The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1989: Shock of two women

After a few breaths, MiG adjusted his state and rushed over again. Li Yifei responded calmly. He was not trying to delay time. This was also a rare exercise for him, although the gap between MiG and him was indeed getting bigger and bigger. , MiG also understands this, so even though he feels uncomfortable, he still cherishes this challenge opportunity.

If you miss it this time, you may not have a chance in the future, because Li Yifei's growth rate is much faster than him.

Although he didn't want to admit, Li Yifei was still better than him, and if MiG had no adventures, he might have grown old, and his strength would only get weaker and weaker, and he could not get stronger.

Allowed, this is the pinnacle of his life, and he will never encounter a stronger opponent than Li Yifei.

In the eyes of outsiders, it is definitely a blessing in life to be able to see such a battle with their own eyes. Such a battle will not only enhance their horizons, but also be important for their future development. Until now, there are talents. Connect the name that MiG used to that Chinese person before-Golden Eagle. Isn't this the legendary soldier king of China?

It turns out that the strength of the king of soldiers has reached this point, but his own king of war, the **** of war, seems to be slightly weaker, but this weakness is compared to the golden eagle, for them, the MiG is also the **** of war, and so is Invincible existence.

The two people in the field didn't know the thoughts of outsiders. The MiG had a strong fighting spirit. Seeing that Li Yifei did not stop, he did not stop either.

"Come again!" MiG roared, and the sound spread far away, causing many people's ears to hum, while Li Yifei quietly waved his hands and waited for MiG, but the saint in the car She glared at MiG in irritation and looked down at the child. Fortunately, the child was not affected. If the child was scared to cry, she would rush out to teach MiG without Li Yifei.

Bang-bang-bang, continuous iron fists collided, and there was a muffled noise between the two of them. Suddenly Li Yifei made a whip kick. MiG was unable to dodge and was caught in the waist. Fortunately, Li Yifei regained his strength. He staggered back a few steps and stopped.

"Huh!" MiG gasped, and Li Yifei's strength had already made him look secretly.

"Well, that's it!" Li Yifei said lightly, walking towards MiG.

MiG shook the sweat on his forehead and slowly straightened his waist. He was already so tired. On the other hand, Li Yifei didn't seem to sweat much and his breathing was well-proportioned, as if he hadn't been affected.

No matter, MiG is a proud person. He never considered himself inferior to others before, and even thought that his race had a natural advantage in confrontation. But now, he understands a truth, there are people outside the world, there are heaven outside the sky, since the Golden Eagle After retiring, not only did he not lag behind, he even progressed even faster.

Mig gasped for a few breaths. He just lifted it with a breath. He didn't feel too tired. Now that breath vented, a tingling and painful sensation came all over his body, and he felt a little lost and a little bit disappointed. Happy, happy that I finally fulfilled my wish and played against Golden Eagle once. The sadness is that he is ultimately no match for the other party, but it is not a pity, after all, it is as strong as Satan. When facing Li Yifei, he also lost, even his life.

Li Yifei walked to MiG and proactively stretched out his hand. MiG glanced at his hand, laughed, snapped it, shook it hard, and said, "Yes, Golden Eagle, you let me know what a strong one is, I do It’s not far off."

"You are one of the most respected opponents in my life. According to common sense, you are also very strong. At least when I was a soldier, I may not have been able to beat you." Li Yifei said with a serious face.

Mig tasted these words, laughed at the words, let go of Li Yifei's hand, and said: "What you said is correct. If the two of us were against each other back then, I might not lose. You don't know what happened after you retired. The strength has risen like taking drugs."

"Haha, don't say or say." Li Yifei laughed.

MiG also laughed, and the onlookers who shook their laughter felt a tremor of heart. They thought that the two of them even laughed louder than others, and their laughter heart was so uncomfortable.

In the car, the saint frowned again, this time even Li Yifei stared at him, and said to her heart: "Why is this father so unreliable? I don't know if the child is sleeping, and he laughs so loudly."

In the opposite car, Liang Wei and Yimei'er continued to stare at each other, seemed that the uncle had won, the superman-like uncle had won, and the strong gorilla-like man opposite had lost. The two little girls were so happy immediately, they even shed tears.

"Golden Eagle, I lost, but I was convinced that I lost. You really have to be better than me." MiG slowed down and said to Li Yifei: "Since you have lost, you have to admit it and the people behind will give it back to you."

"Okay." Liu Yifei nodded and said, "This is a favor I owe you. I will pay it back if I have a chance in the future."

"Haha, no need, I'm not selling your favor, this time you beat me, and the people behind you deserve it." MiG immediately shook his head.

Li Yifei was no longer polite, and MiG looked back at his subordinates. There were two other members of the organization, and said loudly, "I lost, so people will be taken away by Golden Eagle. Do you have any opinions?"

Any comments? Yes, of course we did, we kidnapped it back hard. If you say you give it back, you have to go back... These people slandered in their hearts, considering the identity of the MiG, and considering the strength of the Golden Eagle, they should not offend the person who can defeat the MiG, otherwise they will not be able to say they will. Something happened, so these people nodded quickly and said, "Nothing."

"Okay, let the golden eagle take it away. As for your commission, I will pay it as usual." MiG made a final decision, and when he heard that there was money to take, those people's expressions eased.

Li Yifei smiled and strode towards the car. Through the window, the two girls couldn't help twisting their bodies, feeling that the scene before them was one of the most exciting moments in their lives.

The car door was opened. Looking at the two girls, Li Yifei smiled and said, "This position is quite comfortable."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" the two girls responded, but their mouths were blocked and they could only make such a sound.

Li Yifei shook his head and said, "Come over here, I'll loosen it for you. If you have anything, I'll talk about it when I go back. Let's leave here first."

The two girls nodded at the same time. Li Yifei untied the ropes from them and pulled the things out of their mouths. The two girls did not cry and threw themselves into Li Yifei's arms. On the contrary, the performance of the two girls was fair. Yes, I am excited, but my emotions have not collapsed.

This also made Li Yifei nodded secretly, with a good mentality.

Leading the two girls back to his car, Li Yifei asked the two girls to get in the car first. Before he got in the car, he suddenly remembered something. He turned to look at MiG and asked: "This time I saved someone. Once?"

"Next time..." MiG was also stunned, then shook his head, and said: "Within the scope of my power, I will stop others. If it is out of power, I can't help it."

"Okay. Thank you." Li Yifei turned around after speaking, but his face was a bit solemn. What kind of material is it that would cause such greed by the military, even MiG could not stop it.

In the car, one of the two girls sat in the front and the other next to the saint. The first thing they saw was the saint when they got in the car. They were immediately surprised by her beauty. They only thought they were more beautiful than those European and American stars. Double, whether it's the skin or anything else, it's much better. That's not the case. The key is that the aura of the saint is much stronger than them.

When I saw the child in the arms of the saint, I thought that the uncle had said that he came to the United States to pick up the child. The two of them didn't know what to say. Sitting on the chairs, they looked very quiet, but introduced themselves in English.

"Hello." The saint replied directly in Huaxia.

"Oh my God, do you speak Chinese?" The two women were slightly surprised. The saint nodded with a smile, but looked at Li Yifei, as if to say that if it were not for him, I would not learn Chinese.

The appearance of the saint made the two little girls who usually feel good about themselves immediately feel a little embarrassed, so they became a lot quieter, and only asked some questions on the way back, not as active as before.

"Uncle,, sister Yanzi is so beautiful, you are so happy!" Liang Wei said courageously before getting off the car.

"Haha, be happy." Li Yifei was a little proud, and Yimeier did not dare to show weakness and said: "But the child is not mixed, but still like you. Although it is also very beautiful, I think it is more beautiful if it is mixed."

"Really? Then try to get another one next time." Li Yifei said.

The saint pursed her lips and smiled, without speaking.

The two women nodded together and said, "Okay, you are so handsome, uncle, and Sister Yanzi is so beautiful, so few children will be beautiful."

"Hehe, I'm not handsome." Li Yifei wanted to say that I actually changed my face, but I was very ugly, thinking that I might not see two girls in the future, so I didn't break their fantasy. When I went to the bathroom, Li Yifei took a special look in the mirror for a while. He wanted to know what exactly he looked like to be able to fascinate the two girls like this. However, he found that the face and beard in the mirror were nothing but that. I really couldn’t understand the two little girls. What is the girl's fascination, I can only say that the carrots and vegetables have their own loves, and the girls in the family prefer him to the way he is. In the words of a certain wife, when they see that face, they will have YU!

Sending the two girls home, the two bodyguards waited anxiously at home. Seeing the two girls came back, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief and rushed to check whether the two girls were injured, and said, "Miss, your father has already Knowing about this, now that you come back, you should call him quickly!"

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