The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1902: Save people in action

According to the plan, the two drove to a place and put Xu Shanshan down, while Li Yifei continued to move forward. Before getting out of the car, Xu Shanshan blew a kiss to Li Yifei and said, "My husband, if you can’t save Do not let them fall into the hands of the enemy."

"Hehe, I know, you go!" Li Yifei nodded, Xu Shanshan meant that if he could not save a person, he would kill him directly, which is better than falling into the opponent's hands and suffering. Maybe Li Yifei had thought about it. But he didn't think about it now. If he can save, he must save, and he will never give up any compatriot. This is Li Yifei's belief.

The two moved separately, and Xu Shanshan also showed her abilities. Although she did not speak the language, she was also very capable. Soon she got a medium-sized car that could seat more than 20 people. The car was still in good condition. Very good, the important thing is that the driver didn't even react, so he was knocked out and tied the driver under control. Xu Shanshan drove to the agreed place, which was discussed in advance by the two.

Here, Li Yifei also drove the car and slowly came to the secret detention area. According to Jalari and the weapon dealer, the secret base here is underground. There are at least three entrances, and the same is also an exit, but one entrance is only There is a one-hundred-and-fifty-meter tunnel under the ground. This is built to deal with emergencies. If the front is captured, the people inside can run out of this road, even crossing a road in the middle. He, with this road, Li Yifei’s actions are easier. He parked the car about two hundred meters away and kicked the gun. There were dozens of steel nails in a pocket of his clothes, and there were 38 guns on his body. , The robe is wide enough to hide a few more guns.

"Stop!" A person came out suddenly, stopped Li Yifei, looked at him with a nasty expression, and said, "This is not something you can come here, so turn around and walk back immediately."

Li Yifei showed a daze in his eyes, with his mouth half open, as if he could not understand what the other party was saying.

"Fuck, fool! Get out." The man subconsciously thought that Li Yifei was a fool, so he stretched out his hand and pushed Li Yifei. Li Yifei was pushed staggered, and said in a vague way: "You are a fool."

"Haha, isn't it that you are not a fool? Get out of here, don't say I turn my face and don't recognize anyone!" The other party said, he was about to kick Li Yifei down on the ground, Li Yifei ran away, but he was not going to the back Instead, he ran into an alley next to him. The man cursed behind him and chased him.

Not far from entering the alley, Li Yifei disappeared. This person was wondering, when the whistling sound came, this person was knocked down by Li Yifei's punch.

When he came out again, Li Yifei had changed into the other party's clothes, his gun was on his back, and the other party's ID was pinned to his chest. The management outside was very lax, but when he got down, he needed ID to enter.

After tidying up his clothes, Li Yifei lit a cigarette, which was obtained from the cargo just now. With the cigarette in his mouth, Li Yifei strode in.

There are not many buildings on the ground. Although they are guarded by people, they are all slack. Li Yifei easily came to the front of a two-story building. Someone said at the door: "Saba, hurry up and throw away the cigarettes. No smoking is allowed here. You forget. Huh?"

"Oh, yes, I forgot again. I won't deduct my money, right?" Li Yifei said, following the voice of the man just now. He changed his clothes and made some adjustments in his appearance. He was full of beards. It looked like it was not easy to distinguish. Besides, Li Yifei didn't face each other face-to-face, so that person didn't notice anything wrong.

"Okay, forget it this time, not next time, go in!" The man waved his hand and didn't look at Li Yifei.

Li Yifei swiped in with his key card, and when he entered the door, the inside looked different from the dilapidated appearance outside. Li Yifei did not expect that there would be such a cave inside. He took the elevator to the downstairs floor. Li Yifei found a few armed guards at the door. People, Li Yifei was stopped when he was about to enter.

These people obviously didn't deal with the staff on the ground and were very rude to Li Yifei. Li Yifei quickly raised his hand and said, "Well, I won't go back here."

"Hurry up, can you come here?" The other party reprimanded. Li Yifei nodded while observing the surrounding situation. No camera was found. Well, that would be easy. Li Yifei turned around and left. This underground floor is not There is only one way, besides the elevator, there is also a staircase. When Li Yifei walked the stairs, no one blocked it, because there was no one here.

In this way, I went down to the second floor of the basement. Although someone saw Li Yifei, all of them just glanced at him lightly and did not stop him.

When he reached the end, Li Yifei found the comrades he was trying to save. Ten of them were locked up here. They were locked up in two rooms in groups of five. All of them were chained. They were in very bad condition. They were all wounded, apparently after being tortured.

Li Yifei walked over, glanced at them, and kept walking towards the front without stopping.

"Hey, you, come here!" As he was walking, a person suddenly came out of a room and said, pointing at Li Yifei.

Li Yifei looked over and said, "Are you calling me?"

"Nonsense, come here and move things for me." Li Yifei's clothes are a worker, so it doesn't matter if the other party instructs him. Li Yifei nodded and said, "Okay."

After entering the room, Li Yifei knew that this was a room dedicated to torture instruments. It contained various torture instruments, some of which even had dark red blood traces on them. Obviously, I don’t know how many people have suffered such torture. This person was instructing Li Yifei to move a torture instrument to the room where Tiger Lian’s comrades were detained. At the same time, this person said, “Yes, these Chinese people have really hard mouths, and they don’t allow me to inject. The instruments of torture cannot pry their mouths open at all!"

The man vented as if nagging, causing Li Yifei to take a halt. He suddenly stopped and looked at the other person, but the man waited for a few seconds without hearing the sound of carrying behind him, so he turned around and stared at him and said: "Look What look, is your brain not enough? Don't tell me you can't move this thing!"

"No." Li Yifei smiled, and the other party immediately became angry. He strode back, pointed at Li Yifei, and said: "Did you or he heard me? I asked you to lift this up and follow me. ****One!"

The smile on Li Yifei's face was even stronger. He said, "Your voice is very loud and noisy."

"Fuck, you are a temporary worker. I tell you, you'd better move things to me right away, otherwise I will let you lose your job in minutes, fuck."

"Pop!" Li Yifei slapped him over, interrupted the other party's words directly, and then reached out with his other hand, stopped his body, grabbed his neck, and then pulled the person on the torture instrument with a slight force. Li Yifei had seen this kind of thing and would use it. Li Yifei pressed the person with one hand and started to operate it with the other.

This is a very evil instrument of torture. It can fix the limbs of a person. Then there is an iron tube in the middle, which can be inserted into the body. There is a barb at the mouth of the tube, which can be pierced into the flesh. If you want to pull it out, it will cause a lot. It hurts, and it will be very, very painful. When the tube is inserted, the bleeding can be continued.

Li Yifei fixed his limbs and sealed his mouth. The man's eyes widened and his face was full of horror. However, Li Yifei smiled and said, "Hush, you'd better keep quiet, otherwise you may die directly."

The person on the torture instrument is usually extremely cruel. He is responsible for torture and torture. He does a conscience-defying job, but he never thought that one day he would be treated like this. Especially why did the other party do this?

He couldn't figure it out, and Li Yifei was not ready to ask him anything. He found a few steel drills from the side. Li Yifei held the steel drills with one hand and pointed it at the man’s calf, while the other hand extended his palm and pointed it Next, he slapped it down.

If it is an ordinary person, this slap can at most allow the steel drill to be inserted, but it will not be directly penetrated, especially through the bone.

The person on the torture instrument has tasted the torture instrument he invented for the first time. The severe pain made his eyeballs stand out a lot. Unfortunately, his body was fixed and he could only struggle weakly.

Li Yifei smiled faintly, his men didn’t stop. This person doesn’t know how many times he has tortured his comrades in arms. He is just rooting steel rods. What a kindness. Besides, this steel rod was originally invented. It was used for nailing people. Make the best use of it.

The second steel rod was quickly inserted, followed by the third, and the fourth...After inserting the four steel rods, the person lying on the torture instrument has fainted three times. This kind of pain is simply not something that humans can bear. Yes, he also experienced this kind of pain for the first time, and he wanted to die immediately to avoid suffering.

Of course, Li Yifei won’t let him die anytime soon. He pointed the steel pipe of the torture instrument itself at the person’s stomach and shook his head slightly. Li Yifeng i didn’t seem to be satisfied with this point, so he changed the point and adjusted it. Go to the heart, then gently pull the steel pipe into it.

The person's eyeballs burst, and his body softened after a few seconds, but he didn't die, but the severe pain caused him to pass out again.

Li Yifei grinned. Because this person had been a violent man against his comrades in arms, Li Yifei was also cruel to him. Li Yifei felt that this was normal and would not feel burdened by it.

After dealing with this person, Li Yifei looked around and looked at the cold torture instruments, all of which were stained with blood. Li Yifei felt a burst of anger. He glanced at the person and directly inserted the steel pipe into On the heart, in this way, a large amount of blood will burst out from the steel pipe immediately, which looks like a fountain...

Li Yifei's mouth curled up, showing a sneer, turned around and strode out.

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