hand, it feels a hundred kilograms, but when Su Li holds it, in her words, there is no total amount at all, like It's your own hand, you don't need any power to control it, and the sword can attack freely.

So, I am a little envious, Li Yifei muttered, watching Su Li control the Mo Wu sword and shuttle in the yard. Su Li has no true spirit, so he can't use the sword technique, even if Qingqiu handed it over to her, but still It can’t be used, and Li Yifei can use True Qi, but he doesn’t have a decent sword. Lan Mang is mentally retarded and has no sword soul. Ordinary swords can’t use the sword technique to communicate with the sword to achieve control. Purpose, and the huge sword that is suspected of being a giant fault is in the seal. If you want to use it, you need to unlock the seal. This is the least. It is best to recognize the master's sword, so that the greatest effect can be achieved.

For example, Qingqiu's sword is the eye of the sword formation on the entire mountainside platform. That sword can participate in attacks and mobilize all the swords. When it comes to this, Li Yifei must admire Qingqiu with a more exaggerated expression. .

Although she has been living in a house all these years, she has never stopped practicing and her skills in swordsmanship. The mountainside platform was cut out by the sword in her hand, which is not counted. Li Yifei even knew how many swords were buried in the formation, that is, in the mountainside. They were all collected during Qingqiu's years, and some came to challenge her, leaving the sword here after failure.

This was the first reaction Li Yifei heard about the entire Tibetan sword mountain.

Not only does he need a famous sword, but he also needs to have a sword soul, and he has to recognize the master, so even if Li Yifei has learned the art of swordsmanship, it is still useless. At most he can bring the sword and send it back, just like Gu Yapeng did that day. , Li Yifei can insert the sword into the tree without throwing it.

Su Li was very happy. Not only did she satisfy one of her wishes, but she herself did not die. Even after Mo Wujian recognized the Lord, she gave her some benefits and made her body recover quickly.

This was an unexpected benefit. After Li Yifei checked, he determined that this enhancement would be beneficial to Su Li.

Li Yifei also felt the Mo Wujian. This time he felt the feeling of the sword soul, but it was strange that the sword soul of this Mo Wu sword also seemed to be a female, at least a female. Li Yifei didn't know it was cast at the time. When Mo Wujian, what was used to awaken the soul of the sword, in short, when he communicated, it was an image of a cute little girl.

It was four or five days later. Su Li was in a coma for two days. Li Yifei hugged her, went down the mountain overnight, and guarded her for two days. After Su Li woke up, he was sure that it was all right, and Li Yifei went to rest.

After learning this, Su Li didn’t say anything, but he was still very touched. The misunderstanding about him at the beginning has basically disappeared. Although he still feels that Li Yifei is too lustful, there are so many women in the family, and it’s not possible outside. There are other women, but Su Li has been in Li's house for so long and found that Li Yifei treats every wife very well, at least treats them equally, and her complaint disappears.

Especially when Li Yifei went to the United States and rescued Su Mengxin's son, Su Li felt that this man was still good, and he was still reliable.

The little girl has changed a lot in the past few months, and her perception of certain things has changed a lot.

Seeing Li Yifei, Su Li gestured his fingers, Mo Wujian flew around, broke through the air, made a circle in front of Li Yifei, and shot away leisurely.

Li Yifei rolled his eyes, and Su Li couldn't help but giggled, seeming to be deliberately angry with Li Yifei.

Li Yifei snorted and said with a straightened face: "Today's last imperial sword has reached the number of times, so I can't use it anymore, you know!"

"Oh!" This time it was Su Li's turn to roll his eyes. She was counting the number of times her imperial sword was in cooperation with the other party. Her health was not good and she had no true energy, so she couldn't enhance the power of the Mo Wujian. The sword still relies on the Mo Wujian's own abilities, but even so, Su Li's body will not be able to bear it if the number of times increases. Generally, when she is allowed to play, no more than five times at most, more than five times, Li Yifei, Xu Shanshan, even Su Mengxin would come to remind him that even the child would say a sound similar to'five' one day, making Su Li pouting for a while.

"Okay, go and wash your hands, we have dinner." Li Yifei smiled.

They have been in the capital for a few days. After confirming that Su Li’s body was fine, Li Yifei was ready to go home. Su Mengxin still wanted to stay for a while. Li Yifei also let her. During this period of time when the child was lost, Su Mengxin was almost there. How come back, just now Su Lao is in good health, and Han Yan is very happy to play with his grandson.

After lunch, Li Yifei was about to take the two women to the airport. Elder Su did not say anything, but asked him to come more often, and then asked Zurich. As an uncle, Elder Su still hopes that Su Li can live a healthy life. Go down.

The journey went smoothly without any traffic jam. Li Yifei and others arrived at the airport and boarded their own plane. It took more than an hour to fly to the provincial capital, landed, and finally got home.

It was already night when I got home, and my family basically came back. As soon as Li Yifei entered the villa, he saw his eldest daughter standing at the door. Li Yifei smiled, shaved her daughter's face, and said, "Yifei, what's wrong?"

"I just missed my dad a little bit. I came here in advance and waited until I knew you were back." Li Yifei replied.

"Haha, Dad misses you too!" Li Yifei felt warm, bending over to pick up his eldest daughter, and after another period of not getting along, Li Yifei felt that the eldest daughter's size had grown a little longer, almost reaching his chest. This age is no longer considered short.

After the father and daughter got in touch for a while, Li Yifei lay next to her father's ear again, and said softly: "Dad, actually mother misses you too."

Hmm... Li Yifei was taken aback for a while, thinking that he and Ning Xin'er hadn't communicated well for a while, but he had been running around in the past few months. Even when he went home, he didn't perform his duties well. Listen When it came to the eldest daughter, Li Yifei smiled and said, "Daddy will go with you to find mom, OK?"

"Okay, mom just came back yesterday." Li Yifei said happily immediately.

I accompanied my eldest daughter to Ning Xin'er's villa. Li Yifei opened the door and went in. It happened to see Ning Xin'er coming down from the stairs. Seeing Li Yifei, Ning Xin'er looked very surprised, raised her hand and closed her hair, and said: " When did you come back?"

"Just got home!" Li Yifei walked over, gave Ning Xin'er a big hug with an open hand, and whispered to her ear: "This time I went out and ran for several days. Thank you!"

"Fortunately, it's not hard work, and I'm used to this kind of life." Ning Xin'er smiled slightly, put her nose on Li Yifei's neck and took a breath, with a satisfied expression on her face, and said, "Okay. , The child is still there!"

Looking back, Li Yifei had already covered her eyes without looking.

A family of three sat for a while. Li Yifei looked at Ning Xin'er who was slightly tired, and suddenly felt a little distressed. This stupid girl was so small that she was harmed by herself, and then she left by herself. Li Yifei has relied on all these years. She pulled herself so hard, burdened so much pressure, and endured so much hardship. Now that the two finally got together, they still gathered together and separated more. Although Ning Xin'er stopped showing her face, it was very hard to turn to the back.

Be busy, be a little busy, and be less boring. Li Yifei came out of Ning Xin'er’s villa and sighed slightly. He wanted to change this situation, but even he himself was a toil.

Just now, his phone vibrated several times, and Li Yifei hung up. When he walked out of the villa, Li Yifei glanced at the number. It was an anonymous phone. He frowned. His phone was specially made, and ordinary anonymous software simply couldn’t. It works, and it can still be anonymous, Li Yifei has a few guesses in his heart.

Just thinking about it, the phone rang again, and Li Yifei slid down to answer. A deep voice came from the phone and asked directly: "Is it Golden Eagle?"

Sure enough, Li Yifei raised his eyebrows and glanced at the sky, exhaled, and said, "It's me!"

Such a call is basically nothing good, and the facts are not beyond what he expected. The one who found him was another big leader. In terms of rank, he was the leader of the military region. This time it was the leader of the Central Military Region. Li Yifei immediately refused after listening to the other party's invitation. What a joke, I have retired long ago, and I was cleared out of the army at the beginning. Why should I give you my deeds back?

Especially after Li Yifei had just given birth to too little time to spend time with his family and he had to change his mind later, how could Li Yifei agree to such a request, and he was going abroad again, it would take a few days to be delayed on the road.

No, Li Yifei simply turned off his mobile phone to prevent the other party from harassing again. Li Yifei has seen the shamelessness of some people.

After doing a few chest expansion exercises, Li Yifei looked up at the sky, whistling and drilled into Nayi’s villa. He still has one important thing to do, that is, take Nayi’s medicine to see if he can Suppressing Witch Gu is urgently needed for Li Yifei at present, no matter how it works, he must try it.

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