The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1908: I want to follow you

This emotion is really indescribable. Wu Shuwei still hugged Li Yifei's arm and hugged it tightly in his arms, refusing to let go, as if Li Yifei would fly away as soon as she let go. In this foreign country, encountering this kind of thing, to the most desperate time, it was Li Yifei who came to rescue her. Wu Shuwei suddenly felt fatalistic at this time.

This man must be his destined man, otherwise, how could he save himself again and again, appearing in the most desperate times, at this time, even if anyone came to persuade him, Wu Shuwei would recognize this idea.

Once or twice, it happened to catch up, but again and again, it was destined, absolutely not a coincidence.

Wu Shuwei lived such a big life. Before that, it was calm and peaceful. The occasional danger is definitely not such a desperate danger. Since he encountered Li Yifei on the plane, all the dangerous moments have been rescued by Li Yifei.

If it weren't for him, Wu Shuwei might have suffered misfortune when the airport was held hostage.

If it weren't for him, even if she encountered a wretched man in the hotel, she might have been unable to escape. Under the circumstances at the time, Wu Shuwei would never escape from the magic hand.

If it weren't for him, then this time...maybe now Wu Shuwei has been violated.

But it happened to be him. He appeared every time, and every time was just right. He might not be able to save Wu Shuwei one step later, and he would pass it earlier.

If there is fate, if there is a true emperor, if there is a superman, then it must be him.

Wu Shuwei did not believe in Buddhism or any religion, but she now believes that Li Yifei is the man of fate.

At this moment, even if one hundred thousand people explain to her, she would not listen, because she believed that no one can understand Wu Shuwei's feelings at this moment, and of course no one can encounter it in a short time. After so many misfortunes and dangers, and then was rescued by the same person, even if Li Yifei stayed in Dubai, but still thousands of miles away from here, there was a huge crowd, so it happened to save her...

Li Yifei who was driving could feel Wu Shuwei's body reaction. After she knew that this was Li Yifei, it was Golden Eagle, her emotions could not be controlled, and her body was shaking with excitement!

I could feel her emotions, the kind of extreme excitement and excitement, so Li Yifei held her hand, and Wu Shuwei was even more excited now, she clenched Li Yifei's hand firmly.

"I'm going to the border and going out across the border. Are you with your friends or with me?" Li Yifei drove out of the town and asked directly. It was a bit late for him to ask. After all, he was out of the town. Moreover, this question does not seem to need to be asked. Looking at Wu Shuwei's expression, Li Yifei knew that she was going to follow her.

A few seconds later, Wu Shuwei nodded immediately and said: "I will follow you, wherever you go, I will go!"

"Following me may be dangerous." Li Yifei reminded.

Wu Shuwei shook his head vigorously and said, "It is dangerous not to follow you. I will follow you."

"What about your friends?" Li Yifei asked, Wu Shuwei quickly said: "With me without me, they all play the same way, and I don't want to go back to be with them. Yifei, you... since you are here, just Take me, I don’t care which country you are going to, you want to take me anyway."

"You are dependent on me for co-authoring." Li Yifei laughed blankly, but when Wu Shuwei heard this, he straightened his chest and said with some righteousness: "It's not to rely on, but to follow. This nature is different. "

"Isn't that called Lai?" Li Yifei rolled his eyes, but Wu Shuwei was already looking out the window with joy. Her emotions changed extremely fast, and she had eased from the super surprise at this time. Of course, she was still very happy, sitting In Li Yifei's car, she felt that there was nothing to worry about.

It’s just that her hand was still holding Li Yifei’s hand, causing Li Yifei to be unable to shift gears. She pulled hard. Wu Shuwei immediately stared at him like a baby had been robbed and said, “No, let me hold it for a while. I will feel good at ease."

"It's okay to hold it until you reach it, but you let me change gears first." Li Yifei said.

"Several gears, I'll change them." Wu Shuwei freed up a hand, held the gears, helped him to finish changing, and hugged him back.

Li Yifei didn't even take it out, because he was still very comfortable with his hands there. After all, his chest was soft and hot. Wu Shuwei didn't care, why he was entangled.

Well, although this idea is not necessarily right, that's what Li Yifei thinks.

In this way, Li Yifei finished packing Juanba and picked up Wu Shuwei on the road. I don't know how much danger there is on the way, but Wu Shuwei followed him.

Contact Xu Shanshan and found out that it is still safe there. Xu Shanshan was walking along the established route and changed a car midway. This car was also prepared by Li Yifei who asked Muhammad Hada in advance. A used car, Li Yifei also left Muhammadhada but one million dollars, let him exchange his own currency, the money is enough to pay for these things.

After changing to a new car, Xu Shanshan and others were more secure, and they also added some weapons. They encountered investigations on the road, but they all avoided them cleverly.

Wu Shuwei had already gone to sleep, was frightened, and endured great joy. It also made her tired enough, so he slept with Li Yifei's hand. When she was asleep, Li Yifei slowly pulled his hand out. This time Wu Shuwei Did not rush to hug tightly.

Her lips tightened and her eyebrows frowned, but she stretched out again soon, grinning silly, and murmured some inaudible things.

She is a beautiful woman, not a big breast, but after meeting Li Yifei, she kept getting unlucky. After being transferred back to China, Wu Shuwei was free, but she couldn't stand her free days, so she was in With the help of a friend, I started a self-driving tour.

That's right, these people drove from the country through the Kunlun Mountains, across Pakistan, and then to Afghanistan, and then to Iran. After that, they were going to continue to travel through Europe and take a trip through Europe and Asia.

These people are also the children of wealthy families, and they have not encountered any setbacks. This kind of travel is also a bit too whimsical. It doesn't matter if Wu Shuwei doesn't participate with them, or if one escapes this time, it will not be guaranteed next time.

This matter is not in Li Yifei's care, nor is he supposed to take care of it. Just take Wu Shuwei away. In fact, after half a month, when these people tossed to Syria, they finally tasted the evil results. It is said that there are only five of them. When the individual came back, one of the men and the two women stayed in Syria forever. After being robbed of the money by the locals, they shot and died.

This is also a later story. At this time, Li Yifei stopped the car and went to the store on the roadside to buy some food and drink. When she came back, Wu Shuwei was already awake. She rubbed her eyes. She was relieved after seeing Li Yifei. , I am worried that this is a dream, triggered by a nightmare and ending by a dream.

Although she knew it was not a dream, Wu Shuwei was still unsure. She pinched herself, and after feeling the pain, she breathed a sigh of relief again.

Li Yifei smiled when he saw her little movement, handed her a bottle of water, and said at the same time: "Why, sleepy?"

Wu Shuwei shook his head lightly and said, "No, I'm just worried that this is illusory."

"How about I pinch for you?" Li Yifei said.

Wu Shuwei said quickly: "No need, I know this is true."

"Eat something, let's continue on the road, since you decided to follow me, you can't complain." Li Yifei said and handed her some food, Wu Shuwei said thank you, took the food, and slept in a good state of mind. He wasn't as nervous and worried as before, and didn't hold Li Yifei's hand anymore.

After eating, the two went on the road, and they were successively investigated along the way. It can be seen that the incidents in the Iranian capital are gradually expanding. Many places and cities have sent police and military personnel to investigate along the way.

Fortunately, Li Yifei and others walked a few hours early to get themselves ahead of time, but for that matter, there is still no guarantee that the journey will go smoothly.

After driving out for half an hour, Wu Shuwei's face suddenly became a little unnatural. Li Yifei also noticed and asked, "Want to go to the toilet?"

"Yes...yes." Wu Shuwei said embarrassedly.

Li Yifei looked around, turned the steering wheel, the car drove to the side of the road, walked out for more than a minute, and found a small dirt bag. Li Yifei stopped the car and said, "Go to the back, do you need paper?"

"Give me some, my stomach hurts a bit." Wu Shuwei said blushing.

Li Yifei just bought paper, so he handed Wu Shuwei a packet. Watching her get off the car and walk behind the dirt bag, Li Yifei also pushed the car door and lit a cigarette. According to the plan, he would have to drive for another day to catch up. Xu Shanshan and others, but after meeting at that time, they were only half a day away from the border.

Of course, this is a situation where everything goes smoothly, and if an accident happens, it is unpredictable.

It’s just Li Yifei alone, he can easily reach any place. There are probably not many people in this world who can stop him. There is a splash of water in his ears. Li Yifei subconsciously looks in the rearview mirror. Seeing half of a white ass, this woman... didn't you let you go to the toilet behind the dirt bag? Why did you squat down next to the sports car...

Li Yifei quickly turned away from her gaze, and Wu Shuwei hurriedly lifted her pants after urinating and wiping. Of course she knew that this position would be seen by Li Yifei, but after experiencing this incident, she suddenly looked away, anyway...

Wu Shuwei came back, looked at Li Yifei, and asked, "Don't you need to go to the bathroom?"

Li Yifei said, "It's okay." Then he also walked to the car and unbuttoned his pants to release the water.

After buffering by this incident, the atmosphere between the two changed a little. When Li Yifei was releasing the water, his brain was supposed to be empty, but Wu Shuwei's white buttock appeared inexplicably, and he almost didn't urinate.

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