The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1974: Chase to the airport

Whether it is taken to New York or Los Angeles, things will become very troublesome. Li Yifei thinks that if you can save the child now, it is best to be now, instead of dragging it back and galloping all the way. Li Yifei sent the situation to the saint, but did not wait. Her reply.

A high-performance sports car shuttled in the traffic. I don’t know when a helicopter was adorned in the air. There were several people sitting in the helicopter. One of them said to the headset: "The other party has been locked and asked for permission to fire."

"Can't fire. Although this person deserves to die,...If he is dead, the saint will not be able to explain it." A blocking voice came from the headset.

"Then are we going to watch him arrogantly?" the person on the helicopter said.

"You are going to stop him, and you can't let him chase that child."

In a base of the jihadist organization, the elder was with a few elders. They also just learned the news and rushed over to discuss the matter. Unexpectedly, Li Yifei really dared to go to the United States to save the children. All of them looked very angry, especially the old Elder, feel that his authority is damaged.

But they couldn't kill Li Yifei directly. After all, if they killed Li Yifei, it would be difficult for the saint to explain it, and it affected the cultivation of the saint. Wouldn't they waste so much energy?

This person can't kill, but he can't watch him save the child and go away. This will make many people in the jihadist organization feel shameless. After all, no matter how powerful the Golden Eagle is, it is also in China, in the United States, at least in the jihadist organization. , Many people are not convinced, and even look down on him.

The great elder issued an order at this time, saying: "Teach him a lesson."

"Good." The others nodded immediately.

"The saint's side?" After receiving the order, someone suddenly raised such a question.

The elder's eyebrows trembled, and a touch of displeasure appeared on his face, and said: "Don't rush to reprimand her, wait until the matter is over."

It turned out that when the saint was investigating secretly, the news also leaked out. When the saint called Li Yifei before, the organization monitored it. After the layers of reflections, Li Yifei took the air, and the saint also She was warned by the organization and ordered her not to provide Li Yifei with any more information, otherwise she would be punished.

At this time, it was said that the saint was under house arrest to a certain extent, so Li Yifei sent a message, and she did not reply to the other party.

Regarding the arrangement of the elder and others, the saint did not know, she could only pin her hopes on Li Yifei, hoping that everything would go well for him, save the child, escape the obstacles, and return home safely. Fortunately, the saint also understands that people in the organization will not kill Li Yifei, and even if Li Yifei falls into the hands of the organization, there is no worry about his life.

In addition, the saint can be regarded as a person who has fought against Li Yifei. If he wants to run, there seem to be not many people in the entire organization that can stop him, maybe no one. Thinking of this, the saint is also a little relieved. As for the child, The saint has made up her mind. Even if Li Yifei can't save the child this time, she will use some means to force the elders to return the child to Li Yifei. If the child is not returned, the saint will not fight that.

Li Yifei has already chased the airport. At the gate of the airport, Li Yifei saw someone rushing towards him. Li Yifei was naturally not afraid. He rushed over. Those people really dared to do something at the gate of the airport. Several people surrounded Li Yifei, although No weapons, but each one is strong and tall.

The first person seemed to be the leader of these people. With a cigarette in his mouth, he tilted his head and looked at Li Yifei, and said, "Golden Eagle, are you determined to do it right with the organization?"

Seeing that the other party recognized him, Li Yifei did not deny it, but said: "You provoke me first. Return the child to me and I will return to China."

"Hehe, I don't know any kid, I only know that you shouldn't come to America, let alone catch up." The man shook his head.

"In other words, I have chased here. You still refuse to return my children?" Li Yifei's eyes gradually turned cold. These people were obviously trying to hold him back, and Li Yifei didn't want to talk nonsense with them.

"Don't give me face, give me up!" When this man waved his hand, a group of his subordinates moved towards Li Yifei. Li Yifei didn't feel soft. After knocking down these people, he wanted to chase the boss. When the policeman at the airport ran towards Li Yifei, while running, he took a pistol from his arms and pointed it at Li Yifei. At the same time, he shouted, "Don't move."

Fuck! Li Yifei cursed an swear word. It turned out that these people were calculating here, and if they started at the gate of the airport, they were bound to alarm the police. No wonder they just sent a few ordinary people to intercept them.

Li Yifei cursed, he was here, naturally it was impossible to watch the other party take the child away, so Li Yifei pretended to raise his hands and said that he would not move. When the police slowed down, Li Yifei suddenly started. He stepped to the door and dashed in. There were many people in the airport lobby and the terrain was complicated. Li Yifei must find the child today.

Several policemen did not expect that Li Yifei suddenly violently rushed into the airport. Several people rushed to catch up, calling the headquarters to report the incident.

When they rushed in, they found that they couldn't see the person just now, as if the other party had never entered. The pedestrians in the hall were safe and sound. The police had no choice but to wait for support while sending people to investigate and monitor.

Where is Li Yifei? He went straight to the waiting hall, but unfortunately he did not have a ticket, so it was impossible to get in. Li Yifei frowned and looked at it. With an inspiration, he turned and flashed into the staff lounge. There was a male employee in the lounge. When Li Yifei walked in, he Seeing an outsider come in, he immediately wanted to shout, but unfortunately Li Yifei had already slashed it with a palm, and the person suddenly turned his eyes and fainted.

Two minutes later, Li Yifei went out wearing his staff and walked out with a work sign.

Going straight to the boarding gate to Los Angeles, Li Yifei saw a group of people gathered from a distance. Among them, a woman was holding a child and surrounded by many big men. Li Yifei was holding the cleaning equipment in his hand, slowly walk over.

Ok? When Li Yifei was about 20 meters away from the group of people, he stopped abruptly and his ears moved. Li Yifei lowered his head and pretended to be mopping the floor, but his ears were paying attention to the people over there. Obviously these people were what Li Yifei was looking for. Those big guys wear headsets on their ears, and they lower their heads to say something from time to time.

Li Yifei leaned over slowly. He had penetrated into these people. To his left, right, and in front were the other people. The woman holding the child was surrounded in the middle, sitting on a chair. Li Yifei was away from her. However, at five meters, Li Yifei was secretly observing. He said to a big man in Japanese English: "Thank you for me, I want to clean this place."

Almost soon, son, wait for Dad, Dad will rescue you immediately. Li Yifei said in his heart.

A little closer, Li Yifei looked like an ordinary cleaning worker. The woman was indeed holding a child. Li Yifei heard the child's voice and made a babble.

Li Yifei finally leaned in front of the woman. He was wearing a hat and bowed his head. He said to the woman, "Hello, can you move the position? I will clean this place."

"Yes." The white woman raised her head, grinned at Li Yifei with red lips, and stood up while holding the child in her arms. Li Yifei also smiled at the other party. At this moment, Li Yifei suddenly shot. His hand released the broom and grabbed it towards the woman's arm, while the other hand was directly towards the child in the woman's arms.

Because of his posture, Li Yifei couldn't see the child, and instinctively thought it was his son.

What surprised Li Yifei was that the moment he shot, the woman who was only one meter in front of him also reacted. Not only did she show no surprise or horror on her face, she smiled at Li Yifei, painted red. His lips seemed to become a huge mouth in the abyss.

The moment Li Yifei put his palm out, the woman also kicked.

Master! Li Yifei reacted immediately. He hurriedly returned his foot and kicked with the other party. He felt a sharp pain coming from his calf. Unexpectedly, the woman holding the child was a master. Li Yifei had already taken action and it was impossible to stop. , And the other party seemed to have calculated that Li Yifei would shoot. Just when Li Yifei was about to catch the child, two dazzling steel needles shot out from the woman's cuffs. In such a short time, Li Yifei could not avoid it. , Even if his speed was not as fast as the steel needle, Li Yifei could only use the outstretched hand to quickly block the shot steel needle.

The two steel needles hit Li Yifei without falling, and the steel needle even penetrated directly into Li Yifei’s palm. Li Yifei’s hand made a small swing when the steel needle was shot. When he penetrated his palm, Li Yifei just turned sideways slightly, and the two steel needles rushed away.

Hiss, Rao had prepared for a long time, Li Yifei still took a breath, Li Yifei retracted his other hand, and at the same time, his body exploded back a few steps, making a few clicks on the arm that was shot by the steel needle. The needle turned out to be poisoned. In just a few seconds, Li Yifei felt the blood in the wound began to coagulate. Although he didn't know what kind of poison it was, it seemed so violent. Li Yifei had to treat it with caution. He quickly sealed himself. Of acupuncture points.

"Haha, Golden Eagle, I can't think of it!" The previous boss didn't know where he came out, clapped his hands and looked at Li Yifei. After attracting Li Yifei's attention, he said again: "The one who just shot you A synthetic toxin, it will enter your blood, necrosis your nerves, coagulate your blood, and destroy your immune system. It’s too late to chop off that arm. If it drags on for a long time, no one can I saved you."

Although Li Yifei doesn’t know much about medicine, he has real energy, and it’s not difficult to seal toxins. Although the palm of his right hand is extremely black and swollen, the meridians on his wrist are blocked. No danger.

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