The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1872: Middle east arms dealers

Xu Yingying can’t make phone calls. She is not doing nothing at home all day long. She has to go to work and have meetings to deal with documents. When Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan have a lot of entertainment, Xu Yingying will also be affected. If she stayed for good , You said that there is a meeting here, Li Yifei and Xu Shanshan come here once, what should Xu Yingying do? In front of so many people, her face is red and hot, sitting like pins and needles, and even short of breath, her body is like electricity. Yes, that would be too embarrassing.

So when Xu Yingying gave the order, also full of resentment, Xu Shanshan just stuck out her tongue and smiled contentedly on her face, while He Fangqing was a little embarrassed by the eyes of the other two women, and felt that she couldn’t do it today. After eating a few times, she felt that she was already full, and she would hurt her body if she continued to eat.

Su Li thinks that if these three people continue to quarrel, she will collapse. It would be too cruel for you to let an unmanned girl endure this kind of torture day and night, especially, Su Li knows her own Physical condition, it is impossible to have that kind of life with a man in this life, and she feels even more upset.

As for Salama, she was full of longing in her heart, but she did not dare to tell Li Yifei that Li Yifei was her most respected person and her idol. If Li Yifei brought it up, Salama would immediately wash herself clean and send it to Go to the other party's bed, but if the other party does not say, Salama dare not open this mouth.

So, after two days, Li Yifei received news of Aimu Khan. The other party found a stronghold of Muhan’s revenge organization in a mountainous area in Pakistan. The news was very accurate because the organization was there just now. After a fight with the government army, he defeated the government army and took the opportunity to occupy a lot of territory.

After Li Yifei got the news, he asked Aim Khan to check that if he wanted to wipe out those terrorists, he would need to go to other countries and conduct cross-border operations, which was also very troublesome. Although Pakistan and China have good relations with China, Li Yifei went in rashly. It will not be allowed.

So he could only smuggle past. Fortunately, the border defense here is not strict. Fortunately, it is not difficult to smuggle past. After all, the border defense of these countries is very lax.

Some areas are hardly fortified. This is one of the reasons why terrorists can cross several countries. Of course, this is also related to the capabilities of local government forces.

"It only took us a while to annihilate the enemy, but the enemy defeated the government army. The gap is too big." Xu Shanshan raised this question. Li Yifei smiled and shook his head, and said, "The people we went to were not ordinary people. The ones that Sashar and Salama brought were all mercenaries with extremely high combat effectiveness, and those who admired Khan were also because of our momentum. They can still deal with this kind of battle, but the next battle will be more difficult and dangerous. After all, it’s on someone else’s territory. They are definitely not as familiar with the terrain as they are. They will even hide in Among ordinary people, a group of civilians are standing. You have no idea which is a terrorist and which is an ordinary person."

Li Yifei went on to say, "So, this time I will take those people, you, and you!" Li Yifei said, looking at Xu Shanshan and Salama, and said with a slightly serious expression: "You can't go. , This matter is not discussed."

Infiltrating other countries and launching wars, this kind of thing is extremely dangerous. If Li Yifei didn't want to avoid future troubles, he would not choose to do so, so he couldn't let the two women follow the adventure, but he took the people to say something. It's not good. Even if he can't beat him, Li Yifei can turn upside down in the enemy area alone. With two people, he has more worries. Besides, the bullet does not have eyes, and he did not say that he should not hit a woman.

The most important thing is that the next annihilation war cannot be solved by a few bullets. Modern warfare is about efficiency. Especially when Li Yifei saw that Muhan’s revenge organization even had small missiles, it was not at all. Ordinary terrorists are organizations that can start wars.

Therefore, we must be cautious and cautious, and we must never lose.

As soon as Li Yifei ordered the two women not to go with him, Xu Shanshan and Salama immediately quit. Xu Shanshan puffed up her chest and said, “Why can’t I go? I’m a master. I don’t talk about marksmanship. Speaking of protection ability, it is definitely better than ordinary people. I went with you, and I can still help, and I don’t need you to take care of it."

Not to be outdone, Salama said hurriedly: "I am also a master, although I can't compare with you, but I graduated from a professional military academy, and even led a team of hundreds of people to fight."

"If you say no, then you can't!" Li Yifei glared at the two of them, and said in a softer tone, "This matter has been decided. You stay here. If you want to go shopping, go shopping. If you don't want to go shopping, you can rest at home. Just leave it to me."

"No, I refuse, brother-in-law, you are too arbitrary, Salama and I can protect ourselves and absolutely not cause you trouble." Xu Shanshan still refused.

Salama nodded, but also refused.

Li Yifei glared at the two women angrily, and found that the two women had their faces upside down, their mouths tight, and they were not afraid at all. Li Yifei said, "Let’s look back, let me study them first.

The two women went out unwillingly. Of course, Li Yifei would not take the two of them. There was no discussion about this matter. However, looking at the appearance of the two women, it is estimated that they would not listen. So Li Yifei waited until late at night. He Fangqing fell into a deep sleep, and comforted Xu Shanshan as he waited, then put on clothes, jumped out from the third floor, and met with Sachar's people.

This time there are not many people, but they are more elite than the last time. The weapons they carry are also the most advanced. They even have a full set of American individual combat weapons, which are very advanced. However, Li Yifei and others have to face a problem. They have to cross the sea first, and then land in Pakistan. Some weapons cannot be carried, such as armored vehicles, so these vehicles can only be obtained in Pakistan.

However, this matter is not difficult for Li Yifei. After making a few phone calls, he contacted someone who was an arms dealer in the Middle East. When Li Yifei was on a mission before, he used to get weapons at that time. Some of the missions of the United States are sometimes carried out with identities hidden, so someone needs to provide weapons.

This person is called Barragón, an authentic Afghan. This person has a Yankee background, otherwise it is impossible to have so many American weapons. Li Yifei called him. Aragorn was sleeping at this time, and he seemed to receive the call. Very dissatisfied, said: "Say your name, otherwise Aragorn will be very angry, disturbing others' sleep, but the Lord will not forgive him."

"Aragorn of ****, are you not a Muslim? You dare to believe in the Lord. Be careful to be known, you will be beaten to death!" Li Yifei cursed.

Ok? Aragorn only felt that the voice was familiar. He opened the quilt and sat up, thinking for a while, before asking uncertainly: "Are you a golden eagle?"

"Nonsense, except me, who can scold you in front of you for ****." Li Yifei said.

This is true, Aragorn thought. He dared to be an arms dealer and proved that his strength would not be weak. In fact, Aragorn now has a 300-man army, no different from the regular army. These people can guarantee his Security, even if there is war in Afghanistan, where there are terrorists everywhere.

If Aragorn wants to, he can also hire a large number of soldiers to protect himself at any time. After all, money is God.

So in Afghanistan, even some politicians have to give Aragon three points of face, and some even depend on Aragorn’s face. As an arms dealer, he also has contacts with terrorists from various parties. The arms he bought are sold. These people, so this guy is also a notorious person.

Aragorn can ignore many people, but for Golden Eagle, he really can’t put on airs, because this person is too terrible. Once, when Golden Eagle and his Flying Eagle squad galloped across the battlefield in the Middle East, it really caused many people to have a headache. They still can’t win the fight. This group is obviously small in number and not well equipped, but after diving into the mountains, it looks like a ghost, which is impossible to catch. Of course, this is a long time ago, in the rapidly changing Middle East. A few years is enough to make people forget many things. Even people who were fine yesterday may not even find their bodies today.

Aragorn can't forget Golden Eagle, because he has done business with Golden Eagle, knowing that this person is a man who says nothing and keeps his promises, but if anyone dares to calculate him, then Golden Eagle will definitely chase the other person to the end.

"Yes, it's me." Li Yifei said.

Aragorn coughed hurriedly and said: "Oh my God, respected Mr. Golden Eagle, I didn't expect it to be you, Aragorn greets you."

"It looks like you are not bad too." Li Yifei replied.

Aragorn smiled and said: "Fortunately, Golden Eagle, you called me so late, I don't know what is going on, oh, look at my memory, at this time, it should be daytime in China!"

"Obviously, if I take the initiative to contact you, it can't be in China." Li Yifei said.

Aragorn's eyelids twitched, and he said hurriedly: "Oh, sorry, look at my head, it must be because of too many things recently."

After speaking, Aragorn quickly said: "Then, distinguished Mr. Golden Eagle, are you back in the Middle East?"

Li Yifei smiled and said, "Haha, yes, I am in the Middle East."

"Oh my God, Bingwang is back in the Middle East. Could it be that something big will happen again here?" Aragorn pretended to shout loudly.

Li Yifei left his head a little, and when Aragorn finished shouting, Li Yifei said, "There is nothing big, but someone has provoke me, so I want to kill some people."

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