"No, no, no, I'm just... I just said that, just take a quick look, it really won't mess up." Guo Qilin shook his head into a rattle and explained hurriedly.

But looking at Su Mengxin’s expression, it seemed that his explanation was useless, so Guo Qilin was cruel, and when the other party did not punish him, he raised his hand and drew his face to his face. Strike hard.

As a brother from the capital, Guo Qilin is not top-notch, so he is too aware of the cruelty in that circle. If you really offend someone who can’t be offended, I’m afraid the consequences will not be scolded or beaten, but ruined and ruined. What he expected was the position under the old man’s buttocks in the family. With that position, he could be arrogant, and offending Su Mengxin, a higher-level person than him, probably affected the position under his old man’s buttocks. , The entire family may be affected.

He didn't dare to take this risk, otherwise the old man in the family could beat him to death without others.

A slap and a slap were very loud, and the voice was crisp. Guo Qilin's already red face became more and more red, and it was swollen visible to the naked eye. After a few consecutive slaps, Guo Qilin felt that his attitude of admitting mistakes was considered good. Up.

It's a pity that Su Mengxin still has no plans to let him go. Even after the child is found, Su Mengxin's mood is very good. If it was just the idea of ​​Liang Wei and Yimeier, Su Mengxin would not be like this. The key is that this guy still wants to treat Chu Xiao. If Yao and Xu Shanshan do something, it is not a little bit of a matter.

This... Isn't it too big? Liang Zicheng and Yilong admitted that they were well-informed, but they were able to force them to delete their mouths by Guo Er Shao, who was so troublesome for them. The other party didn’t even say anything. So what should this Li Yifei’s wife be? status?

It’s not hard to guess that Guo Qilin’s background is not low, it forced him to be like this, and his status is higher... The two looked at each other, and there was a sense of anger than others. They were from school days. I have struggled all the way up till now, but I have only managed to get to where I am now, and countless people have been looking up to it, but some people...Fortunately, the other party is on their own side. The two daughters will befriend Li Yifei somehow, otherwise Today's things are absolutely troublesome.

Chu Xiaoyao followed Xu Shanshan's way, holding her arms and looking coldly, not feeling how pitiful Guo Qilin was. When this guy just said those things, it was really disgusting.

Liang Wei and Yi Meier had an idea in their hearts at this time, to be women, they must learn from Sister Su.

Li Yifei poured himself half a glass of wine and slowly tasted it.

Guo Qilin blinked his eyes, with countless sufferings in his heart. In such scenes in the past, he was the one who sat and watched others fan himself or begged for mercy. Today, Feng Shui is turning around.

"That...Miss Su, if you feel uncomfortable, I will continue to fan." Guo Qilin held back for half a minute and asked cautiously.

Su Mengxin glanced at Li Yifei, and said, "You quarreled my child."

"I'm sorry, I really didn't know it was you, otherwise I wouldn't dare to lend me a bit of courage. In this way, I will compensate some..."

"Why, you are rich?" Su Mengxin raised her eyebrows.

"No, no, I don't have much money, but... I just want to give my heart and express my apologies." Guo Qilin hurriedly shook his head and said.

Feng Shui really turned around. Seeing Guo Er Shao begging in front of others, Liang Zicheng and Yi Long felt a sense of chaos in time and space. Li Yifei was really strong in his heart. I knew I would check his identity. You can think more about what you say during dinner, so as not to say something wrong and leave a bad impression on the other party. Unfortunately, it is too late to regret, and the two have to think about how to remedy it.

"Haha, I don't care about things outside. I am just a little woman. I take care of my children and stay with my husband. Go and talk to my husband about your affairs." Su Mengxin changed her tone and seemed to relax, but in fact ... Guo Qilin turned his head to look at Li Yifei. Seeing him indifferently and nonchalantly, his heart felt even more bitter, and he said: What can I do for those who are unfair to the top princes.

Li Yifei put down the wine glass and looked at Guo Qilin plainly, but in Guo Qilin's eyes, the other person's eyes were completely cold, as if he was looking at a dead person.

I'm really husky, and I came here to pretend to be full. Guo Qilin took a deep breath and held back his tears, and said to Li Yifei: "Mr. Li, I just couldn't help but because I had no eyes and received the wrong words. If you do something wrong, you want to kill or scrape, it's up to you."

"Are you arrogant with me?" Li Yifei asked. Guo Qilin shook his body, shook his head and said: "No, I am... I don't know how to calm you and Miss Su."

"Quiet it?" Li Yifei said and glanced at Liang Wei, Yimeier and Chu Xiaoyao, and asked: "How do you think you should clean him up?"

Liang Wei and Yimeier didn’t expect that at this time, the uncle would have to ask them for their opinions. For a while, they didn’t know how to answer. They both hated this toad very much, but seeing him so embarrassed, it seemed that they would be bothered. The two girls still couldn't bear it, so Liang Wei and Yi Meier shook their heads at the same time.

Chu Xiaoyao didn't care about that. If she was alone without Li Yifei and Su Mengxin, she could not tell what the toad would do. So when she heard Li Yifei's words, Chu Xiaoyao snorted, and continued to hold her arms and said, "No way. I let him go so easily. What I hate the most is this kind of disgusting person. He looks like a toad and wants to eat swan meat everywhere. It's damn, thinking I can let you go by just slamming your mouth? If today is not a hard stubborn situation, how would you treat others? When others beg for mercy, would you let them go."

"It makes sense!" Li Yifei nodded.

Guo Qilin was about to cry. When he first saw Su Mengxin, he didn't get tough. Now he wants to be tough, but he can't hold up his courage. So when he heard Chu Xiaoyao's words, Guo Qilin understood that he would not give up anything today. , I'm afraid I can't be kind anymore.

He was simply cruel, bent his knees, and knelt on the ground with a bang.

Liang Zicheng and Yi Long’s eyelids jumped, and they didn’t want to look at them at all. Today I saw how powerful people do things, and they directly forced Guo Qilin to kneel. This is more serious than breaking a leg. Many, after all, it’s losing face, and for this kind of brother, face is more important than anything...

The two couldn't say that Li Yifei was too much. If the roles were exchanged, Guo Qilin would have to be more cruel to Li Yifei, so there is nothing to say, not to mention that the two understand that it is not their turn to speak now.

Seeing Guo Qilin say to kneel and kneel, Li Yifei didn't sympathize with him, but just took a faint look and said, "You are a bachelor."

"I did something wrong today. I didn't know what my surname was after drinking two glasses of wine. I provoke Miss Su and... Mr. Li, I am willing to be punished!" Guo Qilin said that the bachelor is really a bachelor, and the negatives are used as insoles. , It is better to be thorough, lest the other party refuses to let go.

Li Yifei nodded and took a look at Su Mengxin. She didn’t pay attention to anything here, holding the child’s arms, and was teasing the child. Li Yifei looked at Liang Wei and Yimeier again, and said, “What do you think? Forgive him?"

The two girls looked at each other, and wanted to say that it was up to you to decide. When the words came to her lips, Liang Wei still said, "Uncle, I am not angry anymore."

"Me too!" Yimeier followed, and the two girls may be parents who are worried that each other will embarrass them in the future.

"Wife, how about you?" Li Yifei asked Chu Xiaoyao again.

Liang Zicheng and Yilong exclaimed in their hearts again, their breathing is tight, what the hell? This little beauty is also his wife? Then... what about the beauty of the great background who brought the child? Isn't it his wife, and it seems that the relationship between them is very harmonious, there is no feeling of gaps at all, how did he do it?

The two of them are not just a woman, but they are all in private. How can they dare to go home? It's hard to know. At this moment, Liang Zicheng and Yilong are middle-aged men with certain experience and methods. Look at Li Yifei's eyes. It's not the same. Cooperating with this guy is the real master. Not only is he strong, he is also strong in subduing women.

The identity of Chu Xiaoyao was also introduced before, but the two of them ignored it, so now they are so surprised.

Chu Xiaoyao, of course, shook her head when she heard this, and said, "I don't believe that dogs can change ****, let him go this time, maybe there is a woman who is unlucky."

"No, no, I promise to change!" Guo Qilin shook his head hurriedly.

"Shit!" Chu Xiaoyao curled her lips and didn't believe it at all.

Li Yifei overturned the wine glass in his hand, his eyes were a little flowing. After Chu Xiaoyao finished speaking, Li Yifei nodded and said, "I see!"

As he said, the wine glass was thrown out and hit Guo Qilin’s stomach. The wine glass bounced to the ground. Guo Qilin was a little startled. He thought that Li Yifei could not help but do it. Seeing that there was no follow-up action, he was a little confused. , Where did this happen?

When I was confused, I heard Li Yifei’s voice sound: "This time I will teach you a lesson. You can't touch a woman within three months. If you dare to mess with me or Liang Wei and his family, then you will be a **** for the rest of your life. !"

"Huh?" Guo Qilin was stunned after hearing this. He didn't know what was going on, what could not be a man? Could it be the one who threw the glass? Although it hits the lower abdomen, it doesn’t hurt. When thinking about it, Guo Qilin suddenly felt a cool air from the lower abdomen, and then went down to somewhere. It’s not cold for a while, but it feels obvious. The coolness of Guo Qilin gathered under his belly button, and Guo Qilin had a bad feeling.

As everyone's offspring, Guo Qilin knows some things. Although he usually doesn't care about it, after all, it is the world of ordinary people, but now he thinks of something, and his eyes are full of shock.

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