The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1913: Xu Yingying is pregnant

This girl, Li Yifei shook her head. She also bit the word sleep very hard. When she turned around, she also glanced at her sister Xu Yingying. She seemed to be admonishing the two of them. When tossing at night, she was very tired. , Take a good rest.

Su Mengxin giggled, glanced at Xu Yingying with a deep meaning, and said, "Okay, we are also going back, so I won't bother you to rest."

Su Li nodded to Li Yifei, pursed his lips and left with Su Mengxin.

Li Yifei and Xu Yingying were left in the lively room just now. As Li Yifei’s legal wife, Xu Yingying became more and more maid, and his temperament was the same. Li Yifei walked over and held Xu Yingying’s waist. There is meat on his waist, but it is not fat. It feels good to the touch. The moment Li Yifei hugged it, his heart moved. Tonight, it seemed that he and Xu Yingying were the only people.

"Wife!" Li Yifei hugged Xu Yingying in his arms, Xu Yingying put his hands in front of him, was held in his arms by Li Yifei, and turned his head slightly, looking at Li Yifei's profile.

"My wife, you are so beautiful today." Li Yifei leaned forward and kissed Xu Yingying's neck. The latter immediately felt a numbness like an overcharge, his body shook, and he couldn't help twisting his body and said, "I hate it."

"Haha, is this annoying?" Li Yifei smirked, and leaned forward, arching slightly, and said, "This is annoying."

"Let’s take a shower first. After running outside for so many days, it will be stinking to death." Xu Yingying kissed Li Yifei back, but the latter was not enough, so he hugged Xu Yingying and kissed the little woman. Breathlessly, he was willing to let her go. Looking at Xu Yingying who was glaring like silk, Li Yifei wanted to eat her now.

Oh, it should be said that it was eaten by Xu Yingying, so Li Yifei said, "Shall we go take a bath together?"

"I...have done the washing a long time ago. Go ahead. I will tidy up this place." Xu Yingying refused. Li Yifei's eyes were a little disappointed, but he respected Xu Yingying, so he nodded and said, "Okay, then I will go first. Take a shower, don’t clean up, get up tomorrow morning and I’ll take care of it. Go to the bed and wait for me."

With that said, Li Yifei patted Xu Yingying's ass, aroused a layer of hip waves, full of elasticity, and feels very good. Li Yifei's heart moved again.

Because of love, I will do things that I like to do with the people I love. Li Yifei is looking forward to it. He ran upstairs a few steps, and when he ran, he already took off his clothes. Next, I hurriedly washed myself clean. When Li Yifei came out, he saw Xu Yingying also return to the bedroom. There were only two people in the room at this time. Li Yifei did not wear any clothes at all, and dried his body with infuriating energy. Li Yifei turned towards Xu Yingying walked away.

Xu Yingying was wearing a nightdress at this time. The close-fitting nightdress outlined her graceful curves. Li Yifei only felt dry.

"Wife, what are you taking?" Li Yifei asked inexplicably when Xu Yingying was taking medicine.

"Vitamins." Xu Yingying shook the medicine bottle.

"Eat vitamins? Oh, this synthetic vitamin is not as good as natural vitamins. Well, eating some is also good for the body." Li Yifei nodded.

After taking the medicine, Xu Yingying said, "Of course, I lack vitamins now."

"Hey, my wife, you can eat a few more times in a while. This is the essence, natural, and much better than the vitamins you eat." Li Yifei smirked and smirked.

Xu Yingying nodded his chest with a finger, and said, "I think about that all day long. Hey!"

"Haha, I just smashed, I got fucked, do you like it?" Li Yifei forcibly hugged Xu Yingying, and through the thin nightdress, there was no way to stop the charming style, Li Yifei almost instantly There will be a reaction.

Xu Yingying also felt the change of the man behind him, leaned back and pressed down somewhere, and then said, "Husband, will we have a good day?"

"Okay, of course it's good, but it's not good to talk while standing. Why don't we go to bed to talk..." Li Yifei walked onto the bed with his arms around Xu Yingying.

When the two reached the bed and lay down side by side, Li Yifei's big hands began to be dishonest. First, he slowly drew circles on Xu Yingying's calf, followed by slowly upwards, and secretly lifted her nightdress and followed her smooth thighs. Then do an invasion.

Xu Yingying clamped her legs and blocked his hands with her hands. She had a pair of beautiful eyes with Chun, but she said, "Husband, didn't we say yes, we want to chat?"

"Of course, but this is not a delay, you know, I miss you very much!" Li Yifei said.

Xu Yingying snorted and said, "You are thinking of ****, but you are not chatting with me,"

"Wife!" Li Yifei propped up his body, looked at Xu Yingying, and said sternly: "I think all of you, not just your body, you have to believe me about this, and you said chat, but didn't say which mouth... Hey, I I thought you all wanted to chat."

"Bah, luscious!" Xu Yingying's cheeks are reddish, her beautiful eyes are flowing, but her hand is holding Li Yifei's hand, even slightly hard, Li Yifei feels a little strange, the two couples are also familiar with each other, who is wrong I can immediately feel that Xu Yingying is indeed not quite right tonight. Li Yifei quickly thought of a possibility. He opened his mouth exaggeratedly and said, "Wife, you are not here for the aunt?"

Xu Yingying shook her head and said, "No, it's been a long time."

"Oh, that's okay, it means that you are not feeling well. If you really don't want it, then let's sleep well tonight." Li Yifei was relieved and nodded as well.

Xu Yingying said: "Okay, then let's sleep well, you shouldn't mess around."

Li Yifei was a little...disappointed. It is necessary to know that some parts of him are already high-spirited, but the arrow is on the string but cannot be launched. This feeling is uncomfortable for a man, but Xu Yingying is obviously not interested, he can't force it.

Every wife's personality is different. If Chu Xiaoyao, it is estimated that as long as Li Yifei wants it, even if she comes to her aunt, she will allow Li Yifei to run the red light.

Of course, Li Yifei wouldn't do that, wouldn't it hurt Chu Xiaoyao?

Li Yifei lied down again, and Li Yifei agreed, but his hands were still dishonest, and Xu Yingying tried to do something secretly. Xu Yingying stopped it. After half an hour, Li Yifei was sure that Xu Yingying really didn't want to do it, so Wei Wei was shocked. After all, the two hadn't seen each other for more than half a month, and even because Li Yifei always went out on missions, they didn't talk to each other a few times. Is she angry? Li Yifei thought, or did Xu Yingying know about Wu Shuwei?

Li Yifei refused to give up, while Xu Yingying clamped her legs and bit her lip, the same way she looked hard and patient.

Strangely, Li Yifei took his hand away from Xu Yingying’s lower abdomen, turned her face around, frowned slightly, looked at Xu Yingying and said, "Wife, what's the matter with you? If I do something wrong, it will make you angry. Yes, you must say it. You know I’m a bit slow in this respect. If you let me think and guess by myself, I’m afraid it will take a long time. I don’t want to make you unhappy. If there is something wrong, you Just tell me."

This attitude of admitting mistakes came out of Li Yifei's mouth. It is estimated that many wives in the family will be moved, and will forgive him if they make mistakes, and Xu Yingying is the same, let alone Li Yifei has done nothing wrong.

It's just... Xu Yingying turned sideways, hugged Li Yifei's body, took the initiative to give her a small mouth, kissed Li Yifei, and then said: "Husband, you did nothing wrong, it's me... not very convenient."

"Not very convenient?" Li Yifei raised his brows, his face was a little confused, and said: "Didn't you not come to Auntie? Well, forget it, it's not too early, if you don't want to, then let's just go to bed."

As he said, he was going to turn off the lights. Xu Yingying grabbed his hand, led his hand to touch his lower abdomen, and then said slightly angrily: "You stupid, don't you understand it after all this is like this?"

Stupid, don't understand? Li Yifei followed Xu Shanshan’s gaze. He saw his anger and the place where the two of them were holding their hands. After a few seconds, Li Yifei suddenly shook his body. He quickly raised his head and looked at Xu Yingying. Some tremblingly said: "Wife, you... are you pregnant?"

A touch of shyness appeared on Xu Yingying's face, biting her lip, and humming gently, and said: "After coming last month, I didn't come this month. I went to the hospital for an examination and the doctor said that I had a baby..."

"Oh my God!" Li Yifei sat up, his body was trembling, he was sure he heard it right, Xu Yingying was really pregnant, this kind of surprise... Li Yifei grinned, his mouth was full of smiles. He made a sound similar to haha, very hurriedly, after more than ten seconds, Li Yifei lowered his head, looked at Xu Yingying, and asked with a trembling voice: "Really?"

Xu Yingying nodded again and said: "Wait a little longer, it may be caused by some diseases."

"How is it possible, how is it possible, it must be pregnant, hahaha, great, my wife is pregnant, ahaha!" Li Yifei laughed.

Xu Yingying is pregnant? This was something that Li Yifei was looking forward to very much a few years ago. Unfortunately, the two did not do good deeds. They were not pregnant. Seeing other wives getting pregnant one by one, Xu Yingying did not move, let alone him, Xu Yingying. His parents were already in a hurry. At the beginning of the meeting, when Li Yifei pretended to be a boyfriend, the old couple worried about this. Now, Xu Yingying is finally pregnant, so don’t mention Li Yifei’s mood. It is definitely great news, Li Yifei is silly except silly.

Seeing Li Yifei happy, Xu Yingying was even happier. She was not quite sure about this. Although she was almost 100% pregnant, she did not publicize it. The girls in the family knew that they did not say anything, but Wait until Xu Yingying tells Li Yifei herself.

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